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失业是美国社会长期存在的一个严重的社会问题 ,影响美国失业问题的因素是多种多样的。失业救助作为一项解决失业问题的制度 ,在整个美国社会福利体系中发挥着不可替代的作用。美国的失业救助包含两个主要方面 ,即失业保险和公共救助系统。探讨美国失业救助制度的内容和特点 ,对我国具有重要的现实借鉴意义。 相似文献
本文采用2014年和2017年流动人口动态监测数据,探讨了中国省际流动人口失业风险的变动趋势以及影响因素.研究发现:2017年省际流动人口失业风险比2014年高出26%.性别、受教育程度、流动原因、流入地地域等变量对流动人口失业风险的边际影响出现了明显上升趋势.Oaxaca分解结果表明,流动人口失业风险上升的63.67... 相似文献
房价与失业率是社会与经济波动的主要振荡源,已引起政府部门的高度关注。而目前国内外对房价与失业率关联性的研究几乎是一片空白。基于此,本文从中国的实际情况出发,以国内房价与失业率的数据为研究依据,通过协整分析和格兰杰因果检验,对房价与失业率的关联性进行了实证分析。结果显示:房价与失业率存在关联,房价的变动对失业率会产生显著影响,且房价对失业率的短期效用为负,长期效应为正;而失业率对房价的影响微弱。为维持房价稳定和保证充分就业,政府应采取相应的政策措施。 相似文献
Aydogan Ulker 《Journal of population economics》2008,21(2):373-394
This paper examines the role of household formation in providing consumption insurance to the elderly. Using data from the
Consumer Expenditure Surveys, raw tabulations of per adult equivalent consumption indicate that the elderly who live alone
have higher levels of well-being relative to those who live with others. This is misleading, however, because the decision
to live alone is clearly endogenous. The empirical estimation accounts for this endogeneity using data from the Panel Study
of Income Dynamics. The results provide evidence that household formation plays a significant role in maintaining consumption
levels. Without the opportunity to live with others, the welfare gap measured by the difference between per adult equivalent
consumption levels of dependent and independent livers would be even larger. These findings suggest that co-residing with
others effectively supplements social security, pensions, and private savings and helps the elderly to smooth consumption
in old age.
Aydogan UlkerEmail: |
1990年至2000年中国失业率的空间格局发生了很大变化,初步形成了失业率区域分布的“带”、“串”和“圈层”结构。这与我国1990年代的快速市场转型有关,也与工业化和城市化密切相关。多元回归分析表明,市场化变量和工业化变量对于失业率的变迁具有显著影响,不同地区劳动参与率和就业率的变化以及就业的产业结构变化。导致失业率的地区分布出现了很大差异。进一步的讨论认为,失业率的空间变迁反映了中国社会变迁代价的空间分布和社会不平等在整个中国和特定区域的扩大。 相似文献
农民工失业保险需求影响因素研究——基于深圳市农民工调查的分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
根据2008年5月对深圳市农民工失业保险现状与需求实态调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型,定量分析了农民工参加失业保险的主要影响因素。研究结果表明:农民工的文化程度、支出水平、再就业的难易程度、在城市工作的年限、长远打算和对未来生活的预期是影响其参保的主要因素,提出了尽快把农民工纳入失业保险范围、加强农民工的教育培训和拓展就业途径等政策建议。 相似文献
人口城乡结构变动对城镇失业保险需求的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人口城乡结构变动是引发失业保险需求增长的因素之一,本文在对失业保险需求概念及人口城乡结构变动对失业保险需求影响定性分析的基础上,构建了失业人口变动测算模型和失业保险需求测算模型。以陕西省为例的测算结果表明,引入人口城乡结构变动因素时的失业保险需求远大于不引入人口城乡结构变动时的失业保险需求,两者之间的差额从2010年的12.70亿元增长至2020年的31.72亿元,年均递增9.59%。 相似文献
Extracting the causal component from the intergenerational correlation in unemployment 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
Tyra Ekhaugen 《Journal of population economics》2009,22(1):97-113
This paper examines the intergenerational correlation in unemployment in Norway and discusses and estimates two approaches
for extracting the causal component: sibling differences and the use of parental unemployment occurring after the child’s
outcome as control for the unobserved family heterogeneity. Confirming existing evidence, I find a substantial intergenerational
correlation in unemployment. Almost half of this is due to observed family heterogeneity. The causal effect is found to be
statistically insignificant by both identification strategies, but while the estimated effect is negative on the sample made
for the sibling-difference approach, this finding is not replicated on a less selective sample.
