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Rethinking Empowerment: A Postmodern Reappraisal for Emancipatory Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This article is concerned with the implications of the postmodernchallenge to critical theory for the practice of empowerment.How do we conceptualize empowerment from a postmodern perspective?It is argued that the modernist concept of power upon whichempowerment rests, can have unintended disempowering effects.By conceptualizing power as a commodity, identities are forcedinto a powerful–powerless dualism which does not alwaysdo justice to diverse experiences. Thus we can sometimes contributeto dominance in spite of our liberatory intentions. It is arguedthat social workers need to become more aware of the self-discipliningand self-regulatory processes involved in professional workto address the social relations of power embedded in professionalpractices. Foucault's analysis of how marginalized knowledgesare affected by dominant cultural practices suggests a redefiningof empowerment as the insurrection of subjugated knowledge.The implications of this redefinition for practice is illustratedby reference to work with indigenous people in Australia.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Waqar Ahmad or Karl Atkin, Ethnicity and Social Policy Research Unit, University of Bradford, Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK Summary Services for haemoglobinopathies have been a major site of strugglesfor the black communities, yet the social research literatureon haemoglobinopathies remains patchy and fragmented. We providean overview of the literature on sickle cell disorders and thalassaemiamajor in the broader context of debates on childhood disabilityand chronic illness, and on ethnicity, racism and health care.  相似文献   

Social Work Values: The Moral Core of the Profession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Cynthia Bisman, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, USA. E-mail: cbisman{at}ada.brynmawr.edu Summary This paper argues that an emphasis on the profession’sknowledge base has come at the expense of attention to socialwork's values and mission. The discussion examines the relativeimportance of knowledge, values and skills in an effort to understandthe shifting emphases of the profession within a social andhistorical context. The consequences of these shifts for theprofession and for its relationship to society are also considered.Concepts from the intellectual struggles of social work andfrom an interdisciplinary perspective suggest ways to groundthe profession’s skills and knowledge in its values ofhuman dignity, service to humanity and social justice. At itscore, social work must respond to the moral imperative of caringfor the neediest among us. This entails re-claiming and buildingon the commitment of early social workers ‘to work withforces that make for progress . . . to forward the advance ofthe . . . common people’ (Richmond, 1899, p. 151). Thepaper concludes that for social work to have a future, the professionmust take pride in its moral core, define its contemporary meaningand work for the social welfare in ways that are relevant toboth social workers and non-social workers.  相似文献   

The African-Centred Worldview: Developing a Paradigm for Social Work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Mekada J. Graham, c/o 97 Acton Lane, London NW10 8UT, UK. E-mail: mekadag{at}yahoo.com Summary This article raises concerns about the ethnocentric nature ofexisting paradigms within the social sciences that form thebasis for social work theory and practice with black familiesand children. In addition, it highlights the theoretical deficitswithin existing social work models that do not reflect the worldviewsof diverse communities in British society. Can existing socialwork models continue to express ethnocentric value systems asthe universal way to explain human behaviour in the light ofgrowing demands for pluralism not only between groups but alsobetween epistemologies and worldviews? The author argues foran alternative paradigm that is grounded in the cultural andhistorical reality of the black experience. A broad base of information and discussion of the African-centredworldview and the development of African-centred perspectivesin social work is explored. African-centred perspectives insocial work challenge the profession to express its core principlesof equality, social justice and self-determination in embracingalternative worldviews and paradigms as legitimate and validbases for social work theory and practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Karl Atkin, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD. Summary The multi-racial nature of British society can no longer beignored by those responsible for planning and implementing socialcare policy, particularly since community care is presentlyat a crossroads. Informal care provides a useful starting pointfrom which to introduce the notion of race into social caredebates. The paper, by reviewing a mix of empirical studiesand policy debates emerging from the literature on informalcare and black communities, examines the experience of informalcare within black communities. By discussing topics such asthe demography of care, the nature of informal care, and serviceprovision to black carers, it gives coherence to a fragmentedliterature and illustrates gaps in present understanding.  相似文献   

Summary This article reports the findings of the second part of a two-partresearch project examining the potential for social workersto make changes in their work with families and children. Whilstsocial workers in the United Kingdom have been encouraged toshift from a child protection to a child welfare orientationin their practice, such changes have been hampered by professionaland organizational concern to manage risk. The research exploresthe influence of a child protection orientation on practicein child welfare cases. The findings, from two file analysesand interviews with 26 social workers, indicate that such aninfluence is indeed apparent. This is evidenced in two ways;first patterns of practice in child welfare cases are similarto those in child protection cases. Secondly, while the majorityof social workers express an attitudinal desire to move towardsa child welfare orientation, they still prioritize the managementof risk in their practice. It is argued that social workersneed permission from their employing organizations to make changesin their practice. This, in turn, requires such organizationsto state clear goals in line with a child welfare orientationand develop holistic strategies to achieve these.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Shirley Jackson, Department of Social Work Studies, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK. Summary This article isa response to Lupton (1998). It is not in thetradition of a critical response, but rather a complementaryand extended exploration of the issues raised in the earlierpaper. It draws on the authors' respective experiences as innovatorand researcher in the field of child welfare and youth justiceand presents, within the overall debate, new material both fromchild welfare initiatives and from the recently completed studyinto the use of family group conferences in youth justice. Itconcludes that some of the key tenets of family group conferencesare in danger of being neglected by professional and politicalagendas if urgent attention is not given to the primary purposeof family empowerment and to adequate resourcing of FGC plans.  相似文献   

