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This article is based upon research in Florida of the older population and its projected need for services. It includes discussion of the method and findings of the study. The focus, however, is on the policy implications for state government that emerged from the research. The data has enabled Florida to examine the experience of its own community care programs in order to help develop a strategic plan for expanding resources, reforming its organization, and improving its performance. In addition to funding and organization of the state's long-term care system, the issue of targeting limited community resources to severely frail elders emerged as a major concern of this research. Although the various states differ widely in history, demographics, and structure, these policy issues should be of immediate concern to each of them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the general evolution of part-time work in the Canadian context and the related scholarship on insecure employment. We analyse the major factors implicated in the expansion of part-time employment and speculate on the further evolution of this form of peripheral employment and its likely implications in particular for women, youth, and older workers. Finally, we discuss the challenge to unions and the state in addressing the question of workers' insecurity and marginalized work. Cet article examine l'evolution generale du travail a temps partiel et ce, dans un contexte canadien, ainsi que les etudes et la recherche sous-jacentes sur l'incertitude marquant le travail. Nous analyserons les pricipaux facteurs accompagnant la croissance du travail a temps partiel et reflechirons sur l'evolution a long terme de cette forme de travail peripherique et ses ramifications aupres des femmes, de la jeunesse et des travailleurs du troisieme age. En dernier lieu, nous aborderons les defis que doivent relever les syndicats et determinerons ou nous en sommes concernant l'insecurite des travailleurs et la precarite du travail.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare cohorts of mothers who had their first children between 1970 and 1999, in terms of their probability of beginning work shortly after childbearing. Using the 2001 General Social Survey, Cycle 15 on Family History, we investigate the effects of women's socioeconomic characteristics on labor force withdrawal. Our discussion focuses on the analysis of the transition as a type of life course analysis. We underline the differentiation of the transition by cohorts, educational attainment, income, et cetera. We show that since the mid-1980s, mothers with low educational attainment are dramatically excluded from the labor market within the two years following the birth of their first child.  相似文献   

Schools are an important community resource that can foster social connections and enhance the health and wellbeing of children and families in Germany through information, health promotion and interventions. While developing social connections between the school and vulnerable families—those who are most limited in their access to other sources of information, education and intervention—is complex and challenging, it is nonetheless critical. This paper reports on the role of Families and Schools Together (F&ST), a school-based intervention aimed at vulnerable families, in building and promoting the social connections, or social capital, that strengthen families and communities. Thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed that programme participants perceived an increase in their social capital in all three of its dimensions (bonding, bridging and linking). The paper highlights the importance of social capital in building stronger, more resilient families and of strengthening relations between parents and schools, and contributes to the sharing of experience and views on matters concerning families in Germany.  相似文献   

Limited information of occupational injury statistics within academic settings exists. Universities and colleges are an important and insightful work environment due to the varied nature of the work performed by employee groups. The objective of this study was to describe occupational injuries for all work groups in a large research intensive university. A retrospective database analysis was conducted on 2029 employee incident reports over a five year period (2000-2004) to determine general and departmental prevalence of injury types, locations, and mechanisms. Demographic analysis revealed an average age of 42 years and 9 years of work experience. Overall, the most frequent injuries were to the hand (40%), were musculoskeletal in nature (42%), and resulted from being "struck or contacted by" (33%). The greatest number of incidents occurred in food services, followed by physical plant and staff services. Closer examination of incidents reported by food services indicated 53% of injuries occurred to the hand and 72% required first aid. Notable too was that 19% of physical plant injuries occurred to the back, but these reports accounted for 40% of total back injuries and 50% of all lost time claims in the total database. Further epidemiological research in academic institutions is needed to better understand the inherent injury risk in this work sector.  相似文献   

In a study of two-location families, we have seen that this lifestyle is not historically atypical. Male-determined two-location families have been established for economic and other reasons. The women-determined two-location family seems to be a relatively new pattern. We suggest that the Women's Movement has helped create a situation where it is possible for women to get more support than men for women-determined two-location families. The sustaining of intimacy in such marriages becomes problematic. Stress may be minimized when there is high career motivation in both parties, acceptance of the wife's career motivation by the husband, high incomes, geographical propinquity, and a long-term marital relationship.  相似文献   

