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This study was designed to determine whether or not equity considerations are important in couples' sexual relations. To answer this question, 53 newlywed couples were interviewed about their sexual relationships. Two main hypotheses were tested: (a) Men and women who feel their relationships are equitable will be more content (less distressed) than people who feel either overbenefited or underbenefited. (b) Men and women who feel equitably treated will have more satisfying sexual relations than those who feel either underbenefited or overbenefited. Some support for both hypotheses was obtained. Specifically, couples in equitable relationships were more content with their relationships and with their lives in general than other couples. In addition, equitably treated men and women were more satisfied with their sexual relationships overall than were other couples. They felt most loving and close after sex and assumed their partner felt that way too. While equitable couples did not say they felt more satisfied immediately after a sexual encounter than did other couples, they believed their partners were unusually satisfied. Reasons why these findings, though providing some support for the equity paradigm, must be interpreted with caution are discussed.  相似文献   

Both partners from gay and lesbian cohabiting couples without children were compared longitudinally with both partners from heterosexual married couples with children (N at first assessment = 80, 53, and 80 couples, respectively) on variables from 5 domains indicative of relationship health. For 50% of the comparisons, gay and lesbian partners did not differ from heterosexual partners. Seventy‐eight percent of the comparisons on which differences were found indicated that gay or lesbian partners functioned better than heterosexual partners did. Because the variables that predicted concurrent relationship quality and relationship stability for heterosexual parents also did so for gay and lesbian partners, I conclude that the processes that regulate relationship functioning generalize across gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples.  相似文献   

The present study examined heterosexual romantic partners' number of intercourse partners prior to the initiation of their relationship to determine if a significant positive correlation (matching) occurred between partners, and if this matching was associated with their level of love, satisfaction with, and commitment to the relationship. One hundred and six couples who were dating, cohabitating, or married participated in this study. Results indicated that, with the exception of cohabitating couples, romantic partners showed a significant level of matching in the prior number of intercourse partners. Further, among the married couples, a higher discrepancy between men's and women's number of previous intercourse partners was related to lower levels of love, satisfaction, and commitment in the relationship.  相似文献   

The quality of marriage is investigated for a sample of 79 couples living in a midwestern comprehensive retirement community. These 158 older, middle-class men and women are healthy and average 74.8 years of age. Marital length averages 41 years, and 34.8 percent have celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Marital quality, morale, and sexual behavior are not significantly different for golden wedding couples than for couples married less than 50 years. Couples married less than 50 years spend more time socializing with other couples each week than do those who have passed the 50 year mark; they also have higher levels of sexual interest, and are more likely to have been previously married. All of these couples are happily married, have high morale, and most are still sexually active (62.8 percent).  相似文献   

In a 1996 article on family theory, we (Green & Werner) proposed that family enmeshment should not be equated with high cohesion and that the construct of enmeshment fails to discriminate between two distinct relationship processes: Closeness-caregiving and intrusiveness. In this study, our model of these two independent dimensions of family connectedness was tested by assessing spouses from 264 couples, using the California Inventory for Family Assessment (CIFA). The CIFA scales showed acceptable reliability. Significant interspouse validity correlations also were obtained. As predicted by our theory, factor analyses distinguished dimensions of intrusiveness (blurring of boundaries) from dimensions of closeness-caregiving (such as warmth and nurturance). On all but two factors, behaviors of only one spouse (but not of both) had interpretable loadings. That is, in most areas, the two spouses' behaviors did not load together to form meaningful factors. The latter finding suggests that family systems theory--with its central notion of reciprocally contingent behaviors between family members--may be useful in understanding only a few dimensions of spouses' behavior (such as reciprocal aggression) whereas personality-in-context theories may be better for understanding most other dimensions (such as warmth and nurturance).  相似文献   

A secondary analysis of four samples from earlier studies was used to test two hypotheses concerning long-term marriages. First, it was hypothesized that couples from marriages of 30 years or more duration would be characterized by higher levels of relationship quality, with the overall pattern between duration of marriage and relationship quality being curvilinear; across four samples of husbands and wives, only weak support was found for this hypothesis. A second hypothesis, that elements of intrinsic communication including positive regard, empathy, and congruence would be less important for couples from older marriages, received no support. Thus, it appears that relatively intrinsic components of the marital relationship are just as important currently for older couples as they are for younger couples, in spite of popular opinion to the contrary.The preparation of this paper was supported in part by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Contribution No. 84-516-J. Janette M. Copeland and Margaret A. Bugaighis are doctoral students, and Walter R. Schumm is an associate professor in the Department of Family and Child Development, College of Home Economics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506.  相似文献   

Up to 1987 the Spanish Income Tax imposed compulsory joint filing for married couples. However, the 1988 reform allowed spouses to choose between joint and separate taxation, involving a reduction in tax rates for secondary earners. Our aim is to analyze this reform as a quasi-natural experiment, assessing the effects of tax changes on labor participation. To find out the causal effect we adopt the difference-in-differences technique. We use data from the ‘Spanish Income Tax Panel 1982–1998’. Our results show that, as a consequence of differential tax changes, married women in families more strongly affected by the fiscal reform increase their labor participation more than secondary earners from families less affected by the reform. The participation rate for secondary earners in the treatment group increases by 9.4 percentage points whereas the control group increases their participation rate by 7.8 percentage points. We define the treatment group as those secondary earners in relatively low-income families in year 1987 and the control group as those in middle-high income families, because the former experiences a stronger reduction in tax rates than the latter. As a result, we can attribute the 1.6-percentage-point-increase in participation rates to the 1988 income tax reform.  相似文献   

