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Studies on bird fauna of urban environments have had a long history, but the potential of studies mapping the distribution of birds in cities probably has not fully developed. The bird fauna of the municipality of Valencia (Spain) was studied to determine the influence of urbanization on bird species richness and abundance. Birds were censused during winter and the breeding season of years 1997–1998 in 197 squares measuring 49 ha each from a rural and an urbanized area. Across seasons the number of species decreased around 40% in the city compared with the rural landscape surrounding it. Such pattern could be attributed to the low number of farmland species capable to use the habitats inside the city, and the limited ability of urban parks in attracting woodland species. In the urban landscape, the influence of the dimensions and spatial arrangement of habitat patches was outweighed by the amount of each habitat per square. Bird richness and the abundance of most species were negatively related with the amount of built-up habitat per square and positively with the amount of urban parks, and of habitat diversity. Conversely, bird fauna was largely independent of mean park size per square especially during winter, indicating that at the landscape scale even small patches of habitat could play an ecological role. Conservation of urban bird diversity could benefit of two complementary strategies: (i) the protection of the surrounding rural landscape from urban development; (ii) habitat enhancement within the city. Particularly, a proper design and habitat management of urban parks could improve their suitability for urban bird fauna.  相似文献   

Human activities affect both the amount and configuration of habitat. These changes have important ecological implications that can be measured as changes in landscape connectivity. I investigated how urbanization interacts with the initial amount and aggregation of habitat to change dispersal potential, restoration potential, and the risk of spatially extensive disturbances. I used a factorial set of simulated landscapes and subjected each landscape to habitat loss by overlaying 66 different US urban areas. I used a common connectivity metric, CONNECT, to assess the magnitude and direction of changes for a range of dispersal distances. My results show that the relationship between habitat loss and connectivity loss is non-linear and subject to interactions between the spatial patterns of habitat distribution, urban morphology, and dispersal capabilities. The implications of a given urban form vary widely as a function of habitat distribution and dispersal capabilities. This implies that impact assessments, restoration activities, and conservation planning should consider historical habitat distribution when evaluating observed changes in connectivity. While my results clearly show that more aggregated or continuous habitats are more vulnerable to connectivity loss, this approach can also be used to identify landscapes where restoring connectivity will be particularly effective, for example through placement of stepping stone habitats.  相似文献   

Information on the urban flora and vegetation in the industrial new cities in Egypt are insufficient and far from complete. For this reason, this study was undertaken as the first attempt to fill this gap of knowledge. For two successive years (2004 and 2005), a reconnaissance survey was conducted in four new industrial cities: 6th October, El-Sadat, Burg El-Arab and 10th Ramadan; aiming at: (1) recognizing the floristic composition and vegetation structure of each of the studied cities; (2) identifying the main urban habitats dominating the studied cities; (3) comparing the vegetation of the urban habitats at the boundaries of each city, where desert soil merges gradually with the agricultural land, with that at its centre (purely agricultural land); and (4) analyzing, quantitatively, the vegetation groups (plant communities) that characterize the urban habitats. A total of 189 permanent stands in the four cities were selected to represent the apparent variation in the different habitats. These stands were distributed as follows: 49 in 6th October, 37 in El-Sadat, 45 in Burg El-Arab, and 58 in 10th Ramadan. Altogether, 305 species of the vascular plants constituted the main synanthropic flora and the total number of species varied from 171 in Burg El-Arab, 157 in 10th Ramadan, 144 in Sadat and 132 to 6th October. The largest families that formed the main bulk of the recorded flora were Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, followed by Euphorbiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cruciferae, Cyperaceae, Umbelliferae and Solanaceae. Five main urban habitats (from inner city toward outskirts) were distinguished: lawns, home gardens, public gardens, waste lands and desert outskirts. The most species-rich habitat was the waste lands (172 species), while the total number of species varied from 104 in the lawns and 113 home gardens, to 123 in the desert and 133 in the public gardens. Generally, the recorded synanthropic flora within the five main urban habitats can be classified into: (1) cultivated plant species that included ornamentals, hedges, shade plants, fodder plants, vegetables and fruits; (2) canal banks, salinized areas and wetland plants; (3) xerophytic plants of the outskirting desert; and (4) weeds of arable lands. Application of multivariate analyses techniques to 4 floristic data matrices yielded 22 TWINSPAN vegetation groups in the cities, and 26 in the five habitats, clearly separated along the first two axes of DCA.  相似文献   

