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“民族文化自治”是由奥地利社会民主党人在19世纪末期提出的政治主张,旨在将传统的多民族帝国改造成“多民族和民主的联邦国家”.由于这一理论否认民族的政治及经济权利,并在事实上起到了为资产阶级统治张目的作用,因此受到了列宁、斯大林等的强烈批判.苏联解体以后,俄国重新认识民族文化自治理论,并基本上肯定了该理论的积极作用.但是,鉴于中俄两国国情的巨大不同,民族文化自治政策在俄罗斯的实践并不具备在中国施行的示范性意义.  相似文献   

“未实行区域自治少数民族”辨析刘大友一、“未实行区域自治少数民族”概念的提出“未实行区域自治少数民族”是相对“实行区域自治少数民族”的概念提出来的。我国是一个统一的多民族的国家,实行民族区域自治制度。是我们党和政府处理民族问题的一项基本国策,是国家的...  相似文献   

多民族国家是现代国家结构的普遍存在形态,民族构成的多样性、民族文化的多元性是这些国家社会生活的一大特色。如何通过国家公共权力,把一国内部各民族成员单位统合到国家政治体系当中,实现民族认同与国家认同的统一,建构和谐的民族关系,是多民族国家民族整合的终极目标和构建过程。本文从决定民族整合内在规定性的特殊矛盾出发,认为多民族国家民族异质性要素及其力量增长之"分"与国家统一性之"合"的张力,决定着多民族国家民族整合的逻辑,具体表现为现实性、政治性和构建性三个方面。对于多民族国家而言,承认和保护民族成员单位作为一种异质性要素的集体权利,则是缓解这种结构性张力的关键。  相似文献   

自治与共治:民族政治理论新思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
朱伦 《民族研究》2003,19(2):1-18
现代民族政治意义上的自治产生于统治民族和被统治民族之间的暂时妥协 ,存在着排他性和从属性这一对难解的矛盾。中国等当代多民族国家的民族政治生活已经超越了传统的自治观念 ,实际已走上了民族共治的道路。民族共治有其必然性与合理性 ,它是“后自治”民族政治生活发展的客观要求 ,是与民族政治民主和共和“三位一体”的命题。当代民族政治理论应当以共治为核心思想进行构建 ,并赋予自治新的含义 :“民族政治性组织合法”加上“民族政治人格平等” ,应当成为自治的新概念 ,对此可以“当家作主”来界定 ;由这种新自治观出发 ,共治就是一个必然的结论 ,二者的关系也可以得到科学的解释。民族共治的理论意义在于它是批判各种片面的和非理性民族政治观念的武器 ,而实践价值则在于它是建设多民族统一国家、实现民族关系平等、自由与和谐的工具  相似文献   

中国是统一的多民族国家,在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治制度.在这个制度框架下,少数民族享有和实现了当家做主的权利,也促进了各民族的发展、繁荣与共同进步.但是,对于散居少数民族的权利及其保障,却缺乏相应的制度规定和系统的政策措施.就内蒙古自治区来说,城市中散居少数民族的权利及保障缺位严重.这既不利于民族法的贯彻落实,也影响到团结、平等、互助、和谐民族关系的构建.正确认识散居少数民族权利的状况,分析和阐述所存在的问题及原因,并提出解决问题的相应对策和设想,无疑会对散居少数民族权利的行使及保障,特别是对内蒙古自治区的相关民族政策决策产生积极影响.  相似文献   

世界体系和民族关系:解读现代民族问题的一个视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族之间的交往行为在其所处的历史体系中发生 ,并从这个体系获得本质内涵。以民族国家为单位的现代世界体系对现代民族关系产生了决定性影响。由国家的政治结构和法律制度所决定的各民族在国家中的政治地位、经济利益和文化权利 ,是现代民族关系的本质。建立在排斥性认同基础上的民族国家观念制度及政策实践与现代国家多民族社会构成之间的矛盾 ,是现代国家内部各种民族矛盾和民族冲突的理论和实践渊薮。改善多民族国家内部的民族关系 ,必须从改造民族国家观念制度、重建政治共同体认同标准入手 ,其本身就是改造现代世界体系的重要内容  相似文献   