Tyra EkhaugenEmail: |
Thomas A. DiPrete Dominique Goux Eric Maurin Amelie Quesnel-Vallee 《Research in social stratification and mobility》2006,24(3):311-332
In recent years a “unified theory” has emerged out of labor economics, which argues that a combination of “macroeconomic shocks” and flexible labor market institutions in the U.S. has produced strong upward trends in wage inequality, while these same shocks have produced high unemployment and low employment growth in Europe as a side effect of the wage stability preserved by that continent's rigid labor market institutions. This paper takes issue with the common view that inequality trends are best explained by a model of stable institutions interacting with changing macroeconomic forces. It argues that European institutions in fact have changed, and that institutional changes which were triggered by the broader macroeconomic forces have affected the form as well as the size of inequality trends. While the U.S. has experienced rising strong skill-based wage inequality, institutional change in France has produced an upward trend in the density of insecure jobs and an increased concentration of low-skill workers in insecure jobs. These results challenge the view that low employment rates is the sole mechanism through which European labor markets have absorbed asymmetric shocks to their demand for labor. 相似文献
失业、待业者就业抉择的家庭推拉力分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
本文以杭州市的调查数据为基础,探讨了家庭因素对失业者再就业行为的影响。研究结果表明:家庭的“推拉力”影响了失业者的再就业行为,相比而言,“推力”大于“拉力”;中年失业者面临在家照顾老人还是外出就业的“两难困境”:“就业依赖族”和“啃老族”的说法欠妥。 相似文献
农民工的生活与消费——对兰州市进城务工人员的调查分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文通过对兰州市进城务工人员的抽样调查发现,2006年,兰州市农民工的月平均收入大约为830元;月平均消费总额约占总收入的66.7%,其中用于衣、食、住、行方面的消费占到全部消费额的75.3%,用于文化娱乐方面的消费额约占其总消费支出的10.1%。总体上讲,农民工的消费水平在城市中处比较低的层次。 相似文献
Lawrence E. Raffalovich Shannon M. Monnat Hui-shien Tsao 《Research in social stratification and mobility》2009
Attention has recently been focused on wealth as a source of long-term economic security and on wealth ownership as a crucial aspect of the racial economic divisions in the United States. This literature, however has been concerned primarily with the wealth gap between poor and middle-class families, and between the white and black middle class. In this paper, we investigate the incomes of families at the top and bottom of the family income distribution. We examine the sources of income and the demographic characteristics of these high-income and low-income families using family level data from the 1988 to 2003 Current Population Surveys. 相似文献
Holidays are central to the rhythm of everyday family practices and consumption, and are often depicted, within both academic literature and consumer marketing, as a defining moment in contemporary family life. To date, academic accounts of the experiences of travel and tourism have been mostly developed outside of the realm of everyday family practices and intimate relations. In this paper, therefore, we advance an interpretation of family holidays as a constituent of everyday family practices. To do this, we bring together three distinct yet interrelated conceptual frameworks: those of family practices, holiday and the everyday. Presenting and analysing data collected from ethnographic research with six families and exploring the themes of anticipation and utopian family practices, we identify how the notion of family holidays can be used a conduit for realising not only relationality between family members but also as a means of easing out the tensions and aspirations of everyday family life, a way to perfect the everyday and also to make it more palatable. 相似文献
