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Nutritional indices, triglyceride levels and flight muscle developmental profiles were compared between long-winged (LW) and short-winged (SW; flightless) morphs of the cricketsGryllus rubens Scudder andG. firmus Scudder. This was done to identify potential physiological costs of flight capability in adults. The LW morph of each species converted a lower proportion of assimilated nutrients into biomass (reduced ECD) than did the SW morph. This documents increased respiratory metabolism in the LW morph. Triglyceride concentration was higher in LW vs. SW adults. This suggests that the elevated respiration in the LW morph may be at least partially due to the increased biosynthesis of this high energy substance. Preliminary data indicate higher respiration rates of LW functional vs. SW vestigial flight muscles. Collectively, these data suggest that the energetic cost of flight capability in adults results from biosynthesis of triglyceride flight fuel and flight muscle maintenance but not flight muscle growth. No flight muscle growth was observed in adults.  相似文献   

The thimbleberry aphid,Masonaphis maxima (Mason) lives on patches of plants that support 3,4 or 5 generations depending on site and weather. The life cycle requires sexual females and males to produce overwintering eggs. The eggs hatch in the spring to produce the first ’fundatrix’ generation; subsequent generations are produced parthenogenically. Males and other morphs are produced by wingless virginoparae, but sexual females are produced by ’gynoparae’, a winged morph that is specialized to produce only sexual females. The fundatrices have no indication of the number of generations that the plants will support in the current year. There are two fundatrix types that coexist in different ratios depending on the number of generations supported by the patch the previous year. One type produces sexual females in generations 3 and 5, and males in generations 4 and 5; the other type produces sexual females in generations 4 and 5, and males in generations 3, 4 and 5. The dimorphism adapts the aphid to its heterogeneous and somewhat unpredictable environment. The role of sex in the maintenance of the dimorphism is discussed. This is the first report of fundatrix polymorphism and consequent differential sex expression in aphids.  相似文献   

Wing shedding or de-alation is a common phenomenon among crickets. Its significance and effects on other traits were examined based on the results from experiments using artifical or natural de-alation. Artificial de-alation at adult emergence induces rapid egg production and flight muscle histolysis in several species examined. However, natural de-alation does not always shorten the pre-ovipositional period because it does not occur immediately after adult emergence and because oviposition starts before de-alation. In some cases, naturally de-alated females produce more eggs than to intact females during early adult life, but peak ovipositing activity occurs before de-alation. Therefore, retention of the hindwings does not suppress high ovipositing activity in such cases. It appears that de-alation is a result rather than a causal factor in ending migration. Ovarian development and flight muscle histolysis, which can be stimulated by de-alation, are controlled by the jevenile hormone, but the mechanism inducing de-alation remains unknown. The possible factors leading to the evolution of de-alation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic correlations of the wing form and the relative wing length between females and males were estimated in the oriental chinch bug,Cavelerius saccharivorus, by calculating the correlation between the sexes of the proportion macropterous or the mean relative wing length in full-sib families obtained from different wing forms of parents emerged in a high density population. There was a significantly positive genetic correlation between the sexes in both the proportion macropterous and the mean relative wing length. However, the appearance rate of macropters tended to be much lower in males than in females under the rearing conditions which promote the appearance of macropters. This was evident especially in the offspring of brachypterous parents. These indicated that inC. saccharivorus the wing polymorphism of males is not a simple result of the genetic correlation of wing morphology between the two sexes. It was considered that both of the female and male fitness advantages to wing reduction, as well as the genetic correlation between the sexes, would influence the evolution of wing polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

The biology of the gray-sided voleClethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, concerning taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny, distribution, and natural history, is reviewed. Applied issues in forest management (damage, control and census) are also mentioned. AlthoughClethrionomys rufocanus of Hokkaido was originally identified as a distinct species,Evotomys (=nowClethrionomys) bedfordiae Thomas, 1905, current literature generally refers to the gray-sided vole of Hokkaido asClethrionomys rufocanus or asC. rufocanus bedfordiae (vernacular name, the Bedford’s red-backed vole). The gray-sided vole is the most common small mammal in Hokkaido. It inhabits open areas as well as forests, and mainly feeds on green plants. The gray-sided vole has a high reproductive potential; litter size: 4–7; gestation period: 18–19 days; maturation age: 30–60 days old. Although spring-born individuals usually attain sexual maturity in their summer/fall of birth, their maturation is sometimes suppressed under high densities. The breeding season is generally from April to October, but with some regional variation.Clethrionomys rufocanus has a rather specialized diet (folivorous), particularly during winter when it feeds on bamboo grass. Many predators specialize on the grey-sided vole in Hokkaido; even the red fox, which is a typical generalist predator, selectively feeds on this vole. Damage by voles’ eating bark used to be sever on forest plantations in Hokkaido. Censuses of small rodents have been carried out for management purpose since 1954.  相似文献   

