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周喜琴 《西北人口》2004,(2):62-62,F003
目的:了解中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎的疗效。方法:随机设置两组各66例。治疗组采用中药熏洗,外用甲硝唑。对照组用清水洗外阴,外用甲硝唑。结果:治疗组总有效率为100%,对照组有效率为69.7%。结论:采用中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎,应推广应用。  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是,深入学习落实科学发展观,认真总结出生缺陷一级预防工作,交流各地经验,部署实施优生促进工程,再接再厉,开拓创新,进一步推动出生缺陷一级预防工作深入开展。  相似文献   

"鸡鸣啼三国"显赫地标识了满洲里的特殊地理位置,北邻俄罗斯,西与蒙古国接壤,三国交界,得天独厚。或许是人生命运的注定安排吧,干了大半辈子医疗卫生事业的李侠,做梦也没曾想到,2007年末,市委决定调任她到人口计生局当局长,肩负"国策"使命。受命危难之时人口计生工作既是"天下第一难事,又是天下第一要事",与社会经济发展稳定息息相关,与百姓生活唇齿相依。"稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质,统筹解决人口  相似文献   

为提高育龄群众对人口计生工作的满意度,进一步深化优质服务,河南登封市颍阳镇努力打造计生服务"微笑窗口",服务广大育龄群众。一是大厅接待热心。值班人员始终坚持微笑服务,"一脸微笑,一句问候,一杯热茶",优质服务贯穿工作各个环节,温馨笑容,礼貌用语,工作零距离,服务心贴心;二是咨询服务耐心。大厅服务全天制,专人受理接待各类咨询,  相似文献   

甘肃省武威市以科学发展观为指导,进一步强化领导,突出重点,突破难点,狠抓工作落实,切实形成党政重视,齐抓共管,综合治理的人口计生工作机制,全面提升了计生优质服务水平。  相似文献   

陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区在"三进三解三促"群众路线主题实践活动中,围绕中心抓党建,立足特色抓创新,完善机制抓发展,在全区实施计划生育强基固本工程,强化宣传,创新管理,优化服务,不断夯实基层基础,努力提升为民服务水平。  相似文献   

浙江省绍兴县是全国综合经济实力十强县之一。近年来,随着经济社会的快速发展,流动人口大幅增加,2011年全县流人人口63.48万人,其中已婚育龄妇女18.22万人,大大超过本地户籍已婚育龄妇女的总数,对计划生育基本公共服务承载力及财政投入等构成了巨大压力。为此,全县切实加强领导,强化以人为本,提供有效保障,完善工作机制,创新服务举措,初步探索出了具有绍兴县特色的流动人口均等化服务新途经。  相似文献   

上海白领小南,供职于一家专业的园林设计公司。今年5月,公司人力资源部发布了一则令人“哭笑不得”的通知,要求每位员工在5月20日前,发动身边家人朋友,关注公司微信公号,并将成功关注人员的微信ID上报至综合部核对,“每人最少30人,上不封顶”。通知称,全体员工的推广情况,将汇总给领导审阅,“并将各部门的完成隋况计人季度考核指标”。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气大港油田第三矿区针对企业面临新形势、新任务,积极探索企业人口计生管理服务新途径,从服务管理入手,倡导企业文化,夯实基础工作,加大培训力度,真情服务育龄职工,人口计生工作整体水平不断加强。从真情服务入手,注重求真务实。在真情服务育龄妇女的活动中,一是采取请进来的方式,不断提高优质服务质量。矿区每年定期请市级医院医生到公司为育龄妇女进行健康检查,做好生殖健康档案填写登记,开展保健知识讲座和现场答疑等服务活动,使大家通过现场咨询及时了解自身  相似文献   

湖北省麻城市人口计生局把信息化建设作为做好人口计生工作的突破口来抓,加大投入,注重培训,规范管理,把人口计生信息化建设与实际工作紧密结合起来,不断提高数据质量,强化信息运用,信息化建设取得了明显成效。强化组织领导,创优工作环境。2011年以来,全市先后召开三次部门信息化建设协调会,专题研究信息化实施方案和推进工作,确保信息化建设顺利推进。市人口计生局牢固树立以信息化引领人口计生工作流程再造的理念,将人口信  相似文献   

Yang Fan 《当代中国人口》2014,(6):F0003-F0003
With the aging of population,the academic researches tend to focus on the size, structure, quality of the labor forces. This article, based on the data of 2012 CLDS, describes demographically the employment status of China's labor force by four types: employee,employer, self- employed and farming and analyzes the variations in the indicators of the 4 types employment status, such as human capital,working hours,work sites,income,social security, job evaluation and work values and identity of social class, etc. Understanding these variations is a great significance to the proper labor policy-making.  相似文献   

The low Fertility Trap Hypothesis proposes that there are three self-reinforcing mechanism--demographic,sociological and economic,working towards a downward spiral in future fertility.Once TFR drops below 1.5,it will be difficult to recover.The fertility recovery emerging in many countries across the world has changed the lowfertility trap theory and also the justification of the theory itself.So low-fertility trap is more likely a pattern summarized from a short-time phenomenon than a generalized social law.As with China,the current fertility level is above 1.5 births per woman,and China is not in the "Low-fertility trap".Moreover,most recent surveys suggests that current fertility intention in China is above 1.8 births per woman and more than60 percent of people would have a second child if there is an adjustment of fertility policy.In addition,birth postponement is still playing an important role in reducing TFR in China.Thus,with the high fertility intention,adjustment of family planning policy and decreasing tempo effect,TFR in China will experience upturn but not further decline in the near future.It is lack of evidence to conclude that China has already been or is going to be trapped in low fertility.  相似文献   

