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制造执行系统是钢铁企业信息化的核心,钢轧一体化生产计划系统则是钢铁企业制造执行系统的关键功能之一,能实现订单、工艺、质量、设备和生产等各种信息的高度集成和处理.本文分析了钢轧一体化生产计划问题的特点.提出了钢轧一体化生产计划的体系结构模型,并分别从层次的观点、过程的观点、功能的观点和集成的观点深入地探讨了钢轧一体化生产计划体系结构模型的核心内容.其中,层次观点对定位和界定钢轧一体化生产计划起着重要的作用:功能结构观点为构筑基于组件技术的钢轧一体化生产计划系统提供了功能结构和技术框架:过程观点明确了钢轧一体化生产计划内部过程的循环结构,体现出钢轧一体化生产计划是联系各个外部系统的主线;集成观点强调协调炉次批量计划、浇次批量计划和轧制批量计划在钢轧一体化生产计划编制中的作用.本文有利于拓展钢轧一体化生产计划问题的建模思路和求解方法,对钢轧一体化管理系统的开发具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制改革与全球经济化的局势发展,石油企业之间的竞争不再仅限于单纯的企业竞争,是属于企业成品油供应链物流管理下市场销售占有份额的竞争。本文就成品油销售企业物流一体化管理做出了简要分析。  相似文献   

当今社会,物流产业已经是人们生活中无法取代的一部分,人们的生活越来越依赖于物流带来的便利与安全。然而,面对现在这个时代供应链一体化的趋势,物流的管理模式与经营策略都应该做出相应的调整以适应时代的需要和自身的发展。物流的供应链一体化的管理方式应从技术、服务与第三方三个方面去调整与提升。  相似文献   

林茹燕 《决策与信息》2013,(12):278-278
文章从中等职业教育对物流人才培养的角度分析,重点阐述了物流管理专业进行教学改革的必要性,具体分析了现代物流管理教学的特点,并对一体化教学模式和课程结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文在分析铁路运营优化模型的研究进展的基础上,提出了一个适合大规模客运专线网络运营的优化模型,并提出了求解此模型的列生成算法和启发式快速算法。目的是将客运专线网路的开行方案优化与动态收益优化问题结合起来,解决更大、更复杂的客运网络运营优化问题。模型以列车运营总收益最大化为目标。用随机生成数据进行的模型试验表明,模型及算法可以在较短的时间内求解较大规模的收益管理优化问题。  相似文献   

马丁·克里斯多夫有句名言:“市场上只有供应链而没有企业”,“真正的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争,而是供应链和供应链之间的竞争”。石化行业供应链涵盖了油田-炼厂-油库-加油站(客户)的整个原油、成品油流动链条,必须以供应链优化思想为主导来推进企业的发展。现代物流理论明确指出物流的作用在于以最低的总成本移动库存,在规定的时间内将其送往指定地点,并实现库存的定位。只有在正确的时间将产品送到正确的地点,完成所有权的交换或实现增值过程后,库存才具有了真正的价值。因此如何构建以下游需求为原动力的成品油物流“一体化”运做体系是实现企业物流优化的关键。成品油物流由于其产品的特殊性,所以其为三流整合,即供应物流、生产物流、销售物流相整合,本文将重点研究炼厂-油库-加油站(客户)的成品油一、二次物流“一体化”运做,并从体系结构、仓储布局、配送体系、信息系统等方面入手,提出物流优化设计方案,为提升我国成品油物流供应实现“高效率低成本”运做提供路径和合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文以山西煤炭企业为研究对象,介绍了其物流战略的特点,并分析了其所在煤炭供应链.根据对其煤炭供应链的定位和它的结构特点,提出了煤炭供应链的运作要求:企业内部供应链一体化和企业外部虚拟供应链一体化.  相似文献   

第四方物流平台流程与制度一体化的创新性设计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文紧密契合第四方物流市场运行特点,从政府层面对第四方物流平台进行流程设计;在此基础上,从企业制度、政府管理制度和共享共建的信用制度3个层面对第四方物流平台进行制度设计。将制度体系融于流程设计之中,实现政府与市场的良性互动,达到降低交易成本、提高交易效率、规范交易程序和保障交易安全的设计目标。在一体化设计过程中,提出平台"双运营主体"、"三方合同关系"、"联合信用惩戒制度"等全新设计理念。  相似文献   

