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生产社会化是指分散的个体生产转变为由社会分工和协作联系起来的大规模社会生产的过程;产权社会化是为适应生产社会化的客观要求,某一法定主体的私人性产权全部或部分地被社会范围内越来越多的法定主体、社会成员共同分享的过程和趋势.生产社会化与产权社会化的本质联系是生产力与生产关系的辩证统一,而传统国有企业的产权社会化水平较低,不适应生产社会化的内在要求,因此其产权社会化实现形式必须创新,才能不断深化国企改革.  相似文献   

陈炳 《浙江学刊》2012,(2):205-210
“政治社会化”具有双向维度,它是指社会成员与政治体系之间持续不断地相互联系、相互影响的互动过程,包含政治系统主客体之间两个运动过程的辩证统一.在终极意义上,政治社会化指向于公共人格与公民政治的生成.公民教育与思想政治教育是中西方促进公民政治社会化的两种重要方式.二者在依存的社会语境、教育的内容、教育对象的范围、教育的方式方法等方面存在明显的不同.通过审视二者的关系,结合中国的实际语境,我国思想政治教育应该主动吸纳公民教育的合理部分,加强自身的改革和创新,才能更好地培育出合格的社会主义公民.  相似文献   

王文昇 《社科纵横》2007,22(11):170-171
网络文化的兴起,带来了大学生思想观念、教育方式、社会角色、生活方式、交往方式等方面的改变,促进了教育社会化和大学生学习、生活及行为方式的社会化,正确认识网络文化对大学生社会化的影响,加强高校网络文化建设,是高校思想政治工作者面临的新任务。  相似文献   

试析天皇在战后日本政治社会化中的地位和意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙政 《日本研究》2003,(3):70-76
任何一个人都不可能天生具有政治意识,人的政治意识通过“政治社会化”而形成。所谓政治社会化,是指生命个体从自然人成为社会人、进而成为政治人的过程。而每一个社会成员成为政治人,是政治存在并得以有效运行的基础。确切地讲,政治社会化意味着个人通过学习和经验,修得相关社会的政治文化内容,即那些在社会中被普遍认可的政治价值观念、政治态度以及行动样式,进而形成自己政治意识的的持续过程。通过政治社会化,每个人  相似文献   

青少年犯罪的原因错综复杂,试从社会化的视角多维度剖析青少年的犯罪根源。笔者认为,家庭、学校、社会等社会化机构自身的变异,社会化机构对青少年进行社会化时存在内容片面性、手段复杂性和不当性,以及社会化大环境的变迁是青少年走上犯罪道路的主要原因。  相似文献   

王文山 《社科纵横》2013,(10):176-178
社会化技能是人生存与发展的基础。当代社会大学生的社会化技能亟需快速提升。社会实践活动与提升社会化技能的目标具有一致性。通过鼓励大学生参与社会实践,注重实践选题和过程控制,加强指导力度等方面,可以使大学生在社会实践中更快地适应社会,提升社会化技能。  相似文献   

本文通过理论与实践、历史与现实的论证,阐明以下观点生产社会化与私人资本的矛盾不一定是不可调和的。人类进入文明社会后,长期持续发展的现实需要,客观上要求生产社会化不但与公有制相容,也与私有制相容。社会化大生产与私人资本能够相容在西方国家已经是普遍的事实,在社会主义市场经济条件下的社会主义国家业已并将继续得到证实。  相似文献   

近年来,我国社会福利事业取得了长足的发展,初步建立起了不同类型、不同层次、不同内容的社会福利服务体系,逐步改变过去单纯依靠政府财政投资、完全由国家包办包管的状态,出现了政府主导、部门配合、社会参与的发展局面。但是,社会福利社会化的探索和实践还仅仅是初步的、局部的,尚未从根本上改革政府包揽的体制。因此,要明确思路,转变观念,深化改革,加快推进社会福利社会化。  相似文献   

肖建杰 《唐都学刊》2006,22(1):56-59
进行政治社会化是新时期建设社会主义政治文明的一个首要而关键的问题,因而我们必须找到推进政治社会化的有效方法,政治现代化的实现有赖于政治社会化,所谓政治社会化就是一个社会对该社会政治取向和社会模式的学习、融合、传播、继承的过程。“以德治国”为新时期政治社会化提供了全新的视角,探索“以德治国”与政治社会化的关系对促进民主政治发展,推动社会主义政治文明建设无疑具有深远的意义。“以德治国”是新时期政治社会化价值导向和核心内容;“以德治国”是新时期政治社会化的最佳方式;“以德治国”能更好地促进政治社会化功能的发挥。  相似文献   

