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Media reports of advances in human genetic research often make exaggerated claims and generate expectations of practical benefits, particularly the imminence of genetic testing. After the discovery of a disease‐related gene, which attracts media attention, additional research is needed to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of genetic tests. Even more work is needed to develop interventions to prevent or reduce the burden of genetic disease and to demonstrate their safety and effectiveness. Clinical laboratories sometimes offer genetic tests before the tests, or ensuing interventions, have been adequately assessed. Exaggerated reporting is not entirely the fault of the mass media; research institutions and scientists themselves contribute. The need to justify scientific research by exaggerating its effects has increased in recent years as government funding for research (in the U.S.) has become problematic and universities turn to the private sector. If the exaggerations continue unchecked, and if unvalidated tests reach the public, a backlash against science could result. More critical reporting by the media and university public relations offices, more stringent oversight of genetic test development and delivery, and greater awareness of the benefits and risks of tests by health care providers can reduce the problem.  相似文献   

This study investigated (1) whether children's songs could be potential sources of internal state information and (2) cross-cultural/linguistic differences in the availability of such information. We coded for expressions of mental states and other internal states in 255 English songs, likely accessed by children in the United States, and 255 Japanese songs, likely accessed by Japanese children. The majority of the songs in both samples contained at least one internal state expression, with songs containing four to five tokens and two types of internal state expressions on average. Japanese songs had more types of internal state expressions than English songs when comparing the two samples in proportion scores that controlled for the length of songs. However, differences between English and Japanese songs were negligible in the absolute frequency of tokens and types of internal state expressions, with the exception that Japanese songs were richer in ambiguous internal state expressions.  相似文献   

4月,电影《杜拉拉升职记》即将上映,杜拉拉再次成为热点人物,这个没有背景、条件并不出众的女孩,却一步步从小职员做到高管,而且每一次,都是老板主动为她升职。一直在默默奉献的OL,不禁充满疑惑:该怎么做,才能让老板主动为我升职?  相似文献   

The just world literature implies that when someone is a victim of suffering, observers will somehow attribute the suffering to the behavior of the victim. In the current study, participants read a scenario about a person who had either converted or not converted to a new religion. This same person later either experienced no tragedy or was a victim of an unrelated brutal robbery which permanently disabled him. When the target person was victimized, participants were reluctant to attribute blame to the person or to his morality; however, they were quick to assign blame to the victim's choice to convert. Interestingly, even when the victim had not converted, participants still assigned blame to the decision to not convert.  相似文献   

Created to address some of the limitations in China's rural retirement insurance policy, the Hutubi Model represents an innovative approach to asset building. A key feature of the model, the Hutubi loan programme, operated in Hutubi County, Xinjiang, China, from 1998 to 2010. It allowed farmers in Hutubi to borrow against their rural retirement accounts, taking loans for investment in farming and other priorities. This study examines the institutional incentives and structures that enabled the programme to help farmers build assets. We also discuss the programme's implications for the development of asset-based social policy in rural China and consider recent policy developments there. Among these is a new rural retirement social insurance programme.  相似文献   

This article shows that people's perception of their position in society is strongly correlated with their level of happiness, and thus that differences in happiness levels among countries in different welfare state clusters are influenced by people's perceptions of their relative position in society (subjective position). The study drew on data from the European Social Survey. Two important findings emerged from the analysis. First, an individual's subjective position in society is a more important predictor of happiness than objective measures such as income, education and labour market position. Second, the link between individuals’ perceived position in society and their level of happiness is moderated by the welfare state. In the Nordic countries, people's perceptions of their position in society have less influence on happiness whereas in Eastern European countries we found a strong connection between subjective position and happiness.  相似文献   

This paper is a reflective historical survey of how Australia, despite its affluence, has not delivered ‘the good life’ to poor Australians, both indigenous and non‐indigenous. It argues that, contrary to our national mythology, this country was founded on institutionalised social inequality and on the exclusion of Indigenous people from land rights, property and equal citizenship. As one of the world's twenty richest countries, we perform poorly across a wide range of social and health indicators because we suffer from entrenched, systemic and growing inequality. If we are to survive the challenges that face us from climate change and the global financial crisis, we need to shape policies that mitigate income and social inequality and that promote inclusion and better social cohesion.  相似文献   

Early retirement is a central bridge between permanent work and standard pension age. During 1988-1989, 10% of all private Norwegian companies, employing about 20% of all employees, had made use of early retirement schemes, mainly as a means of reducing staff. A central question is whether early retirement creates welfare or reduces it for the early retirees. Case studies of 4 companies and panel studies of potential early retirees have been used to throw light on these questions: what are the experiences of those involved, and do they wish to leave work or is leave taken involuntary? Only 1 of 7 early retirees adapted poorly, mostly due to poor health, a strong work orientation combined with unfilled expectations for part-time work and the feeling that they had no choice but to accept the offer. The majority seem to adjust fairly well to life as a pensioner, especially if they have some part-time work. Besides high financial compensation, satisfaction with early retirement depends on whether the scheme is regarded as legitimate in the community and the individual considers the transition to be meaningful.  相似文献   

