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中国正处于“现代化运动与中华文明复兴”、“社会主义与资本主义”、“民族国家与全球化趋势”三大张力之中。这三大张力彰显出确立中国未来发展方向所面临的三大难题,是我们认清中国在当代世界历史中的位置,把握中国发展历史趋势的思想坐标。为解决难题,需要建立“复杂现代性”理念,并以此作为分析中国面临挑战的分析框架和探寻中国未来发展方向的方法论原则。同时,需要建立与“复杂现代性”相应的思维方式,建构当代中国社会发展的核心价值。  相似文献   

中国的发展道路必然是和平主义性质的,这种和平主义虽然与中国的文化传统有着密切的联系,但本质上是由中国近代以来的历史性实践为其制订方向的;由于这条道路不可能依循现代资本主义的基本建制来为自己取得全部规定,所以它在批判地澄清现代冲突与战争之主要根源的同时,为中国和平主义传统的复活与重建提供了现实的可能性;中国发展的和平主义道路将具有这样一种世界历史意义:它把不以扩张主义为出发点也不以霸权主义为必然归宿的发展前景启示给人类向着未来的历史筹划。  相似文献   

近代中国世界史研究的萌生, 始于19世纪中叶, 这和中国“救亡图存” 的时代主题联系在一起。中国世界史研究的特点是与时代的脉搏同时跳动, 在各个历史时期, 它研究方向的主流, 从不曾脱离时代的主题, 表现出一种强烈的社会责任。在改革开放新的历史条件下, 中国世界史研究的社会责任, 从根本上要在坚持为人民服 务、为社会主义服务的方向上体现出来。

关键词: 中国世界史研究 中国史学 中国社会科学

Modern Chinese study of world history began in the middle of the nineteenth century and was closely related to the main theme of the times, that of saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival. Its chief feature was that it was attuned to the pulse of the times; in all historical periods, the main current of its research has never deviated from the main theme of the times, showing a strong sense of responsibility to society. Under the new historical conditions of reform and opening up, this sense of social responsibility should be reflected in fundamental adherence to the direction of serving the people and socialism.  相似文献   

Property rights have multiple attributes, and these are correlated with national governance. In the West, property rights have the economic function of maximizing efficiency and the political function of rights protection, but in China, they also have a strong social character. With the modernization of national governance, these functions interact with and transform each other. When the state’s ability to supply public goods is relatively weak, property rights take on more of a social character, meeting public demand for welfare at the grassroots level. When the state is better able to provide public goods, the social function of property rights lessens as their economic function grows. The social character of property rights was the institutional foundation for China, as a huge agrarian state, to realize “governance through inaction,” and at the same time was the secret key that could break the code to the millennial continuity of Chinese agrarian civilization. Reforms including the collectivization of rural property rights after 1949, the “separation of two rights” (to collective ownership and household contracted land, with a focus on the latter), and the “separation of three rights,” (to collective ownership, household contracts and revitalized land management). These changes constitute a process in which the economic function of property rights has been growing while their social character has lessened under conditions of national governance modernization.  相似文献   

人类命运共同体是中国共产党和中国政府过去十年来逐步弘扬的一个核心概念,它是中国历经改革开放以来的四十多年、新中国成立以来的七十多年、中国进入近代史以来的一百八十年,更是华夏文明四千多年来历史实践的一种结果。文章通过分析“中国的世界”和“中国与世界”两种中国的世界观,指出人类命运共同体实际上是历经千年之变后出现的第三种中国世界观“中国在世界”的必然产物,含指中国对世界的反哺、反思、责任与使命。  相似文献   

“中国价值观” 是相对于 “美国价值观” , “亚洲价值观” , “华盛顿共识” 等 而言的, 是中国社会价值体系长期发展演变的结果, 是当代中国价值复杂性的观念表 现和理论提升。在历史与时代, 中国与世界的多维背景中分析中国当前复杂价值状况 的历史生成, 演进逻辑, 多元构架, 深层原因与内在依据,透视西方几百年现代化进 程中的历时性矛盾在当代中国的共时性并存, 我们主张以复杂性的思维与方法来看待 当前中国的复杂价值现实和价值观念, 在多重线索汇聚和多元变化整合的动态过程中 积极守护 “中国利益” , 合理履行 “中国责任” , 自觉探寻 “中国道路” , 清醒回应 “中国期盼” , 自觉化解 “中国难题” , 恰当彰显 “中国信心” , 更好地发挥出哲学 社会科学在解读与引领社会发展的积极功能。

