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Implementation of internal coaching programs in organizationsThe implementation of internal coaching in organizations requires a long-term preparation. A short-term realization and prompt outcomes of such large programs are not to be expected. The best qualifications of an internal coach is unprofitable, if the conditions of an implementation of such coaching programs are not prepared exactly. Further more, the coach has to make a lot of preparing work, e.g. to organize information meetings, to establish and to co-ordinate a pool of internal and external coaches. There are extensive requirements of an internal coaching, and before an implementation it is to calculate, whether the necessary structures are given or may be established.  相似文献   

The author discusses the question if and in which HR processes, tools or programs the implementation of an internal coach pool makes sense or where companies should continue to buy this service from the external market. For this purpose the article introduces a definition of internal Coaching. The central concept of this outline is a blueprint of an offering of internal or external coaching. The author presents a generic model for the analyzing the risks of such a project, which increases the probability of a decision which leads in the right direction. The author concludes that internal coaching makes sense in specific settings e.g. in order to ensure the ROI of learning opportunities. If this however in every situation has to be called “Coaching” should be discussed in the context of another essay.  相似文献   

Learning from blunders. Experiences of an executive coach with problems and solutionsNot too often, even rarely, we are in a situation to talk about blunders or shortcomings within our coaching community. That really is a pity, because a discussion like this combined with reflection and feed back is the best and only way for a coach to avoid professional mistakes in his future. So this article is “somehow another kind” of contribution. The author reports his own 18 years of “blunder-experience” as well as professional mistakes of other coaches which he observed in mentor coachings and supervisions, he suggests outcomes, consequences and solutions. Topics are: Anger, aggression and “struggles of power” within the coaching process; dependence versus (internal) independence of a coach; transference and counter-transference within the coaching process; peanut politics within a coaching process. Result: the coach himself, his core values, his boldness directed to social risks and to natural consequences — combined with appreciative conversation and respecting clients — makes out the core dissolving capacity. Without mentor coaching and professional supervision every coach would be trapped into his personal “trap of mistakes” — and even worse: without recognizing this dilemma.  相似文献   

May coaching be leadership? An analysis of literature on the term coaching. An analysis of the German-speaking literature about coaching shows for what the term Coaching or rather the title coach is used in actual publications dealing with the leading manager as a coach. It becomes apparent, that coaching is not seen as a specialized advisory profession. Instead the term is used as an alternative expression for leadership vocabulary as management style or managerial functions. The elaboration of terms and concepts concludes, that semantically it is meant leadership when it comes to the concept of the coaching manager. To be an exception, the management by systemic approach forms a brand-new perspective about organizations. However, to give respects to the German-speaking coaching community there should be a difference between leadership and coaching as well as notions and titles should be used more accurate among professional management coaches.  相似文献   

This article addresses the interface of personal trust and trust in the organization in internal coaching taking particular account of the fact that the coach is part of the organization. The consequences of the mode of assignment, i.e. the circumstances under which the coaching is initiated, the importance of neutrality, discretion, voluntariness and the importance of the coachee??s previous experience with the organization are discussed. The article also explains which aspects affect trust development and how trust building in internal coaching can be improved.  相似文献   

Out of strategic considerations, companies offer their employees coaching as an internal method of personnel development. A wide range of organizational forms can be taken into consideration for those internal coaching offers. As coach and client belong to the same organization, specific areas of conflict can arise in the coaching process. Those will be briefly described. Thereafter it will be discussed how the anticipated conflicts arising during the phase of contract formation can be dealt with. Furthermore it is shown how organizational implementation of internal coaching offers can mitigate the assumed conflicts.  相似文献   

Coaching for leaders and representatives in churchesThis article shows possibilities of coaching for leaders and representatives in churches, especially during this time with many transformations in ecclesiastical structures. It seems to be very important for acceptance of coaching, that the coach has a high standard of knowledge about this branch.  相似文献   

Leadership coaching reflects an evolving dynamic between the client and coach that is qualitatively different from most approaches to leadership development and therefore holds particular challenges for evaluation. Based on reviews of academic and practitioner literatures, this paper presents an integrated framework of coaching evaluation that includes formative evaluations of the client, coach, client–coach relationship, and coaching process, as well as summative evaluations based on coaching outcomes. The paper also includes a quantitative synthesis examining evaluation methodologies in 49 leadership coaching studies. The results revealed that self-reported changes in clients' leadership behaviors are the most frequently assessed coaching outcome, followed by clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of coaching. Recommendations to advance coaching evaluation research include the creation of collaborative partnerships between the evaluation stakeholders (client, coach, client's organization, and coaching organization) to facilitate systematic formative evaluations, the collection of multi-source and multi-level data, and the inclusion of distal outcomes in evaluation plans.  相似文献   

