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杨忠海 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):64-68
混业经营是世界金融业发展的大趋势,它必将对中国金融业的发展产生重要影响。文章在阐述21世纪中国金融业混业经营的客观必然性的基础上,分析21世纪中国金融业混业经营的可行条件和现实障碍,并提出21世纪中国金融业混业经营的对策。  相似文献   

金砖国家合作机制与中印关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
辛仁杰  孙现朴 《南亚研究》2011,(3):86-99,124
进入21世纪以来,金砖国家经济发展迅猛,特别是金融危机后,金砖国家经济的强势崛起对世界经济政治产生了重要影响,随着金砖国家合作逐渐机制化,它必将对国际政治格局产生深远影响。本文分析了金砖国家机制的特点和西方国家对金砖国家合作机制的态度,在此基础上对印度支持金砖国家机制的缘由进行了阐述,最后分析了金砖国家机制对中印关系的促进作用。  相似文献   

曹明 《唐都学刊》2014,(4):45-51
创业教育是培养学生创业素质的过程或活动,它需要体现有机性与整全性文化精神并内在地蕴涵着文化精神的价值维度,文化精神是指注重自身价值和自由意志,关注人的意义世界和伦理价值世界的自觉意识以及对人的终极关怀的精神自觉.然而,文化精神成为现代文明社会的精神空场或稀缺资源,却构成高等教育的核心竞争力.基于过程哲学的视域,创业教育实践所遭遇的文化困境根源于传统“实体”思维和“原子”式教育理念、科学教育和人文精神的内在张力及其现实分裂、工具理性与价值理性的现代性背离;不仅异化了教育应力图构建的价值和意义世界的本义及其社会功能,也为我们回归文化精神的创业教育模式的设计提供了哲学依据,其可能性就在于实现由“本体思维”式教育理念向建构主义和生态教育观的过程范式转换.  相似文献   

Ending poverty in Mongolia: From socialism to social development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
While recent literature on social welfare has included Asian countries, less is known about low‐income and former socialist countries in Central Asia. This article combines a documentary‐historical method with a value‐critical approach to analyze Mongolia's social policy response to poverty. Mongolia is unique in Asia because it transformed from nomadic pastoralism to socialism without a phase of capitalist industrial development. The case study found that Mongolia lost social welfare when it transitioned from socialism, a statist model, to market liberalism and multiparty democracy. In the 21st century, Mongolia has been aspiring to promote social development by redirecting mining revenues to a human development fund. Mongolia is potentially an exemplar of social development strategies affirmed at the United Nations Conference for Social Development (Rio+20) regarding a green economy for inclusive growth and poverty elimination. Future social welfare research should consider the importance of sustainability. Key Practitioner Message: ● Global standards for tracking poverty alleviation will be integrated with sustainability measures beginning in 2015;Mongolia hopes to foster social development and sustainable livelihoods by reinvesting revenues from mining into human capital and health care;To sustain future generations, social policy needs to consider the relationship between natural capital, social capital, and financial capital.  相似文献   

中国和合思想与21世纪的人类和平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界和平问题是为全球化过程所引发的问题。二战后的新质全球化过程并没有从根本上改变威胁世界和平的基本因素,尤其是没有改变近代全球化以来的哲学上的笛卡儿的主体中心主义以及反映在政治舞台上的欧洲中心主义。笛卡儿的二分性主体中心主义是世界冲突的最深刻根源,要实现21世纪的世界和平,就要将二分性的哲学理念转变为中国传统的和合理念。换言之,中国的和合思想可以为21世纪的人类和平提供宝贵的思想资源。  相似文献   

本文从少年儿童图书馆在21世纪新的发展方向入手,论述开展社区服务是保护广大未成年人的文化权益、建立健全公共文化服务体系的重要举措,进一步阐述了满足广大未成年人日益增长的精神文化需求的方式,以及加强社区服务发展的动力、实现方式和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Risk management institutions can be reinvented in the 21st century in response to the changing nature of economic uncertainties and changing information technology. The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the economy provide an example of new kinds of uncertainties to be managed. National and international contracts should manage risks to claims on better-defined economic aggregates and prices of factors of human capital to make for better economic measurements and better risk management opportunities. The failures of international management of the COVID-19 pandemic, including failure to control the spread of misinformation, provide lessons for such new financial arrangements  相似文献   

