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有一酒鬼在杂志上看到 ,培养孩子智力的方法之一 ,是经常向孩子提一些有想象力的问题。于是 ,他找来儿子 ,问 :“你如果有一支马良的神笔 ,准备先画什么 ?”孩子回答 :“二锅头 ,爸爸。”想象力  相似文献   

雷珏 《老年人》2003,(2):36-37
毛泽东有5个儿子、5个女儿,但真正长大成人的只有2男2女,即毛岸英、毛岸青、李敏和李讷。 毛泽东像天下的父母一样,对子女既严又爱。1938年,有人从苏联带回了岸英、岸青的照片,毛泽东看了一遍又一遍,常常看着看着便热泪双流。不久,有人要去苏联,毛泽东赶紧写了一封信带给两个儿子。亲爱的岸英、岸青: 时常想念你们,知道你们情形尚好,有进步,并接到了你们的照片,十分的欢喜。现因有便  相似文献   

正晚上,我准备在微信朋友圈发几张照片,随口问儿子:"照片上的水印可以去掉吗?"他说应该可以,随即马上坐在电脑前,精神状态从昏昏欲睡调成精神抖擞。我以为他会操作,结果他在网页上搜索"如何去水印"几个字,一番摸索后水印真的被他去掉了。我拜托他把剩余的十几张照片上的水印都去掉。几分钟后,我以为他已做好,结果他又在网页上搜索  相似文献   

沙波 《伴侣(A版)》2016,(4):56-56
晚上,我准备在微信朋友圈发几张照片,随口问儿子“:照片上的水印可以去掉吗?”他说应该可以,随即坐在电脑前,精神状态从昏昏欲睡调整成精神抖擞。我以为他会操作,结果他在网页上键入“如何去水印”几个字,几分钟后水印真的被他去掉了。  相似文献   

永远祝福小宝宝望着儿子的照片,我真不敢想,他已经一岁半了。他的第一次响亮的哭声、第一次甜甜的微笑、乍一次勇敢的站立第一次摇摇晃晃的迈步……仿弗就在昨日。每当我亲着他的}脸、拍着他的小屁股时,都会m衷地一生一种奇怪的想法:上帝赐给我H一厂多好的儿子。儿...  相似文献   

我以前在台北有位邻居,从她孩子出国留学,就四处得意地张扬,秀她儿子开的医院和孙女的照片,三年前老两口宣布要移民,把房子让给亲戚住,却没多久就回来了.  相似文献   

人肉搜索:天使还是魔鬼 2008年6月16日,天涯社区一篇名为《我就喜欢做二奶,我觉得我现在的生活就很好啊!》的帖子,成为了网友关注的焦点。一ID为“菊花香香儿1986”的网友在帖中炫耀其成为当地某高官“二奶”后的种种好处,引来了数万网友的激烈留言。随后有网友在同一论坛抛出人肉搜索帖《菊花香香儿1986照片,欢迎提供线索》并附照片,指出成都人“静儿”就是“菊花香香”。自此,大量网友开始对“静儿”进行人肉搜索,不但公布其本人的生活照片、住址、手机号码等一系列隐私信息,而且其家人的信息包括她四岁儿子的照片都被公布到了网上。  相似文献   

儿子对我的要求总表现出一副无所谓的样子,没事和我对着干。在他10岁生日那天,我对他的不满终于爆发了……儿子长大后,对我的要求总表现出一副无所谓的样子,没事就和我对着干。出门旅游时,我让他穿上那件新买的漂亮夹克衫,他偏要穿洗得发白的旧牛仔衣,结果拍出来的照片,我都不好意思发在微信朋友圈里;学校开运动会,我要求他至少参加两项比赛,争取个好名次,他却选择当后勤员,给同学看衣服、倒水;我说"宁为鸡首,不为凤尾",儿子和小朋友玩老鹰捉小鸡时,却偏要做队伍尾巴的那只小鸡……儿子的种种对抗,让我非常头痛。  相似文献   

2010年6月,深圳、重庆、天津等城市的地铁上,一段名为"母爱无价"的公益短片感动了无数旅客:夕阳下,一位衣着简朴的母亲,用力地骑着一辆三轮车,走街串巷拾破烂——为了供两个儿子读书,这位母亲背井离乡,坚持了9年的拾荒生涯。令人想不到的是,制作这辑照片、将这位"卑微"而伟大的母亲推向公众视线的,竟是这位母亲的儿子冯英龙。是什么驱动他以这种方式回报母亲的呢?  相似文献   

我32岁那年丧夫,不想儿子受委屈,所以—直没改嫁,独自一人拉扯大两个儿子,并供他们上大学。吃了多少苦?无法计算。也是因为这些辛苦,我在儿子心目中的地位是很高的。  相似文献   

通道侗族自治县坐落于湖南省怀化市的深山里,多年来的相对闭塞,使这一方圣土保持着一副原生态的模样:山水交相掩映;木楼、风雨桥鳞次栉比;偶然传来低沉浑厚的音律,  相似文献   

J W McInturf 《Child welfare》1986,65(4):373-386
Adequate preparation can help assure the success of adoptive placements for special-needs children. One successful method calls for the development of a life book, chronicling the movement of the child through the five stages that will prepare him or her for adoption.  相似文献   

