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欧洲跨国公司在华投资企业的环境管理及其影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以问卷调查与调研结果为依据,对欧洲跨国公司在中国的环境管理实践进行了较为深入的研究。作者认为,跨国公司的跨国界环境管理体系具有非强制性与指导性,而且就某个跨国公司而言,各地子公司的环境管理目标还因各子公司所在行业与地区的特点而异。在环境管理战略方面,多数跨国公司倾向于选择分散化或当地化的管理模式来适应不同的环境管理制度与环境标准,而不是国际一体化的环境管理模式。作者还认为,中国的环境管理体制与总部的环境管理政策决定着子公司的环境管理行为与环境表现。  相似文献   

秦浩 《经营管理者》2013,(19):183-183
<正>自2011年末起,由国家外汇管理局主导,北京外汇管理部牵头启动了北京地区跨国公司总部外汇资金集中运营管理改革试点工作,这是国内外汇管理体制创新的一次重大探索。通过对管理部门、试点企业及相关金融机构的调研,现将改革试点情况浅析如下。一、试点背景及目的近几年,北京市政府积极鼓励跨国公司在京设立总部,并配套提供金融、税收、专项资金等方面的便利服务,吸引了大批跨国公司在北京设立中国总部,至2011年末已有276家世界500强企业在京投资了616个项目。而跨国公司具有跨国营业特点,其跨境支付和融资需  相似文献   

文章立足于跨境电商发展现状和云服务应用现状,以阿里巴巴为例,介绍基于云服务的跨境电商企业管理模式的构建,从完善法律法规、优化物流体系、加强品牌建设以及培养新型人才几方面,对云服务背景下跨境电商企业管理的优化措施进行详细分析,旨在为相关研究人员提供参考,推动跨境电商企业管理质量和效率提升,为我国跨境电商领域长效稳定发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

跨境贸易人民币结算是我国现行的边境外汇贸易管理政策的内容之一,跨境贸易人民币结算政策的出台及实施,势必将会对我国现行的边境贸易外汇政策产生巨大的影响,所以做到有序的链接,进一步理顺二者之间的关系对整个边境贸易外汇政策效果的实现至关重要。本文将从当前我国边境贸易结算的现状、跨境人民币结算与边境贸易外汇管理政策的差异、跨境贸易人民币结算试点存在的问题以及解决相关问题的建议等方面作出详细的阐述。  相似文献   

跨境电商是一种基于互联网而形成的新型交易方式,是利用互联网进行商品的买卖活动,其在全球范围内逐渐发展起来,有关部门必须构建一套完整的信用管理服务体系来应对跨境电商行业所面临的各种问题,实现跨境电商行业的健康发展。基于此,文章简单讨论跨境电商信用管理服务体系的优势,分析跨境电商信用管理服务体系应用面临的问题,深入探讨跨境电商信用管理服务体系应用的措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

跨国公司外派人员管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在今天经济全球化的商务环境中,国际人力资源管理作为一个全球公司提升其竞争地位的主要战略工具,在跨国公司的多国管理中具有重要的战略地位,正日益受到重视。而有效的国际人力资源管理的一个重要方面就是对海外子公司外派人员的管理。本文将主要探讨目前跨国公司使用外派人员的特点与趋势、影响跨国公司使用外派人员的因素和外派人员的选拔、招聘与培训等问题。  相似文献   

曾国军 《管理科学》2006,19(4):15-21
跨国公司如何制定其在华子公司战略以及战略如何演变已经成为跨国公司研究领域的重要问题.以当地化、一体化为框架,分别对跨国公司战略、跨国公司海外子公司战略及其演变进行研究,以此为基础展开对世界500强在华子公司的问卷调查,研究发现,跨国公司在华子公司可以分为积极型、自主型、接受型和静止型4种类型,同时存在稳定型、成长型、退化型和波动型4种演变路径,76.7%的跨国公司在华子公司具有稳定型或成长型的演变路径.跨国公司在华子公司战略角色演变受子公司选择、母公司决策和环境驱动三方面因素的影响,母公司决策使母子公司一体化程度提高,子公司选择使子公司当地化程度提高,而环境变动对子公司战略角色的影响方向不确定.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国商业银行人民币跨国结算业务的迅速开展,人民币跨境结算业务取得了一定的进展,前景十分广阔。但目前我国人民币跨境结算的业务范围还有待扩大,在发展的过程中也面临着许多问题和潜在的风险,需要进一步分析和解决。针对上述现象,文章从国内的政治、经济、法律环境及国际金融形势等方面分析了人民币跨境结算业务的背景环境,对国内商业银行跨境贸易人民币结算业务所面临的机遇和挑战进行了探讨。在此基础上,提出了加快发展我国人民币跨境结算业务的相关意见和建议。  相似文献   

