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The author attempts to demonstrate, using a case study, that the economic behaviour of peasants of Maranhão, Brazil, in spite of the extreme ecological and economic constraints under which they live, may be perceived as a coherent set of decisions. He first precedes to analyse these different constraints: ecotechnical (mostly the time factor), properly economic (the exchange patterns in both subsistence and market sectors), and finally cultural. With this background the author then works out an “ideal strategy” of action (normative model) which he compares with the actual strategies of peasants (statistical model). In view of the concordance of these models, it is concluded that this group of peasants, although even less integrated to a market system than are certain societies of Mexico, makes as judicious an allocation of their resources as the Mexican societies. Par une étude de cas, l'auteur s'efforce de démontrer comment le comportement économique d'un groupe de paysans du Maranhão au Brésil, en dépit de contraintes écologiques et économiques extrêmes qui pèsent sur eux, peut être saisi comme un ensemble cohérent de décisions. II procède d'abord, par l'analyse de ces diverses contraintes: écotechniques (surtout le facteur de temps), proprement économiques (les patterns d'échange dans les secteurs de subsistance et de marché), et finalement les contraintes culturelles. Dans l'ensemble, l'auteur définit une « stratégie idéale d'action » (modèle normatif) qu'il compare aux strategies effectives des paysans (modèle statistique). En vu de la concordance de ces modèles, il est conclu que ce groupe de paysans, quoique moins intégréà des systèmes de marché que le sont certaines sociétés du Mexique, pourrait faire une allocation aussi judicieuse de ses ressources que les sociétés mexicaines.  相似文献   

The approach adopted by François Xavier de Vaujany draws from “structurationist” research in English-speaking social sciences, a current that shares with the sociology of technology a vision of the contextual and negotiated nature of the links between technical and organizational phenomena. Various trajectories in the way organizations use new information and communication technology can be compared; and the role, examined that specific mediators play in the appropriation process. This approach provides stimulating input in discussions about the impact of new technology on organizational change.  相似文献   

The commitment to one's work, with body and soul involvement is a key issue in the study of vocation-driven occupations. In such callings, the aspirations that are socially constructed and experienced as vocations have been shown to provide meaning and direction to one's commitment. However, this study of Paris Opera ballet dancers shows that realizing one's aspirations are impossible to achieve does not necessarily result in quitting, nor retraining. Changes in the way dancers relate to their work are studied using sequential analysis, to examine which social factors may explain how this involvement's meaning is maintained. The analysis identifies some processes of vocation recomposition. Thus revealing, behind the professional careers, the “moral careers” of the vocation.  相似文献   

At first sight, the worktime put in by cashiers at checkout counters seems homogeneous, continuous and repetitive. An empirical study of hypermarket cashiers in France shows, on the contrary, that the time spent working is relatively discontinuous and diversified. It is similar to the time on the job put in by semiskilled workers in industry. What characterizes cashiers' work is their having to manage flows of both products and customers. Their worktime can, therefore, be understood as a compromise that comes out of balancing productivity with human relations, a compromise that sometimes causes conflict. By acquiring an “incorporated know-how”, cashiers manage to fill their assignment.  相似文献   

Their first period of training in penitentiaries provided an opportunity for studying the occupational socialization of French prison wardens. Although the latter soon learn certain aspects of life behind the bars, their talk manifests a mistrust of both the training situation and prison in general. By combining class work outside the detention center and experiences with handling inmates inside, this training presents new recruits with the contradictory admonitions of trainers and corrections officers. A double bind thus complicates learning this trade: whether to follow suggestions about imposing order or to negotiate; whether to accept the penitentiary method or, like the others, consider it to be inefficient or even dangerous. This occupational socialization spawns dilemmas and contradictions; it does not peacefully transmit a predefined occupational role.  相似文献   