Cet article applique le concept habermassien de la sphère publique à l'examen des relations entre les journaux ethniques et grand public présents à Toronto. En particulier, cette étude analyse les éditoriaux parus au cours de l'année précédant le référendum de 1995 sur la souveraineté du Québec et en explique la couverture médiatique sur la base d'entretiens avec les rédacteurs en chef des journaux concernés. Pendant cette période, tous les journaux, sauf un, étaient antiséparatistes. Cependant, contrairement aux journaux grand public, les journaux ethniques se sont particulièrement attachés à des questions de survivance culturelle. Les approches des éditeurs sur la question de la souveraineté suggèrent qu'on ne peut ni parler de sphère publique unifiée ni de publics multiples et atomisés. Il y a plutôt des sphères publiques multiples - inscrites dans des tempo-ralités socio-économiques spécifiques - qui se recouvrent et se complètent. This article employs Habermas's concept of the public sphere in examining the relationship between ethnic and mainstream Toronto newspapers. In particular, the study analyses editorials in the year leading up to the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty, and draws upon interviews with the newspaper editors in explaining the patterns of coverage. During the specified time period, all but one newspaper was anti-separatist. Unlike the mainstream papers, however, the ethnic presses stressed issues of cultural survival. The editors' approaches to the sovereignty question suggests that there is neither a single unified public sphere nor multiple discrete publics. Instead, there are multiple overlapping public spheres—embedded in particular socio-economic historical moments—that complement one another.  相似文献   

En premier lieu cet article inventorie la litterature traitant des caracteristiques des enseignants, du programme d'etude et des techniques pedagogiques en au-tant que ces elements sont efficaces dans l'education des jeunes indiens et esqui-maux. Par apres, en s'appuyant sur l'ensemble des publications sur le sujet et sur les propres etudes nordiques de l'auteur a printemps 1969 on cherche a savoir jusqu'a quel point ces caracteristiques ideales du professeur, du programme et des techniques pedagogiques se retrouvent dans les salles de cours du nord. II semble que les enseignants autochtones esquimaux, meme avec peu d'entrainement, obtiendraient de meilleurs resultats scolaires que les edu-cateurs blancs durant les premieres annees. Un programme de cette nature de type experimental est maintenant en cours au Nouveau Quebec. Les professeurs esquimaux enseignent en esquimau et utilisent un materiel didactique special. This paper first reviews the literature on teacher characteristics, curriculum, and classroom teaching techniques as these relate to effectiveness in teaching Indian and Eskimo children. There follows a consideration of the extent to which ideal teacher and curriculum characteristics and teaching techniques are found in northern classrooms, based on published literature and the author's research in the north in the spring of 1969. It appears that ill-trained Eskimo teachers might teach the early grades more effectively than white teachers. Such an experimental program is found in Nouveau Quebec where Eskimo teachers using special material use Eskimo as the language of instruction.  相似文献   

Abuse and neglect of older adults occurs in all Canadian communities and solutions require the coordinated efforts of society at large. Amelioration entails more than a legislative approach. Prevention of this growing problem is a social responsibility that requires networking and collaboration between different disciplines in all sectors of the community. This article will discuss elder abuse in Canada from a historical perspective, as well as current legislation, model programs, and research initiatives. It is intended to allow for comparison from the various countries presented in this volume. Hopefully, readers will find some models, or ideas, they may wish to explore or even replicate within their own jurisdictions.  相似文献   

This article identifies a family-centered practice construct for working with children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. The experiences of these families have shifted considerably over the past 30 years. A legislative and historical context provides the basis for an understanding of present policies and practices that influence current approaches to service delivery. Though family-centered practice is emphasized in various practice settings, there is still a need to integrate this philosophy into social work practice with children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. In order to enhance the ability of the social worker to integrate this construct into practice, a framework for exploring the experiences of children, adolescents and families is provided. This framework provides an overview of factors related to the individual child, the family and siblings for the social worker to consider when working with these families. The social worker's role as collaborator, advocate, team member and family resource is highlighted.  相似文献   

Canadian political economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Private foundations control a sizable pool of investment capital. This paper examines the endowment returns of private foundations. Over the 10‐year period, 2006–2015, the top 56 of these organizations fully embraced the “Yale model” of portfolio construction. As a group, they substantially cut allocations to publicly traded stocks and bonds in favor of illiquid alternatives that supposedly offered higher returns and lower volatility. Despite pursuing risky investments in illiquid alternative assets, our study concludes that the foundations were not “paid” for illiquidity in terms of a meaningfully return premium (vs. public markets). Moreover, their annual return volatility, or risk, was similar to either a 60–40 composite index portfolio or a typical public pension plan, both of which had lower equity‐type exposure and greater liquidity. The implication is that foundations can achieve the same returns with better liquidity and/or lower risk with passive investments in broad index mutual funds or similar vehicles. In addition, we estimate the third‐party money management fees of the top foundations to equal 1.43% of the assets for the fiscal year 2016. This 1.43% is a sizable number when compared to the 5% of assets (including overhead expenses) that the federal government requires that foundations distribute each year in furtherance of their charitable missions.  相似文献   

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