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Summary: This paper presents first results of the project Factual anonymization of business microdata. The project aims at creating and providing scientific–use files of business data. For this, appropriate anonymization strategies and methods are created. The anonymization procedures are judged by whether they can guarantee the factual anonymity of company and operating data without limiting their potential value for statistical analysis. As an example the survey of German cost structure in the processing industry is considered. Here, both the impact of different anonymization methods on the potential use of the data as well as their effect on the re–identification risk is examined.
Zusammenfassung: Mit diesem Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse des Projektes Faktische Anonymisierung wirtschaftsstatistischer Einzeldaten vorgestellt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Grundlagen für die Erstellung von Scientific–use–files im Bereich der Unternehmens– und Betriebsdaten zu legen. Hierzu werden entsprechende Anonymisierungsverfahren und –strategien entwickelt. Die Anonymisierungsverfahren müssen danach beurteilt werden, ob sie die faktische Anonymität von Unternehmens– und Betriebsdaten sicherstellen können, ohne das Analysepotenzial über Gebühr einzuschränken. Am Beispiel der Kostenstrukturerhebung im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe werden erste Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Dabei wird sowohl untersucht, wie sich verschiedene Anonymisierungsmaßnahmen auf das Analysepotenzial der Daten auswirken, als auch welche Effekte sie auf das Re–Identifikationsrisiko haben.

Let X, T, Y be random vectors such that the distribution of Y conditional on covariates partitioned into the vectors X = x and T = t is given by f(y; x, ), where = (, (t)). Here is a parameter vector and (t) is a smooth, real–valued function of t. The joint distribution of X and T is assumed to be independent of and . This semiparametric model is called conditionally parametric because the conditional distribution f(y; x, ) of Y given X = x, T = t is parameterized by a finite dimensional parameter = (, (t)). Severini and Wong (1992. Annals of Statistics 20: 1768–1802) show how to estimate and (·) using generalized profile likelihoods, and they also provide a review of the literature on generalized profile likelihoods. Under specified regularity conditions, they derive an asymptotically efficient estimator of and a uniformly consistent estimator of (·). The purpose of this paper is to provide a short tutorial for this method of estimation under a likelihood–based model, reviewing results from Stein (1956. Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 187–196), Severini (1987. Ph.D Thesis, The University of Chicago, Department of Statistics, Chicago, Illinois), and Severini and Wong (op. cit.).  相似文献   

A probabilistic expert system provides a graphical representation of a joint probability distribution which can be used to simplify and localize calculations. Jensenet al. (1990) introduced a flow-propagation algorithm for calculating marginal and conditional distributions in such a system. This paper analyses that algorithm in detail, and shows how it can be modified to perform other tasks, including maximization of the joint density and simultaneous fast retraction of evidence entered on several variables.  相似文献   

When constructing uniform random numbers in [0, 1] from the output of a physical device, usually n independent and unbiased bits B j are extracted and combined into the machine number . In order to reduce the number of data used to build one real number, we observe that for independent and exponentially distributed random variables X n (which arise for example as waiting times between two consecutive impulses of a Geiger counter) the variable U n : = X 2n – 1/(X 2n – 1 + X 2n ) is uniform in [0, 1]. In the practical application X n can only be measured up to a given precision (in terms of the expectation of the X n ); it is shown that the distribution function obtained by calculating U n from these measurements differs from the uniform by less than /2.We compare this deviation with the error resulting from the use of biased bits B j with P {B j = 1{ = (where ] – [) in the construction of Y above. The influence of a bias is given by the estimate that in the p-total variation norm Q TV p = ( |Q()| p )1/p (p 1) we have P Y P 0 Y TV p (c n · )1/p with c n p for n . For the distribution function F Y F 0 Y 2(1 – 2n )|| holds.  相似文献   

Summary: We describe depth–based graphical displays that show the interdependence of multivariate distributions. The plots involve one–dimensional curves or bivariate scatterplots, so they are easier to interpret than correlation matrices. The correlation curve, modelled on the scale curve of Liu et al. (1999), compares the volume of the observed central regions with the volume under independence. The correlation DD–plot is the scatterplot of depth values under a reference distribution against depth values under independence. The area of the plot gives a measure of distance from independence. Correlation curve and DD-plot require an independence model as a baseline: Besides classical parametric specifications, a nonparametric estimator, derived from the randomization principle, is used. Combining data depth and the notion of quadrant dependence, quadrant correlation trajectories are obtained which allow simultaneous representation of subsets of variables. The properties of the plots for the multivariate normal distribution are investigated. Some real data examples are illustrated. *This work was completed with the support of Ca Foscari University.  相似文献   