民间文学是各民族同胞以本民族生活为“蓝本”,“就地取材”集体创造而来的口头文化遗产,凝聚着各民族的优秀文化与思想精髓。几千年来,随着中华民族逐渐凝结为统一的多民族国家,我国各民族民间文学也在“多元”中蕴含了丰富的中华民族共同性,这在黑龙江世居少数民族民间文学中便有诸多例证。以黑龙江世居少数民族——赫哲族、鄂伦春族民间文学为例,分析其在说唱语言、表现形式和人物形象塑造上体现的黑龙江区域少数民族共同性,及其在精神品质方面所蕴含的中华民族共同性。这将有利于更加深刻地认识区域民族共同性与中华民族共同性之间的关系,有利于增进民族间的文化认同与铸牢中华民族共同体意识。  相似文献   

·民族理论研究·全面建设小康社会新阶段我国民族关系良性发展的思考宋涛许进品蔡家东(1·1)孙中山的民族思想与民族地区的现代化李资源张英(1·10)文化认同是民族融合的先决条件赵伟(1·17)多元文化教育视角下的少数民族公民教育张英魁(1·21)中国多民族“混居”自治区域权利样态研究罗康隆朱兴文(2·1)试论第四次修宪对民族法制建设的积极影响杨临宏刘宁(2·15)自治市法律地位刍议朱玉福(2·19)论中国少数民族有使用和发展自己的语言文字的权力李锦芳(2·23)论民族意识对民族关系的影响徐黎丽(2·28)抗日战争时期新民主主义民族区域自治…  相似文献   

论民族共治的理论基础与基本原理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对中国等多民族国家民族政治实践的考察,指出民族共治是与民族自治同时存在的事实,并通过对现代多民族国家民族政治理论和原理的论证与揭示,提出了“双向两层面民族共治”的命题。“双向共治”一是指参与管理,二是指接受管理;“两层面共治”一是指国家层面的管理,二是指民族自治地方层面的管理。民族共治是现时代民族发展和多民族国家统一建设的必然和合理要求,它与民族政治民主和共和“三位一体”,是现代多民族国家民族政治生活的纲领性命题,而“自治”、“参与”等少数民族政治权利诉求和保障则属于子目问题。  相似文献   

历年人权白皮书表现出,我国少数民族权利保障进一步具体化、规范化、优质化,实现了从“赋权”到“赋能”的历史性跨越。这反映少数民族权利保障的实践特征:推行民族区域自治制度;提升少数民族权利保障的法治化水平;以发展促人权,加强少数民族群众的可行能力和实质性自由。我国少数民族权利保障不仅体现出少数民族群众的政治、经济、社会、文化等权利的现实享有,更意味着铸牢中华民族共同体意识的政治基础、经济基础、社会基础和文化基础,具有提升各族人民对中华民族共同体的归属感和使命感,推动新时代党的民族工作高质量发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

我国民族立法体制的缺陷及其完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国已经形成完整的民族立法体制,其特点主要体现在民族立法在遵循国家统一立法原则的同时,民族区域自治立法有权变通上级立法主体的立法内容.这既有利于维护国家法制的统一,又有利于保障民族自治地方的立法自治权.但民族立法的质量低与民族自治区的自治条例难以出台,阻碍民族法制建设发展.对此,笔者建议:明确并坚持民族立法的基本原则,早日出台民族自治区的自治条例;民族立法既要针对本民族的具体实际,又要具有可操作性.  相似文献   