Urban forest fragments can potentially be ‘habitat islands’ for native birds, but pedestrian traffic could influence the composition and conservation value of their bird assemblages by reducing the representation of disturbance-sensitive species. Winter bird assemblages and pedestrian traffic rates were documented in twelve forested parks in suburban Melbourne, Australia. Native birds comprised 87% of sightings, but two exotic species were common. Bird species' distribution among the parks was significantly nested. However, park rank orders for bird assemblage nestedness and mean pedestrian traffic rate were not correlated and only one species' distribution was nested with respect to this variable. The observed correlation between park area and bird assemblage nestedness may have been partly due to passive sampling. Degree of isolation of parks influenced nestedness less than park area. Forested parks provided habitat for species that occur at intermediate to low densities in other suburban habitats and for ecological specialists otherwise rare in suburbia. Larger parks contained more species than, and many of the native species found in, smaller parks. However, smaller parks each had 25% of the native bird species inhabiting the suite of fragments and thus had both aesthetic value and some potential to enhance city-dwellers' awareness about biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are principal causes for population declines and the loss of biodiversity across the globe. In the United States, tropical hardwood hammock is a threatened forest ecosystem that occurs only in extreme south Florida, primarily on the Florida Keys archipelago. This rare forest type is characterized by high plant diversity that is strongly influenced by tropical, mast-producing trees and shrubs of West Indian origin. Tropical hardwood hammocks in the Florida Keys provide important habitat for resident and migratory birds, particularly Neotropical species that rely on suitable stopover habitat during migration. The Florida Keys are under intense development pressure, particularly in higher elevation sites where tropical hardwood hammock occurs. With exception of a survey completed during 1991 in the Upper Keys, information regarding habitat loss and current coverage, conservation status, and how best to conserve remaining patches of this rare forest habitat are lacking. We used a Geographic Information Systems approach to assess the extent of loss and fragmentation of tropical hardwood hammock in the upper Keys during 1991–2004, quantify area and number of hammock patches under private ownership and in conservation status throughout the Florida Keys as of 2004, and evaluate strategies to most effectively conserve large blocks of remaining tropical hardwood hammock. Total remaining hammock habitat throughout the Keys encompassed 3,712 ha and hammock habitat declined by 31% in the upper Keys during 1991–2004. Hammock habitat in the upper Keys encompassed 1,962 ha among 124 habitat patches (median = 1.5 ha, range = 0.1–205.7 ha), of which 1,066 ha (54%) were under conservation status. Hammock habitat in the lower Keys encompassed 1,750 ha among 102 patches (median = 4.4 ha, range = 0.3–96.3 ha), of which 1,283 ha (73%) were protected under conservation status. Approximately 37% of total remaining hammock habitat remained unprotected. However, our analyses revealed that many unprotected areas >20 ha were contiguous with protected hammocks. Safeguarding 22 partially protected patches >20 ha (17% of remaining patches) would protect an additional 750 ha of hammock habitat, which represents 55% of all remaining unprotected hammock habitat in the Keys, and would increase the mean patch size of these larger forest patches from 55 to 89 ha. Consequently, strategically focusing conservation efforts on remaining forest patches of tropical hardwood hammock >20 ha in size and contiguous to existing protected areas represents the most effective use of conservation dollars and would provide greater ecological benefits than conservation of small patches of highly fragmented habitat.  相似文献   