Success factors of executive coaching. A screening of the coaching scenery from the client’s point of viewThis survey, based on questionnaires, examines the success factors of one-to-one coaching from the client point of view. Firstly, ten success factors in coaching were established by means of factor analysis. Secondly, more extensive analysis shows that, contrary to previous research in this field, the “professional system” is not necessarily a determining success factor in coaching. As an exclusive instrument of staff development, coaching seems to be effective even without support from the professional system. The analysis also indicates that the clients perceive their coach as an advisor and confidant as regards role expectations. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis discloses the predictive effects of the two success factors “the coach’s qualification” and “the coach’s involvement” for the overall success of coaching from the client’s point of view. The overall success of coaching itself is established through three items: the clients’ attitudes towards coaching, their attitude concerning further coaching, and the extent to which their objectives were met in coaching.  相似文献   

Many companies are increasingly making use of coaching as an instrument of human resources development. The selection of the a suitable coach is more often based on intuition of the selecting human resources employees than it is objective. This underscores the need for a more systematic approach to the selection of coaches, which is based on the useable competencies of a coach and is also scientifically supported. Through a multiparadigm literature review and an explorative study, this article identifies seven base competencies of coaches, which can serve as a foundation for the selection of a coach.  相似文献   

This article focusses on the influence of digitalization on the performance of coaching services. Five relevant aspects are examined with regard to the opportunities and risks: (1) the coaching market, (2) the coaching process, (3) the communication between coach and client, (4) the coaching methods and tools and (5) the coach himself. The considerations make obvious that the future development of coaching depends not only on further technical innovations, but also on the answers of the professional community to the challenges of digitalization described above.  相似文献   

The article is focusing on cross-cultural coaching constellations and explains the need of cross-cultural competence/cultural intelligence on the side of the coach. The author proposes a scientific framework to reflect one’s coaching work and assumptions in order to develop a culture-sensitive coaching approach.  相似文献   

This article examines the behaviours associated with managerial coaching and assesses the implications for leadership theory. Survey data from 521 line managers are analysed to: (i) identify the behaviours associated with managerial coaching, (ii) examine factors that affect the propensity of managers to undertake coaching and (iii) discuss the implications of the manager as coach role for leadership theory and practice. First, the analysis indicates that workplace coaching is distinct from specialized coaching practices. Second, demographic characteristics of individual managers, such as their age, experience or level of management qualification are unlikely to affect their propensity to undertake managerial coaching. However, leader-team member relationships (leader-member exchange) and occupational self-efficacy (OSE) are predictive of managerial coaching behaviours. Third, managerial coaching challenges traditional leader-centric models of leadership and requires an acknowledgement of reciprocity, collaborative ‘meaning-making’ and a diminished ‘distance’ between leaders and team members.  相似文献   

The authors present the design and first results of an ongoing research project. The main emphasis of the research lies on observable and mental processes of the coach and the coachee in and between coaching sessions as well as for the coachee after the coaching. The research is based on a particular e-coaching format named “virtual goal attainment coaching”, consisting of telephone-based coaching sessions combined with by internet mediated questions that the coachee answers with support of the coach. The ambition of this particular type of coaching, since based on empirical findings of coaching success factors and combined with modern media, is to generate excellent results within a short amount of time. Preliminary findings confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of this blended coaching program.  相似文献   

Triangular contracts The article presents coaching within a triangular contract. The client decides to change in her professional field since her working conditions have worsened following a merger. The coach supports her by interview training for job applications. The diverging interests of the involved parties present a definite problem during the coaching process.  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing (MI) has proved itself empirically as an effective interviewing framework in various therapeutic contexts, in which establishing an intrinsic motivation to change is the most important goal. Using case studies, we show for which typical coaching requests MI can be useful. The combination of the spirit of MI and its specific interviewing techniques allows the coach to deal safely and helpfully with ambivalence and resistance of the coachee. It helps the coachee to resolve ambivalence and to make change-related decisions. Because of its complexity, we suggest an integration of MI in curricular coaching training and the empirical research of MI effects in the context of coaching.  相似文献   

Before coaching: Situational counseling as management function Conflicts, crisis, bullying, weakness or separation: Critical situations for managers are not unusual in day to day business of organizations. Other than an external coach managers in these situations are not acting as professional counselors but as situational counselors. Situational counseling is understood as an organizational role which is activated in normative and critical management situations. There is a characteristic difference to the role of an external professional counselor. Accordingly, the development of competencies for a situational counselor needs its own approach. On the level of organization comprehensive principals for the behavior in critical situations should be developed and agreed by a process of communication. On the level of management development these principals can be transformed into individual strategies and trained.  相似文献   

Schließung von Schulen — Chancen für schulische Innovationsprozesse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Closing down schools — chances of scholar innovative processes. Coaching as support of merging processesThe author discusses chances and risks of processes of school merging processes as an internal coach of a school board. Conditions for success are named for various levels of hierarchy in the school system. This includes an support by means of coaching and supervision.  相似文献   

The psychodynamic concept of containment in coaching describes a process where the coach takes on, digests and returns emotional tension, unresolved conflicts und unconscious acting out of the coachee. Using two case studies the article develops the basic elements of containment in coaching. In addition to this interpersonal dimension of containment the article also highlights the structural dimension of containment — to provide sufficient space and conditions for thinking and processing emotional turmoil.  相似文献   

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