Although sociologists, demographers, and economists are generally agreed that economic independence enhances the likelihood that men will marry, there is disagreement concerning its effect on women. The view that economic independence weakens women's incentive to marry has probably been the most influential, although it has been subjected to few rigorous empirical tests with individual-level data. In the present paper we examine the predictors of forming a first cohabiting union, of progressing from this union to marriage, and of marrying without previously cohabiting by applying hazard regression to event-history data from the 1992 Swedish Family Survey, supplemented by earnings data extracted from the national taxation register. We test a battery of measures that reflect people's past, current, and potential attachment to the labour market. We find that the correlates of union formation for women are largely indistinguishable from the correlates of union formation for men, and that far from being less likely than other women to cohabit or to marry, women with a greater degree of economic self-sufficiency are more likely to do so.  相似文献   

As parental ages at birth continue to rise, concerns about the effects of fertility postponement on offspring are increasing. Due to reproductive ageing, advanced parental ages have been associated with negative health outcomes for offspring, including decreased longevity. The literature, however, has neglected to examine the potential benefits of being born at a later date. Secular declines in mortality mean that later birth cohorts are living longer. We analyse mortality over ages 30–74 among 1.9 million Swedish men and women born 1938–60, and use a sibling comparison design that accounts for all time-invariant factors shared by the siblings. When incorporating cohort improvements in mortality, we find that those born to older mothers do not suffer any significant mortality disadvantage, and that those born to older fathers have lower mortality. These findings are likely to be explained by secular declines in mortality counterbalancing the negative effects of reproductive ageing.  相似文献   

A simple quantitative genetic model is proposed to explain the observed genetic correlation structure of a bruchid beetleCallosobruchus chinensis in terms of two underlying variables: the resource acquisition and the resource allocation. Heritabilities and genetic correlations among age-specific, fecundities are regarded as consequences of genetic variations of the two variables. Genetic correlations are predominantly positive in both predictions and observations. Nonetheless, comparison between observed and predicted values in heritabilities, genetic correlations, and genetic principal components suggested significant genetic variances both of the resource allocation and the resource acquisition. The prediction of the model is discussed in relation, to experimental tests of trade-off in life history evolution.  相似文献   

The data collected in the Bandafassi demographic study in Eastern Senegal, a small-scale intensive and experimental follow-up survey of a population of about 7,000 in 1983, were analysed to derive an estimated life table. The use of multi-round surveys, combined with anthropological methods to estimate ages and collect genealogies, has resulted in unusually reliable data. Taking into account the uncertainty of the estimates due to the small size of the population, mortality was high, with life-expectancy at birth close to 31 years; a pattern of infant and child mortality close to that observed in other rural areas of Senegal, with a very high level or mortality between ages six months and three years; a seasonal pattern in child mortality with two high-risk periods, the rainy season and the end of the dry season; an adult mortality pattern similar to that described in model life tables for developed countries; no significant difference by sex or ethnic group. The Bandafassi population study and a few similar studies suggest that one possible way to improve demographic estimates in countries where vital registration systems are defective would be to set up a sample of population laboratories where intensive methods of data collection would continue for extended periods.  相似文献   

Summary Reproduction and egg diapause of the oriental chinch bug,Cavelerius saccharivorus, in the subtropical winter season were investigated in relation to its wing polymorphism. Macropterous females collected from the southern part of Okinawa Is. in the autumn season delayed their oviposition and were less fecund early in the adult life period, but survived much longer than brachypterous females collected from the same locality. The total fecundity was not significantly different between wing morphs. The diapause of eggs laid by brachypters tended to be terminated more easily at a high temperature than that of eggs laid by macropters. This indicated that the eggs laid by macropters were more intense in their diapause than those laid by brachypters. However, irrespective of the parental wing form, diapause showed considerable variation in its intensity within and between clutches.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic studies for life history and behavioral traits are important in quality control for insect mass-rearing programs. Firstly, a brief history of quality control in mass-reared insects is described. Next, the differentiation of many traits of wild and mass-reared melon flies,Bactrocera cucurbitae, in Okinawa is reviewed, and the factors which have caused variation in these traits are considered. As artificial selection pressures are thought to be more important than inbreeding depression and genetic drift in the mass-reared strain of the Okinawan melon fly, two artificial selection experiments were conducted to evaluate genetic variations and genetic correlations among life history and behavioral traits. These are divergent selections for age at reproduction and for developmental period. The genetic relationship among 5 traits, i.e. longevity, age at reproduction, developmental period, circadian period, and time of mating was clarified and discussed in relation to genetic changes of traits during the mass-rearing. The results suggest that the genetic trade-off relationships between traits should be taken into account in mass-rearing programs.  相似文献   