We investigated the species composition of a fragmented forest in Nishinomiya Shrine, southeastern Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Two escaped ornamental species, Trachycarpus fortunei and Ligustrum lucidum, and bird-dispersed deciduous trees were invading the evergreen broadleaf forest. Invasive and bird-dispersed deciduous species were most abundant along the outer edge of the forest. In 2005, restoration measures were taken to remove all individuals of T. fortunei from the forest. We estimated that, biomass density and leaf area index (LAI, leaf area per unit ground area) of T. fortunei were 0.23 kg m−2 and 0.77, respectively, which accounted for 8.9% and 27.9% of the biomass density and LAI, respectively, of the entire forest. After removal, canopy openness increased in the understory. However, the understory lacked seedlings and saplings of native species, indicating that active re-vegetation may be needed to accelerate reestablishment of native species in areas that were heavily invaded by T. fortunei. This study represents one of the first examples of active vegetation management in shrine/temple forests in Japan.  相似文献   

Brownfield sites contribute significantly to urban biodiversity due to their high spatio-temporal dynamics and their transient character. Plant species richness is, among other factors, contingent on vegetation structure. In this study, we examined plant species richness, vegetation height, vegetation density and soil parameters of a chronosequence of urban brownfield sites in Bremen and Berlin, Germany. These parameters were linked to successional age using single and multiple linear regression. Most biotic and abiotic variables differed significantly between sites with and without brick rubble in the soil, indicating a strong effect of site history on vegetation development. Soil parameters of the sites were not clearly linked to site age. Vegetation height and density increased significantly over time. Additionally, height and density increased with soil phosphorus content and water permeability of the soil, whilst plant available water only contributed to the model of vegetation density. Species richness increased with vegetation height but decreased with vegetation density. This indicates that species richness is maximised when a community comprises a mixture of early and mid-successional species. The results suggest that high plant species richness on sandy brownfield sites can be achieved by strong disturbances at an interval of 5 (±2) years. However, limiting soil resources can prolong this interval considerably. Management aiming to maximise plant species richness in urban brownfield sites should therefore take into account the interplay between soil resources and site age.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that there is a paradox in the managerial attempt of the South African Peace Park Foundation, to foster cohesion within the development of Trans Frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in southern Africa by focusing on community participation and development. Cohesion is mainly found at the level of the elite – both European and African – promoting the idea of the TFCAs, which provides them with opportunities to develop ‘Super‐African’ identities, based on identifying with nature and the landscape rather than the nation‐state. The imagery about the African landscape on which this process is based has its roots in colonial and primitivist discourse on Africa and Africans which includes Africans in the concept of landscape, but only if apparently unadulterated by modernity. This ultimately presents a problem for the TFCA development and its aim to develop local communities: if local people would indeed economically develop, with all the material consequences, they would no longer belong in the inclusive European aesthetics of the African landscape.  相似文献   

The relationships among mastery and frequency ofmanagerial behaviors, and subunit effectiveness havefrequently been confused. This study investigates bothmain and interactive effects. The results show that the interaction effect can often be thestrongest effect and that increasing frequency withoutimproving mastery can sometimes be detrimental.Furthermore, these results offer a possible explanation as to why research of managerial behavior hasbeen so inconclusive. In addition, the results questionpopular advice given often to managers. Finally, somerecommendations are made as to how management development could be made more effective basedon the results of this study.  相似文献   

Water quality trading (WQT) is a market arrangement in which a point-source water polluter pays farmers to implement conservation practices and claims the resulting benefits as credits toward meeting a pollution permit. Success rates of WQT programs nationwide are highly variable. Most of the literature on WQT is from an economic perspective emphasizing property rights, transaction costs, and the role of the price signal, but this institutional approach cannot fully account for the differential success rates between and within WQT programs. In this paper I turn to the role of social embeddedness and trust in helping explain these variable outcomes. Using interview data from all WQT programs nationwide I demonstrate that differential success rates between, and particularly within programs is largely determined by the presence or absence of a trusted local intermediary with relationships to the farming community. Trust helps WQT programs succeed because it makes information more credible to farmers, makes outreach to farmers more efficient, and buffers the risk that farmers may perceive in participating in the trading scheme.  相似文献   