企业生产物流是整个企业运行的基础,其管理更是企业供应链系统最重要的组成部分。企业生产物流的计划管理主要在对资源进行优化确保资源能力的基础上,以最低的成本以及最快的速度为生产服务,保证产品的质量和效率。对其实施系统科学的计划管理是企业管理、生产以及经营的重要内容。  相似文献   

通过对第三方物流企业的需求进行分析,提出了一个通用的集成一体化物流信息管理平台的体系结构,为第三方物流企业开发信息管理系统提供系统级解决方案。  相似文献   

We study a real-world production warehousing case, where the company always faces the challenge to find available space for its products and to manage the items in the warehouse. To resolve the problem, an integrated strategy that combines warehouse layout with the capacitated lot-sizing problem is presented, which have been traditionally treated separately in the existing literature. We develop a mixed integer linear programming model to formulate the integrated optimization problem with the objective of minimizing the total cost of production and warehouse operations. The problem with real data is a large-scale instance that is beyond the capability of optimization solvers. A novel Lagrangian relax-and-fix heuristic approach and its variants are proposed to solve the large-scale problem. The preliminary numerical results from the heuristic approaches are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract. Course development and student activities are described for a successful computer-assisted senior level course in production planning. Development was guided by the view that students must (1) understand the elements being integrated, (2) understand the problems that are being resolved through integration, and (3) participate in the integration activity. Production planning is treated as a hierarchy of individual decision situations which are to be integrated. Each decision is assisted by a software-based technique. A menu program and a common database were developed to allow a student to become the 'integrator' by directing the information flow among the individual decision situations. The paper describes the development tasks, the course elements, and student activities which provide guidelines for others developing similar courses.  相似文献   

同步物流系统下准时化生产与配送调度问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于"加工-装配"行业而言,物流管理水平的高低直接决定了供应链绩效的好坏。本文以Supply Hub运作模式为背景,研究同步物流下装配系统中各节点的生产与配送调度问题。建立供应链各参与方的生产与配送模型,并通过规划求解得到供应商和制造商的最优生产周期、零部件的最优配送间隔以及零售商的最佳采购周期。最后,结合数值实验,对同步物流模式和传统物流模式下的供应链绩效进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:较之传统物流模式,基于同步化物流方式的装配系统总成本更低,这主要得益于库存成本的下降;由于采取拉动式的生产模式,因此同步物流系统下供应链中的生产和配送活动更加频繁;生产调整成本的增加提高了制造商的平均总成本,由此可见在同步物流系统下,供应商、制造商和零售商之间更需要相互协商和收益共享,从而实现多赢。  相似文献   

不确定环境下分散控制供应链物流计划优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链物流计划是供应链管理的重要内容.针对节点无限扩展的分散控制供应链物流计划问题,在提出供应链元概念的基础上,考虑供应链节点企业上下游物料价格要素的随机性,应用随机机会约束规划理论,建立了多级多节点多产品分散控制供应链一体化物流计划模型;设计了基于随机模拟的混合智能算法求解模型;并以算例仿真验证了模型和算法的有效性,...  相似文献   

Organisations willing to succeed in global competition have to integrate their internal and external processes. This especially includes planning and production control (PPC) processes. Optimised allocation of the production resources and quick response to demand changes result in lower cost and improvement of production performance. Practitioners and researchers have been trying to achieve these goals using production planning techniques. Although the results are significant, it seems necessary to integrate production operations in order to improve the production performance. The goals, information and decisions taken in production planning and control and process planning are often very different and difficult to integrate in Cellular Manufacturing (CM) environments. Designing an efficient PPC system and integrating it with process planning in a cellular environment is of the same importance. The following paper proposes first a comprehensive framework of integrated process planning and production planning and control in CM. Then, with respect to this framework and utilising the domain knowledge in the area of CM systems, an integrated model based on Integrated Definition Modeling Language is developed. The application of the models has been considered as a case study for a production system in electronics and telecommunication sector in a plant in Iran. The validity and completeness of the proposed model is tested by a panel of experts in the areas of production planning and control in CM environments.  相似文献   