法治社会化:概念及其功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
法治社会化是社会通过法治机制塑成社会成员信赖法治的思想、动机和态度的作用过程。其主要特征是 :国家推动性与社会主体参与性的统一、内化与外化的统一、相似性和差异性的统一、渐进性和连续性的统一、能动性和受动性的统一。其功能主要包括评判、教育、实现、变革四个方面  相似文献   

Children of incarcerated mothers are at increased risk for psychological, social, and emotional maladaptation. This research investigates whether perceived maternal socialization of sadness and anger may moderate these outcomes in a sample of 154 children (53.9 percent boys, 61.7 percent Black, M age = 9.38, range: 6–12), their 118 mothers (64.1 percent Black), and 118 caregivers (74.8 percent female, 61.9 percent grandparents, 63.2 percent Black). Using mother, caregiver, and child report, seven maternal socialization strategies were assessed in their interaction with incarceration‐specific risk experiences predicting children's adjustment. For sadness socialization, the results indicated that among children reporting maternal emotion‐focused responses, incarceration‐specific risk predicted increases in psychological problems, depressive symptoms, increased emotional lability, and poorer emotion regulation. For children who perceived a problem‐focused response, incarceration‐specific risk did not predict outcomes. There were no significant interactions with incarceration‐specific risk and perceived maternal anger socialization strategies. These results indicate a critical need to examine how socialization processes may operate differently for children raised in atypical socializing contexts.  相似文献   

国有企业改革的目标是建立现代企业制度。现代企业制度是财产、组织和管理社会化的企业制度。它以企业的独立性为前提。国有企业改革应从确立企业独立的财产所有权和经营自主权 ,以及大型国有企业分解为各个独立的部分出发 ,把国有企业的权利和责任落实到位。在此基础上 ,推行国有企业的社会化 ,实行国有与非国有的混合联合 ,以加强企业的独立化和提高企业的经营管理水平 ,建立真正符合现代市场经济发展要求的企业制度。国有企业改革面临自然历史发展与现实客观要求的矛盾 ,解决的办法是实行“独立化”与“社会化”的衔接转换 ,以分化和整合为主要内容 ,以建立管理产权为根本着力点 ,以优选经营者为集中体现  相似文献   


Professional socialization in social work is the subject of the panel study described in this article. It focuses upon the impact of different social work education programs upon the professional preferences of students in the United States and Israel. The findings indicate that significant change with regard to some of the variables did occur between the beginning and completion of studies. This generally took the form of a declinein preferences though a number of cross-culture differences were observed. The implications of the findings for the issue of professional socialization in social work are discussed.  相似文献   

刘保卫 《社会》2010,30(6):175-201
基于对内蒙古两城市青少年的抽样调查,本文比较分析了网络对边远地区汉族和蒙族青少年社会化的影响程度。研究表明,青少年在普遍接触网络的情况下,社会化状况总体良好,网络对汉族、蒙族青少年社会化均有显著影响,但并无普遍的不良影响。研究显示蒙族青少年受到网络全球化的影响与汉族青少年社会化效果差异很小。从整体上看汉族和蒙族青少年都随着接触网络时间的延长,网络对其社会化影响将增大。青少年对网络的认识直接影响其在网上的表现;网上的表现直接影响网下现实生活中的表现;上网青少年在现实生活中又对其他人产生影响。  相似文献   

Research in child development suggests that parents' emotional competence and emotion socialization practices are related to children's emotional functioning, including child internalizing difficulties. This research has not yet been translated into intervention or prevention programs targeting parents of older children and adolescents. The current study examined the efficacy of the Tuning in to Teens parenting program in improving emotion socialization practices in parents of preadolescents and reducing youth internalizing difficulties. Schools were randomized into intervention and control conditions. Data were collected from 225 parents and 224 youth during the young person's final year of elementary school (sixth grade) and again 10 months later in their first year of secondary school (seventh grade). Multilevel analyses showed significant improvements in parental emotion socialization and reductions in youth internalizing difficulties for the intervention condition. This study provides support for the efficacy of the TINT parenting program with a community sample.  相似文献   

