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梅笑 《社会》2005,40(2):111-136
情感劳动研究的一个重要取向是从组织心理学的视角探究情感劳动对从业者造成的负面影响及形成原因,但对其可能带来的积极体验没有给予足够关注。本文以月嫂为例,从文化社会学的视角探索情感劳动从业者如何通过边界工作创造积极的工作体验。研究发现,能够获得积极体验的月嫂会采用“深层表演”策略主动破除边界,将工作关系拟亲属化,并进行一定程度的“慈善”劳动。她们还通过打造“育儿专家”的形象来建立象征性秩序,以便在与雇主的互动中争取主动。这两种策略都是劳动者通过构建象征性边界来挑战社会性边界的过程。本文认为,情感劳动的“自主性”应纳入关系视角,关注劳动者建立平等而有意义的社会关系的能力,而非仅强调边界清晰的独立“自我”和对劳动过程的自主控制。  相似文献   

胡忠俊 《创新》2021,15(2):29-38
当今信息时代,科学技术进步促进了劳动形态、劳动客体和社会关系的虚拟化进程,劳动从现实的劳动转变为虚拟的劳动.劳动虚拟性主要体现为劳动手段的数字化、劳动场景的网络化、劳动工具的智能化和劳动指向的创造化.虚拟劳动产生的内在动因在于劳动主体自身特定的需求满足,虚拟劳动产生的外在条件是科技生产力的不断提升.信息时代虚拟劳动的具体形式包括科技研发劳动、信息化管理劳动和虚拟资本的投资劳动.虚拟劳动的特征表现为生产性、交互性、价值性和创造性.坚持马克思主义理论指导,在劳动虚拟化过程中要防范劳动关系的矛盾与对立冲突;防止虚拟资本通过投资活动控制实体产业进而剥削剩余价值;预防劳动者的身心发展片面化、畸形化,要促进人的全面发展.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the personal emotions, emotional atmosphere, and emotional climate in Spain both one week and two months after the terrorist attacks that took place in Madrid on March 11, 2004. It also examines the relationship among these variables and their effect on various behaviors. Participants consisted of 1,807 people from seven autonomous regions in Spain with a mean age of 27.64 years. Personal emotions were significantly affected by degree of Spanish identification. These personal emotions and the general emotional atmosphere were characterized by high levels of sadness, disgust, anger, and contempt, as well as (to a lesser degree) fear. Personal emotions, emotional atmosphere, and the nation's emotional climate improved after two months, although a high degree of sadness persisted in the atmosphere. The emotional climate was relatively independent and stable. Personal emotions had a low but significant capacity for predicting avoidant and altruistic behaviors. Measures of emotional climate added to this ability to predict specific avoidant and altruistic behavior.  相似文献   

In Roberts and Strayer (1996 ) we described how emotional factors were strongly related to children's empathy, which in turn strongly predicted prosocial behavior. This paper focuses on how these child emotional factors, assessed across methods and sources, related to parental factors (empathy, emotional expressiveness, encouragement of children's emotional expressiveness, warmth and control) for a subset of 50 two‐parent families from our earlier sample. Parents reported on their emotional characteristics and parenting; children (5 to 13 years old; 42% girls) also described parenting practices. Children's age and parenting factors accounted for an average of 32% of the variance in child emotional factors, which, with role‐taking, strongly predicted children's empathy. In contrast to earlier, less comprehensive studies, we found important paths between parents’ and children's empathy, mediated by children's anger. These countervailing pathways largely neutralized each other, resulting in the low correlations usually seen when parents’ and children's empathy are examined in isolation. Thus our findings are an important confirmation and extension of the theoretically expected link between parents’ and children's empathy.  相似文献   

袁浩 《社会》2009,29(1):18-23
2008年开始的美国次贷危机所引发的全球金融风暴已经越来越深地影响着我们的生活,这场金融风暴不仅对西方主要经济大国产生了深刻影响,而且也正在对发展中的中国产生前所未有的影响。在某种意义上说,这是中国自上世纪80年代开始社会经济转型以来面临的最大挑战,也是对中国执政党执政能力的最大考验。在这场席卷全球的金融风暴面前,中国社会科学工作者应该以自己的专业知识对这场金融风暴可能带来的风险、挑战及其机遇予以回应。为此,上海市高校人文社会科学重点研究基地上海大学中国社会转型与社会组织研究中心、上海高校社会学E-研究院和本刊编辑部联合邀请上海部分青年学者对此问题进行了讨论。虽然这场全球金融风暴开始不久,我们很难预测它对中国社会、政治、经济等方面的影响,但是,有一点是肯定的,影响是不可避免的,并且已经使我们感受到了。我们相信,全球金融风暴对于中国来说,不仅是风险和挑战,而且也是机遇。它会使具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济更加成熟,它会孕育一个建立在自己文化土壤上,同时又具有现代意义的"社会",它会培育和发展出"国家与社会"的新型关系。  相似文献   