Summary Three sets of ideas, which I am calling justice, welfare, andcommunity approaches interact in the criminal justice systemsof England and Scotland. Social workers are usually most influencedby a welfare approach but this approach is always in dangerof becoming arbitrary. The essential values of a welfare approachmight in fact be strengthened by introducing from the justiceapproach ways of structuring discretion. This idea will be examinedin relation to juvenile justice and parole where compulsorypowers back the application of welfare ideas. Ways of ensuringthat social work discretion is confined, structured and checkedwill be considered.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ulla Rantakeisu, Centre for Public Health Research, University of Karlstad, S-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden. E-mail: ulla_rantakeisu{at}kau.se Summary Young unemployed people in six local communities in Sweden wereinterviewed to test the assumption that variations in the socialand health effects of unemployment could be seen as a functionof financial hardship and of experiences of shame. The resultsindicate that there seems to be a link between the health andsocial effects of unemployment, on the one hand, and the degreeof financial hardship and the number of shaming experienceson the other. The group of unemployed people who suffered agreater degree of financial hardship and also experienced agreater number of shaming experiences seemed to exhibit thepoorest health, reported deteriorated health to a greater degreethan other groups, experienced negative changes in their lifestyle,did less in their free time, and had lower self-confidence thanother unemployed persons. The opposite applied for those whoexperienced less financial hardship and less pressure in termsof experiences of shaming. Against this background, we haveformulated a theoretical model based on financial circumstancesand social bonds; a model that could have a wider value in explainingsocial and health problems.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Eric Blyth, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Hudders-field, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH Summary Although surrogacy appears to have been practised throughouthistory across a diverse range of cultural groups it has onlyrecently emerged as a significant social problem, posing legal,ethical, social and psychological dilemmas. Developments inmedical technology, legislative change and shifts in professionalpractices have combined to make surrogacy potentially a moreacceptable form of family creation for more infertile and involuntarychildless people. Hitherto social work involvement in surrogacy has been marginal.However a more explicit focus on the welfare of the child, togetherwith the likely increase in prevalence in surrogacy, imply amore central role in future for social work. The commitmentof the Government and the newly-created Human Fertilizationand Embryology Authority to keeping surrogacy under review isexpected to result in further policy developments. In the meantimethis paper begins the process of identifying those areas ofsurrogacy practice in which social work intervention could beeffectively and appropriately focused and considers the implicationsof these for both social work agencies and practitioners.  相似文献   

Summary The paper examines the processes of a research project aboutthe continuing care needs of head-injured people in order toillustrate an interactive approach in social work research.Influenced by the social work values of empowerment and workingin partnership, the key function of the interactive approachinclude a multidisciplinary research team analysing the researchtopic through different disciplinary perspectives, and selectingresearch methods and dissemination strategies that promote interactiverelationships amongst researchers, respondents and sponsors.Social work practice supplies transferable knowledge, valuesand skills for the interactive approach. The skill of negotiationis used to mitigate unequal distributions of power between researchersand respondents. The paper concludes that the interactive approachis a distinctive characteristic of social work research thatdeserves wider recognition.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Bob Sapey, Department of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE Summary This paper makes use of theoretical ideas that have been developedto understand the impact of new technology on organizationsand applies them to its use within social work agencies. Thesedeveloping theories employ ideas that are familiar to socialworkers—organization theory, decision making theory, andcommunication theory. The paper therefore argues that socialworkers are in a good position to understand and influence theuse of computers within welfare agencies and do not need tobe inhibited by a lack of technological knowledge. It is furtherargued that, unless social workers do become involved in theways in which new technologies are used within organizations,they will fail to influence its impact upon their clients andmay further fail to control the way in which computers affectthe nature of social work itself in the future.  相似文献   

First Nations communities are seeking to improve current service delivery models and create alternative evidence‐based strategies. A First Nations child welfare organization has prioritized further understanding of reunification and parenting, including identification of successes and barriers to reunification, and service needs within communities. These priorities were addressed with a community‐based participatory research model and guided by a Research Advisory. Results were analysed using a blend of grounded theory and thematic analysis techniques. Participants indicated that placing children with extended family or within home communities facilitate best child outcomes. These reunifications could be increased by promoting parental and community capacity. Successes identified within communities included available supports, such as those that increased empowerment and community capacity. Identified barriers within communities were the lack of culturally appropriate services, hesitancy to obtain available support due to fears of child welfare intervention, and mental health difficulties of community member.  相似文献   