We examine pathways between indicators of fertility tempo/quantum and depressive symptoms among parents aged 55+ with at least two children, using three waves of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Using standard regression approaches and path analysis within the structural equation framework, we also investigate whether fertility trajectories mediated the association between childhood disadvantage and later-life depression. Results provide limited support for direct influences of fertility trajectories on depression, but indicate indirect linkages for both women and men. Associations are mediated by partnership history, social support, wealth, later-life smoking, and functional limitation. Associations between childhood disadvantage and later-life depression are partially mediated by fertility stressors. Results confirm the influence of life course experiences on depression at older ages and demonstrate the interlinked role of family and other life course pathways on later-life well-being.  相似文献   

Girls’ school participation has expanded considerably in the developing world over the last few decades, a phenomenon expected to have substantial consequences for reproductive behaviour. Using Demographic and Health Survey data from 43 countries, this paper examines trends and differentials in the mean ages at three critical life-cycle events for young women: first sexual intercourse, first marriage, and first birth. We measure the extent to which trends in the timing of these events are driven either by the changing educational composition of populations or by changes in behaviour within education groups. Mean ages have risen over time in all regions for all three events, except age at first sex in Latin America and the Caribbean. Results from a decomposition exercise indicate that increases in educational attainment, rather than trends within education groups, are primarily responsible for the overall trends. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Multi-state models describe the transitions people experience as life unfolds. The transition probabilities depend on sex, age, and attributes of the person and the context. Empirical evidence suggests that attributes that cannot be measured directly may at most be inferred from a long list of observable characteristics. A cluster-based, discrete-time multi-state model is presented, where transition probabilities are estimated simultaneously for several subpopulations of a heterogeneous population. The subpopulations are not defined a priori but are determined on the basis of similarities in behavior in order to determine which women exhibit similar characteristics with respect to method choice, method switch, discontinuation and subsequent resumption of contraceptive use. The data are from the life history calendar based on the Brazilian Demographic and Health Survey 1996. The parameters of the model are estimated using the EM algorithm. Seven subpopulations with heterogeneous transition probabilities are identified.  相似文献   

Demography, lacking an overarching theoretical framework of its own, has drawn on theories in many other social sciences to inform its analyses. The aim of this paper is to bring to the demographic community’s attention research in the evolutionary sciences on fertility, and to demonstrate that evolutionary theory can be another useful tool in the demographer’s toolkit. I first dispel some myths which impede the incorporation of evolutionary theory into demography: I make it clear that evolutionary explanations do not assume that all human behaviour is hardwired and functions to maximize genetic fitness; that they are able to explain variation in human behaviour; and that they are not necessarily alternatives to social science explanations. I then describe the diversity of work on fertility by evolutionary researchers, particularly human evolutionary ecologists and cultural evolutionists, and illustrate the usefulness of the evolutionary approach with examples of its application to age at first birth and the fertility transition.  相似文献   

Career Girls     
Television representations of the British postwar working woman have been afforded little consideration in British historical television scholarship. In its exploration of two early 1960s female ensemble television series set in the workplace, Compact (1962–1965) and The Rag Trade (1961–1963), this article makes a significant feminist intervention in the reinstatement of this neglected figure into extant critical television histories. It also demonstrates that implicit media discourses around women balancing work and home life customarily situated in the latter part of the twentieth century were already in circulation in the early 1960s.  相似文献   

Summary An increase in fish mortality due to fishing can theoretically change the growth and reproduction of fish populations from the viewpoint of adaptation. We address the issue of how an iteroparous fish should convert surplus energy into somatic growth and reproduction at each age under given conditions of mortality. A model of life history, which maximizes the net reproductive rate using the discrete maximum principle, is improved employing a new relationship between body weight and surplus energy which we have recently proposed. The model is applied to the North Sea plaicePleuronectes platessa, for which it has been reported that the average length of young fish had increased whereas that of old ones had decreased for some decades. Although the model cannot directly explain the former phenomenon, the two phenomena can be interpreted as a change in the optimal life history due mainly to an increase in mortality.  相似文献   

Summary Heritabilities and genetic correlations of life history characters (pupal weight, age-specific fecundities, and egg weight) of small white butterflyPieris rapae crucivora are estimated by a quantitative genetic method (sib analysis). The results indicate moderate or high heritabilities and a largely negative genetic correaltion in age-specific fecundities.  相似文献   

The possible influences of life history and habitat characteristics on the evolution of semelparity and cannibalism in the hump earwigAnechura harmandi were studied. This species is univoltine and overwinters as an adult. Females laid single egg-batches during winter in nests under stones at a riverside in a valley. They took care of the eggs which hatched in early spring and the offspring ate their mother before dispersing. The valley was sometimes flooded in summer. Nymphs emerged as adults and dispersed to elsewhere before the rainy season arrived. They returned to the riverside after the rainy season. The flooding and/or summer heat seemed to be the selective force for the evolution of dispersal behavior and semelparity in this species. The cannibalism of the female parent by her offspring seemed to have readily evolved after the evolution of semelparity. The unfavorable environmental conditions seemed to have a large effect on the evolution of semelparity and cannibalism in this species.  相似文献   

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