黄微 《民族学刊》2012,3(3):52-59,102-103
以四川省甘孜藏族自治州丹巴县巴底乡沈洛村藏族农民作为调查考察对象,研究藏族农民享有的政治权利。事实表明,平等和充分地行使选举权和被选举权,是沈洛村藏族农民的政治权利得以实现的根本保障。在人民代表大会制度下行使民主权利,是藏族农民享有政治权利的主要内容。在民族区域自治制度下享有自治权利,是藏族农民享有政治权利的重要表现。在各种组织中行使民主权利,是沈洛村藏族农民享有政治权利的有效途径。沈洛村藏族农民实现政治权利的过程,既充分体现了藏族农民的权利意识在改革开放中得到了提升,也充分展示了中国宪法权利在改革开放过程中不断完善的巨大成就。随着中国民主进程的不断推进,随着政治知情权以及农村党组织建设的不断完善,藏族农民享有的政治权利将会进一步发展与进步。  相似文献   

中国民族区域自治制度与构建和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为民族区域自治是一条具有中国特色的解决我国民族问题的正确道路,体现了中国传统文化追求整体均衡与和谐的哲学理念;论述了民族区域自治制度维护了国家统一和民族团结,保障了少数民族的平等权利,促进了民族地区经济发展,在社会主义和谐社会构建中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

王永莉  旦增遵珠 《民族学刊》2013,4(1):17-23,100-102
我国民族地区的经济发展方式大多属粗放型,其转变的关键在政府管理体制改革。从民族地区政府管理面临的现实困境看,既面临特殊的社会历史自然环境,又要完成中央政府的经济增长考核目标和其他重点任务,还要应付民族地区复杂的群体性事件等。推动民族地区经济发展方式的转型,必须加快中央和民族地区政府职能的转变,正确处理政府与市场关系,完善对民族地区政府的绩效考核,创新民族地区政府管理体制,积极推动民族自治地区政府管理体制的改革步伐。  相似文献   