Summary The teaching of welfare law to social workers has recently beenthe subject of critical scrutiny. Concurrently the relationshipbetween social work practice and the law, the place that legislationshould occupy in daily working practice, has been openly debated.This paper, based on our teaching and practice experience anda small evaluation exercise, criticizes the principal positionstaken in the debate on that relationship. It also evaluatestwo approaches to teaching law to social workers. We argue thatteaching law to social workers and using legal knowledge andprovisions in practice is not as simple and straight-forwardas some commentators allege. Rather, we argue that, for socialworkers to learn and apply the law effectively, both teachinglaw and any subsequent application of this knowledge must beconsidered in a conceptual frame of practice dilemmas whichconfront every practitioner and create role conflict, uncertainty,ambiguity, and insecurity.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Margaret Bell, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, York, UK. Summary This article critically examines the work of twenty-two localauthority social workers undertaking child protection investigations.The findings suggest that, while the social workers were committedto being (and believed their practice to be) participative,the dual tasks of making risk assessments for the conferenceand working in partnership with the families concerned producedconflicts of interests and rights. The impact of these on socialworkers' engagement with family members, on their assessments,and on the decision making process is explored. It is concludedthat the difficulties identified limit opportunities for participativepractice, and that these difficulties are endemic to the presentsystem. It is argued that these findings point up the need fora more broadly based child-care service which more appropriatelymeets the families' welfare needs, and that the contradictorynature of the conference task should be addressed by clarifyingthe legal base of the intervention and developing other modelsof decision making. Some ways forward are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyses a demonstration project that enabled socialworkers to practise effectively in their home community (a Bedouin-Arabcity in the Negev, Israel) where gender relations are patriarchaland the interface of social work and cultural practices hadpreviously impeded professional functioning. Collaborative workwith cultural mediators, individuals with high social statusand knowledge of community traditions, rendered interventionsmore culturally appropriate, bridged gaps between the culturaland professional canons, and promoted social work's role ina society that had a limited understanding of, and experiencewith, the profession. Future social work practice and researchcould focus on further enhancing women's choice making opportunitiesin this patriarchal culture.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ms Siobhan Laird, 18 Ranfurly Avenue, Bangor, County Down BT20 3SN. E-mail: boreland{at}bangor.freeserve.co.uk Summary In Ghana during 1998 the Children's Act passed into law. Thislegislation was imitative of Britain's 1989 Children Act, towhich it bears a close resemblance. However, due to the verydifferent socio-economic and cultural context of Ghana, implementationof the 1998 Children's Act is problematic. This paper examinesthe similarity in the provisions between the British and GhanaianActs and explores the social, economic and cultural factorsmost immediately impacting on child welfare in Ghana. Considerationis then given to the criticisms of African scholars in relationto rights based approaches to intervention. Finally, alternativecourses of action to protect children and maintain their welfareare considered which are more consonant with the specific socio-economicand cultural setting of Ghana.  相似文献   

Summary This article argues that, to provide reliable and nationallyrelevant information on which to base policy and practice andto afford the Black population equal access to knowledge aboutits social realities, social welfare research needs to includeaccurate representations of minority ethnic groups and theirchanging needs. Using child welfare and community care as examples,a brief research review indicates the continued scarcity ofsuch research and its potential benefits. The methodologicalsupports available to researchers seeking to include minorityethnic populations and anti-racist perspectives are considered,and it is concluded that such supports are limited and patchy.In exploring the reasons for this, the author identifies someof the political, personal and technical challenges an anti-racistapproach presents. The terms 'experiential affinity' and 'experientialinterdependence' are introduced to help conceptualize the knowledgeand power differentials which may impede researchers pursuinganti-discriminatory aims, and a 'costs and benefits' frameworkis suggested to help understand and confront these issues. Then,drawing on existing research and theory, the article considersin detail some of the technical challenges to be overcome, withparticular reference to sample identification and selection,fieldwork processes and data analysis and suggests practicalways in which some of these challenges might be met.  相似文献   

Discourses of Child Protection and Child Welfare   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Correspondence to Gordon Jack, University of Exeter, Department of Social Work and Probation Studies, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ Summary The history and dominance of the discourse of child protectionand its influence over social work practice with children andfamilies is discussed in the light of recent research into theoperation of child protection systems in the UK and elsewhere.The often negative effects of current approaches on professionals,parents, and, particularly, children are highlighted. The issuesof confidentiality and empowerment appear to be of central importancefor current debates about the welfare of children and youngpeople. Three strategies for change are outlined and discussed. It isargued that a fundamental challenge to the child protectiondiscourse is required. Parallels are drawn with the changeswhich occurred in attitudes and responses towards football supporters,following the Hillsborough disaster in 1989. The dangers and shortcomings of the present reliance on a diseasemodel of ‘abuse’, with its focus on individual pathology,are analysed. Support is provided for the development of a newdiscourse, which acknowledges the social contexts within whichallegations of ‘abuse’ arise, and without whichsocial work will continue to be restricted to a procedurallydominated conservative orientation to child welfare.  相似文献   

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