重要数据的跨境流动引发了数据安全、国家安全等风险挑战。风险路径的识别和分级是对重要数据跨境流动进行预警管理的重要内容。本文基于复杂网络中的二分网络模型,对重要数据的跨境流动进行研究。首先,通过重要数据跨境流动的二分网络和关联网络识别风险路径;其次,构建基于网络结构和接收节点属性的目标风险路径方法以计算其风险值;最后,对我国某重要行业跨境流动的数据开展实证分析,验证算法的有效性和精准度。本文旨在为重要数据跨境流动的预警管理提供量化方法,有效预防重要数据跨境流动带来的风险,提升我国数据治理能力。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和信息技术的发展,跨境电商不断发展壮大,然而跨境物流配送服务却没有跟上跨境电商发展的步伐。跨境物流主要在以下几个方面难以协调:配送、海关、运输、仓储等。需求方国家、国际物流和国内物流没有实现良好的衔接,跨境物流配送服务也难以与当地政策、信息技术、语言习惯、社会风俗等物流环境相适应。当下的跨境物流配送服务的主要方式有第四方物流、第三方物流、集货物流、自贸区与保税区物流、边境仓、国际物流专线、海外仓、国际物流、国际邮政小包等。在未来,如果跨境电商物流配送服务想要进一步发展,就要协调好跨境物流、跨境电商与跨境物流互联网。发挥每一种跨境物流服务方式的优势,将第四方物流作为主要方式,达到本土化操作的目标,强化跨境物流配送服务与我国本土化快递的进一步联系与协同。  相似文献   

经济全球化给更多企业带来了跨国经营的机会与动力。本文着重分析在跨国经营中海外子公司在当地的业务范围如何演化、其发展路径通常受哪些因素的影响,而企业又可以通过做出哪些战略选择来更好地调节其发展路径。通过对辉瑞制药中国公司在1993 ̄2002年期间在华生产范围发展路径的描述和分析,本文提出两个观点。一是在跨国经营中企业通常面临保持公司在全球的业务整合以及适应当地市场具体条件的双重压力,当两者之间存在较大差异时,由于决策者的认知受有限理性的制约,海外子公司的业务并不会按现有文献中所提出的按母公司已有业务从强到弱顺序发展,而是呈现迂回发展的路径。二是企业可以通过对战略变量的参数的选择来调节其海外子公司的业务发展,而这样的参数调节过程有助于企业通过试探逐渐积累关于当地市场的知识,从而在跨国经营的双重压力中获取平衡。通过上述分析,本文希冀对中国企业开展国际化经营提供的启示是当企业在海外扩张中面临陌生的环境时,对当地市场的特性给予足够的关注并保持战略上的灵活性是取得成功的关键。  相似文献   

To understand how multinational enterprises (MNEs) can make the most of an integrated global workforce, we draw upon social exchange theory to examine the antecedents and consequences of interpersonal trust among co-located and cross-border employees. With data from employees of three Greater China subsidiaries of an MNE, we assess the effects of (1) social exchange variables on two forms of interpersonal trust, (2) interpersonal trust on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and (3) individualism/collectivism as a moderator. Reflecting the complex nature of interpersonal trust, our results offer mixed support for our hypotheses. On one hand, a majority of our hypotheses support our contention regarding the positive influence of social exchange in the development of interpersonal trust, and further, in the enactment of OCBs. On the other hand, some of our hypotheses were either not supported or were counter-intuitive to our propositions. With an interesting mix of results, our study highlights the complexity of the trust construct. Furthermore, in the clarification of social exchange–interpersonal trust–citizenship relationships, our study highlights the importance of individualism/collectivism as an important boundary condition.  相似文献   

本文基于A股市场再融资管制环境,检验了A股上市公司股权再融资行为中的市场时机特征及其对资本结构的影响.研究发现,再融资中的市场时机行为显著,表现为两方面:(1)市场高涨时,会有更多的公司申请再融资;(2)申请再融资成功的公司,市场时机适合时融资规模更大.进一步分析发现,无论是申请再融资公司的数量还是再融资规模,市场时机都包括了两部分:一部分是基于股价的时机,另一部分是基于再融资管制政策的时机,后者在配股中约占36%.基于市场时机的更大融资规模导致再融资当年杠杆率下降更多,但由于存在发行价格和规模限制,市场时机对资本结构的 影响短暂.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the antecedent factors of market orientation and the relationship between market orientation and business performance of overseas subsidiaries. The author also investigates whether competitive strategy might affect the strength or weakness of the market orientation—performance relationship. The results of research show that the magnitude of the firm and market turbulence have significance as antecedent factors of market orientation, and competitive strategy can also moderate the relationship between market orientation and performance. Lastly, the results show that the relationship between market orientation and performance has a positive significance.  相似文献   

Organizational Slack and Corporate Greening: Broadening the Debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organizational slack seems to have an ambiguous relationship with corporate greening. On the one hand, excess resources can be used to experiment with new environmental innovations, or potential green market segments. On the other, excess resources can be used to build corporate buffers against pressures for environmental improvement, such as large corporate environmental departments or environmental lobbying activity, and resist changes to the core of the organization. This paper begins to resolve these conflicting arguments by broadening the debate on organizational slack and corporate greening. It builds on recent empirical studies of slack and corporate greening, and recognizes the many potential roles that different types of slack may play in a dynamic decision–making context. Using a theoretical framework suggested by Bourgeois (1981), the paper systematizes and draws lessons from examples of the roles of slack encountered in a recent series of 35 interviews within UK public limited companies. It concludes that future treatments of slack and environmental management should incorporate a more holistic view of slack, which recognizes its dynamic, complex and often contradictory effects on decision–making in organizations.  相似文献   