Since 1988 when it was founded, the Sud-PTT Union has often used law suits as a means of action in dealings with French postal authorities. Law is a full part of its practices. This is surprising coming from a union strongly attached to a protest tradition and so symbolically hostile to any form of institutionalization. What reasons underlie this orientation? The “conflict of rules” undertaken by SUD-PTT must be seen in relation to a major change in contemporary social strife. The “antagonistic posture” is no longer limited to collective actions but extends to more institutionalized strategies. Not just technical or instrumental, this sort of action aims at bringing pressure to bear on norms and, as a consequence, on the codification of social relations and on ways of living together.  相似文献   

Studies of industrial rationality should be reconsidered given the thoroughgoing changes under way. We have switched from a Taylorist rationality based on Scientific Management, which claimed to fit production into a single viewpoint, to a dissemination of the sources of the directions to be followed and an overall destabilization of any attempt at rationalization, and as a consequence, to a looser sense of rationality even among engineers. But this does not at all benefit wage-earners. Often without bearings, they have to cope with instructions; but have a harder time doing so whenever their organization provides them with few tools for coping and whenever the instructions, or part of them, are contradictory.  相似文献   

Le secteur de l’électronique repose sur une chaîne de production mondiale particulièrement complexe. Les auteurs s'appuient sur des données de la base WIOD pour la période 2000–2014 afin d'apprécier la contribution des pays à cette chaîne de valeur. Ils examinent notamment l'incidence de la crise financière mondiale de 2007–2008 sur son évolution et établissent une cartographie des interactions internationales. L’étude révèle une augmentation des délocalisations depuis la crise financière, la Chine et d'autres pays d'Asie de l'Est étant devenus les principaux pôles de création de valeur. Elle montre aussi que les technologies de production ont connu une transformation radicale, accompagnée d'une montée en qualification.  相似文献   

Dans les pays où les activités informelles et le travail précaire sont répandus, on peut s'interroger sur la pertinence des taux d'activité et de chômage. Pour analyser le marché du travail brésilien entre 2002 et 2011, les auteurs utilisent ici un indicateur multidimensionnel de la qualité de l'emploi, prenant en compte les revenus, l'existence d'un contrat de travail, le fait de cotiser à la sécurité sociale et l'ancienneté dans l'emploi. Les résultats montrent une augmentation significative de la qualité de l'emploi, surtout de 2009 à 2011, avec d'importantes variations d'un secteur d'activité à l'autre, ainsi qu'entre salariés et indépendants.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the co-production of knowledge and socio-economic order in animal breeding. Is it possible to historicise analyses of the actor-network theory (ANT) and to show forms of pairing between knowledge production and sociopolitical order typical of a given historical period? Symmetrically, in an approach based on regimes of knowledge, how do we account for the differences that remain over a given period? Drawing on the differences in the exploitation of animal genetics in three production sectors (beef, pork, chicken), this paper analyses the diversity of the composition of the socio-(bio)technical methods of animal selection and the mechanisms for stabilising these methods. It also explains the relations with factors whose forms of existence do not depend only on local arrangements. In this way, one can move from local heterogeneous agencements to regimes of knowledge.  相似文献   