The relationship between the international Communist movement and the world anti- fascist war constitutes a major historical theme of our times. As a positive force for democracy and peace, the international Communist movement became a solid political cornerstone of the anti-fascist war. Its enormous sacrifices and contributions made it one of the final forces terminating the fascist political order, and its humanity provided mankind with a just direction in the struggle against war terrorism and for peace idealism. It thus became a major force in effectively advancing the development of democracy and peace. Based on the logic of condemnation, the critical reflections upon fascism made by the Communist movement have provided a value dimension for the building of today’s international security system. Based on the logic of construction, the international peace ethics followed by the international Communist movement offer an ideological foundation for the building of the new international order. And based on the logic of development, the new paradigm of world civilization pursued by the international Communist movement has become a political exemplar for the current pursuit of international peace. The political force of the Communist Party of China (CPC), as China’s political backbone and advance guard, cannot be overlooked: it influenced the anti-fascist war, the postwar international Communist movement and the democratization of world order. Of course, both the Soviet Union and the Comintern also offered many historical lessons during the anti-fascist war, lessons that merit profound reflection and consideration.  相似文献   

中国建国60年来和改革开放30年来所取得的巨大成就,使世界热衷于讨论是否存在某种“中国模式”或“北京共识”。“模式”包含着两层含义,一是发展道路的独特性,二是发展道路的可输出性和可效仿性。从前一层含义上来看,中国的发展的确创造出了一个独特的中国模式。中国发展道路是在中国人追求民族独立和现代化的历史背景下,在最终选择了马克思主义的条件下而实现的,其本质就是选择走社会主义道路而拒绝资本的扩张和奴役。全球化伴随着全球资本力量的无限膨胀,世界政治、经济都沦于世界资本主义的奴役之下,中国的发展道路正是在这个背景下显示出其独特性。同时,中国也不会向外输出自己的发展模式,通过对和谐、平等和多样性的追求,中国道路的成功将改变现有国际规则和全球发展观念。中国道路在全球化时代中具有世界性的意义。  相似文献   

薛峰 《唐都学刊》2012,28(2):76-80
中国传统造纸技艺源远流长,但是由于现代工业造纸技术的冲击,传统造纸术的保护和发展都面临着许多的问题,对陕西省西安市长安区北张村土法造纸的调查研究发现,手工获艺的延续不仅是资金问题,也要与人类现代生活发生联系才能具有自我更变的生命力。手工生产的差异性可以简述人们多方面的需求,这是手工技艺在当今社会的价值所在。这是对传统造纸技艺这一民间非物质文化遗产保护和发展的新思路。  相似文献   

王春梅 《求是学刊》2006,33(3):80-85
编纂于20世纪90年代的《俄联邦民法典》是俄罗斯十几年政治、经济改革的经验总结,在私法领域中标志着计划经济向市场经济的过渡,标志着私法自治精神在民法上的回归,为俄罗斯经济和社会的全面发展提供了必要的法律基础和制度保障。但由于传统与现代因素的综合作用,新民法典在未来的朝向中任重道远。我国制定21世纪的新民法典必须崇扬私法自治精神,但如何克服俄联邦新民法典中残留的公法因素,培育和发展作为私法自治基础的市民社会,以及如何协调强制性规范和任意性规范的设置,实现私法自治目标也是我国制定民法典时应当审慎思考的问题。  相似文献   

建设世界城市:北京面临的挑战和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京提出的建设世界城市发展目标,既是北京城市发展迈入新的历史阶段的要求,也是中国发展的必然结果和中国今后参与全球化的需要。北京要建设世界城市,将面临诸多困难与挑战。针对存在的问题,文章提出了应对之策,即制定国家发展战略,构建首都大都市圈管理新体制,建设国际金融之都,打造各具特色的功能区、重点打造CBD功能区,加强公共服务型政府建设,提升首都软实力等。  相似文献   