马振清 《学术交流》2002,4(5):31-35
公民政治社会化的目标是制定公民政治社会化措施的依据 ,社会的发展和政治的稳定需要公民政治社会化作为基础保证。在我国的社会变革中 ,政治生活、经济生活的变动迫切要求我国公民政治社会化进行调整、改革和完善 ,以往在静态环境中所形成的公民政治社会化结果受到了动态变革的挑战 ,这就需要明确的公民政治社会化目标作为指导 ,加强对作为政治稳定思想基础的政治文化的传播和建设 ,协调我国公民的政治心理 ,培养我国公民正确的政治态度 ,塑造合格的社会主义公民 ,维护政治稳定和促进社会变革。  相似文献   

Although peer influences are thought to be critically important to adolescent development, there is a paucity of research investigating the emotion socialization practices that take place between adolescents. This longitudinal study evaluated close friends' responses to negative emotion using a newly developed assessment tool of peer emotion socialization, you and your friends. Adolescent participants (N = 205) exhibiting a range of internalizing and externalizing problems between 11 and 17 years of age were assessed and re‐evaluated two years later. Participants were asked to rate the frequency with which their friends responded to them by encouraging, distracting, matching, ignoring, overtly victimizing, and/or relationally victimizing their emotions. The results indicated high levels of internal consistency and moderate levels of long‐term stability. Close friends most often responded supportively to the participants' emotional displays, but these responses differed by gender. Also, friends' emotion socialization responses were concurrently and predictively associated with participant problem status. This study contributes to a better understanding of the processes by which adolescents' emotions are socialized by their friends and has important implications for future prevention and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

家务劳动社会化的社会动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国近30年的社会转型带来的变化之一,就是原本属于私人领域的家务劳动有逐渐脱离家庭,越来越社会化的趋势。检索相关文献发现,对其研究大多停留在经济学意义上的产品价值和社会价值、法律意义上的补偿机制和女性家务劳动的法律保障层面上。而从社会学角度研究的也大多停留在家务劳动在家庭成员间的时间分配以及分配模式上。最有创意的当属中山大学社会学教授王宁,他从消费劳动和家务劳动社会化的基本特征上进行阐释,但对家务劳动的社会动力仍缺乏系统分析,本文试图弥补这一研究角度的不足。  相似文献   

This study examined parental emotion socialization processes associated with adolescent unipolar depressive disorder. Adolescent participants (N = 107; 42 boys) were selected either to meet criteria for current unipolar depressive disorder or to be psychologically healthy as defined by no lifetime history of psychopathology or mental health treatment and low levels of current depressive symptomatology. A multi‐source/method measurement strategy was used to assess mothers’ and fathers’ responses to adolescent sad and angry emotion. Each parent and adolescent completed questionnaire measures of parental emotion socialization behavior, and participated in meta‐emotion interviews and parent‐adolescent interactions. As hypothesized, parents of adolescents with depressive disorder engaged in fewer supportive responses and more unsupportive responses overall relative to parents of non‐depressed adolescents. Between group differences were more pronounced for families of boys, and for fathers relative to mothers. The findings indicate that parent emotion socialization is associated with adolescent depression and highlight the importance of including fathers in studies of emotion socialization, especially as it relates to depression.  相似文献   

This study examined inter‐relations among different types of parental emotion socialization behaviors in 88 mothers and 76 fathers (co‐residing with participating mothers) of eight‐year‐old children. Parents completed questionnaires assessing emotion socialization behaviors, emotion‐related attitudes, and their children's social functioning. An observed parent–child emotion discourse task and a child social problem‐solving interview were also performed. Parent gender differences and concordance within couples in emotion socialization behaviors were identified for some but not all behaviors. Fathers' reactions to child emotion, family expressiveness, and fathers' emotion coaching during discussion cohered, and a model was supported in which the commonality among these behaviors was predicted by fathers' emotion‐coaching attitudes, and was associated with children's social competence. A cohesive structure for the emotion socialization construct was less clear for mothers, although attitudes predicted all three types of emotion socialization behavior (reactions, expressiveness, and coaching). Implications for developmental theory and for parent‐focused interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

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