How has the problem of solid waste and its management become a major socio-political issue in Quebec? Our research identifies the main dimensions of this social question. It presents, on the one hand, quantitative data concerning this subject and, on the other, an analysis of certain recent collective actions that have taken place in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec. Our study shows how such collective actions characterize social conflict and become part of a socio-political issue—that surrounding solid waste and its management. Our research demonstrates that the socio-political issue of waste management is not only a question revolving around the actions of pressure groups, but that it extends to collective action characteristic of social movements. That is why Quebec's garbage cans represent a socio-political issue capable of profoundly influencing society in the near future. Comment le problème des déchets solides et celui de leur gestion sociale sont-ils devenus un enjeu sociopolitique d'envergure au Québec? Notre recherche précise les principales dimensions de cette question sociale en présentant d'une part les données quantitatives sur le sujet et, d'autre part, une analyse de certaines actions collectives récentes, à Montréal et ailleurs au Québec, qui constituent en luttes sociales, puis en enjeu sociopolitique, le problème des déchets solides et de leur gestion. La recherche démontre que l'enjeu sociopolitique que constituent les déchets n'est alors plus une question relevant uniquement de différents groupes de pression, mais qu'il s'étend plutôt à des pratiques caractéristiques d'un mouvement social. C'est pourquoi les poubelles du Québec représentent, à plu-sieurs égards, un enjeu sociopolitique capable de marquer profondé-ment le devenir de notre société.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of institutional entrepreneurs, this article examines the coexistence of different forms of governance within a given economic space. Since the approach based on models of capitalism does not make it possible to account for this institutional diversity on the same territory, a theoretical perspective centred on the innovative action of social actors has been used to explain such a phenomenon. Our demonstration is based on a comparative analysis of two recent cases of transformation of public labour policies in Quebec: outsourcing and labour force training. These two major contemporary employment relations issues which are part of the same environment, have brought into play the same social actors in very similar institutional frameworks and have nevertheless led to contrasting dynamics and results. The actor's autonomy, more than a model, allows us to understand the different institutional trajectories that have thus been adopted.  相似文献   

Les auteurs recherchent les déterminants des écarts salariaux au sein de l'Union européenne selon la position dans la distribution des salaires, suivant en cela la méthode proposée par Firpo, Fortin et Lemieux (2009) et par Fortin, Lemieux et Firpo (2011). Ils expliquent ces écarts à la fois par un effet de composition et par un effet de structure. Ce dernier effet, plus puissant, dépend surtout des facteurs non observés, alors que l'effet de composition peut ětre attribué principalement au niveau de diplôme, à la profession, à la fréquence des fonctions d'encadrement et, dans une moindre mesure, au secteur d'activité.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, partly as a result of accusations of medical malpractice, doctors’ obligations were reinforced; and patients’ rights, recognized. In a lawsuit brought on the grounds of liability, the doctor and his/her qualifications are accused; and the doctor's identity and sense of professional honor, affected. This has serious risks for medical practices and, more broadly, medicine. This research based on interviews with doctors shows that the specialty, type of practice and nature of the establishment expose doctors to more or fewer risks and thus partly determine how they adjust techniques to cope with the risks of a lawsuit. The professional identity (including the values and practices to which interviewees referred) and the consciousness of their symbolic status (related to the place and type of practice) are keys for understanding practitioners’ behaviors. Assuming that a doctor's sense of professional identity is shaped by his/her sense of responsibility, relations with patients and concern for achievement, it is hypothesized that these three dimensions and their possible combinations explain the adjustments, or lack thereof, made by doctors.  相似文献   

The April-June 2002 issue of Sociologie du Travail opened its pages for a discussion of the question of quality. Authors highlighted two mechanisms: “identification/singularization” (a sociotechnical process of co-constructing the quality of goods and services) and evaluation (a process of building up confidence so as to do away with uncertainty about the quality of goods and services). Can these two processes be analyzed together? If so, how to understand their interactions? As the example of managing the water supply and wastewater shows, jointly analyzing these two processes helps us understand the work of “qualification/requalification”. The relation between singularization and evaluation is clarified by introducing the notion of a “regime of government”.  相似文献   

Based on research on state-run companies in China, the reform of Chinese accountancy is examined so as to show the advantages of a sociological approach to accounting. How can bookkeeping interest sociologists? First of all, it has come out of struggles between various parties and addresses social issues. Secondly, it conveys models of reality, in particular of what is and is not a firm. Thirdly, it produces history in that it shapes economic practices and expectations. Finally, there is a high degree of coherence between the bookkeeping system, the form of a firm, the operation of the economy and the management of social questions. These various points turn accountancy into a legitimate subject of study for sociology and provide an interesting approach to analyzing broader phenomena and processes.  相似文献   

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