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论维特根斯坦语言哲学的影响力--语言哲学与日常语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后期维特根斯坦的哲学观点发生了重大转变,他对哲学的重新理解可以说是哲学史上和哲学观点上的一次重大转折。其核心思想就是“语言游戏”。语言在使用中才有意义,词语的意义就是它的用法。维特根斯坦对语言的分析,从语言与日常生活的关系来加以论述,对语言哲学,尤其是日常语言哲学产生了重大影响。维特根斯坦语言哲学思想不仅影响了日常语言哲学,而且对语言学也有很深的影响。他后期的语言观直接导致了日常语言学派的产生。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey into minority languagepolicy and provision in social service departments and largevoluntary social service agencies in England and Wales. It foundthat many organizations lacked specific policies on the provisionof services to minority language communities and that most werepoorly prepared to meet their needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer insight into the possibleconsequences of language developed at the political level byan authoritative body for the purpose of designing social policythat is then adapted as discourse in social care. The focusis on the UK government’s policy toward the language of‘service user’ in the context of New Public Management(NPM). It begins with a brief introduction on the importanceof language. Next, it outlines the move towards NPM and changesthat have facilitated the shift from ‘client’ to‘service user’, presenting some of the implicationsthese changes have had on social work in Britain. Finally, itdetails the possible detrimental effects of labelling language,and discusses research from other countries on preferred termsof reference for individuals who use health and social careservices.  相似文献   


Social science research has long been concerned with attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that are potentially objectionable, immoral, or illegal. These types of topics include, for example, racism, ableism, cheating, and stealing, among others. Referred to as “sensitive topics,” their investigation usually involves questions that require respondents to admit to attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that violate social norms, making their assessment susceptible to error due to social desirability bias. This article describes an empirical investigation of an approach to minimize this bias, the use of “forgiving language” in survey item development and the effect on item variability. Using secondary data initially collected as part of a measurement development study of mental health providers’ stigmatization of service users, 15 pairs of similar, thematically targeted items, varying with respect to wording approach were tested using a purposive sample of mental health providers (N?=?220). Findings indicate that items crafted in a forgiving manner were not significantly influenced by social desirability bias, in contrast to items developed in more traditional language. Additionally, forgiving language-items produced higher levels of agreement, on average, when compared to those written in more traditional language. More research is indicated, including systematic variation of wording approaches, but these results seem promising.  相似文献   

Objective. Immigration scholars have found that the highly educated and political liberals are considerably less likely to support restrictionist immigration policies than other groups. I ask whether the influence of social desirability pressures in the survey interview is responsible for this finding. Methods. An unobtrusive questioning technique known as the list experiment is used to measure Americans' support for immigration restrictionism. The list experiment can easily be embedded in a standard telephone survey and has been used by previous investigators to study racial attitudes. Results. Restrictionist sentiments are found to be more widespread among the U.S. populace than previous studies have estimated, especially among college graduates and political liberals. Conclusion. My findings have implications for immigration scholars and social scientists who study other sensitive attitudes and behaviors. The most commonly employed strategies to reduce socially desirable responding may not be enough.  相似文献   

We investigated language development, relational aggression, and relational victimization in ethnically, socioeconomically diverse preschoolers. Relational aggression was positively related to language development. Girls were more relationally aggressive than boys, and higher‐socioeconomic status (SES) children were more relationally aggressive and victimized than lower‐SES children. Neither gender nor SES conclusively moderated the relation between language and relational aggression, though some findings suggest the possibility of stronger relations among boys and lower‐SES children. Teachers agreed on ratings of relational aggression and relational victimization to a moderate extent.  相似文献   

Objective. This article determines if the use of Spanish‐language media among Latinos influences public opinion on various policy issues and group consciousness. Methods. Using a 2004 national public opinion survey of U.S. Latinos, a multivariate analysis is run to determine the effect of language media preference on immigration policy, abortion, same‐sex marriage, and three measures of group consciousness. Results. I find more frequent use of Spanish‐language media leads to more liberal attitudes toward immigration, but has no effect on opinions toward abortion and same‐sex marriage. I also find increased use of Spanish‐language media leads to increased levels of group consciousness. Conclusions. The differences in attitudes are due to the diverging goals of Spanish‐language and English‐language media. The effect of using Spanish‐language media serves to promote a sense of group consciousness among Latinos by reinforcing roots in Latin America and the commonalities among Latinos of varying national origin.  相似文献   

信息科技技术的快速发展,使人们步入网络时代,在此背景下,网络语言的生成丰富了我国语言文化信息内容,对汉语言文学的发展造成一定的影响,也为汉语言文学的创新注入新的动力.对此,该文立足于网络语言与汉语言文学的内涵及特性,着重分析新时代下网络语言对汉语言文学发展的积极影响与消极影响,提出新时代背景下网络语言下汉语言文学的发展...  相似文献   

浅论个体语言权及其立法保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨晓畅 《学术交流》2005,(10):49-52
个体语言权是一项基本人权。我国个体语言权立法《通用语言文字法》存在着不以保护公民的语言权为立法目的、对个体语言权与群体语言权的规定缺乏系统性、对个体语言权内容的规定不全面、对于行使个体语言权的场合规定得过于笼统等问题。应在进一步探讨个体语言权的基本理论问题和借鉴国外个体语言权立法的基础上对其进行相应的修改和完善。  相似文献   

