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This paper examines the effect of employment-supportive policies and arrangements on women’s economic contribution to their family. Using samples of working-age couples in 21 countries we employ multilevel modeling to separate the effects of household and country-level variables on earnings. We distinguish two types of relevant contextual factors: those that support women’s employment while preserving their domestic roles and those that potentially reduce intra-family economic inequalities by allowing women to allocate more of their time to paid employment. The findings suggest that all employment-supportive policies and arrangements increase women’s relative contribution to the household income through their effect on female labor force participation. Among dual-earner families, however, higher rates of childcare facilities increase women’s contribution, while long maternity leave and part-time employment decrease it. These tendencies are more pronounced among mothers.  相似文献   

传统男尊女卑的社会性别制度下,家庭是女性日常生活的核心。但是,最近几十年随着经济和社会发展,出现了农村女性大量流向城市寻求工作机会的现象。研究这一现象的学者更多从户籍制度变革、产业结构调整、个体理性选择等方面去解释原因。在这个解释路径中,相对缺失社会性别视角。社会性别理论——从社区、家庭和个体三个层面具体探问:社会性别机制如何制约和影响女性农民工流动,反之,女性农民工的流动对传统的社会性别制度又会产生了什么样的影响——可以看作是另外一个解释女性农民流动原因的新路径。  相似文献   

Yu WH 《Social science research》2010,39(6):1088-1107
After the burst of its "bubble" economy in 1989, Japan experienced an astonishingly long economic recession whose gravity surpassed any seen in the industrialized world since the 1930s. While this recession is likely to have important consequences on the well-known workplace arrangements and career mobility patterns in that country, systematic analyses of such consequences are nearly absent. This study examines changes in the rates and directions of job mobility in Japan using work history data collected in 2005 from a nationally representative sample of men and women. I find evidence that Japanese firms have largely retained the core elements of the permanent employment system. The norm that stresses men's loyalty to their employers, however, appears to have weakened, resulting in higher voluntary job turnover among male workers. In addition, the gender gap in lifetime mobility processes has narrowed, but not because Japanese women have gained opportunities in the workplace. Rather, economic stagnation has led to greater fluctuations in employment and wages over men's life course, thereby closing the gender gap. Beyond illustrating the changing stratification process in Japan, the findings have general implications for understanding how economic crises impact employment relations, institutional transformations, and social change in advanced industrialized countries.  相似文献   

当前中国的农民群体出现了明显分化,使加入合作社的农民成员在人口统计学特征、农业生产特征和风险偏好特征等方面具有异质性,形成了内部或外部导向、销售或服务导向的差异化参与(入社)动机。通过二元logis—tic模型分析影响合作社成员差异化入社动机的因素发现,持内部动机者比持外部动机者更爱冒风险,家庭农业净收入占家庭纯收入比重更大,规模生产特征更明显;持服务导向型动机者比持销售导向型动机者更倾向于雇工生产,更有可能拥有农业生产设施或设备,更加具有规模生产特征,也更爱冒风险等。  相似文献   

性别话语视觉下父权社会所赋予母亲的"主内"话语特权,源于维护父系社会秩序的稳定需要,实则是话语霸权下的无权。母亲的女性性别由男性话语模塑规范而成,充当的仅是男权文化的代言人。女性欲回归真正意义上的女性本性,就必须建构自己的话语体系,且离不开男女两性的平等与和谐。  相似文献   

基于CVM调查方法,运用实地调研数据,采用Pearson相关系数法和多元回归模型对城乡居民对耕地资源外部性支付意愿的差异问题展开研究。结果表明,城镇居民的家庭年收入和受教育程度对其支付意愿呈显著正相关;农村居民的性别、受教育程度、家庭年收入和年农业收入呈显著正相关,而其年龄和承包耕地面积与其支付意愿值呈显著负相关。另外,在支付方式上,城镇居民选择捐钱、捐物的比例高于农村居民,而农村居民选择参加义务劳动的比例高于城镇居民。  相似文献   