王允武 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):53-59,110-112
Deepening reform, promoting the rule of law, and implementing the “Five Develop ̄ment ” concepts have had a deep influence on the modernization of governance in ethnic autonomous regions. Based on a review of 30 years of success ̄ful experiences in implementing ethnic regional au ̄tonomous law, and focusing on the concepts of“innovation, coordination, green development, openness and sharing”, we need to conduct in -depth research on the ways to:promote governance by law, realize the modernization of governance;and promote the efficient implementation of ethnic autonomous systems in the ethnic autonomous re ̄gion.
The 155 ethnic autonomous areas of China cover 64% of the total area of the country. There ̄fore, the governance of the country cannot be a ̄chieved without modernizing the governance in the ethnic autonomous regions. Modernizing the gov ̄ernance in ethnic autonomous regions is a necessa ̄ry element for modernizing the governance of the nation. The modernization of the ethnic autono ̄mous regions actually means the legalization of the governance in ethnic autonomous areas, which is a main part of the legalization of the ethnic affairs.
The comprehensive, deepening of reform, and promoting governance by law have been strongly promoted. We should start from reality, respect differences, and take the development concepts of“innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing” into consideration so as to promote the ef ̄ficient implementation of ethnic regional autono ̄mous systems through various methods. We should update our concepts, weaken specificity, solidify locality, intensify new thinking, innovate the run ̄ning of ethnic autonomous systems, and promote the modernization of governance in ethnic autono ̄mous regions. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the theories and practices used since the imple ̄mentation of ethnic regional autonomous regula ̄tions, and under the premise of intensifying “the legalization of ethnic affairs”, we should deepen the comprehensive reform of the ethnic autonomous regions, comprehensively promote the governance by law, and realize the goal of building a moder ̄ately prosperous society as scheduled through im ̄proving and innovating the running of ethnic re ̄gional autonomous systems.
“Ethnic areas are districts with rich resources and water sources; they are ecological screen zones, cultural characteristic zones, border areas, and poor areas.” At the same time, due to histori ̄cal, social and natural factors,“the natural condi ̄tions of most ethnic areas are not good; their be ̄ginning phase of development is low; they have many historical debts; they are located far away from the central markets and urban areas;their ur ̄ban-rural gap is very obvious”, and “their gap with the eastern areas ( of China) is growing larger and larger”. The reform and the promotion of gov ̄ernance by law in ethnic autonomous areas should put more emphasis on locality, ethnicity and “au ̄tonomy”. Of course, we must avoid of “artificial ̄ly” intensifying ethnic consciousness, and creating ethnic “differences”. Meanwhile, we should “im ̄prove the capability for legal management of ethnic affairs”, “intensify the construction of laws and regulations related to ethnic work”, “legally han ̄dle those issues involving ethnic factors”, “insist on resolving issues involving ethnic factors by the law, and avoid of regarding civil and criminal problems related to ethnic people as ethnic prob ̄lems, or regarding common disputes in ethnic are ̄as as ethnic problems. ”
We should affirm that China’s ethnic relations are harmonious, and that their economics are de ̄veloping rapidly. Since the implementation of the policy of “reform and opening -up”, especially since 2005 , the economics in ethnic autonomous regions have developed dramatically; the people’s living conditions have continuously improved;bas ̄ic infrastructure has significantly speeded up; and ecological protection has solidly improved. Howev ̄er, the problems still prevail. For example, the poverty in ethnic areas is still serious—there are more than 25 million poor in ethnic rural areas. Therefore, the task of poverty alleviation is still very tough. In addition, the gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions is very large in ethnic autonomous regions. Finally, the rate of urbanization is very low.
In sum, during the process of modernizing so ̄cial governance in ethnic autonomous regions, we must pay full attention to the five“stage character ̄istics” of ethnic work in China which are the:( i) co - existence of opportunities and challenges brought by the “reform and opening -up” policy and the socialist market economy;( ii) co-exist ̄ence of the state’s constant support to the ethnic ar ̄eas and its low level of development; ( iii ) co -existence of the state’s constant support to the eth ̄nic areas and the weak level of basic public service capability in ethnic areas; ( iv ) co -existence of the constant exchange and fusion between various ethnic groups and the disputes involving ethnic fac ̄tors;and ( v) co-existence of the great achieve ̄ments in anti-national splittism, religious extrem ̄ity, and violent terrorism, as well as the active ter ̄rorism activities in some areas. Only when we rec ̄ognize this situation, can we understand the speci ̄ficity of doing ethnic work in China. The innova ̄tion of governance of ethnic autonomous areas and the promotion of governance by law in the whole country must start from this actual situation.
At present, we still need to clarify the conno ̄tations of autonomous rights. Based on a clear clar ̄ification of the basic meaning of ethnic regional au ̄tonomous rights, we should deepen reform, active ̄ly transform the governance of the ethnic autono ̄mous regions, further deepen relevant theoretical studies, and positively promote the ethnic regional autonomous system. The main purpose of the eth ̄nic regional autonomous areas is to promote the de ̄velopment of the various affairs of ethnic minorities and ethnic regional autonomous areas. The purpose for improving the ethnic regional autonomous sys ̄tem is to ensure the development of ethnic minori ̄ties and ethnic regional autonomous regions. Im ̄proving the ethnic regional autonomous system should transform from one of preferential treatment to one of nuanced development.
Looking back to the past, the legal construc ̄tion of ethnic regional autonomy has made great a ̄chievements. However, the preferential policies of the state and relevant institutes are still the real factors promoting the development of the various af ̄fairs of the ethnic minorities and ethnic autonomous areas. As described in this article, there are multi ̄ple factors which influence the efficiency and per ̄formance of the ethnic regional autonomy. The eth ̄nic autonomous regions are restricted by natural conditions and economic development, therefore, they have to depend on assistance from the state and the relevant institutes—this is the objective re ̄ality. However, the improvement of the ethnic re ̄gional autonomous system must change the status of the past, and enable the ethnic regional autono ̄mous system play out its actual role so that the va ̄rious affairs of ethnic minorities and ethnic autono ̄mous regions can step onto a road of nuanced de ̄velopment.
The future development of the ethnic regional autonomous system depends on the consensus of theoretical and practical circles, i. e. a long-term mechanism whose purpose is to enable the system itself play its actual role should be established. Only by such a mechanism, can these puzzling problems be solved and gradually improved. Tak ̄ing the breakthrough of the actual effect of the sys ̄tem as the starting point of the ethnic regional autonomy’s deepening of the reform, one should take the following aspects into consideration:1 ) re-examine existing laws and regulations, and im ̄prove them on the basis of institutional norms, en ̄hance normalization, uniformity and manipulability of the ethnic regional autonomous regulations; 2 ) sort out the relationship between the institutions in ethnic autonomous areas and the upper levels of the state institutes, as well as the relationship be ̄tween the institutions on the same level;on the va ̄rious institutional levels, enhance clear cognition on the position, role and organizing principles of the ethnic regional autonomous system, and avoid taking the ethnic regional autonomous system as the affairs of the ethnic autonomous areas;3 ) im ̄prove the supervisory mechanisms for running the ethnic regional autonomous system; and 4 ) im ̄prove the mechanisms for handling disputes on the running of the ethnic regional autonomous system.
We must work closely, share the achieve ̄ments, and promote the operation of the ethnic re ̄gional autonomous system. For this purpose, we should:1 ) standardize the management of the eth ̄nic regional autonomous system, and weaken the“specificity”;2 ) promote the governance capabili ̄ty of the ethnic regional autonomous areas, and so ̄lidify the concept of“locality”;3 ) enhance auton ̄omous awareness and capability, intensify “new thinking”, motivate initiatives from the autonomous areas, and improve the autonomous system from the bottom-up, and rationally allocate the power and rights of the high-level organs and the auton ̄omous organs in the ethnic autonomous areas.  相似文献   