关键词: 中国价值观 多元价值 核心价值 复杂性思维

“Chinese values” is a concept defined in relation to “American values,” “Asian values” and the “Washington Consensus.” It is a product of the long-term development and evol ut ion of Chi nese soci et y’s val ue syst em and const it ute s the c onc ept ua l representation and theoretical enhancement of the complexity of current Chinese values. We analyze the historical formation, evolutionary logic, pluralistic framework, underlying reasons, and inner grounds of present day China’s complex values in a multi- dimensional context that involves history and the present as well as China and the world, looking at the synchronous coexistence in modern China of diachronic conflicts that unfolded over several hundred years in the course of Western modernization. Our contention is that present day China’s complex value reality and value concepts should be approached by using complex ideas and techniques. In the dynamic process of integrating manifold clues and multiple changes, we will vigorously safeguard “Chinese interests,” reasonably fulfill “China’s responsibilities,” consciously seek a “Chinese path,” soberly respond to “expectations of China,” consciously break down “China’s problems” and appropriately demonstrate “China’s confidence,” in order to better perform the positive function of philosophy and social sciences in interpreting and guiding the development of society.  相似文献   

李健强 《社会工作》2009,(10):24-26
参与式发展自20世纪90年代引入中国之后,广泛应用于NGO所开展的农村发展项目中,并取得了显著的效果。但由于实践经验的缺乏和反思不足,使参与式方法的应用越来越技术化、模式化和教条化,面临着本土化的困境。为了探索参与式发展的本土化之路,深化与拓展参与式发展的视域,2008年12月6日在兰州顺利召开了甘肃雨田农村发展论坛,就“参与式发展与本土化”、“农民组织化与发展”、“拓展发展的视野”等主题进行了卓有成效的讨论。  相似文献   

Natural materialism, humanistic materialism and historical materialism are the three historical forms of materialism. The “material” in historical materialism is a social thing which is “perceptible and imperceptible by the senses” and connotes social relations; and the “history” in historical materialism is the realm in which contradictions between man and nature and between man and society are able to unfold, so historical materialism is “actually a critical view of the world” that inherently contains dialectics in a “rational form.” The formulation of historical materialism opened a new path for the development of materialism and even philosophy as a whole. In the course of its critique of capitalist society, which unfolds with capital as a core category, historical materialism sublates abstract existence and discovers real social existence, thus putting an end to metaphysics, which is grounded in abstract ontology.  相似文献   

路英浩 《社会》2007,27(5):89-89
本文根据费孝通的有关理论、观点提出“乡寰视野”、“劦业乡”两个概念,尝试以此来诠释费孝通关于中国城乡社会发展与世界经济之“休戚与共”的理论和实践活动。文章阐述了费孝通“乡寰视野”观的渊源、演进;从概念结构上解明“乡寰视野”中的“乡”和“寰”,以及“劦业乡”各自的内涵构成;通过对映衬费孝通“乡寰视野”历史意识的理论梳理,以及对费孝通晚年就“乡”“寰”关系问题所作阐述的把握,试图以更具综合性的视域对费孝通的这一重要思想作出较为系统的学理解释。文章最后指出,费孝通倡导“文化自觉”体现出了更为宽广、更为仁至的人文关怀的情愫。“乡寰视野”中的纯真的愿景,是“‘美好社会’的意念”。  相似文献   

The relationship between the international Communist movement and the world anti- fascist war constitutes a major historical theme of our times. As a positive force for democracy and peace, the international Communist movement became a solid political cornerstone of the anti-fascist war. Its enormous sacrifices and contributions made it one of the final forces terminating the fascist political order, and its humanity provided mankind with a just direction in the struggle against war terrorism and for peace idealism. It thus became a major force in effectively advancing the development of democracy and peace. Based on the logic of condemnation, the critical reflections upon fascism made by the Communist movement have provided a value dimension for the building of today’s international security system. Based on the logic of construction, the international peace ethics followed by the international Communist movement offer an ideological foundation for the building of the new international order. And based on the logic of development, the new paradigm of world civilization pursued by the international Communist movement has become a political exemplar for the current pursuit of international peace. The political force of the Communist Party of China (CPC), as China’s political backbone and advance guard, cannot be overlooked: it influenced the anti-fascist war, the postwar international Communist movement and the democratization of world order. Of course, both the Soviet Union and the Comintern also offered many historical lessons during the anti-fascist war, lessons that merit profound reflection and consideration.  相似文献   

“反向格义”与“中西会通”是构建中国学术话语存在的两种认知取向和方法选择。近现代中西学术交流在反向格义过程中完成了对中国学术的形塑,同时也造就了中国学术对西方话语的依附,给中国学术带来相当的片面性偏差。对中国学术而言,不能为了避免西方话语的反向格义而在学术上走向自我封闭,会通中西方已有学术资源进行思想创新是建设中国学术话语体系应有的实践智慧和理性诉求。中国学术的发展道路不是简单地“去西方话语”,而是要以中国立场寻求与西方学术的深度对话,唯此才能避免在格义天平首鼠两端,在中西会通基础上建立中国学术话语的主体性。  相似文献   

