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无因性原则的意义主要体现在商法领域有价证券的连续让与中,对指名债权让与受让人安全地位的保障作用意义不大。如果以无因性原则构成证券化债权安全流通的基础这一事实为由强调民法上的指名债权让与也应承认无因性原则,从逻辑上来说不能成立。尽管有因无因的选择更多的是一个立法政策的问题,但如果从与我国物权变动模式保持一致及价值判断的角度分析,不承认指名债权让与的无因性应是我国的较好选择。即指名债权让与并不具有无因性,我国传统民法理论当然的将无因性阐述为债权让与的重要特征是错误的,对此应予以修正。  相似文献   

刘霞 《日本研究》2005,(1):59-64
日本的不良债权问题是日本经济重新启动必须解决的问题。本文从青木昌彦提出的水平层级制下的相机治理结构出发,逐步分析这种相机结构治理机构在高速增长时期如何促进了经济发展,在新环境中机制本身又为何加深了企业危机,进而引发银行危机,造成了大量不良债权。最后提出解决该问题的基本思路  相似文献   

There have been important stimuli to the intensive applied study of rural public passenger transport over the past decade. These include legal obligations placed on the shire counties (of 1974) to co-ordinate provision with regard to need, rural residents'access to services, and the demands from both academic and political quarters for the rigorous assessment of local government services and functions. There are certain methodological "loose connections". Examined here is the concern with objective service quality measures linked to observed consumer behaviour as the source of information. Undue importance has been attached to the study of consumers'adaptation to service loss, at the expense of interest in questions of equity and absolute service levels. The resulting model promises both to assist in ensuring that equity and opportunity costs of subsidies are explicitly considered, and to highlight localities in which detailed household surveys and accessibility measurement excercises can most fruitfully be employed.  相似文献   

The type of information needed by caregivers of Alzheimer patients will vary, depending upon the stage of the caregiver's emotional acceptance of the illness and on the patient's condition. A brief questionnaire was developed to identify caregiver information needs.  相似文献   

For some time the continuum of care has intrigued social planners and policy analysts as a concept with potential for influencing the delivery of social services. More recently, the Older Americans Act, as amended, 1978, includes the mandate to State Units and Area Agencies on Aging to provide a continuum of care for the vulnerable elderly. This state of the art review examines the continuum of care concept by isolating areas of consensus, highlighting points of disagreement, and identifying issues relevant to continuum of care as a conceptual framework for policy decisions and service delivery to the elderly population.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Asatisfactoryanswertothequestion"Whydo[Chinese]peasantshavechildren?"dependsonanemicunderstandingofthequestion.Thecruxofthematteris,whichoftheirneedsaresatisfiedbyhavingchildren?I.AHierarchyofPeasants'ChildbearingNeedsThechildbearingneedsofChinesefarmershavebotheconomicandsocialsignificance.Ourstudieshaveshownthatthereisahierarchyofmotivesinvolved,includinginternalizedsocialandculturalvalues,rulesandnorms,individualandfamilyfeeIings,andpracticalinterests.(1)Thepursuitoftheultimatemeaningof…  相似文献   

哲学与神学在基督教思想中历来关系密切.解决今日信仰危机的可能途径不是巴特对哲学的拒绝,也非回归传统哲学.而是诉诸怀特海的过程哲学.首先,信仰需要哲学,这是解决信仰危机的第一步.其次,现代哲学对宇宙作还原论的解释,这是造成信仰危机的主要原因.因此,过程哲学必须以某种形式恢复上帝在宇宙论中的地位.  相似文献   

日本不良债权处理的突破性进展与课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 3年日本不良债权的处理取得突破性进展,成为该年度日本经济复苏的主要亮点。尽管还存在许多亟待解决的课题,但主要银行不良债权的大幅度冲销,为最终彻底处理不良债权打下了良好基础,毋庸置疑,这将对日本经济的持续复苏产生积极影响。日本的经验也值得我国借鉴  相似文献   

2005年4月22日,由北京大学国际关系学院、教育部和平发展的国际环境课题组、北京大学中国战略研究中心共同主办的中国和平发展的地缘政治环境研讨会,在北京大学国际关系学院新楼举行。来自北京大学、国防大学、中央党校、中央外事办公室、中国社科院、中国军科院、光明日报、太平洋学报、中国经济时报、世界知识杂志社、国际先驱导报、参考消息报、国际政治研究等单位的多位知名学者、专家出席了会议,并围绕当前的地缘政治、经济环境及发展趋势分析、当前的安全环境与发展趋势分析、中国的地缘战略及对策发表了自己的看法。现将本次会议讨论…  相似文献   

The truly developed personality is characterized by a wealth of spiritual interests, that is, needs, interests, and inclinations.  相似文献   

The development of tribunals as alternatives to the court system for relatively minor disputes has been accompanied by disagreement about their desirability. This has led to moves to reform the Magistrates Court system so that the need for Tribunals will disappear. These reforms involve adopting many of the forms and procedures of the tribunals and abandoning others. At the same time there have been calls for the establishment of new tribunals. No evaluation has been made of how effectively these tribunals have fulfilled their original aims yet changes to them are proposed and the current tribunals are being used as models for further reforms. This paper reports results from a survey of 1670 people who used the Victorian Small Claims Tribunal and helps highlight some of the Tribunal's strengths and weaknesses. As such it is relevant to proposals for reforms which will affect people's access to the law to solve minor disputes.  相似文献   


Among persons at the end of life, it is important to understand whether the needs of patients are being adequately addressed. In particular, in hospice settings where the emphasis is on comfort care and quality of life, we know little about the presence of unmet needs. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of hospice social workers in working with hospice patients who had unmet needs at the end of life. Surveys were mailed to hospice social workers (N = 212) in two Southeastern states with a response rate of 36%. Results revealed that hospice social workers perceived patients to experience a wide variety of unmet needs-more commonly at the time of admission than during subsequent patient interactions. The most common unmet need reported at both times was a decreased ability to participate in activities that make life enjoyable. In situations where unmet needs exist, social workers reported that the most common perceived reasons were patient-related psychosocial issues and family conflict/issues. Additionally, a variety of interventions were used to address unmet needs, but a large number of barriers appear to impact outcomes in the cases. Results suggest that hospice patients experience a number of unmet needs, many of which are potentially treatable problems and concerns. Hospice professionals must continue to seek ways to assess and intervene effectively with patients who have unmet needs.  相似文献   

Mapping the Needs of Children in Need   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the literature on mapping needs, with particularreference to children in need, and locates this within the legalmandate for children’s services planning and New Labour’smodernization policies for social care work. The paper surveyspossible approaches to mapping needs and highlights the challengesinvolved. One research project, which collected informationon children in need from a variety of different agencies withinone geographical location, is then used to question mapping’scontribution to the achievement of quality, co-ordination andresponsiveness in modernized child care services. The paperincludes a critical review of the extent to which mapping researchinforms practice, of the contested nature of need, and of anapproach that rests on identifying those in greatest need andtargeting available resources at those most at risk.  相似文献   

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