西安大遗址保护理念与城市文化创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西安是举世闻名的历史文化名城,有着3 000余年的城市发展史。周、秦、汉、唐等十三个王朝在此建都,历时1 100余年。西安延绵不绝的灿烂历史,赋予了西安极为丰厚的文化积淀,使西安享有"天然历史博物馆"的美誉。  相似文献   

新千年的怀特海、中国及全球民主   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
怀特海所创立的过程哲学和中国传统哲学有许多相似相通之处。尽管这两种思想属于不同的文化体系 ,但在上一个世纪均遭到人们的不同程度的冷遇。进入 2 1世纪 ,随着世界格局的千变万化 ,怀特海的过程哲学和中国传统哲学越发凸显出它们的合理价值 ,并为现代社会的发展提供了可资借鉴的思想观念。文章从诸多方面论证了这两种思想正在成为现代社会发展必不可少的思想资源  相似文献   

杨伟明 《南亚研究》2010,(2):134-140
巴乌尔歌曲是孟加拉民歌中的瑰宝,以其独特的思想体系和音乐魅力而著称。巴乌尔歌曲多用比拟等手法,用简单的语言表达深刻的思想。巴乌尔思想深受印度教、伊斯兰教和佛教的影响,但又独树一帜。泰戈尔曾高度赞扬巴乌尔歌曲和他们的精神,并说自己的诗歌深受巴乌尔质朴自然的风格的影响。  相似文献   

江苏率先建成高教强省的思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚放 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):65-69
建设高等教育强国有两个主要方面:一是建设若干所世界一流大学和一批高水平大学;二是建设若干高等教育强省。江苏省作为在全国经济与社会发展领先的省份,应该率先在全国建设成为高等教育强省。为此,新世纪的江苏省高等教育改革和发展的重点应该是调结构、强内涵、保质量、上水平。  相似文献   

金柏松 《创新》2010,4(5):5-7
当前,世界经济失衡结构急需扭转。2009年9月21日,时任日本首相鸠山由纪夫向我国国家主席胡锦涛提议"共同构建东亚共同体"。这项提议对推动世界经济向均衡发展无疑具有积极意义,它能促进东亚经济实现更好更快发展,促进世界三足鼎立新格局的构建,引导亚洲经济乃至世界经济进入一个全新发展时期。  相似文献   


China’s rise has increased concerns about innovation in China’s indigenous literary theory. How to create theories with a “China style” and global influence has become a serious challenge for the development of contemporary Chinese literary theory. Three strategies are noteworthy in meeting this challenge. First, “amateurism in professionalism” can be used to offset the constraints of increasing disciplinization and professionalization in literary theory. Second, critical rationality needs to be cultivated among researchers and in institutional forms in order to alter the present lack of rational and vigorous debate, criticism and dialogue. Third, we need to reconstruct “grand narratives,” so as to make a unique contribution to the world in terms of universal values, meanings and ethics through transforming and advancing traditional Chinese thought.  相似文献   

In the late 20th and early 21st century, social exclusion has become something of a trope around which is pegged justifications for various reforms. The notion of social exclusion has found its way into the lexicon of all major global governance institutions. How has this happened, and what are its implications for scholars of contemporary welfare reforms? In this article, we consider the ‘rise and rise’ of the discourse of social exclusion, with particular reference to its development as a policy paradigm within the European Union. We note that its initial iteration was anchored in a functionalist discourse of social organisation but that this was quickly challenged both by post‐structuralist and post‐colonial perspectives and by research findings that undermined the view of mainstream institutions as fundamentally integrative and inclusive in nature. The debate about social exclusion, we suggest, is simultaneously a debate about the historical and social dynamics of European modernity.  相似文献   

赵文洪 《求是学刊》2000,(3):105-108
为了推进中国的世界史学科在新的世纪中健康发展并获得长足的进步,必须首先回答这样的问题中国的世界史学科应该如何发展?一种答案是同国际史学接轨、对话,像发达国家史学家那样从事世界史研究。另一种答案是吸收国际史学研究的营养,根据中国的需要来发展世界史学科。对此,本文逐一进行较为深入且有见地的论述。  相似文献   

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