贺信民 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):52-55
中华"文脉"源远流长而近世不振。"中文"作为高等教育一门传统学科、专业,应当部分地承担起振衰救弊的责任,而目前的学科、专业发展现状不尽人意。对此,既要注重现代,也应继承优秀传统文化;既要立足当下,也要着眼未来;既要学习和掌握知识,更要学会运用知识探索和思考;既要有学养,更要有德行;既要有专业素质,更要有专业能力。  相似文献   

比较母语学习与第二语言习得学习外语 ,可以看到学习外语必须强化记忆 ,强调语法 ,强调比较 ,强调实践  相似文献   

陈颖 《创新》2010,4(2):15-18
东盟区域经济一体化的推进,加快了广西与东盟在各领域的交流,小语种人才的庞大需求及东盟国家的"汉语热"等新形势呼唤全新的语言教育政策。广西区域语言战略的制定应着眼于发挥区位优势和整合本地语言资源,从东盟语种教学及面向东盟汉语传播两个层面加以着力。  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines the influence of ethnic and racial network diversity on young people's attitudes about speech rights in Canada by examining the impact of diversity on racist groups' speech compared to other objectionable speech. Methods. After reviewing prior work on diversity and political tolerance judgments, the study presents multinomial logistic regressions to assess the impact of network diversity on three types of political tolerance dispositions. The data are drawn from the Canadian Youth Study, a sample of 10th‐ and 11th‐grade students in Quebec and Ontario (N=3,334). Results. The analysis suggests that exposure to racial and ethnic diversity in one's social networks decreases political tolerance of racist speech while simultaneously having a positive effect on political tolerance of other types of objectionable speech. Conclusions. The dual effects arguably represent an evolving norm of multicultural political tolerance, in which citizens endorse legal limits on racist speech. Future work should assess the extent to which target group distinctions in political tolerance judgments have evolved over time and across age cohorts.  相似文献   

赵喜桃 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):111-115
怎么想就怎么写的情况在运用抽象思维的写作中可以存在,因为抽象思维是运用语言文字符号进行思维,而形象思维中所运用的思维符号可以是表象,也可以是意象,只存在怎么想就怎么"画",而不能怎么想就怎么写,必须用文学语言来进行创作。文学语言是作家心理世界审美意象运动的外化形态(物质外壳),文学语言的品级,决定于作家心理世界审美意象运动的品级。  相似文献   

于茀 《求是学刊》2003,30(3):100-104
文学是用语言写成的 ,文学的物质媒介是语言 ,但是 ,这并不等于说“文学是语言艺术”。文学在一定程度上依赖语言 ,同时又是超语言的。最终 ,语言要被消解 ,展示给读者的是作家审美经验所编织的世界。这是一个终点 ,作家和读者在走向她时又都必须沿着言语的路径  相似文献   

法典的理解与语言逻辑初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张春泉 《学术交流》2003,2(5):32-34
语言逻辑有助于人们对法典 (法律文本 )的有效理解。借助于摹状词逻辑、道义逻辑、量词逻辑、模态逻辑等现代语言逻辑的有关规律、规则、方法 ,人们可以在一定程度上消除对法典的歧解。  相似文献   

语言的陌生化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盖绍普 《学术交流》2002,(4):121-124
语言的陌生化是指语言使用者运用新鲜的词语和有悖于传统的表达方式,故意造成的新鲜感,也是语言的异化和更新。其表现有新造词语、语义异化、词语借用、非语法化等,其成因主要是社会生活的变化、语言内部的演变、人们的审美追求等。我们对之应持的态度是承认、宽容、欢迎、研究、引导,使之逐步规范化。  相似文献   

This paper critically evaluates research and literature on childprotection social work practice with minority ethnic familieswho speak little or no English. Though the focus is on childprotection, many of the themes raised should be transferableacross to other areas and disciplines. Specifically, the paperfocuses on the limitations and difficulties of using professionalinterpreters in child protection work and covers themes likethe availability of interpreters, the role of interpreters,suitability of interpreters, the interpretation of particularwords and phrases, and manipulating the interpreting process.The paper then moves on to address the important but often neglectedarea of using children as interpreters, and ends by consideringthe broader issue of how language barriers can exacerbate discriminationagainst minority ethnic families.  相似文献   

The influence of immigrant-background adolescents' heritage language (HL) proficiency and use of the language on parent–adolescent relationships and ethnic identity was investigated in a sample of 414 adolescents from Latin American and Asian backgrounds. HL proficiency, but not language use, was positively associated with the quality of parent–adolescent relationships. Although HL proficiency and language use were both associated with ethnic identity, when taken together, only HL proficiency was a reliable predictor. These findings indicate that it is the development of proficiency in the HL that influences adolescents' successful adjustment, rather than their choice of languages. It is therefore important to support HL development in order to help immigrant-background students to better cope with the stresses of adolescence.  相似文献   

陈宗玉 《唐都学刊》2000,16(4):133-136
语言是人们交流思想的重要工具,语言交际是交际交流中的重要手段。本文拟从语言交际这一角度出发,来探讨现代英语的交际功能。  相似文献   

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