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未来10年人才需求预测会计类多种类型的经济实体不断涌现,社会对会计类人才的需求将会增加,尤其是熟知专业业务国际事务的会计师将成为热门人才。法律类目前我国各类律师奇缺,尤其房地产律师更会受欢迎。电脑类从事电脑软件、硬件设计、开发、管理方面的人才将走红,尤其是需要电脑程序设计、网络管理专家。环保类工业卫生学者、生物学者将成为急需人才。咨询服务类咨询服务将渗透到社会各个行业,因此,需要融经济、金融、统计、计算机专业知识一体的通才。保险类具有保险专业并通晓其他专业知识的索赔估价员将成为热门人才。老人医学类从事老…  相似文献   

国外老人福利拾趣托老所由新加坡人民协会创办的这座托老所和托儿所办在一起。托老所内设有游戏室、休息室和物理治疗室。有专人指导老人进行物理治疗,医生定期为入托者检查身体。有趣的是,院内开辟一块小菜园,为老人提供适当的劳作机会。敬老邮票1988年印度发行了一枚敬老邮票,票面上用印度文及英文写着“爱护和照顾年长者”。图案的设计富有新意,它用漫画式的笔法描绘一名儿童张开双臂来拥抱一对老年男女。老翁旅馆法国戛纳市老翁旅馆专门为80岁以上的老人服务。内有120间卧室,备有轮椅、手杖、信号显示大号字体、沿墙软垫长椅。服务员热…  相似文献   

This study questions the term ‘East Asia’ by investigating its usage in South Korean mass media and academic discourse about the Korean Wave and by reframing the Korean Wave as a source of new definitions of the cultural geography of East Asia and East Asian sensibilities instead of its current designations as either an empty signifier or a profitable market. Reframing the Korean Wave as a set of seminal iterations of East Asian pop culture includes its multiplicity and historicity, which enables the delineation of the cultural geography of East Asia as neither a unilateral nor fixed topography but rather something that is constantly re-imagined via pan-Asian pop cultures, materialized through actual encounters, and re-invented through shared historic pasts and modernizing desires. Examining East Asian pop culture also helps to illuminate current structures of feeling in East Asia (‘East Asian sensibilities’). The study concludes with suggestions for future collaborative works and theoretical endeavors, which are imperative for the establishment of East Asian pop culture as an object of analysis.  相似文献   

This article proposes and tests a model of British party supportbetween 1953 and 1987, including prime minister's popularity,economic fluctuations, and short-term noneconomic factors. Weargue that public evaluations of the prime minister (PM) havehad an increasingly important effect on relative party popularity("government lead"). We demonstrate that this enhanced linkbetween PM popularity and government lead began in the 1960s,well before the Thatcher era. We also attempt to demonstratethat noneconomic factors (wars, scandals, etc.) exert indirecteffects on government lead through voters' evaluations of theprime minister. The results of this test, however, are inconclusive.We discuss the implications of these findings for our understandingof British politics.  相似文献   

Using the example of "woman athletes," or more specifically, women basketball players, this is a case study in the management of contradictory essential and relational identities. Two types of data are used. Survey data demonstrates member understanding of the social identity of "female athlete"; observational data illustrates the management of incongruent identities on three stages: the woman athlete on the basketball court, the athletic woman attending a formal dinner, and the metamorphosis of identities in the locker room. The results indicate that even though the identity of female athlete is, by definition, deviant, it offers a positive alternative to the deviant identity of woman. However, this study demonstrates that in order for an actor to achieve this identity of female athlete she must be willing and able to consistently manage the dilemmas and contradictions inherent in the role itself. That is, this study demonstrates how female athletes must simultaneously uphold loyalty to both the essential identity of female as well as to the relational identity of athlete.  相似文献   

This qualitative cirtical incident study examines the reactions and coping strategies of prolific family therapy scholars to difficult journal article rejections. Participants provide suggestions for ways to increase the likelihood of publication and to decrease the negative effects of journal article rejection. We discuss the implications of this investigations for the socialization of young professionals, the improvement of the journal review process, and the study of professional issues in family therapy.  相似文献   

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