Urbanization and development are predicted to increase considerably in the United States over the next several decades, and this is expected to result in large-scale habitat loss, fragmentation and loss of wildlife species. Thus, natural parks and preserves are becomingly increasingly important in the conservation of regional biodiversity. We used mist-nets and AnabatII acoustic detectors to survey bats in 10 national parks in the southeastern U.S. and examined the relationship between bat community structure and development in the surrounding 5 km. We predicted that species richness would increase with park size and that species richness and evenness would decrease with development. Species richness was not related to development or any other landscape characteristics including park size. In contrast, species evenness declined with increasing development. Percent Developed land in the surrounding 5 km area was the only variable that entered into the stepwise regression model. The decrease in species evenness in the urban parks was due to the dominance of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in these parks. The percentage of big brown bats in our captures was positively related to percent Developed land in the surrounding area. Our data suggest that urban parks may be important for conserving regional bat biodiversity. However, the low species evenness in these parks suggests that some bat species may be susceptible to the effects of urbanization and may be extirpated over time. Thus, management of urban as well as rural parks should strive to conserve as much bat roosting and foraging habitat as possible.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat use of Columbian black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, at 3 spatial scales: (1) placement of the annual home range within the landscape mosaic, (2) annual and seasonal locations of deer within the annual home range, and (3) short-term use of critical habitats (fawning areas) within seasonal ranges. Annual home range sizes of deer were 162 ha (SD = 133; 95% minimum convex polygon; MCP) and 266 ha (SD = 228; 95% adaptive kernel; AK) for does, and 756 ha (SD = 290; MCP) and 1,235 ha (SD = 382; AK) for bucks. Home range composition of does did not differ from the study area; home ranges of bucks contained more Natural ecological land-use cover types (ELUs) than did the study area. Within home ranges, both does and bucks used Natural ELUs more often than expected by their occurrence in the home range, both annually and seasonally. During the fawning season, does were also found in Natural ELUs more often than expected. Clark County-designated habitat corridors differed from both the study area and deer home ranges in habitat composition, primarily by containing more Natural and other undeveloped ELUs. Deer were located in habitat corridors more than expected. Deer in urban areas appear to use undeveloped habitat types for security. Management that maintains Natural ELUs, such as establishment of wildlife corridors, can provide important habitat components for black-tailed deer in urban habitats.  相似文献   

The need for individuals to increase retirement savings has been widely promoted, yet our understanding of the motivations of individuals to save at a higher rate remains sparse. This paper reports the findings of a survey of 2300 retirement savings fund members and their motivations to contribute more to savings and to actively manage their investment strategy. Utilising the theory of planned behavior, the study reveals respondent’s self-reported attitudes, subjective norms and perceptions of behavioral control account for a high proportion of the variance in behavioral intention. Contrary to expectations, the study finds that respondent’s risk tolerance adds little to the prediction of behavioral intention. By contrast, perceptions of planning importance and self-assessed planning preparedness (domain knowledge) are found to exert powerful indirect influences on behavioral intentions via the perceived behavioral control construct. This novel finding confirms the relevance of planning constructs and financial literacy to an understanding of retirement savings behavior, and establishes a need to improve levels of financial literacy in society.  相似文献   

 In this paper we introduce harmonic analysis (Fourier series) as a tool for characterizing the existence of Nash equilibria in two-dimensional spatial majority rule voting games with large electorates. We apply our methods both to traditional proximity models and to directional models. In the latter voters exhibit preferences over directions rather than over alternatives, per se. A directional equilibrium can be characterized as a Condorcet direction, in analogy to the Condorcet (majority) winner in the usual voting models, i.e., a direction which is preferred by a majority to (or at least is not beaten by) any other direction. We provide a parallel treatment of the total median condition for equilibrium under proximity voting and equilibrium conditions for directional voting that shows that the former result is in terms of a strict equality (a knife-edge result very unlikely to hold) while the latter is in terms of an inequality which is relatively easy to satisfy. For the Matthews [3] directional model and a variant of the Rabinowitz and Macdonald [7] directional model, we present a sufficiency condition for the existence of a Condorcet directional vector in terms of the odd-numbered components of the Fourier series representing the density distribution of the voter points. We interpret our theoretical results by looking at real-world voter distributions and direction fields among voter points derived from U.S. and Norwegian survey data. Received: 7 July 1995 / Accepted: 14 May 1996  相似文献   