利用2006年全国城乡居民生活调查数据,研究技术工人的不同特征与其阶层认同之间的关系表明,技术工人的户籍、婚姻状况等因素与其主观阶层认同之间的关系不大;技术工人的性别、年龄、文化程度、职业资格等级、收入、从事当前工作的年限等因素则与之关系密切。女性技术工人主观认同的阶层地位显著高于男性;文化程度高的技术工人认同的阶层地位显著高于中低文化程度者;高收入技术工人主观认同的阶层地位显著高于中低收入者;技术工人的年龄、从事当前工作的年限与他们主观认同的阶层地位之间都呈现出一种U形相关状态;技术工人的职业资格等级与他们主观认同的阶层地位之间呈现出一种倒u形相关状态。  相似文献   

Women remain underrepresented in the STEM workforce. We assess explanations for women's underrepresentation in STEM jobs, focusing on a cohort that came of age in the 1980s and 1990s, when women dramatically increased their representation in the scientific labor force. Data are from the NLSY79, and our analysis focuses on members of this cohort who received a college degree, with an emphasis on those who completed a degree in a STEM field. Our analyses test the extent to which college major, expectations to work in STEM, and family expectations shaped transitions into STEM occupations within two years of degree completion. Among those majoring in STEM fields there were no gender differences in transitioning into STEM jobs, though there were sizable differences in transitions to STEM employment by field of study. Of note are gender differences in associations between family expectations and transitions into STEM employment. The most career oriented women, who expected to marry late and limit fertility, were no more likely to enter STEM jobs than were women who anticipated marrying young and having two or more children. The men most likely to enter STEM occupations, in contrast, adhered to significantly more conventional gender ideologies than their female counterparts, expecting to marry at younger ages but also to remain childless. Results of our regression decomposition indicated that marriage and family expectations and gender ideology worked in opposite directions for men and women. Nonetheless, the majority of the gender disparity in transitions into STEM jobs was related to women's underrepresentation in engineering and computer science fields of study.  相似文献   

李宝芳 《理论界》2014,(10):56-59
调查数据表明,"80后"女性总体就业率较高,但也存在一些非自愿性失业。从事职业较为广泛,多集中于第三产业,职位级别有七成以上为普通职员,工作收入总体偏低,工作压力普遍较大。因户籍、职业、受教育程度、职位级别不同,工作压力有所差异,所感知的压力源不尽相同。工作满意度普遍较高,职业、受教育程度、职级对满意度有所影响。阻碍女性晋升的因素中,传统观念和家庭影响显著。提高"80后"女性的就业质量,女性自身需学会对家庭与工作进行权衡把握,需提高缓解压力的能力,另外应倡导用人单位进行人本化管理,并积极推进家务劳动社会化。  相似文献   

Recent research has approached contraceptive use, or “fertility work”, as another household task that is primarily managed by women. Building on the theoretical frameworks of relative resource theory and gender perspectives, this study investigates the association between partners' power (measured as their relative education, division of housework and decision-making) and the choice of male versus female, or no contraception. Data from the Generations and Gender Survey for four Western European countries (Austria, Belgium, France and Germany; 2005–2010) are used to examine the hypotheses with multinomial logistic diagonal reference models. The results show that man's and woman's educational level are equally important predictors for a couple's contraceptive method choice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that households in which the man performs more housework or the woman has more say in decisions are more likely to rely on male methods or female sterilization, rather than on the more commonly used female reversible methods.  相似文献   

王欢 《兰州学刊》2009,(7):109-112
女性、社会性别和全球化之间的关系一直是女性主义者关心的话题。经济全球化是与就业结构的深远变化紧密联系在一起的,在此期间女性就业的转变同样复杂和多样。从社会性别的视角,探讨全球化背景下男女就业参与度、男女失业率、男女收入以及性别分工的变化,这对分析目前全球金融危机中的女性就业问题具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