This research sets out to discover what impact parental schizophreniamakes on a child’s life. It focuses on the daily lifeand experiences of children. Their health, education, familyand leisure activities are examined. Contact with helping agenciesand their unmet needs are investigated. The sample was drawnfrom the children of patients attending the mental health servicesin South West Dublin. They were matched with a control groupof children of well parents. The majority of children who haveone parent with schizophrenia had similar profiles to the childrenof well parents in the areas of physical health, positive familyfeelings, friendships, hobbies and household tasks. In a numberof other areas, however, differences were found. Sample childrenhad more psychiatric disturbance, more problems associated withschool, less contact with relatives and spent more time at home.The children had little access to services and were upset byhospital visiting. The need for an educational programme andsupport for these children was demonstrated. It is recommendedthat a more co-ordinated approach is required by both adultand child mental health services in order to meet their needs.  相似文献   

This article examines how objective measures of sociostructural dimensions of a culture of peace are related to subjective national values, attitudes, and emotional climate. National scores on objective measures of four sociostructural dimensions were correlated with national means from a number of cultural value data sets and national indexes of emotional climate. Liberal Development was congruently associated with egalitarian, individualist values, a low negative emotional climate, and less willingness to fight in a new war. By contrast, Violent Inequality was associated with lower harmony values and less valuing of intellectual autonomy. State Use of Violent Means was strongly associated with low harmony values. Nurturance was associated with horizontal individualism, tolerance, cooperative values, and positive emotional climate. The conclusion discusses how the construction of a culture of peace must be based on values as well as objective sociocultural factors.  相似文献   

P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion, 1688–1914 (1993), xiv + 490; British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction, 1914–1990 (1993), xiii + 326 (Longman, London, £17.99 and £3.99).

W. D. Rubinstein, Capitalism, Culture, and Decline in Britain, 1750–1990 (1993), viii + 182 (Routledge, London, £25.00).

Stanley Chapman, Merchant Enterprise in Britain: From the Industrial Revolution to World War I (1992), xvi + 336 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £40.00).  相似文献   

As women increasingly enter leadership roles that traditionally have been occupied mainly by men, the possibility that the leadership styles of women and men differ continues to attract attention. The focus of these debates on sameness versus difference can obscure the array of causal factors that can produce differences or similarities. Adopting the perspective of social role theory, we offer a framework that encompasses many of the complexities of the empirical literature on the leadership styles of women and men. Supplementing Eagly and Johnson's (1990) review of the interpersonally oriented, task-oriented, autocratic, and democratic styles of women and men, we present new data concerning the transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles.  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence (EI) has become one of the new management‘buzz’ terms. It is suggested that this is the missingingredient that separates average from top management or performance.However, despite its potential relevance for social work practice,there has been little investigation and few reports about itsapplication in social work settings. This paper seeks to stimulatedebate about the role of EI in social work practice by consideringits development, definitions and problematics. Whilst the empiricalevidence supporting the existence of a separate and measurableEI is ambiguous and emergent, the role of emotion in the organizationof human behaviour is more firmly established. The paper examinesthe role of EI and emotion in relation to five core social worktasks: engagement of users; assessment and observation; decisionmaking; collaboration and co-operation; dealing with stress.The paper situates itself in the rapidly changing context ofsocial work: the merger of social services departments withlarger more powerful bureaucracies; the movement towards integratedservice delivery; and the new social work degree. It is arguedthat social work needs to identify its claims to professionalcompetence at a time of such change, one of which is the abilityto use relationships to address users’ needs. This requiresthe capacity to handle both one’s own and others’emotions effectively.  相似文献   

王晓升 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):33-40
哈贝马斯认为,马克思是通过对劳动的二重性即具体劳动和抽象劳动的划分来批判资本主义的,按照他的分析,抽象劳动包含了物化.他还试图通过观察语言和理论语言之间的转换来揭示这里所存在的物化关系.这既反映了他对马克思的误解,又表现了他对于资本主义批判的新角度.他对于马克思的三个弱点的分析进一步展示了他和马克思在批判资本主义方面的不同的视角和目标.  相似文献   

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