Summary: This paper deals with item nonresponse on income questions in panel surveys and with longitudinal and cross–sectional imputation strategies to cope with this phenomenon. Using data from the German SOEP, we compare income inequality and mobility indicators based only on truly observed information to those derived from observed and imputed observations. First, we find a positive correlation between inequality and imputation. Secondly, income mobility appears to be significantly understated using observed information only. Finally, longitudinal analyses provide evidence for a positive inter–temporal correlation between item nonresponse and any kind of subsequent nonresponse.* We are grateful to two anonymous referees and to Jan Goebel for very helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. The paper also benefited from discussions with seminar participants at the Workshop on Item Nonresponse and Data Quality in Large Social Surveys, Basel/CH, October 9–11, 2003.  相似文献   

Summary: Panel data offers a unique opportunity to identify data that interviewers clearly faked by comparing data waves. In the German Socio–Economic Panel (SOEP), only 0.5 percent of all records of raw data have been detected as faked. These fakes are used here to analyze the potential impact of fakes on survey results. Due to our central finding the faked records have no impact on the mean or the proportions. However, we show that there may be a serious bias in the estimation of correlations and regression coefficients. In all but one year (1998), the detected faked data have never been disseminated within the widely–used SOEP study. The fakes are removed prior to data release.* We are grateful to participants in the workshop on Item Nonresponse and Data Quality on Large Social Surveys for useful critique and comments, especially Rainer Schnell and our outstanding discussant Regina Riphahn. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Summary: The next German census will be an Administrative Record Census. Data from several administrative registers about persons will be merged. Object identification has to be applied, since no unique identification number exists in the registers. We present a two–step procedure. We briefly discuss questions like correctness and completeness of the Administrative Record Census. Then we focus on the object identification problem, that can be perceived as a special classification problem. Pairs of records are to be classified as matched or not matched. To achieve computational efficiency a preselection technique of pairs is applied. Our approach is illustrated with a database containing a large set of consumer addresses.*This work was partially supported by the Berlin–Brandenburg Graduate School in Distributed Information Systems (DFG grant no. GRK 316). The authors thank Michael Fürnrohr for previewing the paper. We would like to thank also for the helpful comments of an anonymous reviewer.  相似文献   

We propose exploratory, easily implemented methods for diagnosing the appropriateness of an underlying copula model for bivariate failure time data, allowing censoring in either or both failure times. It is found that the proposed approach effectively distinguishes gamma from positive stable copula models when the sample is moderately large or the association is strong. Data from the Womens Health and Aging Study (WHAS, Guralnik et al., The Womenss Health and Aging Study: Health and Social Characterisitics of Older Women with Disability. National Institute on Aging: Bethesda, Mayland, 1995) are analyzed to demonstrate the proposed diagnostic methodology. The positive stable model gives a better overall fit to these data than the gamma frailty model, but it tends to underestimate association at the later time points. The finding is consistent with recent theory differentiating catastrophic from progressive disability onset in older adults. The proposed methods supply an interpretable quantity for copula diagnosis. We hope that they will usefully inform practitioners as to the reasonableness of their modeling choices.  相似文献   

Summary: Data depth is a concept that measures the centrality of a point in a given data cloud x 1, x 2,...,x n or in a multivariate distribution P X on d d . Every depth defines a family of so–called trimmed regions. The –trimmed region is given by the set of points that have a depth of at least . Data depth has been used to define multivariate measures of location and dispersion as well as multivariate dispersion orders.If the depth of a point can be represented as the minimum of the depths with respect to all unidimensional projections, we say that the depth satisfies the (weak) projection property. Many depths which have been proposed in the literature can be shown to satisfy the weak projection property. A depth is said to satisfy the strong projection property if for every the unidimensional projection of the –trimmed region equals the –trimmed region of the projected distribution.After a short introduction into the general concept of data depth we formally define the weak and the strong projection property and give necessary and sufficient criteria for the projection property to hold. We further show that the projection property facilitates the construction of depths from univariate trimmed regions. We discuss some of the depths proposed in the literature which possess the projection property and define a general class of projection depths, which are constructed from univariate trimmed regions by using the above method.Finally, algorithmic aspects of projection depths are discussed. We describe an algorithm which enables the approximate computation of depths that satisfy the projection property.  相似文献   