托妮.莫里森对自己的定位是"黑人女性作家",她多年来也始终围绕着种族与性别这两大主题进行着女性主义书写。在她的八部小说中有七部以女性为主角,而在仅有的一部以男性为主角的小说《所罗门之歌》中,女性人物的形象同样丰满突出。这样看来,读莫里森的小说就仿佛是在看一幕幕黑人女性成长的悲剧。其实,在莫里森的小说中有一条清晰的主线,即在性别与种族的双重压迫之下黑人女性踏上了一条自我追寻之路。莫里森的八部小说围绕着影响黑人女性一生的几大主题因素(美丽、友情、家庭、爱情、母爱、嫉妒、疗伤、女人间的争斗)展开,表现了黑人女性的苦难与救赎。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本。农民工问题的核心是农民工就业问题,农民工就业问题的实质是就业歧视。消除就业歧视、实现平等就业是"推动实现更高质量就业"的题中应有之义。进入21世纪以来,我国农民工政策已经趋向相对公平,但是农民工就业歧视问题至今依然没有得到有效解决。我国农民工在就业准入、从事行业、劳动工资、居住条件、工作环境、工作时间、社会保障和职业发展方面遭遇到了歧视性对待。农民工就业歧视产生的原因主要在用人单位、政府和社会三个方面。要消除农民工就业歧视,用人单位必须转变对农民工的歧视观念,规范劳动用工管理制度。政府需要建立健全农民工信息服务平台,完善农民工就业服务体系;加强劳动保障监察,发挥企业工会职能;建立和完善相关法律法规,加大行政执法力度;逐步改革户籍制度,健全社会保障制度。社会各界共同努力,逐步消除社会歧视。  相似文献   

《Social science research》1987,16(2):138-153
This study analyzes the effects of income on the decision to marry, live alone, or share housing with unrelated individuals. It was found that the effects of income on household formation differed for male and female householders. A positive relation between the income of male householders and the probability of marriage was found. This positive relation was visible for the female householders only for the youngest group. It was also observed that householders tend to choose housemates with incomes similar to their own.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether maternal employment has a lasting influence on the division of household labor for married women and men. Employing multi-level models with 2002 ISSP survey data for 31 countries, we test the lagged accommodation hypothesis that a long societal history of maternal employment contributes to more egalitarian household arrangements. Our results find that living in a country with a legacy of high maternal employment is positively associated with housework task-sharing, even controlling for the personal socialization experience of growing up with a mother who worked for pay. In formerly socialist countries, however, there is less gender parity in housework than predicted by the high historical level of maternal employment.  相似文献   

近年来,我国劳动力市场上对女性的就业歧视现象越来越严重,它不仅侵犯了劳动者的劳动及其他相关权利,而且违背了我国公民在法律面前一律平等的宪法原则及其他体现平等原则的法律规定,具有极大的社会危害性。从当今女性劳动者的就业现状出发,在分析就业性别歧视的概念、判断标准、具体表现以及在立法上存在的主要问题后,提出就业性别歧视的法律应对建议。  相似文献   

家庭暴力,特别是女性遭受家庭暴力是一个严重的社会问题。从马克思主义劳动异化理论的视角看,女性遭受家庭暴力是性别异化的结果,社会性别角色的固定化是主要根源,父权制是最终根源。马克思对异化的扬弃是通过消灭私有制、消灭分工来完成的,因此,根除和减少家庭暴力就必须消解社会性别角色的束缚;提高女性的经济地位;扩大女性的政治参与权;增强女性防暴能力,同时,加强社会对家庭暴力的干预力度。  相似文献   

Previous theory and research suggests that workplace gender composition at the highest organizational levels should play a crucial role in reducing gender linked inequalities in the workplace. In this article, we examine how the presence of women in top corporate positions influences female managerial representation at the establishment-level. Using a unique multi-level dataset of 5679 establishments nested within 81 Fortune 1000 corporations, we find that having more women on corporate boards, but not in executive positions, at the firm-level is associated with greater female managerial representation at the establishment-level. The results also show that women are more likely to be in management positions when employed in young, large, and managerially intensive workplaces, as well as those with a larger percentage of female non-managers. Implications for future research and policy implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

无工作劳动力在无工作期间的生活保障既包括来自家庭外部的社会保险及政府救济等,也包括来自家庭内部的储蓄及资产收入等.由于信息不对称及道德风险的存在,外部保障可能引发"福利依赖"效应而降低无工作劳动力的就业意愿,也可能通过补贴工作搜寻成本而提高其就业意愿;而内部保障则会对无工作劳动力产生直接的就业压力,进而提高其就业意愿,...  相似文献   

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