The choice of a mode of market entry is a critical component of the internationalization strategy, and numerous empirical studies have focused on this topic. Prior research, however, has provided mixed empirical evidence and thus, is difficult to interpret and review.This study examines the external antecedents of the choice of entry mode by meta-analyzing data from 72 independent primary studies. We focus on the decision between wholly owned subsidiaries and cooperative entry modes. For each variable, hypotheses about the theoretically expected direction of effect are posited and tested.We find a strong positive relationship between power distance as a cultural trait of the firm's home country and the propensity to establish a wholly owned subsidiary. On the other hand, we find a negative association between country risk, legal restrictions, market growth, and market size and the preference for wholly owned subsidiaries. We extensively discuss the implications of the meta-analytical results and investigate moderating effects of industry type and the time of the study. The relationship between income level of the host country and entry mode depends, to some degree, on the industry type. Service companies exhibit a negative relationship between income level and wholly owned subsidiaries, while manufacturing companies show a positive relationship.  相似文献   

本文提出一种股票动态投资组合策略,首先通过上升和下降贝塔来优选行业,然后在选择的行业中构造股票投资组合。对于股票投资组合,利用均值方差投资组合模型作为内核,通过引入参考时间窗口和持有期限窗口两个外生参数构建动态的均值-方差模型,并实证检验了模型的可行性。然后再经过多项业绩评价指标对比分析得出动态投资组合策略的收益明显优于被动投资策略,这种动态投资组合策略能够获得部分超额收益并且具有更好的可靠性。本研究为投资者提供了一种定量的投资组合管理方法,并从侧面验证了我国股市的非有效性。  相似文献   

全球营销作为21世纪指导跨国公司在全球市场扩张的全新营销理论和战略构架,得到了管理理论界和企业界的普遍关注.随着WTO各项准入规则在中国的实施,中国市场将在更大的范围内和更深的程度上与国际市场并轨,中国企业融入国际市场、参与全球化竞争已经迫在眉睫.本文主要研究全球营销战略的主要观点、基本模式、整合的全球营销战略--IGMS模型及全球营销及其整合战略的结论及其对中国企业发展国际化战略的启示.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a re-conceptualization of firm internationalization to understand and predict the rapid global expansion of firms since the 1990s, especially those from emerging markets. First, based on a review of existing literature, we re-conceptualize firm internationalization as a heterogeneous process of strategic development of subsidiaries in overseas countries or regions. This re-conceptualization captures the pluralistic character of the process of firm internationalization.Second, we delineate peculiar roles played by subsidiaries in pursuit of multinational enterprise (MNE) headquarters' internationalization strategies. We argue that the HQ's heterogeneous strategies toward overseas subsidiary development define the corresponding roles of subsidiaries, which in turn shape the knowledge-flow patterns within the MNEs. Finally, we link firms' internationalization strategies with different subsidiary roles to generate hypotheses concerning the effect of such links on subsidiary performance. We argue that the proper alignment of HQ's internationalization strategies with subsidiary roles will lead to success of the overseas subsidiaries; by contrast, a mismatch will lead to subsidiary failure. The paper thus contributes to the field of firm internationalization by linking its new conceptualization with the literature on subsidiary roles and knowledge flows in MNEs.  相似文献   

A key challenge facing multinational corporations (MNCs) is how to encourage the development of firm specific advantages throughout the network of subsidiaries while maintaining global coherence. As a result, a critical task for top managers in the MNC is to structure the relationship between headquarters and subsidiaries. Thus, headquarters' control of subsidiary behaviour and performance becomes a central integrating function in the MNC. We examine first the relationship between the nationality of the MNC headquarters and its information management, namely the key performance metrics utilized by the parent to evaluate subsidiary performance. Second, we investigate the relationship between the MNC nationality and its management of managers, specifically, the transfer of parent company nationals and corporate acculturation. These questions are investigated in a study of MNC subsidiaries located in Australia, Ireland and Singapore. Our data provide strong evidence that MNCs of all nationalities place the greatest emphasis on financial metrics compared to other performance metrics. Moreover, there are differences in the degree of emphasis on performance metrics across MNC nationality. We found that Japanese and German MNCs place significantly less emphasis on financial measures than US and UK MNCs. Our hypotheses relating to the management of managers were also supported by the data. In comparison with all other MNC nationalities, Japanese MNCs place greater emphasis on the transfer of Japanese managers to overseas subsidiaries and less emphasis on corporate acculturation. While some researchers have argued that management control has become more isomorphic as a result of globalization, our results show that companies from different nationalities diverge in their practices.  相似文献   

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