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杜海,被誉为"镶真绣第一人"。她采用传统刺绣结合现代艺术的表现手法,自主创新发明了写意式绣法,以针为笔、线为墨寄情于宣纸和锦帛之间。著名书画大师范曾在观看她的仿绣"八大仙人"水墨作品时赞叹不己。如今,这位镶真刺绣艺术的主创人已经开设了自己的"杜氏绣坊",带领一些下岗女工开始走上创业之路,其绣品更是远销海内外。  相似文献   

侗族的衣着以自纺自织的青布为主,有便装、盛装之分。而少女盛装最为华贵,一人绣制一套需耗时三年,服饰上盘绣图案繁多,人称“绣画”。侗族盛装集古朴、艳丽与华贵为一体,体现出侗族文化的多元性。  相似文献   

蒙乐 《当代老年》2013,(7):29-29
何建华今年54岁,小的时候就喜欢绣花、绣手帕之类的小物件,1978年参军到部队后,工作的闲暇时间也绣一些东西。退伍后在四川南江县交通局工作,2005年病退后来到深圳,开始绣了《百寿图》、《牡丹花》等挂幅。2006年,她在尝试着绣出了《清明上河图》的桥头部分(长1.3米),大家觉得绣得很逼真、很好看,就鼓励她干脆绣个大的,将《清明上河图》全景图郝绣出来。在大家的鼓舞下,何建华决定努力去完成,也了却自己心中的夙愿。  相似文献   

成北 《老年人》2007,(8):20-21
湘绣是湖湘文化的精髓,产生于2000多年前的春秋战国时期。它与广东的粤绣、苏州的苏绣和四川的蜀绣一起,被称为中国的“四大名绣”,是我国传统文化的瑰宝。  相似文献   

挑花绣是我国独具特色的民间艺术,它是中国刺绣的一个分支,分为川西挑花、陕西挑花等流派,其中郫县挑花绣是川西挑花的代表,有着悠久的历史。川西汉族挑花图案题材丰富,大多为几何纹、植物纹、动物纹、器物纹等祥瑞的图案,但在构图形式上还缺少较为深入的研究。本文通过对川西汉族挑花图案的分类整理,归纳出川西汉族挑花图案的构图形式主要有独幅式构图、连续式构图、骨架式构图、对称式构图等,并进一步分析这些构图形式的特征,为挑花图案的现代设计应用提供理论参考,从而更好地传承和发扬这一非物质文化遗产。  相似文献   

羌绣是羌族人民特有的刺绣,是我们了解羌族的一种途径,随着社会的发展,时代的进步,羌族人民也将传统刺绣与现代化商品所结合,生产出具有羌族特色的现代化羌绣产品。这不仅能够给羌族人民带来更好的经济收入和价值体现,也使我们的生活更加多元化。  相似文献   

蓝草 《伴侣(A版)》2021,(12):8-10
将藏绣技艺带出大山 杨华珍出生于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州的一户刺绣世家.在当地,由于她家的绣品特别精美,很多人都慕名前来购买.而在家族刺绣文化的熏陶下,杨华珍也爱上了刺绣.6岁的时候,她跟着母亲学习嘉绒藏族编织挑花刺绣技艺.小小年纪的杨华珍,用稚嫩的小手一针一线地模仿母亲刺绣,为家人缝制衣物.在母亲的悉心指导下,杨华珍不断地学习、摸索、钻研藏族刺绣技巧,从技艺生疏到绣的有模有样,杨华珍熟练掌握了藏绣的多种绣法,成长为一名出色的绣娘.  相似文献   

运动装与混搭风的巧妙结合,开创新的审美情趣。 颜色:透明度、光泽度将成为追逐的新宠,荧光炫色成为必跟元素。 面料:纹理突出的亚麻、有几何图案且条纹感极强的棉布、丝绸与绣饰相结合的织物。  相似文献   

6岁跟姥姥习艺,她是靺鞨绣第4代传人,今年41岁的孙艳玲是满族人,家住黑龙江牡丹江市。渤海靺鞨(mò hé)绣是由其家族老辈传承下来的刺绣技艺,她是第四代传承人。孙艳玲的外祖母做了一辈子刺绣,技艺精湛,远近闻名。受家庭熏陶,她从6岁起就开始跟着姥姥学刺绣。到中学毕业时,她已经学会了各种针法,做了大量靺鞨绣绣品。  相似文献   

