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社会青年化既是对青年已经成为社会发展的推动者,甚至引领者这一现实的一种归纳和描述,也是对社会发展趋势的一种展望。但对青年在当今社会群体结构中的比重、青年群体的“社会功能”、青年对社会精神文化的影响力等方面的考察却显示出在当今中国社会中“社会青年化”的趋势远远没有充分展开,“社会青年化”的现实不容乐观。促进“社会青年化”,需要贴近青年,转变观念;需要完善政策,强化保障。  相似文献   

研究社会思潮对青年的影响对于新形势下使青年树立和践行社会主义核心价值观具有重要意义。分析近10年的相关文献后发现,当代中国社会对青年有较大影响的思潮主要有新儒家思潮或文化保守主义思潮、实用主义思潮、自由主义思潮、历史主义思潮、新左派思潮、民族主义思潮、民主社会主义思潮和民粹主义思潮。此外还存在诸如后现代主义思潮、女权主义思潮、反全球化思潮、消费主义思潮等对青年影响力稍小但绝不容忽视的思潮。当代社会思潮深刻地影响了青年的信仰和价值观,导致青年政治意识表达方式变迁,影响青年文化体系的形成和变迁,而在这些过程中青年接受社会思潮影响的方式也在发生着变化。社会思潮影响下的青年思想引领主要有思想绝缘法、对象研究法、武器强化法和能力培养法。现有关于社会思潮对青年影响的研究存在着过分侧重定性研究和消极影响、到底如何影响是"黑箱"、研究成果呈现结构失衡等缺陷,需要针对这些缺陷寻找相应的研究进路。  相似文献   

青年价值结构反映了青年在价值观念变迁中现代化维度和后现代化维度中的转变程度。目前社交网站覆盖人数众多,用户以高学历、年轻化、城市分布规律化和交际现实性为主要特点。社交网站发展与青年价值结构变迁具有内在的密切关联。社交网站技术引进国内却丧失了原有的“意义图景”,说明我国青年在价值理性方面的缺失和对工具理性的追逐:接受社交网站说明“熟人社会”结构在青年社交活动中仍然延续.社交网站也能为青年实现个人成就提供可能性:社交网站馈赠型社会化模式有效改进了青年“相对被剥夺感”严重、幸福感低迷的现状,这是社交网站进一步发展壮大的功能基础。  相似文献   

五四青年是伴随中国近代化进程而产生的,在五四运动中正式形成。青年概念的产生及流行、青年力量的发展壮大,为青年的形成提供了时代条件。中国社会经济形态的变革、近代教育的启蒙、社会运动的不断发展,则为五四青年的成长提供了社会环境。在这样的时代和社会背景下,中国青年的首次大联合促成了五四运动。此后,五四青年在促进民族觉醒、更新意识形态、激发复兴力量等方面继续发挥其主力军的作用,影响了整个中国近代社会。  相似文献   

Over the previous seven years the application of a social generation paradigm or ‘theory’ has gained increasing currency as a method in analysing young people's relationship with the life course. Whilst not a new concept or approach its resurgence and reconfiguration to ‘new’ times has seen some writers positioning it as a ‘new orthodoxy’ or ‘consensus’ within youth studies. In this it is seen as providing a conceptual framework that better helps us understand the complexity of circumstances and conditions that shape youth identities in late modern society. In this paper we examine and explore the underlying assumptions and claims that are made by those advocating the social generational paradigm, raising questions and seeking further clarification on a number of key themes. We accept youth studies needs to move beyond ‘old models’ that define and understand social context as a simply a tension between ‘structure or/and agency’ or as a ‘flavour’ to social action. To conclude therefore we propose the need to have an approach that is ecological and both accepts ‘social change’ and ‘continuity’ as critical parts of the life course, one that recognises the nature and influence of power and social reproduction, especially for different social classes, in shaping the experience of being young.  相似文献   

农村青年对新农村建设主体的认知和实践是农村青年研究的重要方面。共同的利益驱动使农村青年获得主体认知,农村青年认为自己有一定的社会地位并对主体义务有明确的认知。依据在农村的身份、地位、经济实力等因素,农村青年自觉地分成不同的类型,并展现出惰性与积极性并存、紧张性与闲散性并存、责任性与谋利性并存的行为特点。角色分类是客观反映农村青年主体行为的有效方法,农村社会与农村青年是利益社会与社会利益中的人,中间型农村青年可以成为新农村建设的非正式领导力量。  相似文献   

改革开放之后的中国社会进入平稳发展阶段,集中力量办大事更多的是存在于国家层面特定目标的行政动员和资源配置。在这样的情况下。青年的群体发展状态是否还可以用“运动”来概括需要作进一步探讨。青年群体发展状态是社会发展状态的组成部分,分析青年发展状态其实质是要得出对于社会状态的判断。以国家导向规定青年运动的方向和结构有利于青年群体与社会的强力整合,社会因此而提高其现实发展目标的效率。存在的问题则在于。青年群体的权利诉求易于被湮灭在“高度角色化”和“被神圣化”之中。  相似文献   