Discovering what children think: connections between research and practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This paper is concerned with children's involvement in decisionsand with what happens when adults communicate with childrento discover their thoughts and feelings. It is based on a studyof the participation of children aged between 8 and 12 in decisionswhen they are looked after by local authorities. The paper brieflydescribes the research and its main findings, before going onto describe aspects of the methodology in more detail. Thisleads to a discussion of the relationship between the methodsused in the research and those used in the social work practicethat was in part the subject of the research. The paper arguesthat, both in research and in practice, a commitment to involvingchildren in decision making must go with a determination tofind methods of communication that enable children to demonstratetheir competence.  相似文献   

Toddlers are motivated to help others achieve their goals, but providing effective help also requires toddlers to consider what will be most helpful to another individual. Sometimes, helping requests provide conflicting information about an individual's goals, so we need to decide which information to prioritise in order to decide how is best to help. The current studies investigate how toddlers prioritise conflicting information about immediate and ultimate goals when helping. In Study 1, 2-year-olds were shown an opaque container of blocks (hidden blocks), a transparent container of blocks (visible blocks), and a colourful tube that plays music when a block is dropped inside. For half of the participants, both hidden and visible blocks played music but, for the other half, only the hidden blocks worked. A naïve experimenter asked for a block (immediate goal) to play music with (ultimate goal), and when both blocks were equally functional, we found that toddlers prioritised fulfilling the immediate request by providing a visible block; but when only the hidden block was functional, toddlers prioritising fulfilling the ultimate goal and helped by providing the functional but hidden block. Study 2 demonstrated that toddlers considered the experimenter's goal when helping, and not just their own attraction to the musical toy. This work adds to a growing body of literature investigating not only whether young children help, but also how young children reason when engaging in helping behaviour.  相似文献   

Recent events of extreme violence against members of the public such as the Dunblane killings have heightened both media and public perceptions of crime risks. This paper draws upon existing and ongoing research to review how risks are perceived, and the possible role such perceptions may play in the crime risks debate. In particular, are the processes by which we perceive risk and danger prone to exaggeration, and if so, what effect might such exaggerations have upon the formulation and implementation of policies aimed at dealing with crime risks? The impact of such policies upon one section of the criminal justice system, the Probation Service, is considered along with responses that officers and managers in the Probation Service are making to the new imperative to identify and effectively manage offender risks.  相似文献   

The idea that language skills support school readiness, predicting later self‐regulation and academic success, is widely accepted. Although vocabulary is often emphasized in the developmental literature, the ability to use language appropriately in the classroom, or social communication skills, may also be critical. This article examined longitudinal contributions of children's vocabulary and social communication skills, from preschool to kindergarten, to kindergarten academic achievement (reading and math) and self‐regulation (executive functions and learning behaviors). Participants were 164 children (14% Latinx, 30% Black, 56% White; 57% girls) enrolled in Head Start programs. Results revealed that initial levels and growth in vocabulary and communication skills predicted better academic achievement. Social communication skills uniquely predicted self‐regulation, after accounting for vocabulary. We discuss potential mechanisms for these links and recommend that strategies to build social communication skills be incorporated in preschool interventions promoting school readiness.  相似文献   

An analysis of behavioural changes, mental symptoms and personal characteristics may contribute significantly to the evaluation of child sexual abuse. Examples from children of different ages are presented to illustrate how such information may be used in the evaluation process. Not rarely the psychological investigation of the abuse allegations is regarded as almost synonymous with an analysis of the child and what the child has communicated. In fact, there are many other important - but often neglected - sources of information than those related to the child as an individual. Different kinds of information concerning the suspects are presented as illustrations of this thesis. A hermeneutic approach is advocated for the evaluation. This means that the main issue is understanding the unique rather than knowledge of what is most common.  相似文献   

We used an unobtrusive research design to observe and measure the materials that academics post on their office doors in a social science department. The purpose of the study was to uncover how social actors advertise dimensions of their occupational identities. The analysis examined variation in the amounts and types of door materials, focusing specifically on how indicators of social status influenced expressions given in displays of occupational identity. We found that door displays are related to professorial rank and other relevant status markers. We encourage researchers to replicate the study in different types of universities and academic departments.  相似文献   

Life review writing produces numerous psychosocial benefits for older adults, who are at risk for isolation and depression. This article shares findings from a study that examined the experiences of older adults participating in a life review writing group. The impact of gender composition on the group dynamic was also explored. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, this study explored the experiences of six women and one man who participated in a life review writing group. Six unifying themes emerged from the research findings: (1) legacy, (2) connecting with others, (3) reflection, (4) vitality, (5) structure of the group, and (6) gender dynamics. Implications for theory, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

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