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俗话说“久病床前无孝子”,坚持照料瘫痪的老人一两天、一两年容易,但十几年如一日地照料却难能可贵。山东省青州市黄楼街道东夏落店村的李洪霞就用实际行动诠释了“孝顺”二字,16年如一日细心照顾瘫痪而且失语的婆婆。  相似文献   

叶祖琪 《老年人》2010,(9):33-33
我是株洲市的一名退休干部,人到古稀之年。老伴袁瑞英,是株洲市电信局的退休职工。由于她精心照顾我这个患重病的老伴,事迹被人称道,2009年被评为株洲市行业办公室老干部家属先进个人。  相似文献   

1996年6月的一天,对于湘潭市人民银行退休干部彭海润来说,是个不幸的日子。那天,他参加单位组织的活动,不慎摔倒,致使本来血压就高的他雪上加霜。从此,他再也站不起来。  老彭早年丧妻,有3个儿女。两个女儿出嫁后,儿子常年在外做生意,无法顾家,更没有时间和精力伺候卧床不起的老人。刚过门的儿媳朱立智,勇敢地挑起了护理他的担子。  一个20来岁的少妇,为公公接屎接尿,洗澡擦身,实在有点儿难为情。再说,她经营的饭店十分红火,一伺候老人就得放弃。然而,每当看到老人求助的目光,她就不能不心怀孝敬,想起做儿媳的责任来…  相似文献   

人们常说,久病床前无孝子,但北京市西城区新街口街道冠英园社区的王春兰硬是用自己的行动否定了这句话,做到了“久病十年床前有孝子”,在邻里间传为佳话。  相似文献   

在河南省沁阳市合作街的一个十余平米的小屋子里,整齐地摆放着两张床。39岁的杨红和他81岁的植物人老母亲已经在这里住了6年。6年来,这间不大的屋子始终干净整洁,没有一点异味,不知情的人谁也不会相信,这里竞住着一位吃喝拉撒都在屋里的植物人——  相似文献   

有人说,现在有的夫妻关系是泥捏的、水做的,一碰就散、就滑,然而,泸州市大田供销社一对患难夫妻,十九年相濡以沫,靠真情战胜贫穷和疾病。  相似文献   

老伴因病去世后,我形单影只,有话没人说,非常孤独,人也日见衰老。少年夫妻老来伴。老而无伴,那是人生的大不幸。我的儿子社荣和儿媳闫燕看我总也不能从痛苦中走出来,便主动当起了红娘,到处托人为我物色对象,让我在失去老伴后又找到了一个新老伴,生活有了新的开始。  相似文献   

丁岚 《老人天地》2013,(1):26-27
2012年10月26日,朱官翠因病去世。临终前,她告诉刘芳和靳冰这一真一假两个女儿:“我死而无憾了……”安排好老人的后事,靳冰和刘芳一左一右地挽着杜方勤,告诉这位爸爸:“以后,我们还是每周六来看您,我们永远是您的贴心小棉袄。”  相似文献   


认识那个女人的时候,他马上要和心爱的女子结婚了。那女人却爱上了他,怀了他的孩子并生了下来,是个女孩。他心爱的女子因此离开了他。那女人死于产后大出血,他不肯承认那是他的孩子。  相似文献   

This article describes the ambiguity inherent is U.S. antitrust policy, arguing that it is a necessary consequence of the true, but not commonly understood, task of antitrust policy. Competition is multidimensional in form, and its different dimensions cannot be maximized together. Therefore, antitrust policy cannot maximize competition per se, but aims to achieve an efficient mix of competitive forms. Inadequate knowledge of the technical and preference tradeoffs involved guarantees that questions about the appropriate competitive mix will remain open to debate. The resulting policies, in the author's opinion, merit one cheer out of a possible three.  相似文献   

采访龚琳娜是在她位于北京国奥村的工作室里。那天,她身穿一件简单的白体恤,盘腿坐在客厅里的一把木质的椅子上,侃侃而谈地说着自己即将出版的新书。新书定在8月出版,书的主题是“自由女人”,讲述的是她在过去12年里经历的蜕变。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of reconnection of dormant ties using internet communication technologies has been identified as having salience in the use of social media forms by midlife and older adults. Dormant ties, as distinguished from those that are merely inactive, are those that were once operational, but which have lapsed under the stressors of time, distance and circumstance, such as relationships between former college friends, neighbors or work colleagues. Reconnection is the process by which these dormant ties become active again, and is an activity which is supported in unique ways by internet communication technologies. This study presents findings from interviews with midlife adults on how the use of email, social network sites and search engines is leveraged to enhance and support the reconnection of dormant relationships and maintain weak ties. Grounded in a life course perspective, it examines how the experiences of longevity and the life course alter perceptions of the attributes and drawbacks that these technologies offer. By examining adults at midlife, a less-well studied group than teens and young adults, this work provides a more nuanced perspective of the technological practices at varied points in life, and offers insight on how various communication technologies might be utilized at different life stages.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: I wish to thank the symposium editors, George Bittlingmayer, Associate Professor, and Gary Walton, Professor, Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis, Davis, CA., for their special efforts and valuable input as they shepherded these papers through the refereeing and editorial process. I also wish to thank Rodney T. Smith, Professor of Economics, Claremont McKenna College and Claremont Graduate School and Coeditor of Economic Inquiry, who served as coordinator of the symposium efforts, and Carolyn Williams, assistant to the editor, who served as liaison between Economic Inquiry, the symposium editors and the authors. These combined efforts have resulted in the exciting collection of papers that follow.  相似文献   

This paper applies new tests for parameter instability in cointegrated regression models to the U.S. Federal government's intertemporal budget constraint in order to detect whether there has been a regime change in spending and taxing policies. Some researchers have argued that fiscal policy under Presidents Reagan and Bush moved the U.S. deficit onto an unsustainable path. My results suggest that government deficit policy in the 1980s was not significantly different from policies during the three earlier decades. However, a diverging debt-GNP ratio suggests that the government will run into problems marketing its debt if current policy continues.  相似文献   

Engaged couples who took a premarital inventory called FOCCUS were contacted 5 years later to see if their scores would predict their future marital success. Results showed that FOCCUS successfully predicted the future marital success of most couples, supporting the predictive validity of FOCCUS. The results also indicate that FOCCUS and PREPARE are roughly comparable in terms of their predictive validity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a type of education thus far ignored in the literature—non-credit adult education to enhance home production skills. In the analysis, we test whether such education behaves as an investment in home productivity and also compare the differences between demands for home productivity enhancing education and labor market enhancing education. Results on four adult cohorts indicate that both types of schooling have investment components, although there are also significant differences in the two demand functions. Results also indicate that the two types of education are complementary rather than substitute activities.  相似文献   

The behavior of the US‐UK real exchange rate over the period 1794–2005 is examined. This series includes five intervals of floating nominal exchange rates and four fixed exchange rate regime periods. A consistent pattern of higher real exchange rate volatility under floating nominal rates is shown. Over time, real exchange rate movements have increasingly been driven by movements in the nominal exchange rate rather than relative prices. The persistence of the real exchange rate has been considerably higher in the postwar period. (JEL F31, N20)  相似文献   

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