Eye gaze has been shown to be an effective cue for directing attention in adults. Whether this ability operates from birth is unknown. Three experiments were carried out with 2‐ to 5‐day‐old newborns. The first experiment replicated the previous finding that newborns are able to discriminate between direct and averted gaze, and extended this finding from real to schematic faces. In Experiments 2 and 3 newborns were faster to make saccades to peripheral targets cued by the direction of eye movement of a central schematic face, but only when the motion of the pupils was visible. These results suggest that newborns may show a rudimentary form of gaze following.  相似文献   

本文从拉康的凝视理论这一视角出发,分析了《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的男性凝视和女性凝视两个方面,探讨了男女之间互相凝视以寻求自我的实现和自身欲望的满足,呼吁人们追寻两性的和谐,成为完整的人。  相似文献   

People are faster to detect a target looked at, rather than ignored or not cued, by another person. This gaze cueing effect (GCE) reflects joint attention processes which play a crucial role in social interactions. To date, GCE has only been measured with on-screen experiments. This only approximates the real situation of joint attention which involves a triadic interaction between oneself, another person, and an external object. Here, we present an innovative experimental setup to investigate GCE in a face-to-face situation. We show a robust GCE, which is of the same size range as in on-screen experiments. This study fosters an ecological approach of joint attention.  相似文献   

Results of a study with 75 unmarried couples are presented. The couples were both homo- and heterosexual, both with and without children, of ages varying between 25 and 65, having had relationships lasting between 3 and 33 years, and coming from various levels of society. The inquiry was directed toward the goals and forms of organization of the relationships, as well as the obstacles of a social and juridical nature which these couples experience. Two different models for couples are described. One has the traditional form of marriage as its basis and the other is directed more toward the development of the individual personalities of the partners and their economic independence. The social and juridical differences between those relationships and a traditional marriage were examined with regard to five basic functions (affection, housing, housekeeping, care of children, and financial care) as well as two economic basic intentions (sharing together versus remaining independent together). We also describe how the drawing up of legal contracts between partners is hindered by emotional and legal factors. Appropriate changes in Dutch government policies are examined. Author's Note: The work described here was undertaken in close collaboration with the Sociological Institute, Department of Primary Groups, Utrecht University (A. M. van der Heiden, M.A.), and with the Faculty of Law, Department of Notary Law, Leiden University (W.C.J. Robert, L.L.M.). The translation is by Mr. Anthony S. Cowl.  相似文献   

The current study investigated age differences in free viewing gaze behavior. Adults and 6‐, 9‐, 12‐, and 24‐month‐old infants watched a 60‐sec Sesame Street video clip while their eye movements were recorded. Adults displayed high intersubject consistency in eye movements; they tended to fixate the same places at the same. Infants showed weaker consistency between observers and intersubject consistency increased with age. Across age groups, the influence of both bottom‐up features (fixating visually salient areas) and top‐down features (looking at faces) increased. Moreover, individual differences in fixating bottom‐up and top‐down features predicted whether infants’ eye movements were consistent with those of adults, even when controlling for age. However, this relation was moderated by the number of faces available in the scene, suggesting that the development of adult‐like viewing involves learning when to prioritize looking at bottom‐up and top‐down features.  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of Bai ethnicity and Bai identity on the tourist market in Dali, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, China. Focusing on how the social landscape of Dali has changed in response to the development of tourism, this paper explores how Bai ethnicity is advocated as a product loaded with potential economic values. The author discovers that ‘commerce of authenticity’ (T. Oakes, Tourism and modernity in China. London, Routledge, 1998 Oakes, T. 1998. Tourism and modernity in China, London: Routledge.  [Google Scholar]), and different forms of ethnicity and artefacts promoted in the tourist market have not drowned out the sense of being ethnically Bai. Instead, the tourist industry has become a daily reminder of ethnicity to both insiders and outsiders by making people more self-conscious and reflexive about the ‘cultural stuff’ that they may have previously taken for granted, or may have left unattended. This paper demonstrates how locals actively appropriate state-defined categories and reshape them into the repertoire they desire.  相似文献   

Six types of family-of-origin frames—coping, modeling, role, definition, reversal, and loyalty frames—are utilized in understanding three common couple interactional situations: pursuing/distancing, overfunctioning/underfunctioning, and blaming/placating. Clinical examples are used to illustrate the process of constructing family-of-origin frames in couples therapy.  相似文献   

The implications of retirement for marital and family relationships were explored in golden wedding couples, against a background of those few studies that have so far examined relationships in long-married couples. Older couples can be described in two domains: behavioral and affective. Five activity types are derived from the amount or diversity of shared activities between spouses during a typical day. These types interact with the degree of intimacy measured on two instruments. It was concluded that retirement does not affect intimacy directly, but that it does indirectly through extra time and proximity which provide opportunity for enhancing prevailing intimacy between partners or for magnifying irritations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the prevalence, precursors, and consequences of unwanted marital sex activities in a national sample of 1,127 married urban Chinese women aged 20-64. During the lifetime of their current marriage, 32% reported ever experiencing unwanted spousal intercourse, with about one-fifth reporting that this unwanted intercourse ever involved force. Reports for the past year were 21% unwanted intercourse, 22% unwanted sex act(s), and 72% sex only to please the husband. The major risk factors for these activities were poor relationship quality (hitting, lack of daily intimacy and foreplay, and husband insensitivity to wife's sexual needs); a woman's negative attitudes towards sex, and weak bargaining position (low income share, husband's family of superior economic status, and no additional adults in home). In addition, unwanted activity was more common when women reported sexual dysfunctions (dryness, pain, low arousal, inorgasmia), were more educated, and had more permissive sex attitudes. Net of feedback effects, unwanted sexual activity diminished women's psychological well-being.  相似文献   

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