Tactical production-distribution planning models have attracted a great deal of attention in the past decades. In these models, production and distribution decisions are considered simultaneously such that the combined plans are more advantageous than the plans resolved in a hierarchical planning process. We consider a two-stage production process, where in the first stage raw materials are transformed into continuous resources that feed the discrete production of end products in the second stage. Moreover, the setup times and costs of resources depend on the sequence in which they are processed in the first stage. The minimum scheduling unit is the product family which consists of products sharing common resources and manufacturing processes. Based on different mathematical modelling approaches to the production in the first stage, we develop a sequence-oriented formulation and a product-oriented formulation, and propose decomposition-based heuristics to solve this problem efficiently. By considering these dependencies arising in practical production processes, our model can be applied to various industrial cases, such as the beverage industry or the steel industry. Computation tests on instances from an industrial application are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   


Though there has been much talk of smart cities, it is still unclear what the concept means and what the role of their inhabitants might be in the development of such cities. There is a tendency to focus on technology and infrastructure and forget that cities are places for people to live. To counter this, smart city planners need to recognise that people’s needs can and should influence and shape their environment, rather than concentrating too much on technology or the built environment. In order to understand how smart cities can serve the needs of their inhabitants, we will examine the specific example of the fashion clothing industry and its development of omni-channel retailing. This will show that retailers, driven by technology-smart and fashion-conscious consumers, are reshaping the clothing supply chain to achieve greater integration, flexibility and speed. Central to this process is the manufacturers’ ability to create production planning and control (PPC) systems capable of operating effectively in an omni-channel environment. The paper presents a Composite Model of Enterprise Planning which can aid the development of such PPC systems. The paper concludes that changes within the fashion clothing industry indicate how smart cities can develop and are developing, and that although these changes are facilitated by technology, they are driven by the necessity to meet consumers’ needs.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the execution of an ERP – enterprise resource planning in a production process. The changes that were made to processes to make them compatible with ERP modules and adaptations that were required by the ERP implementation are presented. The presented study is different from the normal patterns of a vertical implementation, since its application is not direct. In order to use the standard modules of the ERP system, the internal processes were embellished and the data collection steps were integrated into the production process (production orders, inventory, production, daily consumption, daily output). The case study shows that the ERP implementation caused an improvement of the processes in the areas adjacent to production (purchasing, logistics, distribution, supply and sales). In conclusion, this paper presents the main advantages and disadvantages of the ERP system implementation, as well as some considerations and recommendations for the future ERP implementations.  相似文献   

The hierarchical production planning (HPP) paradigm has become an accepted planning and control strategy for many medium-to-large manufacturing situations. While the paradigm appears intuitively obvious and appropriate for many factories, there are a number of modern manufacturing situations where the application of the HPP approach may not be appropriate. By understanding the fundamental principles and concepts inherent in the HPP approach, it is possible to identify situations suitable for HPP with little or no adaptation, and situations where HPP must be extensively modified before use. A poor understanding of HPP  相似文献   

In this study, a hybrid discrete event simulation (DES) and system dynamics (SD) methodology is applied to model and simulate aggregate production planning (APP) problem for the first time. DES is used to simulate operational-level and shop-floor activities incorporated into APP and estimate critical time-based control parameters used in SD model of APP and SD is used to simulate APP as a collection of aggregate-level strategic decisions. The main objective of this study is to determine and analyse the effectiveness of APP strategies regarding the Total Profit criterion by developing a hybrid DES–SD simulation model for APP in a real-world manufacturing company. The simulation results demonstrated that the priority of APP strategies with regards to Total Profit criterion is: (1) the pure chase strategy, (2) the modified chase strategy, (3) the pure level strategy, (4) the modified level strategy, (5) the mixed strategy and (6) the demand management strategy, respectively. The APP system is first simulated under mixed strategy (basic scenario) conditions to include all APP capacity and demand options in constructed SD simulation model to show a comprehensive view of APP components and their interdependent interactions. Then, the obtained results will be used as Total Profit measure to compare with system's performance under some experimental scenarios applying different APP strategies.  相似文献   

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