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幸福江阴建设5年多来.已探索出了一条科学发展、转型发展的新路.幸福江阴建设体现以人为本的执政理念也受到中央主流媒体的持续关注。9月4日,《对话》栏目锁定江阴.邀请专家学者、基层干群交流关于幸福的故事.畅谈幸福江阴的民生实践。  相似文献   

追求人民幸福是党历史使命,江苏省江阴市在践行科学发展观的实践活动中,提出了“五民五好”的”幸福江阴”建设目标,取得了较好的成效,改善了民生提高了百姓的幸福指数。“幸福江阴建设的实践”给我们许多重要的启示,要提高百姓的幸福感就要做到:理念转变是前提,满足百姓精神需求是关键,转变经济发展方式是基础保证,推动社会公共服务城乡一体是重点,建立全覆盖的、统一的社会保障体系是支撑。  相似文献   

根据江阴市委、市政府的要求,在2007年全市机关考核中.“幸福江阴”作为重要的考核指标首度列入全市机关工作综合考核体系。在全国各地.GDP崇拜之所以顽固,主要原因在于政绩考核机制。幸福江阴的实践,直接触及了问题的核心。复杂的幸福指数纳入政绩考核体系,这是一个积极的探索。江阴的试验,无论成败都具有标本价值。  相似文献   

王运宝 《决策》2007,(11):18-20
10月20日,十七大召开期间,求是《小康》杂志社、国家统计局与江阴市共同在北京举办"科学发展在江阴--幸福江阴高层论坛",这是继去年7月,江阴在北京召开幸福江阴研讨会后的又一次重要会议.  相似文献   

归宿 《领导文萃》2013,(5):28-31
中美战略互疑.似乎已成了当前中美关系中一个热点名词和课题。北京大学国际关系学院院长王缉思和美国布鲁金斯学会约翰·桑顿中国中心主任李侃如在共同发表的《中美战略互疑:解析与应对》报告中指出,中美双方对彼此的认识、  相似文献   

幸福是没有终点的信仰追求,承认"伪幸福"只是一个起步,是一种正视现状的开始。这个起点降得越低,将来达到的幸福指数可能会越高。这代表着一种谦卑的意识,政府应该从这种谦卑意识出发,来努力帮助人民实现总理说的幸福与尊严。  相似文献   

眼下,随着一个个项目的建成投产、一个个民生工程的落成使用、一项项惠民措施的贯彻实施。无论是县城还是乡村,遂平人脸上的笑容都洋溢着发自内心的自豪和幸福。  相似文献   

筱陈 《领导文萃》2011,(14):128-129
有这么一个故事:在巷口修车的大爷与一位教授聊天时,面带微笑地说,我比你幸福。教授不惑地问“为什么”?大爷说,你虽然有三个儿子,他们都富有才华,但他们都不在你的身边。我的孩子在常人的眼里都不成器,女儿在巷口开个小卖部,  相似文献   

2月22日。广州市长万庆良出席市十三届人大六次会议记者招待会并回答记者提问,妙解“幸福广州”深刻内涵,回应热点问题。  相似文献   

马立诚 《领导文萃》2011,(10):118-124
近来,海内外学者激辩“中国模式”,意见五花八门,著作不下百种。这场大辩论围绕几个问题展开,本文盘点中外20本著作,看看究竟孰是孰非?  相似文献   