A new area of research interest is the computation of exact confidence limits or intervals for a scalar parameter of interest from discrete data by inverting a hypothesis test based on a studentized test statistic. See, for example, Chan and Zhang (1999), Agresti and Min (2001) and Agresti (2003) who deal with a difference of binomial probabilities and Agresti and Min (2002) who deal with an odds ratio. However, neither (1) a detailed analysis of the computational issues involved nor (2) a reliable method of computation that deals effectively with these issues is currently available. In this paper we solve these two problems for a very broad class of discrete data models. We suppose that the distribution of the data is determined by (,) where is a nuisance parameter vector. We also consider six different studentized test statistics. Our contributions to (1) are as follows. We show that the P-value resulting from the hypothesis test, considered as a function of the null-hypothesized value of , has both jump and drop discontinuities. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate that these discontinuities lead to the failure of simple-minded approaches to the computation of the confidence limit or interval. We also provide a new method for efficiently computing the set of all possible locations of these discontinuities. Our contribution to (2) is to provide a new and reliable method of computing the confidence limit or interval, based on the knowledge of this set.  相似文献   

A traditional interpolation model is characterized by the choice of regularizer applied to the interpolant, and the choice of noise model. Typically, the regularizer has a single regularization constant , and the noise model has a single parameter . The ratio / alone is responsible for determining globally all these attributes of the interpolant: its complexity, flexibility, smoothness, characteristic scale length, and characteristic amplitude. We suggest that interpolation models should be able to capture more than just one flavour of simplicity and complexity. We describe Bayesian models in which the interpolant has a smoothness that varies spatially. We emphasize the importance, in practical implementation, of the concept of conditional convexity when designing models with many hyperparameters. We apply the new models to the interpolation of neuronal spike data and demonstrate a substantial improvement in generalization error.  相似文献   

I present a new Markov chain sampling method appropriate for distributions with isolated modes. Like the recently developed method of simulated tempering, the tempered transition method uses a series of distributions that interpolate between the distribution of interest and a distribution for which sampling is easier. The new method has the advantage that it does not require approximate values for the normalizing constants of these distributions, which are needed for simulated tempering, and can be tedious to estimate. Simulated tempering performs a random walk along the series of distributions used. In contrast, the tempered transitions of the new method move systematically from the desired distribution, to the easily-sampled distribution, and back to the desired distribution. This systematic movement avoids the inefficiency of a random walk, an advantage that is unfortunately cancelled by an increase in the number of interpolating distributions required. Because of this, the sampling efficiency of the tempered transition method in simple problems is similar to that of simulated tempering. On more complex distributions, however, simulated tempering and tempered transitions may perform differently. Which is better depends on the ways in which the interpolating distributions are deceptive.  相似文献   

Simple boundary correction for kernel density estimation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
If a probability density function has bounded support, kernel density estimates often overspill the boundaries and are consequently especially biased at and near these edges. In this paper, we consider the alleviation of this boundary problem. A simple unified framework is provided which covers a number of straightforward methods and allows for their comparison: generalized jackknifing generates a variety of simple boundary kernel formulae. A well-known method of Rice (1984) is a special case. A popular linear correction method is another: it has close connections with the boundary properties of local linear fitting (Fan and Gijbels, 1992). Links with the optimal boundary kernels of Müller (1991) are investigated. Novel boundary kernels involving kernel derivatives and generalized reflection arise too. In comparisons, various generalized jackknifing methods perform rather similarly, so this, together with its existing popularity, make linear correction as good a method as any. In an as yet unsuccessful attempt to improve on generalized jackknifing, a variety of alternative approaches is considered. A further contribution is to consider generalized jackknife boundary correction for density derivative estimation. En route to all this, a natural analogue of local polynomial regression for density estimation is defined and discussed.  相似文献   

Consider a set of points in the plane with Gaussian perturbations about a regular mean configuration in which a Delaunay triangulation of the mean of the process is comprised of equilateral triangles of the same size. The points are labelled at random as black or white with variances of the perturbations possibly dependent on the colour. By investigating triangle subsets (with four sets of possible colour labels for the vertices) in detail we propose various test statistics based on a Procrustes shape analysis. A simulation study is carried out to investigate the relative merits and the adequacy of the approximations used in the distributional results, as well as a comparison with simulation methods based on nearest-neighbour distances. The methodology is applied to an investigation of regularity in human muscle fibre cross-sections.  相似文献   