青年作为一种社会承前启后、富有生命力和创造力的代群,是未来社会的主干,是推动社会进步的重要力量。"中国梦"和青年梦是相辅相成的,青年梦是"中国梦"的一个重要组成部分。青年一代是实现"中国梦"的重要力量,青年对国家认同度上升是实现"中国梦"的基础。中国特色社会主义事业是面向未来的事业,需要一代又一代青年的努力奋斗。实现"中国梦"应将青年优先发展作为国家重要战略。  相似文献   

女性青少年瘦身是一种客观存在的社会现象,该现象的成因与认同问题具有相关性。青少年期是认同形成的关键时期,因此,女性青少年瘦身的实质即通过塑造身体以获得个体或社会的认同。对于女孩自身以及社会而言,这种获得认同的方式均存在诸多风险,理当予以重视和消解。,  相似文献   

"屌丝"一词反映了当代青年对于社会现实和自身改变的一种无力的心理状态。作为2012年度最热的网络流行语之一,"屌丝"一词被当代青年争相认领,是认识当代青年心理状态和心理诉求的媒介。"屌丝"社会心态的具体表现为财富拥有的自嘲心态、追求爱情的无奈心态和改变现状的无力心态,这是受多元思潮、网络媒体、社会矛盾凸显的消极后果以及草根时代的自我认同焦虑的影响所致,因此,加强对青年的引导十分必要。  相似文献   

Youth work seeks to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents for re-entry into mainstream society and to prevent youths-at-risk from falling into delinquency, thus necessitating that youth workers assiduously monitor their clients. With the avid use of social media by youths, youth workers must also adopt these communication platforms to reach out to their young clients. Drawing from interviews with youth workers, this study analyses how they use Facebook to communicate with their clients and monitor their activities. Surveillance forms a key thrust of youth workers' professional use of Facebook, enhancing their ability to oversee these youths' personal development for the purposes of mentoring and rehabilitation. Contrary to dystopian, power-centric conceptions of surveillance, the study finds that the youth workers' surveillance of their clients is undergirded by care and beneficence, better understood using Foucault's concept of pastoralism. Through mediated pastoralism via Facebook, these youth workers can derive a more extensive picture of their clients, including their emotional state and peer interactions. With this knowledge, the youth workers can then calibrate their interventions more strategically and only step in when their clients engage in behaviour that poses significant risks or danger. In so doing, the youth workers foster sustainable social capital with their clients that they can still leverage over time. Facebook communications also help the youth workers to bridge communication gaps with these youths. The study also examines how the youths resist the youth workers' oversight in various ways.  相似文献   

Youth are an ever-present component of conversations about culture, interconnectedness, and its effects, especially characterized as readily consuming all that globalization has to offer them. However, opportunities to acknowledge and legitimize the civic experiences youth have and the contributions they make to society have been overlooked in our curricula. We recognize that to support a curricular reorientation to harness these experiences, social studies teachers and teacher educators need a framework for teaching that is, at heart, youth-centered in ways that go beyond merely drawing on youths' prior knowledge and experiences to leaven a prescribed curriculum. We borrow the cultural studies work on youthscapes to provide a framework for how teachers can re-imagine the lives of youth and integrate the ways in which youth are already engaged in civic action as an elemental part of the curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper explores the democratic potential for participatory filmmaking with homeless youth, as well as the constraints and dilemmas associated with this visual method. Theorizing democracy through the work of Hannah Arendt and Pierre Bourdieu, the paper approaches democracy not as an end, but rather as a process that seeks to lessen social injustice. Bourdieu's work helps us appreciate, however, that this process is constrained by structures of inequality that shape access to the political dispositions that enable such engagement. Consistent with other research on low‐income and marginalized young people, this study found that homeless youth engage with democracy through forms of community participation and mutual support, and are disinclined to orient toward liberal democratic structures such as voting and political parties, which they see as harmful or problematic. With a focus on one particular dilemma faced by the research team—namely, the question of how to make sense of and represent the issue of legalizing marijuana, which had been signaled by the youth participants as of primary political importance to them—the paper uses Arendt and Bourdieu to discuss how participatory filmmaking can help to expand the space of appearances available to homeless youth in Canadian society, and create a space at a shared table of understanding with middle class power brokers.  相似文献   

