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微波治疗慢性宫颈炎306例临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彦华 《西北人口》2004,(2):64-64,F003
目的:为了了解微波治疗慢性宫颈炎的疗效。方法:采用微波对306例慢性宫颈炎进行治疗,并观察疗效。结果:宫颈糜烂程度与痊愈时间有关,宫颈糜烂合并肥大者,治疗的有效率为100%。结论:微波治疗慢性宫颈炎,操作简单、副反应少、治愈率高。  相似文献   

慢性宫颈炎是女性生殖器炎症中最常见的一种,发病率约占已婚妇女的半数以上,又是诱发宫颈癌的重要因素。因而,积极治疗慢性宫颈炎对预防宫颈癌的发生,保护广大妇女的生殖健康具有十分重要的意义。目前,我站采用北京产红外光波姆治疗仪对慢性宫颈炎进行治疗,取得了明显疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

刘玫 《西北人口》2004,(6):62-63
应用微波治疗仪加药物对158例宫颈糜烂进行了治疗,了解其治疗效果。结果表明,此法对宫颈糜烂治疗的治愈率为94%,且操作简单、副反应少,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

蒋素华 《当代人口》2000,(4):58-58,61
慢性子宫颈炎是女性生殖器官炎症中最常见的一种,约占已婚女子的半数以上。慢性宫颈炎除影响妇女的健康和受孕外,还与子宫颈癌的发生有一定关系。因此,积极治疗慢性宫颈炎对保障妇女健康有重大意义。我站用波姆光治疗慢性宫颈炎300例疗效显著。现报告如下。  相似文献   

福建省诏安县人口计生局与诏安移动公司联合举办将移动用户的消费积分回赠生殖健康服务的"生殖保健,关爱健康"优惠活动。移动用户本人或亲属可凭移动用户的消费积分,到县计生服务站免费接受微波治疗、阴道镜检查、乳腺检查、白带常规、血常规、肝功能检查等10多个项目的免费服务。该活动的开展,进一步扩大了计划生育服务广大育龄群众的良好影响,促进了部门之间的合作协调发展,为构建和谐社会和创建计划生育优质服务先进县奠定了基础。  相似文献   

我站自1999年10月至2002年10月对20例乳腺脓肿患者采用了穿刺抽脓冲洗、注药治疗,疗效比较满意。  相似文献   

周喜琴 《西北人口》2004,(2):62-62,F003
目的:了解中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎的疗效。方法:随机设置两组各66例。治疗组采用中药熏洗,外用甲硝唑。对照组用清水洗外阴,外用甲硝唑。结果:治疗组总有效率为100%,对照组有效率为69.7%。结论:采用中西药结合治疗滴虫性阴道炎,应推广应用。  相似文献   

张军银 《西北人口》2004,(5):F003-F003
有些患有滴虫性阴道炎的妇女,不能服用西药,作者采用单味大黄煎液治疗滴虫性阴道炎,并对疗效进行了观察,疗效显著。  相似文献   

对口服西药难以治愈的146例妇女月经过多,作者采用中药少腹逐瘀汤对其进行治疗,并对疗效进行了观察,疗效显著,有效率为100%,应推广应用。  相似文献   

慢性病将影响中国经济增长。彭博新闻社的消息称,过去30年中,中国的国内生产总值每年平均增长10%,同时,中国有着超过9000万糖尿病和1.2亿慢性肾病患者,癌症和其他慢性疾病正在侵害中国劳动力大军。中国80%的死亡案例是由造成慢性疾病的非传染性疾病导致的,而全球范围内此类疾病造成的死亡比例为63%。卫生部部长陈竺表示,由于很多因慢性疾病死亡的人在60岁以下,慢性疾病可能影响经济的持续增长。  相似文献   

通过对43例难扩性宫颈受术者在临床上用T形环扩宫的研究证明:T形环用于扩宫更易成功,减少了宫颈粘膜损伤和宫腔感染等并发症发生的机会,减轻了受术者的痛苦,缩短了手术时间,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