近代中国世界史研究的萌生,始于19世纪中叶,这和中国“救亡图存”的时代主题联系在一起。中国世界史研究的特点是与时代的脉搏同时跳动,在各个历史时期,它研究方向的主流,从不曾脱离时代的主题,表现出一种强烈的社会责任。在改革开放新的历史条件下,中国世界史研究的社会责任,从根本上要在坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向上体现出来。  相似文献   

储著源  周小华 《创新》2013,(2):33-38
马克思主义中国化理论创新范式研究对象主要是党领导人民群众在推进马克思主义理论创新过程中所坚持和发展的理论创新方法、原则、路径、标准、信念、价值观等概念和范畴。理论创新范式具有科学性与革命性、价值理性与工具理性、一脉相承与继承创新的辩证统一性。理论创新范式的历史形态可以从理论创新主题转换、主体思维状态、问题出场逻辑、马克思主义发展史等视角进行梳理和分类研究。  相似文献   


China’s rise has increased concerns about innovation in China’s indigenous literary theory. How to create theories with a “China style” and global influence has become a serious challenge for the development of contemporary Chinese literary theory. Three strategies are noteworthy in meeting this challenge. First, “amateurism in professionalism” can be used to offset the constraints of increasing disciplinization and professionalization in literary theory. Second, critical rationality needs to be cultivated among researchers and in institutional forms in order to alter the present lack of rational and vigorous debate, criticism and dialogue. Third, we need to reconstruct “grand narratives,” so as to make a unique contribution to the world in terms of universal values, meanings and ethics through transforming and advancing traditional Chinese thought.  相似文献   

中国建国60年来和改革开放30年来所取得的巨大成就,使世界热衷于讨论是否存在某种“中国模式”或“北京共识”。“模式”包含着两层含义,一是发展道路的独特性,二是发展道路的可输出性和可效仿性。从前一层含义上来看,中国的发展的确创造出了一个独特的中国模式。中国发展道路是在中国人追求民族独立和现代化的历史背景下,在最终选择了马克思主义的条件下而实现的,其本质就是选择走社会主义道路而拒绝资本的扩张和奴役。全球化伴随着全球资本力量的无限膨胀,世界政治、经济都沦于世界资本主义的奴役之下,中国的发展道路正是在这个背景下显示出其独特性。同时,中国也不会向外输出自己的发展模式,通过对和谐、平等和多样性的追求,中国道路的成功将改变现有国际规则和全球发展观念。中国道路在全球化时代中具有世界性的意义。  相似文献   

推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,需要在推进中国特色社会主义建设事业的伟大进程中,深刻总结历史经验,准确分析当前形势,科学规划未来发展,大力发展具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的社会主义文化。这既是社会主义文化发展的必然趋势和长远目标,也是社会主义文化发展的不竭动力和现实需要,对于我们党更好地肩负起执政兴国的历史使命,促进马克思主义中国化的历史跨越,都具有深远的实践意义。  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

海权是大国崛起的重要因素,而航空母舰是海权的主要支撑。中国海军战斗序列的航空母舰将对中国海军转型产生巨大的推动作用,成为维护中国海权的有生力量。这样的海上武装力量对于中国这样的陆海复合型大国发展海权是不可或缺的。本文从海权、航空母舰和中国海军转型三者之间的辩证关系进行分析与研究,力图对建立在以航空母舰为核心的攻守兼备的海军基础上的中国海权发展做一梳理。  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市 场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性 重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方 式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解” 与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的 文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新 世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。

关键词: 中国文学?世纪转型?数字化生存

The reform ignited by digital media provided strong impetus to literary transformation at the turn of century in China. The market‐led rise of online literature has destroyed the balance of traditional literature and resulted in a fundamental digital readjustment of the overall literary structure. The fourth medium, with its irresistible technological force, has led to a large‐scale literary shift towards “being digital,” thereby changing literary traditions of existence and expression. Such being the case, we need to clarify digital media's dual function of “deconstruction” and “construction” in this literary shift so as to input new ideas from a different academic perspective into literary theory of the digital era, turn digital media's challenge to tradition into a chance for literary innovation and make the new media into a powerful driving force and effective resource for Chinese literature in the new century.  相似文献   

政府职能之间的关系不是一成不变的,而是随着行政环境、条件的变化不断进行调整和改变。目前,我国政府职能体系的核心是创造良好发展环境、提供优质公共服务、维护社会公平正义。这是历经革命战争年代、建国初期、文化大革命、改革开放等几次历史性根本转折后的逻辑必然,也是建设社会主义和谐社会、实现全面建成小康社会和中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的现实选择。在此背景下,实现社会治理目标,更需要围绕“让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民”、“维护社会公平正义”政府职能,注意各项治理措施的“系统性、整体性、协同性”,走“统筹兼顾,突出重点”的社会治理之路。  相似文献   

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