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《Social Sciences in China》2005,(4)
To a great degree, the development ofthe current international system has provedthat provided an anarchic state exists, the“national security dilemma” is an unavoid-able reality. In the context of this dilemma,the rise of a big power in the internationalarena always leads to fierce competition fornational security, even culminating in theoutbreak of war. Hence it is natural for real-ist Western scholars of international relationsto speculate that the dramatic growth ofChina’s comprehensive … 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(2)
While the over-consumption and even waste of modern human society cannot be blamed solely on the emergence of capital,nor can capital be regarded as the wellspring 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
本文试图从科学和人文两方面探讨逻辑学的未来。首先,我们说明作为家族类似,逻辑学的内涵和外延均具开放性,从而揭示在其发展过程中转变方向的可能性。其次,阐明逻辑学认知转向的理论基础,主要形态和基本特点。最后,本文论证了逻辑的文化依赖性,提出了文明的平等原则,并在此基础上表明逻辑学将面临的重大问题是:什么是跨文明说理的规则。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2004,(3)
在台湾, "族群"(ethnic group)一词初用于民族学界对原住民的研究。随着台湾政治格局的变化和民进党的建立,"族群"一词进入政治生活领域,并在后现代"差异政治"和"认同政治"的交互作用下,成为"台独"势力依托"省籍矛盾"、构建"政治族群"的"文化"工具,在"国家认同"层面和"统独争议"之中发挥着"族群政治"的分化作用。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2010,(4):73-89
广义论证概念扩大了逻辑家族成员,使之包括现代文化之外其他文化的逻辑,对阿赞得(Azande)人的田野考察报告,以及中国古代逻辑和佛学逻辑的研究成果,从描述的角度为“逻辑相对于文化”这一命题提供事实根据;采用演绎论证作为元方法说明现代文化中的逻辑和其他文化的逻辑在现代文化中的译本具有文化相对性;借助民族志和历史学研究成果说明其他文化的逻辑本身也具有的文化相对性;通过语言博弈和生活形式概念说明作为元方法的演绎论证同样具有文化相对性。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2002,(2)
本文对20世纪90年代以来中国城市普遍开展的社区建设的性质进行了分析,指出城市社区建设在社会组织方式和社会管理模式转换中的作用,认为城市社区建设是一个复杂的经济、政治和社会过程。文章分析了经济因素对社区建设的重要意义,认为社区建设需要经济的支持,但社区服务所产生的经济收益并不能有效地支持社区建设的开展,政府和企业应该对之给予更多投入。社区建设有丰富的政治内涵。政府力图通过社区建设实现社会管理体制的转变,同时又要保持社会的稳定。由于中国的市民社会发育缓慢,因此,社区建设的政治目标的实现面临着挑战。文章认为社区建设的重要目的是形成新的社会团结,而广泛的社区参与是不可忽略的环节。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2005,(4)
The historiography of Ranke representedby the leading German historian Leopold vonRanke not only greatly benefited Westernhistoriography, but also had a great influenceover modern Chinese historiography in thefirst half of the 20th century. Chinese histori-cal circles came into contact with and ac-cepted Ranke’s historiography via Japan, theU.S. and Europe. In the course of thisprocess, the Japanese historians Ukita andShiratori Kurakichi had the greatest impact.He Bingsong, a Chinese … 相似文献
Yao Wenfang 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(3):175-185
The critique of mass culture is a core theory of the Frankfurt School. Entering China in the early 1990s, this critique enjoyed an initial but brief acclaim. As an over-reaction and over-interpretation stemming from painful historical memories, it tended to impede the impartial assessment of mass culture and the culture industry, resulting in obvious theoretical blind spots and gaps and making a “symptomatic reading” necessary. Today, the Frankfurt School’s critique of mass culture is still of value and significance as an intellectual resource and historical reference, but it warrants further scrutiny when used to analyze practical issues. Given the burgeoning of mass culture and the cultural industry presently under way in the Chinese market economy, we should rise above previous intellectual limitations and theoretical misunderstandings to give due weight and active encouragement to the positive energy of mass culture and the cultural industry. The construction of Chinese literary discourse has its own distinctive pattern, and must orient itself toward China and the contemporary era, and particularly toward the practical development of contemporary China in the current period of transition. The academic counterpart of this is a three-dimensional platform consisting of level of thought, value concepts, and Chinese characteristics. 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(4)
"Root-seeking literature" was so namedin 1985. When writers from the "educatedyouth" came on stage as a group and magni-fied their individual memories into collectiveones and into memories of the era and of the 相似文献
Negotiation on Coalition Government and Chinese Politics in the Final Stage of the Anti-Japanese War
《Social Sciences in China》2003,(1)
1944年5月至1945年2月的国共谈判,是中共主导下的、以联合政府为主题的、抗战时期国共最后一次谈判。此次谈判的主要特点是背景决定谈判的进程。背景的构成及其作用表现为四个方面:日军的进攻削弱了国民党的军事力量和政治地位;美国对国共关系的干预导致中共问题国际化;民盟对联合政府的支持决定了中共的政治优势而预测中的苏军入华参战问题则制约着国民党的妥协程度。联合政府口号的提出,标志着中共对国民党的政策由改良转变为革命。 相似文献