在组织管理中,上行信任和下行信任都是对员工情绪、态度有重要影响的信任类型,而下属对上级信任的感知(Felt trust)是近年来才兴起的另一种重要信任类型,被认为是唤起员工知觉的重要前提。员工感知被上级信任主要包含上级对下属的依赖(Reliance)感知、上级对下属的信息透露(Disclosure)感知。本文借助351份三阶段纵向数据样本,研究发现:(1)下属感知到上级的依赖与下属感知到的角色负荷(工作压力)显著正相关;下属感知到上级的信息透露与下属感知到的角色负荷(工作压力)显著正相关;(2)下属感知到的角色负荷和工作压力在以上关系中发挥中介作用;(3)规范强度在感知上级依赖与下属的角色负荷感知(工作压力感知)之间起调节作用,即下属所在组织对服从上级、忠诚于上级越强调,也即规范强度越强,感知上级依赖与下属的角色负荷感知(工作压力感知)之间的作用越会得到增强;规范强度在感知上级信息透露与下属的角色负荷感知(工作压力感知)之间起调节作用,即下属所在组织对服从上级、忠诚于上级越强调,也即规范强度越强,感知上级信息透露与下属的角色负荷感知(工作压力感知)之间的作用越会得到增强。研究结果对于"被信任也可能付出代价以及为什么会付出代价"的问题提供了一个新的解释,也使管理者真正清楚"信任作为一种策略用于管理员工,对员工而言未必总是好的,也有可能引致员工的工作压力和角色负荷,甚至情绪耗竭"。  相似文献   

在长期的地方领导工作实践中,我深深体会到,真正做好取信于民的民情调查工作,必须通过领导干部直接到群众中听取意见、帮助群众解决实际问题的方式,实行干部与群众新的"三同"(即同吃、同住、同劳动),才能有力地促进各级领导干部转变观念、改进作风,真正做到想群众之所虑、急群众之所难、谋群众之所求,基层工作中的许多疑难问题也往往会迎刃而解.用民情调查这把"金钥匙",可以打开基层工作和群众生产生活中许多热点、难点问题之锁.从株洲近几年的实践情况来看,领导干部做好民情调查工作要把握好以下三个关键.  相似文献   

Although identity research in organizations has increased in recent years, none of the current perspectives has examined the role of emotion for understanding how individuals construct and enact professional identity. In this paper we examine how emotions affect the development, conduct and meanings of professional identity among a sample of 20 doctor managers from two Spanish hospitals. While not excluding other approaches, we found that a social identity approach was especially useful. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, our results provide new insights about how, in a work setting, emotions prioritize awareness of identity issues that need attention. Second, we discuss the role of emotions for understanding complex role identities by reference to the enactment of different sides of doctor managers' identities. Third, we show how our analysis of the findings may be used to embellish the social identity approach.  相似文献   

Feeling at Risk Matters: Water Managers and the Decision to Use Forecasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experts contend that weather and climate forecasts could have an important role in risk management strategies for community water systems. Yet, most water managers make minimal use of these forecasts. This research explores the determinants of the use of weather and climate forecasts by surveying managers of community water systems in two eastern American states (South Carolina and the Susquehanna River Basin of Pennsylvania). Assessments of the reliability of weather and climate forecasts are not driving their use as water managers who find forecasts reliable are no more likely to use them than are managers who find them unreliable. Although larger systems and those depending on surface water are more likely to use forecasts for some (but not all) purposes, the strongest determinant of forecast use is risk perceptions. Water managers who expect to face problems from weather events in the next decade are much more likely to use forecasts than are water managers who expect few problems. Their expectations of future problems are closely linked with past experience: water managers who have had problems with specific types of weather events (e.g., flood emergencies) in the last 5 years are likely to expect to experience problems in the next decade. Feeling at risk, regardless of the specific source of that weather-related risk, stimulates a decision to use weather and climate forecasts.  相似文献   

This study explored the career adaptability profiles and corresponding characteristics with a person-centered method as well as the correlation between career adaptability and various antecedents such as supervisor feedback setting and person-organization (P–O) fit, and outcomes such as psychological safety and self-efficacy. We employed a convenience sampling technique to invite more than 1000 employees from five provinces in China in 2 studies. There are 535 valid questionnaires in Study 1 and 377 valid questionnaires in Study 2. We performed latent profile analysis (LPA) using Mplus 7.31. For the antecedents, we ran the three-step estimation (R3STEP) command. In terms of outcomes, Binary Coded Hexadecimal (BCH) analysis was conducted. LPA identified four career adaptability profiles, namely, optimal, high, moderate, and low career adaptability. The four different profiles varied in the level, but not the shape. These profiles were predicted by antecedents of supervisor feedback environment and P–O fit, and these profiles impacted psychological safety and self-efficacy. We used a new approach to better understand career adaptability under the framework of career construction theory. A person-centered method, compared with a variable-centered approach, can elucidate the interactions among four dimensions of career adaptability in an employee. Thus, we demonstrated that (1) various career adaptability profiles at work generally do not consistently occur, and (2) latent profiles can distinguish antecedents from outcomes.  相似文献   