Between 31 and 46% of youth with histories of foster care placement were homeless at least once. Studies of the incidence of runaway behavior have identified a host of risk factors associated with running away from foster care placement, but less is known about the internalized processes of these individuals at risk for running away or the contextual experience surrounding it. This study is designed to investigate the representations made by individuals who have engaged in running away to uncover and explore thematic patterns. Accordingly, a secondary analysis was performed on data from four group interviews (n?=?15) collected from youth under the care of one child protective services (CPS) agency-operated emergency shelter setting, using thematic content analysis by two independent reviewers. Codes were networked and themes that emerged were discussed through a framework of power dynamics. Themes around the participants’ perceptions of homelessness, lack of control, and their resistance to authority were all identified as contributory to the theme of running away. The act of running away is, therefore, framed as a threshold event representing a multifaceted phenomenon combining perceptions of self-identity, conflict, and power in the home.  相似文献   

Direct applications of remote sensing thermal infrared (TIR) data in landscape ecological research are rare due to limitations in the sensors, calibration, and difficulty in interpretation. Currently there is a general lack of methodology for examining the relationship between land surface temperatures (LST) derived from TIR data and landscape patterns extracted from optical sensors. A separation of landscapes into values directly related to their scale and signature is a key step. In this study, a Landsat ETM+ image of Indianapolis, Unites States, acquired on June 22, 2000, was spectrally unmixed (using spectral mixture analysis, SMA) into fraction endmembers of green vegetation, soil, high albedo, and low albedo. Impervious surface was then computed from the high and low albedo images. A hybrid classification procedure was developed to classify the fraction images into seven land use and land cover (LULC) classes. Using the fractional images, the landscape composition and pattern were examined. Next, pixel-based LST measurements were correlated with the landscape fractional components to investigate LULC based relationships between LST and impervious surface and green vegetation fractions. An examination of the relationship between the LULC and LST maps with landscape metrics was finally conducted to deepen understanding of their interactions. Results indicate that SMA-derived fraction images were effective for quantifying the urban morphology and for providing reliable measurements of biophysical variables. LST was found to be positively correlated with impervious surface fraction but negatively correlated with green vegetation fraction. Each temperature zone was associated with a dominant LULC category. Further research should be directed to the theoretical and applied implications of describing such relationships between LULC patterns and urban thermal conditions.
Dengsheng LuEmail:

This paper aims to advance debates in youth studies about the contemporary relevance of social structures of class, race and gender to the formation of youth subcultures. I demonstrate how drawing on a cultural class analysis and education literature on learner identities and performativity can be productive in theorising the continued significance of class, and indeed also race and gender in young people's lives. In examining school-based friendships and (sub)cultural forms through empirical research in urban schools, I argue that not only are young people's subcultural groups structured by class, race and gender but also they are integral to the production of these identities. By examining the discursive productions of two school-based subcultures as examples: the ‘Smokers’ and the ‘Football’ crowd, I further argue that these identity positions embody resources or capitals which have differing value in the context of the urban school and thus demonstrate how race, class and gender privilege are maintained and reproduced through youth subculture.  相似文献   

Evaluators often neglect to question whether a program has been appropriately designed for a new context prior to a feasibility study’s commencement. In this paper, we document the results of a case study that closely examined context when determining the feasibility of implementing a FoodShare outreach program in rural northern Wisconsin. Using community-based participatory mixed methods, we examine how stakeholder engagement led to both study refinement and a more comprehensive understanding of community food security based on contextual factors and systems thinking. Lessons learned when conducting feasibility studies from this perspective are provided to improve evaluation practice.  相似文献   

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