李铁成 《Social Sciences in China》1994,(2)
TheWarofResistanceagainstJapaneseAggression(hereaftertheAntiJapaneseWar)wasamajorturningpointinmodernChinesehistory.Beingasignificantcomponentoftheanti-fascistWorldWaraswellasawardefendingstateindependenceandnationalfreedom,thiswarofresistancewasinternati… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2005,(4)
In the Confucian value system the corevalues like benevolence, propriety, righteous-ness and filial piety are all oriented in society.Many other ideas expounded by Confucianscholars all show the tendency to set a highervalue on society at the expense of individuals.For example, the ideal of inward sagehoodand outward kingly governance esteemed byConfucian scholars treats kingly service tosociety as the ultimate purpose of being asage or a man of virtue. The value concepts,promoted by Confuci… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(3)
Safeguard measures constitute a very important part of the WTO framework and permit governments to take trade-restricting measures to resolve 相似文献
闻潜 《Social Sciences in China》1996,(4)
Marketscanbeobservedfromdifferentangles,andinrecentyearsthetheoriesofequilibriumanddisequilibriumhaveoftenbeencited.Inthisarticle,theauthorwillexaminethesubject,object,andmechanismsoftheChinesemarketfromthePerspectiveofthetheoryofmarketvalue,inordertoascertainthefuturedirectionofthemarketandenablecorrespondingadjustmentstobemade.Ⅰ.MarketObject:StructuralAnalysisThedifferencebetweenmarketvalueandvalueisthatthereisonlyonekindofvalue,whereastherearethreetypesofmarketvalue:highstandardvalue,med… 相似文献
贺圣达 《Social Sciences in China》1995,(3)
Acentury-olddisputeinworldhistoricalstudiesconcernswhetherornottheThaisestablishedtheNanzhaoKingdom,andwhetherornotthiseventthereforeformsachapterinthehistoryoftheThais.SinceWesternscholarspropoundedthistheoryacenturyago,thedisseminationofthefallacyhashadharmfulramifications.Asaresult,manyhistoricalwritingsdiscusstheearlyhistoryofThailandtotallyintermsoftheNanzhao.Onlyoverthepastdecadehasthissituationbeguntochange.Inthisconnection,ananalysisofthisacademichistoricallyintricatecaseisrelevant.… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
China does not have the political system of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial divisions but puts into practice a different kind of system for separation of powers and checks and balance among public security, the procuratorate and the trial of cases (to which we may add judicial administration) within the judicial organs themselves. The federalist judicial system finds no place here; instead, 相似文献
方诗铭 《Social Sciences in China》1995,(1)
TheoriginofDaoismisacomplicatedproblem.Muchhasbeenwrittenonit.Withthehelpofunearthedancientrelics,thisarticleexaminestheproblemfromaparticularperspective,namelytherelationshipofprimitiveDaoismduringtheEasternHandynastytotheshamans(wu)andshamanism(wushu)popularatthetime.OnecannotdenytheinfluenceofbookssuchasTaipingqinglingshu,Taipingjing,andothersupontheformationofprimitiveDaoism.Butthesebooksonlyreflectthethoughtoftherulers,fundamentallydifferentfromtheprimitiveDaoismthatstenunedfromthepeo… 相似文献
An agent who violates independence can avoid dynamic inconsistency in sequential choice if he is sophisticated enough to make use of backward induction in planning. However, Seidenfeld has demonstrated that such a sophisticated agent with dependent preferences is bound to violate the principle of dynamic substitution, according to which admissibility of a plan is preserved under substitution of indifferent options at various choice nodes in the decision tree. Since Seidenfeld considers dynamic substitution to be a coherence condition on dynamic choice, he concludes that sophistication cannot save a violator of independence from incoherence. In response to McClennens objection that relying on dynamic substitution when independence is at stake must be question-begging, Seidenfeld undertakes to prove that dynamic substitution follows from the principle of backward induction alone, provided we assume that the agents admissible choices from different sets of feasible plans are all based on a fixed underlying preference ordering of plans. This paper shows that Seidenfelds proof fails: depending on the interpretation, it is either invalid or based on an unacceptable assumption. 相似文献