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在南非,身患艾滋病的妇女因为经济、文化和社会地位上的劣势而得不到平等的治疗机会、经济赞助和教育机会。  相似文献   

莎士比亚约于1606年写作了《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》.近代埃及诗王艾哈迈德·邵基(1869-1932)于本世纪二十年代创作了不朽的诗剧《克莉奥佩特拉之死》.两位伟大的诗人,一个来自西方,一个来自东方,就同一个社会的同一个题材,从不同的角度和侧面,描绘了古埃及托勒密王朝末  相似文献   

多丽丝·莱辛被誉为继弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙之后最伟大的女性作家,是历史上获得诺贝尔文学奖的第十一位女性作家。其处女作《野草在歌唱》以玛丽为主人公,深刻细腻地描写了当时生活在南非大陆的白人女人的现状。文章通过分析玛丽的一生,旨在揭示当时女性地位的可悲可叹。  相似文献   

一样的黑运动裤,一样的红T恤,一样的牛仔马甲。9月9日,这时姐妹出现在新疆财经大学新生报名队伍中。在她们身后,留下一串脚印和两道轮椅轮印。努尔曼古丽·麦麦提姐妹俩出生在喀什地区泽普县依克苏乡英巴扎村。  相似文献   

南非企业迅速走向全球英国《经济学家》7月22日南非现在拥有许多成功的跨国公司。南非英美公司和德比尔斯联合矿业公司是世界知名的采矿企业;南非啤酒集团已成为全球酿酒业的巨头;提供计算机服务的多维数据公司在30多个国家开展了业务;南非最大的金融公司去年收购了瑞典历史最悠久的保险公司。南非公司的成功说明了发展中国家的公司在国外尤其是新兴市场,有时能够比发达国家的竞争对手更好地施展身手。南非企业在全球迅速扩张的道路,为发展中国家如何在国外繁荣发展提供了很好的参考。上世纪90年代,南非的公司由于无力到国外投资,便选择了国…  相似文献   

在马丹的作品中,总有一个象征她本人的袖珍版的小女童。这个穿着红衣的小女童一直以背影示人,并不与画外人交流,仿佛沉浸在那个属于她的世界里。虽然故意与世界保持距离,但并不单纯是在表达她对世界的漠视,而是在表达她对童真世界、自然田园世界的向往与义无反顾。  相似文献   

相比于同龄人来说,蒋方舟的成长总是快了那么几步,7岁开始写作,9岁写成散文集,2008年被清华大学录取,2012年就任《新周刊》杂志副主编。尽管年纪轻轻就已如此令人艳羡,但她却更希望做个普通人。  相似文献   

年少时,曾漂洋过海,来到大海之南。初识南国,满眼都是新奇:街旁的绿椰,海畔的自沙,屋前的繁花。再回海口,已是六年后。在城里怀旧了一天后,朋友说带我去羊山一带看看石头村。在几经寻找之后,遇见了一个极为静谧的村庄:这里古木参天,林深人静,朴拙的民居在林木间静静地铺陈,家家屋后绿树浓荫。  相似文献   

波兰大使夫人霍米茨基打算在中国实现她的慈善目标:征集百万善款。拥有韩国血统但出生在加拿大的大使夫人已经把波兰当作了自己的故乡。  相似文献   

东北大花布色彩浓烈的图案在中国大多数人的心里都有一份儿时的记忆。家家户户基本都有一床这样的被面,在农村尤为盛行。很长一段时间它都是人们眼中极为乡土的一个代表。东北大花布可以说是新中国成立以来唯一款经久不衰的布料了。  相似文献   

The steady growth of Chinese migrants to South Africa in the past decade provides an opportunity to use Sen's (2001, Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press) capabilities approach in the field of immigration. This theoretical framing reveals that the Chinese employ, what I call, a small pond migration strategy – utilizing mobility to maximize their social, economic, and human capital. I argue that the Chinese move to South Africa because of a desire to venture out of China and pursue freedoms associated with being one's own boss. Once in South Africa, they choose to stay because of comfortable weather and a slower pace of life, despite losing freedoms associated with high crime in Johannesburg. The findings suggest alternative ways of understanding factors of migration as well as a model that explains migration from more developed countries to less developed ones.  相似文献   

Since the end of apartheid, South Africa has been characterized by a dualistic economic structure. It is a developed country compared to the African context, but it is still developing for many problems such as high unemployment rates, low levels of foreign direct investments and saving, inflation, and the general levels of poverty and inequality. In this sense, the recent national election, held on 22 April 2009, has a crucial role. The high percentage of voters shows that there is a common sense of revenge. People want to believe that a new beginning is possible. The ANC victory and the election of Jacob Zuma as president appear to be the first steps in order to realize this change. Nevertheless, this national support clashes with international concerns. The background of J. Zuma, the increasingly close cooperation between South Africa and China, as well as the proximity and politic instability of Zimbabwe make international observers skeptical about Zuma’s actions. In the light of the economic and social problems of South Africa, the aim of this paper is to analyze these aspects in order to imagine what the future holds for South Africa.  相似文献   