In 1998, a multidisciplinary group of researchers investigated women's reproductive health in two rural villages in Giza, Egypt using data from clinical examinations and laboratory tests. In addition, a questionnaire supplemented with in-depth interviews illuminated women's perceptions of illness and the sociocultural context of the community. Examining a random sample of 509 married, nonpregnant women, the researchers found that the vast majority of these women suffer from a spectrum of gynecological and related conditions. Beyond reproductive tract infections, which affect roughly half of the women, genital prolapse afflicts 56% and anemia 63%. Suspicious cervical cell changes (11%) and cervical erosion (22%) in women were noted. Moreover, related conditions were also highly prevalent: women suffered from urinary tract infections (14%), obesity (43%), and hypertension (18%). The team also discovered that two-thirds of women with symptoms had not sought care. Factors other than the physical accessibility, inadequacy in the quality and nature of available health services, and low priority that women place on their health have all contributed to women's lack of seeking treatment. This study suggests that a multidisciplinary approach to medical provision, taking women's perceptions into account is the most effective way to address reproductive health and ill health in communities of the developing world.  相似文献   

We indicate that financial crisis in social security programs might be endogenous because social security affects fertility and human capital's decisions and thus, the aggregate growth rate of the economy. These effects lead to an endogenous erosion of the financial basis of the PAYG social security program so that, as a consequence, the PAYG system is not sustainable and it requires continuous increases in the social security tax rate. I received helpful comments in an earlier version of this paper from G.S. Becker, Larry Sjaastad, two anonymous referees and participants at seminars at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and The University of Chicago. Remaining errors are my own responsibility. Responsible editor: Junsen Zhang.  相似文献   

刘彩琴  曾朝慧 《西北人口》2004,(1):64-64,F003
本文探索负压吸宫术中哌替啶联合利多卡因的止痛效果,250例早孕妇女随机分3组,结果显示:哌替啶联合利多卡因麻醉镇痛有效率达94%,单用利多卡因局部麻醉镇痛有效率67%,对照组有效率6%,哌替啶联合利多卡因在人流止痛效果明显,易于推广。  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in natural family planning (NFP) as the Philippine Population Program enters the 1980s. Much of this interest is due to the realization that, properly practiced, NFP can be a highly effective means of birth spacing. In 1978 the Special Committee to Review the Philippine Population Program recommended that more efforts be made to promote NFP. The different methods of NFP are reviewed. Sex without intercourse, coitus interruptus, and prolonged nursing are not officially recognized as NFP methods by the Program. The rhythm method was first described independently by Drs. Hermann Knaus of Austria and Kyusaku Ogino of Japan in the 1930s. Ogino's method of calculating a woman's fertile period is based on the lengths of the last 12 menstrual cycles which she recorded on a calendar. The advantages of rhythm are that it is inexpensive, it requires only the cost of charts which may be homemade, there are no physical side effects, control is in the woman's hands, and it is acceptable to people who consider it their duty to follow religious teachings. Disadvantages include: keeping constant, accurate records of cycles for long periods of time; the need for perseverance and correct interpretation of the chart; the possible need for medical advice and help; and the fear that something might upset a woman's cycle and change the time of ovulation. The continuation rates of rhythm acceptors in the Philippines are unimpressive. A study of 142 women revealed a high pregnancy/failure rate--25% for a 12-month period compared to 0 with oral contraception (OC) and the IUD's 2%. The basal body temperature method helps determine the unsafe period with some accuracy. Its premise is that there are slight but detectable changes in a woman's body temperature during her cycle. These changes herald ovulation. A special thermometer must record temperature changes of 0.1 degree Farenheit. This instrument and the charts are the only expenses involved. The reviewers of the Philippine Population Program noted that since the end of the unsafe period can be indicated only by the temperature, the total period of abstinence becomes long, although the basal body temperature method gives more or less 10 successive days for intercourse. The cervical mucus method, also known as the Billings method, takes into account the cervical secretions during the menstrual cycle. Appearance of this mucus is an indication of fertility. All that is required of a practitioner is to learn to distinguish the different sensations of wetness and dryness. The disadvantage is that the method becomes ineffective in areas where there is cervicitis or infection of the cervix. The symptom thermal method is the basal body temperature method combined with other NFP techniques and is widely used. With this method an accurate record of the 6 immediately preceding menstrual cycles is established. The start of the fertile period is set by substracting 20 days plus 1. The woman watches for symptoms like pelvic heaviness, breast softness, and mucus discharge.  相似文献   

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