Out-of-school programs are often adult dominated, with minor involvement of youth in programming. Youth are seen as future citizens, not citizens of the present and expectations are set low for youth’s ability to lead. The combination of low expectations and lack of opportunities for youth to meaningfully participate fails to promote youth development and social responsibility. In contrast, out-of-school programs which act as resilient communities support youth autonomy, social competence, and problem solving skills. This article presents a case study of a resilient community. The findings from this cross sectional exploratory study suggest that this resilient community promotes positive youth development outcomes.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse immigrant integration against the background of German society’s social cohesion. First, we examine the integration process and policies with regard to the integration of first-generation labour migrants into the German ‘national society’ since the 1960s. Even though these ‘guest workers’ were confronted to ethnic and political exclusion owing to the so-called German integration model, they experienced socio-economic integration and, at the local level, some form of political participation. Secondly, we analyse the policies and the integration process of immigrant youth, specifically those of Turkish descent, into contemporary German society, the social cohesion of which is impeded by social exclusion and urban segregation. Our hypothesis is that – in spite of a long-standing refusal to recognise itself as an immigration country – Germany has to some extent incorporated its migrants and achieved an integration consensus, while paradoxically, national integration models in several other Western European countries are currently going through a deep crisis.  相似文献   

This article uses the South African student-led campaign known as Rhodes Must Fall, commonly referred to simply as #RMF, to explore youth activism and counter-memory via social networking site Twitter. The RMF campaign took place at the University of Cape Town and comprised student-led protests, which campaigned to remove the statue of British colonialist Cecil John Rhodes, as activists argued that it promoted institutionalized racism and promoted a culture of exclusion particularly for black students. Through a qualitative content analysis of tweets and a network analysis using NodeXL, this article argues that despite the digital divide in South Africa, and limited access to the internet by the majority of citizens, Twitter was central to youth participation during the RMF campaign, reflecting the politics and practices of counter-memory but also setting mainstream news agendas and shaping the public debate. The article further argues that the #RMF campaign can be seen a collective project of resistance to normative memory production. The analysis demonstrates how social media discussions should not be viewed as detached from more traditional media platforms, particularly, as in this case, they can set mainstream news agendas. Moreover, the article argues that youth are increasingly using social networking sites to develop a new biography of citizenship which is characterized by more individualized forms of activism. In the present case, Twitter affords youth an opportunity to participate in political discussions, as well as discussions of broader socio-political issues of relevance in contemporary South African society, reflecting a form of subactivism.  相似文献   

“80后、90后”是当前备受关注的青年群体,他们正逐渐成为社会的重要力量。近年来随着电视婚恋节目的兴起热播,青年人对恋爱、婚姻的立场价值观在荧屏内外向我们展现出来,而从中透露的有关“80后、90后”的个人发展、社会担当等方面的很多问题是当前时代背景下的一系列社会产物。由于婚恋节目的主要参与者及影响对象是青年一代,通过对婚恋节目兴起及影响的分析,有助于揭示这一现象折射的“80后、90后”的社会心理.从而探讨其反映的我国现阶段青年发展特点.  相似文献   

The transition of foster youth from state care to independent living has received increased research, practice, and policy attention in the United States and in many other countries. Most contributions to this literature have focused on documenting poor outcomes across various dimensions of need in the young people's lives whereas little attention has been given to the policy context in which the responses to those needs are being developed. In this article, we argue that there is a pressing need for better understanding of how the policy context can both promote and impede the development of appropriate services. To illustrate our argument, we use Northern Ireland as a policy case study both because of recent initiatives underway there in regard to youth transitions from state care and because of the heightened political sensibilities associated with it as a society. We draw attention to the socio-political historical context, a number of intersecting social policies, and the place of social work as a key occupation involved in delivering service improvements. We conclude by suggesting that this case study not only highlights the need to address similar aspects of the policy on youth transition from state care in the United States but also demonstrates the benefits of reflecting on policy development and implementation elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

孤独是个体在与他人或社会时空阻隔下的负面情绪体验。青年群体性孤独是孤独在网络社交时代的新样态,反映的是人们在一起的“独处”。它有深刻的技术渊源,当代青年的技术化生存是其产生的前提条件,但单纯依靠技术的工具理性无法从根本上解决人的情感需求问题。破解青年群体性孤独的有效路径不能建立在屏蔽网络社交这一不切实际的幻想中,只能正视技术的客观存在,合理规制其负面效应,基于见面交流的真诚对话重构人际关系以及基于技术理性的主体建构重视人机关系。  相似文献   

This speculative essay examines ‘invisible’ social identities and the processes by which they are manifested and occasionally sought. Using various literary and academic sources, and loosely informed by an unlikely combination of Stoic philosophy and post-structuralist politics, we argue that invisibility is conventionally viewed as undesirable or ‘suffered’ by individuals or groups that are disadvantaged or marginalised within society. Whilst appreciating this possibility, we argue that social invisibility can also be the result of strategies carefully conceived and consciously pursued. We suggest that forms of social invisibility can be acquired by ethically informed personal action as well as by politically informed collective action. In this context, invisibility can be seen as a strategy of escaping from institutionalised and organisational judgements and which presents a challenge to common notions of voice and identity.  相似文献   

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