少数民族自治县经济发展落后于全国县域经济平均水平,同时内部各县域之间发展也不平衡,在产值、收入、经济结构等方面存在着差异和差距。本文在分析120个少数民族自治县经济发展差距的基础上,提出对策思考。  相似文献   

本文以我国东部及东南沿海各省区考古发现的史前墓葬的拔牙材料为主,结合文献有关“凿齿之民”、东夷与百越的关系,以及百越后裔诸民族有关拔牙的原因,在前人研究成果的基础上,探讨我国拔牙风俗的起源、演变和流传。  相似文献   

民族区域自治权的宪政解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自治权是民族区域自治与《民族区域自治法》的核心,是宪法赋予民族自治地方自治机关的法定权力民族自治地方的自治机关能否依法行使自治权,是考核民族地区宪政实施真伪的“试金石”。我国是单一制国家,国家权力集中于中央政府,地方各级政府统一服从中央政府的管辖。而民族地区宪政只是国家宪政结构的子系统,这决定了民族地区宪政建设必须要与国家的宪政结构相匹配,受国家宪政体制的制约,不能逾越国家宪政体制设定的边际。  相似文献   

试论第四次修宪对民族法制建设的积极影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四次修宪顺应时代发展的需要确立了一些新的理念和制度,对于我国的宪政建设具有重要的意义。《民族区域自治法》作为宪法关于民族区域自治制度具体化的规定以及援引宪法条文最多的基本法,宪法的这些修改必将对其产生影响。本文从“三个代表”思想、“三个文明”协调发展和保障人权入宪对民族区域自治理念和制度上影响的角度阐述了第四次修宪对《民族区域自治法》的指导性意义。  相似文献   

王杰  王允武 《民族学刊》2014,5(2):53-61,122-124
民族自治地方经济发展必须立足于自然资源优势。宪法和法律规定的民族自治地方自然资源权利并未得到实际保障。究其原因,不同利益主体在民族自治地方自然资源开发和保护中存在利益冲突。分析利益冲突与相关权力博弈表现,理清问题成因和解决思路,在认清相关分权机理的基础上,完善民族自治地方自然资源权利相关的顶层制度设计,同时,采取托管式有限自治的模式,是民族自治地方自然资源权利实现的当下路径。  相似文献   

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