Very little is known about activism, as it relates to the issue of migration in South Africa. Yet, migration policy and migration governance are increasingly becoming important to states like South Africa, which, 22 years into democracy, finds itself being home to the second highest number of migrants in Africa. This paper fills this gap by exploring multi-level policies and advocacy experiences of activists working on migration in a post-colonial context of South Africa through the lens of key contestations around the trafficking discourse in South Africa from 2005 to 2018.  相似文献   

The title of my paper reads like an oxymoron if not downright confusion. However, it is not meant to be an oxymoron and it does not betray my private confusion. It is deliberate and perhaps a bit political. These two words “South Africa” rightly conjure up an image of things that are either in the south of Africa or things that are African in the south. I find the first image deserving of attention for my purposes. Juxtaposing the concerns of academic philosophy in South Africa (the country) alongside the ordinary reference of the term South Africa (and resultant expectations), I seek to argue that the practice of philosophy in South Africa does not sufficiently show South African characteristics. I specifically argue that the practice of philosophy in South Africa is far removed from the place in which it operates. While there are historical reasons to explain this state of affairs, the future of philosophy in this place can only be secured by an active renunciation of the status quo accompanied by a deliberate responsiveness to the philosophical needs of South Africa. It is incumbent on the dominant philosophers to make this renunciation and foster deliberate responsiveness.  相似文献   


The rise of the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa – has called into question the future of Western dominance in world markets and geopolitics. However, the developmental trajectories of the BRICS countries are shot through with socio-economic fault lines that relegate large numbers of people to the margins of current growth processes, where life is characterized by multiple and overlapping vulnerabilities. These socio-economic fault lines have, in turn, given rise to political convulsions across the BRICS countries, ranging from single-issue protests to sustained social movements oriented towards structural transformation. This article presents an innovative theoretical framework for theorizing the emerging political economy of development in the BRICS countries centred on neo-liberalization, precarity, and popular struggles. It discusses the contributions to this special issue in terms of how they illuminate the intersection between neo-liberalization, precarity, and popular struggle in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to examine the dynamic causal relationship between financial development, economic growth and poverty reduction in South Africa—using a trivariate causality model. The study attempts to answer one critical question. Which sector leads in the process of poverty reduction in South Africa—the financial sector or real sector? Using cointegration and error-correction models, the empirical results of the study show that both financial development and economic growth Granger—cause poverty reduction in South Africa. The study also finds that economic growth Granger-causes financial development and, therefore, leads in the process of poverty reduction in South Africa. This applies irrespective of whether the causality test is conducted in the short-run or in the long-run. The study, therefore, recommends that policies geared towards increasing economic growth should be intensified in South Africa in order to make the economy more monetised, and to reduce the high level of poverty currently prevailing in the country.  相似文献   

South Africa is facing a health care crisis of staggering proportions. The article provides an overview of the South African health care system, an analysis of the current problems and the implications and patented opportunities for EAPs in health care management in South Africa.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief background to the articles in this edition on evaluation in South Africa. The overall background is self-evident: South Africa is a country which has undergone a political revolution, with a government of national unity in place. The formulation and implementation of new policies, and the programs which form part of them, will be an important part of South African politics in the years to come.These articles also appear against the more immediate background of trying to place evaluation on a surer footing in this country. In this introduction the efforts of a group of South African evaluators to position themselves and their activities in such a way as to make evaluation an accepted part of the organizational landscape, and to play a useful role in a future South Africa, are described as well.  相似文献   

The structures of support services for disabled students in the South African higher education system find themselves in a contradictory conjuncture of rights, benevolence and the social model of disability. To elucidate this argument, this paper (a) outlines the status of support provisions for disabled students in South Africa; (b) compares the state of these support provisions with those of the UK and the USA; (c) compares the different paths taken by South Africa and the developed countries in general towards disability rights. It concludes that South Africa seems to be moving along a contradictory path and that it should make a commitment to prioritize equal access to higher education for disabled students.  相似文献   

While objective class dynamics have received much attention in South Africa, less is known about the subjective social positions individuals place themselves in. For example, in a highly unequal society like South Africa, some individuals would overestimate (inflate) or underestimate (deflate) their social position compared to their objective class position. This paper aims to provide further information on status inconsistency in South Africa by assessing some of the socioeconomic determinants of bias perceptions. Using International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) data and a multinomial probit model, the results show that education and race play a significant role in influencing the biased perceptions of individuals in South Africa. For example, individuals with higher education levels have a stronger tendency to deflate their social position, while Coloreds, Indians/Asians, and whites tend to inflate their social positions more than Africans. The results indicate the vital role of race and education in determining status inconsistencies in a society that is still suffering from high levels of racial and education inequality due to the lingering legacy of apartheid. The results provide a better understanding to policymakers and government on the dynamics behind social status perceptions in South Africa.  相似文献   

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