26岁的黄诗琦为87岁的外婆拍摄了两组照片,上传到网上后感动了众多网友。一组是外婆去年初的样子:活泼可爱,健步如飞;另外一组是她外婆去年8月突发脑溢血后,现在的样子:神情恍惚,几乎站不起来。“还是那个地方,但外婆已经不是当初的外婆……你答应过要等我结婚生子,所以你要好好活着,健康活着……2014年,我们一起努力,孝不能迟。”黄诗琦为这些图片配上“最珍贵时刻”的标题。  相似文献   


Journalist Janet Malcolm recently published several articles and a book in which she accused her own profession of manipulation and deceit in its listening and interviewing practices. Specifically, she focused on the Jeffrey MacDonald murder case, on which Joe McGinniss' book, Fatal Vision, was based. McGinniss, she claimed, fostered a close and seemingly empathic relationship with the accused in order to betray him later—and in this event Malcolm saw the prototypical journalist-interviewee relationship. Her accusations about the role of journalism raised intense professional scrutiny. This essay examines the case from the standpoint of journalistic listening. Are the temptations for deceptive or “slanted” empathy inherent in the journalistic interview? Does the journalist have a responsibility not only to listen to the person being interviewed, but to “listen” equally well to the demands of a developing story—as if it, too, were a living entity? Do ethical standards within journalism demand that an interviewer's listening style, especially as it is seen in empathic behavior, be congruent with his or her unexpressed conclusions?  相似文献   

Although picture‐book reading is commonplace during infancy, little is known about the impact of this activity on learning. A previous study showed that 18‐ and 24‐month‐olds imitated a novel action sequence presented in a book that was illustrated with realistic color photos, whereas they failed to imitate from books illustrated with less realistic drawings. In the research reported here, we hypothesized that increasing infants' exposure to a picture book would increase learning from books illustrated with both color photos and drawings. Independent groups of 18‐and 24‐month‐olds were exposed to a picture book either twice in succession or 4 times in succession. The results showed that, regardless of the iconicity of the illustrations, increasing the number of reading sessions significantly improved the infants' imitation scores, compared to age‐matched, no‐demonstration controls. The results are discussed in relation to representational insight and cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

Research on children's adjustment to divorce has repeatedly found that sons fare more poorly than daughters. In an effort to better understand the post-divorce adjustment of boys, this study focuses on two aspects of the mother-son relationship; maternal support and coercion, as reported by the son. In addition, we examine the extent to which the mother's attitude toward her ex-spouse might be affecting her interactions with her son. The results of a path analysis suggest that 18 to 39 months after parental separation, a mother's attitude toward her former mate is related to how supportive and coercive her son reports her to be in their relationshtp. Likewise, how coercive the mother is perceived to be is related to the son's level of aggression in school. These findings are discussed in light of the larger context in which the mother-son relationship exists. Expansion of the proposed path model is suggested in order to incorporate other family relationships and critical external factors such as financial circumstance.  相似文献   

采访龚琳娜是在她位于北京国奥村的工作室里。那天,她身穿一件简单的白体恤,盘腿坐在客厅里的一把木质的椅子上,侃侃而谈地说着自己即将出版的新书。新书定在8月出版,书的主题是“自由女人”,讲述的是她在过去12年里经历的蜕变。  相似文献   

This is the story of my maternal grandmother's photo album as it is seen through the feminist psychoanalytic eyes of her granddaughter. The photos take on particular meanings as my mother and I ponder over them. The photo album, set against the backdrop of the early twentieth century, tells tales of frivolity and young romance, friendship and daughterhood, extended families and holidays. What is most significant, however, is the way in which the photos are framed within the patriarchal Catholic discourse, which enveloped my grandmother's life. Yet, it is argued that there were, and continue to be, momentary fissures and ruptures in this patriarchal discourse as feminist psychoanalytic frames come into view.  相似文献   

Findings from police reports and interviews with women who have survived an attempted domestic homicide revealed patterns in their experiences and sources of distress. The build-up in the year prior to the near-lethal attack involved tension from ongoing contact with an angry, controlling batterer. Most typically the perpetrator was an alcoholic or drug addict, a gun owner, and, if his victim had left him, her stalker. In the majority of cases, the victim had either left or announced that she was leaving the relationship. While he had often threatened her life and she feared him, she typically did not think him capable of killing her. She described the attack as shocking and terrifying, and she felt certain she was going to die. In the immediate aftermath, she received some support, but as time went by, she felt isolated and alone. Ultimately, the women became convinced that they must rely on their "inner strength" to get on with their lives.  相似文献   

Revolutionary Horizons, by Forrest Hylton and Sinclair Thomson,is a highly readable work that contributes to understandingthe recent events that have placed Bolivia, once erased fromthe map by Queen Victoria following the expulsion of her emissaryin the nineteenth century, in the spotlight of observers ofprogressive movements around the world. With an insightful introductionby Adolfo Gilly, the book provides an accessible analysis ofthe events that led to the inauguration of Evo Morales, thefirst indigenous president in Bolivian history, in January 2006,ending the epoch of Andean apartheid. More than a simple recounting,  相似文献   

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