目前 ,我国隐性就业与隐性失业并存的问题不容回避 ,劳动就业的市场化进程加快 ,迫切需要建立一套指标体系对劳动就业与失业及社会保障进行科学地、有效地综合定量分析。文章分析了当前就业和失业统计中存在的种种问题 ,提出就业、失业、工资、失业保险、再就业以及职业培训等构成互相制约、互相联系的有机整体。在此基础上 ,构建综合测定就业和社会保障的综合指标体系。 相似文献
We used data on women's first marriages from the Fertility and Family Surveys to analyse the intergenerational transmission of divorce across 18 countries and to seek explanations in macro-level characteristics for the cross-national variation. Our results show that women whose parents divorced have a significantly higher risk of divorce in 17 countries. There is some cross-national variation. When compared with the USA, the association is stronger in six countries. This variation is negatively associated with the proportion of women in each cohort who experienced the divorce of their parents and with the national level of women's participation in the labour force during childhood. We conclude that differences in the contexts in which children of divorce learn marital and interpersonal behaviour affect the strength of the intergenerational transmission of divorce. 相似文献
江苏流动人口家庭生活现状、功能及发展研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于问卷调查数据和深入访谈资料,本文对江苏流动人口家庭生活状况、功能及发展进行定量分析和定性研究.结果表明:研究对象中夫妻双方或夫妻双方与子女共同居住生活在外出工作地的达72.8%.家庭平均年收入为(4.8±3.7)万元,96.5%的研究对象认为其家庭收入能满足或基本满足日常生活开支.家庭总的功能测量结果良好,平均得分为(2.08±0.36)分,但在户口、文化程度、经济收入、居住情况和家庭成员协商解决大事的不同水平之间存在显著差异.江苏流动人口在基本解决生存问题的同时,主要面临着家庭发展问题,具体表现为:(1)技能培训不足,就业渠道单一.(2)劳动强度较大,返乡频率较低.(3)教育功能弱化,赡养功能缺失.(4)家庭保障有限,社会支持不足.为促进流动人口家庭和谐幸福,针对现存问题与发展需求,本文提出了相应的对策建议. 相似文献
解析留守家庭缺损现状:从结构到功能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着社会工业化、城市化的发展,我国农村大量的青壮年劳动力逐步向城镇转移。于是,许多迁出地都出现了不同于传统家庭模式的农村留守家庭。在这类家庭中,成员长期、持续地处于分居状态,家庭核心角色的缺失导致家庭结构残缺不全。本文分析了这一现状的形成原因,并从结构到功能,进一步探讨了农村留守家庭功能缺损的状况。 相似文献
论失业“救济”制度向就业“保险”制度的转型及其政策探析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国的失业保险就其目标定位和运行状况看,基本还是一种“生活保障型”的失业保障制度,其“再就业导向”功能明显不足,甚至严重缺失,难以适应我国劳动力市场不断攀高的失业人口的压力。必须进行制度设计理念的转变和功能调整,按‘就业是最好的失业保险’原则,重构以促进失业者尽快就业和鼓励企业扩大雇佣、稳定就业为导向的“就业保险型”失业保障制度。 相似文献
Subjective well-being (SWB) has two components: affective well-being (AWB) and cognitive well-being (CWB). The present study
demonstrated that AWB and CWB have are influenced by different factors in a nationally representative sample in Germany (N = 1053).
Neuroticism was a stronger predictor of AWB than CWB. Unemployment and regional differences between the East and West of Germany
were stronger predictors of CWB than AWB. In addition, the study demonstrated that shared evaluative biases in personality
and SWB ratings inflate estimates of the effect size of personality. After controlling for this bias, the effects of environmental
factors (unemployment, regional differences) on CWB were stronger than the effects of personality (neuroticism). The results
demonstrate that AWB and CWB are distinct components of SWB and that research findings for one component may not generalize
to the other component. The results also raise important questions about the weighing of the two components in the creation
of subjective social indicators. 相似文献