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在辽阳市西部、沈大高速公路两侧、总规划面积70平方公里、历经十年发展历史的辽阳经济开发区,被正式批准为省级经济开发区.多年来,开发区的拓荒者本着你投资,我服务;你发财,我发展的工作思路,以优惠的政策、优质的服务、优越的环境,为国内外客商提供着创业、发展、发财的良好机遇,现已形成了钢管加工、机械制造、汽车内饰件生产、家具加工等支柱产业. 相似文献
Summary This paper is concerned with the relevance of interactionistperspectives in sociology to social work practice. Crucial tothese perspectives are the meanings that peoplegive to situations and the ways they interpret actions. Basically,they are grounded on the assumption that there is no such thingas a single social reality. There are many different constructionswhich depend on the identities of the different people involvedand on the context in which they occur. The paper is based ontape recorded excerpts from an interview between a client, MrsSmith, and a social worker, from a discussion about some aspectsof that interview between the social worker and the writer,and from a discussion about the case between the team leaderand the writer. This material suggests different interpretationsof the situation, information gained in the discussion withthe social worker providing new ideas about the original interview.The views of the different people involved indicate that itis helpful to take into account the organizational context ofthe interviews. It is also suggested that conceiving of interviewsas ways of constructing reality has implications for the studyof social work practice. 相似文献
Julia M. Pryce Linda Gilkerson Johanna E. Barry 《Journal of social service research》2018,44(3):350-364
ABSTRACTYouth mentoring is a popular tool in positive youth development, with most programs utilizing a model through which youth and non-parental adults are “matched.” Using an adaptation of the Facilitating Attuned Interactions framework, this study sought to explore the effectiveness of the Mentoring FAN in enhancing interpersonal attunement among mentoring staff at two youth mentoring programs in the U.S. Upon completion of the Mentoring FAN training, quantitative (n = 28) and qualitative (n = 15) data were collected from program staff at both sites. Open-ended data from a subset of mentors (n = 27) was also gathered. Results revealed that mentoring staff experienced significant increases in empathy following the Mentoring FAN intervention. Participant interviews revealed increased attunement, increased listening ability, and increased collaboration in the supervisory relationship. Findings support the continued delivery and rigorous testing of Mentoring FAN training, with great promise for enhancing attunement across the mentoring system as a means of strengthening the relationships so critical to this intervention. The study also has important implications for the development of mentor support practices within mentoring organizations, as well as policies designed to meet the needs of youth served by mentoring programs in the U.S. 相似文献
辽宁农业经过多年的快速发展已由相对滞后变为撑起经济半壁江山的支柱产业。然而,农民丰产不收,负担过重等问题仍很严重,如何让农民收入不断增加、工农各业统筹发展,协调城市乡村利益关系、共同建设小康社会,已成为农民的迫切期望和各级政府关注的焦点问题。 相似文献
Hyo-Jin Shin 《Journal of social service research》2019,45(3):373-381
This study was conducted with a purpose to examine the structural relationship among mentoring network characteristics, mentoring functions, and the work attitudes of North Korean defectors. One hundred twenty-one North Korean defectors participated in the study, who were involved in settlement programs in Seoul, Korea. Amos 20.0 and SPSS 21.0. were used for statistical analysis. According to the developmental network theory, mentoring network characteristics include: network range, number of networks, and network intimacy. Mentoring functions include: career function, role function, and psychosocial function. The results are as follows. Mentoring network characteristics have a positive (+) effect on mentoring functions (β?=?0.267, C.R.?=?2.329, p?<?.05) and mentoring functions have a positive (+) effect on work attitude (β?=?0.703, C.R.?=?6.748, p?<?.001). Mentoring characteristics also have an indirect effect on work attitude through mentoring functions (β?=?0.188). The results of this study implicate the need for expanding mentoring networks and developing mentoring functions for North Korean defectors in both formal and informal social network areas. 相似文献
Summary The paper considers the relevance of the five sub-branches ofthe interactionist perspective to the social work interviewand suggests a model incorporating all five. Such a model illustrateshow conflict between the social worker and the client may ariseand the author tentatively suggests how such conflict may beresolved 相似文献
宗教、公共生活与全球化——访普林斯顿公共神学家马克斯·斯塔克豪思教授 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2006年6月,香港浸会大学举办了题为"宗教价值与公共领域:公共宗教的中西文化对话"的国际学术会议,20多位来自中国大陆、香港、台湾地区以及欧美从事宗教研究的学者与会,提交的论文涉及宗教的公共性、公共空间中的宗教价值、宗教多元化与公民社会、神学与公共生活等议题. 相似文献
2009年的青岛注定要"春起潮涌".先是3月31日,在各界领导的大力支持下,青岛雕塑家协会正式成立了,青岛本土的100多位雕塑家齐聚堂,尽显青岛的"雕塑力量";再就是5月16日到21日青岛首届"春潮--当代雕塑艺术展"将拉开帷幕,在青岛美丽的东海岸,一场人与自然,雕琢与天成、城市与艺术的又艺大片即将上映. 相似文献
A new axiomatic basis for the foundations of decision theory is introduced and its mathematical development outlined. The system combines direct intuitive operational appeal with considerable structural flexibility in the resulting mathematical framework. 相似文献
2000年12月5日,被称为世界四大顶级模特赛事之一的福特世界超级模特大赛在美国的著名旅游城市波多黎各拉开了帷幕.当一位来自于中国年仅1 7岁的女孩款步走上以大海作背景的T形台时,来自全球数十个国家和地区的嘉宾与观众无不被她天成的身姿、非凡的神韵、高雅的气质和对时装艺术恰到好处地体现所陶醉和折服.掌声此起彼伏,银钨灯争相闪烁.她就是沈阳市外事服务学校模特专业的学生高珊. 相似文献
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty - 相似文献