Each cell of a two-dimensional lattice is painted one of colors, arranged in a color wheel. The colors advance (k tok+1 mod ) either automatically or by contact with at least a threshold number of successor colors in a prescribed local neighborhood. Discrete-time parallel systems of this sort in which color 0 updates by contact and the rest update automatically are called Greenberg-Hastings (GH) rules. A system in which all colors update by contact is called a cyclic cellular automation (CCA). Started from appropriate initial conditions, these models generate periodic traveling waves. Started from random configurations the same rules exhibit complex self-organization, typically characterized by nucleation of locally periodic ram's horns or spirals. Corresponding random processes give rise to a variety of forest fire equilibria that display large-scale stochastic wave fronts. This paper describes a framework, theoretically based, but relying on extensive interactive computer graphics experimentation, for investigation of the complex dynamics shared by excitable media in a broad spectrum of scientific contexts. By focusing on simple mathematical prototypes we hope to obtain a better understanding of the basic organizational principles underlying spatially distributed oscillating systems.  相似文献   

Generalized Hyperbolic distribution (Barndorff-Nielsen 1977) is a variance-mean mixture of a normal distribution with the Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution. Recently subclasses of these distributions (e.g., the hyperbolic distribution and the Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution) have been applied to construct stochastic processes in turbulence and particularly in finance, where multidimensional problems are of special interest. Parameter estimation for these distributions based on an i.i.d. sample is a difficult task even for a specified one-dimensional subclass (subclass being uniquely defined by ) and relies on numerical methods. For the hyperbolic subclass ( = 1), computer program hyp (Blæsild and Sørensen 1992) estimates parameters via ML when the dimensionality is less than or equal to three. To the best of the author's knowledge, no successful attempts have been made to fit any given subclass when the dimensionality is greater than three. This article proposes a simple EM-based (Dempster, Laird and Rubin 1977) ML estimation procedure to estimate parameters of the distribution when the subclass is known regardless of the dimensionality. Our method relies on the ability to numerically evaluate modified Bessel functions of the third kind and their logarithms, which is made possible by currently available software. The method is applied to fit the five dimensional Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution to a series of returns on foreign exchange rates.  相似文献   

CHU  HUI-MAY  KUO  LYNN 《Statistics and Computing》1997,7(3):183-192
Bayesian methods for estimating the dose response curves with the one-hit model, the gamma multi-hit model, and their modified versions with Abbott's correction are studied. The Gibbs sampling approach with data augmentation and with the Metropolis algorithm is employed to compute the Bayes estimates of the potency curves. In addition, estimation of the relative additional risk and the virtually safe dose is studied. Model selection based on conditional predictive ordinates from cross-validated data is developed.  相似文献   

Hedonic price indices for the Paris housing market   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary: In this paper, we calculate a transaction–based price index for apartments in Paris (France). The heterogeneous character of real estate is taken into account using an hedonic model. The functional form is specified using a general Box–Cox function. The data basis covers 84 686 transactions of the housing market in 1990:01–1999:12, which is one of the largest samples ever used in comparable studies. Low correlations of the price index with stock and bond indices (first differences) indicate diversification benefits from the inclusion of real estate in a mixed asset portfolio.*This paper has been developed at the Research Program Real Estate Finance at Goethe-University of Frankfurt/Main (Germany). We gratefully acknowledge iii Internationales Immobilien Institut, IVG Holding AG and Stiftung Rheinische Hypothekenbank for their financial support. For further information, see www.real-estate-finance.de. We thank the participants of the 8th Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES), the International Conference of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA), the 10th Global Finance Conference 2003 and the anonymous referees for helpful comments, which improved the paper substantially.  相似文献   

Summary: In this paper, we present results of the estimation of a two–panel–waves wage equation based on completely observed units and on a multiply imputed data set. In addition to the survey information, reliable income data is available from the register. These external data are used to assess the reliability of wage regressions that suffer from item nonresponse. The findings reveal marked differences between the complete case analyses and both versions of multiple imputation analyses. We argue that the results based on the multiply imputed data sets are more reliable than those based on the complete case analysis.* We would like to thank Statistics Finland for providing the data. We are also very grateful to Susanna Sandström and Marjo Pyy–Martikainen for their helpful advice using the Finnish data. Helpful comments from Joachim Winter and participants of the Workshop on Item Nonresponse and Data Quality in Large Social Surveys, Basel, October, 2003, on an earlier version of the paper are greatfully acknowledged. Further, we would like to thank three anonymous referees and the editor for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

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