Secular, native-born Jews in Israel enjoy the socio-economic status of many affluent populations living in other democratic countries, but have above-replacement period and cohort fertility. This study revealed a constellation of interrelated factors which together characterize the socio-economic, cultural, and political environment of this fertility behaviour and set it apart from that of other advanced societies. The factors are: a combination of state and family support for childbearing; a dual emphasis on the social importance of women's employment and fertility; policies that support working mothers within a conservative welfare regime; a family system in which parents provide significant financial and caregiving aid to their adult children; relatively egalitarian gender-role attitudes and household behaviour; the continuing importance of familist ideology and of marriage as a social institution; the role of Jewish nationalism and collective behaviour in a religious society characterized by ethno-national conflict; and a discourse which defines women as the biological reproducers of the nation.

Supplementary material for this article is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00324728.2016.1195913  相似文献   

Samples from the U.S. passenger lists are used to focus upon the emigrants from England to the U.S.A. during 1841. Probably as many as three-quarters of the English emigrants of that year made the U.S.A. their destination, though only a minority of Irish and Scottish emigrants sailed directly to U.S. ports. The English appear very largely to have spurned the unusual opportunities for assisted emigration to colonies that were available that year. The occupations of male emigrants are compared with occupations reported in the population census of 1841. Farmers, general labourers, and industrial workers, particularly those employed in textile industries, were overrepresented among the emigrants. Yet the movement was not predominantly an exodus of labourers from agriculture, nor from some of the most depressed occupations such as framework knitters and nailers. Various occupational groups are analyzed according to travelling companions, dependants and age, in an effort to distinguish between the more cycle-sensitive groups and those seemingly intent on permanent emigration.  相似文献   

We aimed to gather information among gay men regarding their preferences for online sexual health information; 1,160 Peruvian MSM, 18 years or older, completed an online survey hosted on www.tunexo.org. The mean age was 26.8 years. Around 90% had post–high school education. The self-reported HIV prevalence was 12.3%. The acceptability of sexual health content was greater in the most highly educated group. The highest rated topics and services of interest were those related to improving sexual and mental health. The least educated group was significantly more interested in “getting prevention messages on mobiles” compared to men with the highest level of education (71% vs. 52%; p < 0.001). Men’s sexual health was of more interest to the 30–39-year-old group compared to the 18–24-year-old one (97% vs. 87%; p = 0.005). Future Web-based interventions related to sexual health among targeted groups of MSM in Peru can be tailored to meet their preferences.  相似文献   

Reform of China's Household Registration system(HRS) has been entering a new stage and deserves us to research.The paper argues that reform of HRS should have multiple objectives.It examines various local efforts and practices of the reform and claims that the point system is one of the most feasible alternative systems for the HRS that can fit those multiple reform objectives.The system could also be treated as the new institutional basic for public welfare provision and rights allocation,and a new governance means for population issues as well in China's transitional period.  相似文献   

Although gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are becoming more popular in high schools across the U.S., empirical studies investigating GSAs and their impact are sparse. Utilizing a sample of college students drawn from a large Southern university (N = 805; 78% White; 61% female; average age 22), the current study investigates the ways that the presence of high school GSAs affect college student attitudes toward LGBT individuals and how these relationships may vary by high school GSA location (South vs. non-South), town type (rural/small town, suburban, large city), and high school student population size. Overall, results from the current study show that the presence of a GSA in high school is a robust positive predictor of supportive attitudes toward LGBT individuals, even when considering many control variables. Such results suggest that the presence of GSAs in high schools may have significant positive and potentially long-lasting effects on college students’ attitudes toward LGBT individuals.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward homosexuality vary across cultures, with the legal and societal position being rather complicated in India. This study describes the process of developing and validating a Likert-type scale to assess attitudes toward homosexuality among heterosexuals. Phase 1 describes the development of the scale. Items were written based on thematic analysis of narratives generated from 50 college students and reviewing existing scales. After administering the 70-item scale to 68 participants, item analysis yielded 20 statements with item-total correlations over .70. Cronbach’s alpha was .97. In Phase 2, the 20-item Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Scale for Indians (AHSI) was administered to 142 participants. Analysis yielded a corrected split-half correlation of .91. Further, AHSI discriminated between women and men; between liberal arts and STEM/business students; and those who reported interpersonal contact with gay men and lesbian women and those who did not. The scale has satisfactory reliability and shows promising construct validity.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):549-570

Prejudice and discrimination against LGBT individuals is widespread and has been shown to have negative consequences for sexual and gender minority persons’ physical and psychological wellbeing. A recent and problematic trend in the literature is to compositely measure prejudice toward and discrimination against LGBT persons. As such, a review of the psychometric properties of scales assessing, in a combinatory fashion, negative attitudes and/or behaviors toward LGBT persons is warranted. In the current study, 32 scales were identified, and their psychometric properties were evaluated. Most of the scales reviewed did not provide sufficient information regarding item development and refinement, scale dimensionality, scale score reliability, or validity. Properties of the reviewed scales are summarized, and recommendations for better measurement practice are articulated.  相似文献   

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