A number of investigators have explored the use of value of information (VOI) analysis to evaluate alternative information collection procedures in diverse decision-making contexts. This paper presents an analytic framework for determining the value of toxicity information used in risk-based decision making. The framework is specifically designed to explore the trade-offs between cost, timeliness, and uncertainty reduction associated with different toxicity-testing methodologies. The use of the proposed framework is demonstrated by two illustrative applications which, although based on simplified assumptions, show the insights that can be obtained through the use of VOI analysis. Specifically, these results suggest that timeliness of information collection has a significant impact on estimates of the VOI of chemical toxicity tests, even in the presence of smaller reductions in uncertainty. The framework introduces the concept of the expected value of delayed sample information, as an extension to the usual expected value of sample information, to accommodate the reductions in value resulting from delayed decision making. Our analysis also suggests that lower cost and higher throughput testing also may be beneficial in terms of public health benefits by increasing the number of substances that can be evaluated within a given budget. When the relative value is expressed in terms of return-on-investment per testing strategy, the differences can be substantial.  相似文献   

Reducing pollutant emissions and promoting sustainable mobility solutions, including Public Transport (PT), are increasingly becoming key objectives for policymakers worldwide. In this work we develop an optimal vehicle scheduling approach for next generation PT systems, considering the instance of mixed electric / hybrid fleet. Our objective is that of investigating to what extent electrification, coupled with optimal fleet management, can yield operational cost savings for PT operators. We propose a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) to address the problem of optimal scheduling of a mixed fleet of electric and hybrid / non-electric buses, coupled with an ad-hoc decomposition scheme aimed at enhancing the scalability of the proposed MILP. Two case studies arising from the PT network of the city of Luxembourg are employed in order to validate the model; sensitivity analysis to fleet design parameters is performed, specifically in terms of fleet size and fleet composition. Conclusions point to the fact that careful modelling and handling of mixed-fleet conditions are necessary to achieve operational savings, and that marginal savings gradually reduce as more conventional buses are replaced by their electric counterparts. We believe the methodology proposed may be a key part of advanced decision support systems for policymakers and operators that are dealing with the on-going transition from conventional bus fleets towards greener transport solutions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the emotion of disappointment in organizations and develops a new line of theorizing inspired by psychoanalytic object‐relations theory. Existing literature frames disappointment as a threat to organizational effectiveness, as both a response and an anticipation of failure and as an emotion that needs to be managed in order to prevent it from damaging organizational morale and performance. This only captures part of the complexity of disappointment and leaves unexplored its potential contribution to organizational and individual learning and even creativity. The paper develops a theoretical framework which depicts disappointment in three configurations or positions, and it establishes the potential of disappointment acting as an integrative emotion within organizations. The framework accounts for an apparent contradiction in organizational members' experience of disappointment – that it is, at the same time, seen as ‘of little concern’ to individuals, and yet viewed as capable of undermining stability and destroying positive feelings. The paper shows how disappointment is connected to the dynamics of blame in organizations but, when fully appreciated, can offer a way of moving beyond these dynamics by recognizing partial failure within an organization and turning it into the basis for organizational learning.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented that intra‐group respect fosters individual engagement with work teams or organizations. The authors extend this work by empirically distinguishing between perceived inclusion of the self in the team and perceived value of the self for the team as separate psychological consequences of respect. Based on a social identity analysis, it is predicted that perceived inclusion facilitates the development of a positive team identity (how the individual feels about the team), while perceived value elicits the willingness to invest in the team (what the individual is willing to do for the team). Support for these predictions is obtained with structural equation modelling among two independent samples of professional soldiers working in military teams (ntotal = 495). Reports of individual team members about positive team identity and willingness to invest in the team correlated with supervisor ratings of the team's action readiness.  相似文献   

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