生活中,有人跟随时尚,有人创造时尚,有人为时尚付钱,有人赚时尚的钱,跟随时尚的人是快乐的,因为他们找到了自己的所爱;创造时尚的人是幸福的,因为他们能够把爱好和职业在时尚处结合,把工作变成人生一大快事。 现代绣女:我绣故我在 “十字绣”最初是从欧洲传到中国的,其基本原理是在专用绣布上绣简单的“十”字,顾客可按照自己喜欢的图案上的标示,将不同颜色的小“十”字用针连缀组合到绣布上,组成一幅复杂的作品。内容可以是花草鱼虫、飞禽走兽,也可以是人物肖像,或者是一些“I loveyou”、“一路平安”等字符。  相似文献   

云南楚雄的彝族山区现今仍保留着一种独特的传统——姑娘房。这些砖木结构的房屋被誉为“最奇特的恋爱场所”。  相似文献   

我们应将性别视角纳入应对气候变化的政策措施和策略中,真正赋权予妇女,使妇女应对气候变化方面的潜力和能力得到充分的发挥,不仅可以减少她们自身的脆弱性,也将提高整个社会应对气候变化的能力,真正实现人类社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   


This article thoroughly examines women prime ministers and presidents (also referred to as women executives) rigorously comparing nearly all cases of women executives from 1960 through 2002. The numbers of women executives, countries they have led, and the types of governmental systems in which they came to power are analyzed. A main focus is their political and educational backgrounds. Findings suggest that the number of women making it to executive office is few but varied geographically. Women executives have diverse education and political backgrounds. An important springboard to office in Asia and Latin America has been women's familial ties to important political leaders. Even these women are more diverse than expected in terms of background and, in particular, political experience.  相似文献   

从新中国建立初期,到改革开放的新时代,中国大地涌现出的“女性第一人”遍布各行各业,她们不仅集合了中国亿万妇女在艰辛求索中积累创造的优异成绩,也为当代妇女运动实现创新发展留下了弥足珍贵的历史财富,为广大妇女实现“中国梦”树立了光辉的典范。  相似文献   

Although it has become almost axiomatic in much contemporary sociology that geographical mobility for husband's career reasons is disruptive of wives' labour market careers, there have been few systematical empirical inquiries into the issue. This study reports findings from a survey of in-migrants in Aberdeen in 1986. Considerations relating to male partner's occupational career were the main factor accounting for the in-migration of married women, but single women were more likely to come for educational or employment reasons. Levels of grievance among in-migrant partnered women about the consequences of this move for their employment were low but there was some evidence that women in-migrant for such reasons saw the move as less helpful careerwise than other in-migrant women. More, however, saw the move as helpful or making no difference, rather than being a hindrance. Many respondents were able to find what they regarded as suitable new employment and others saw themselves at the time of the move primarily as mothers or housewives. The research findings lend support for the view that migrant wives' roles are orientated primarily around their husband's occupational concerns but this need not be detrimental to their own labour market activity since their skills, aptitudes and resources facilitate their adaptation to the new situation.  相似文献   

彝族同胞特别注重头饰的装扮。多彩的彝族头饰流传数千年至今,形成了独树一帜的头饰文化。"鸟美在羽毛,人美在头饰"、“汉人顾脚,彝人顾尖”成为他们对传统头饰文化最好的诠释。彝族形态各异的头饰很多都缘于他们古朴的图腾或动植物崇拜。  相似文献   

This study examined which characteristics of persuasive communications are most effective in changing African American women’s condom use attitudes. Focus groups were convened with 40 African American women (Mage = 25.54, SD = 4.67) to assess their opinions on current effective strategies used to promote condom use among their peers. Participants discussed effective characteristics of messaging campaigns (i.e., source, message type, channel) and how these could be used in future prevention messages. Findings revealed that making messages that are fun, catchy, and informative, delivered frequently through social media, TV, or radio by a peer or celebrity would be perceived as most effective in changing young African American women’s attitudes. Other themes that emerged were that condom use is more strongly associated with pregnancy prevention than HIV prevention and that sexual partners were perceived to have negative condom use attitudes. Recommendations centered on increasing exposure of HIV prevention messages by placing messages on the Internet and including a funny phrase or jingle in the message so that it is easy to remember and could potentially serve as a conversation starter for discussing safe sex with partners.  相似文献   

围绕“办好两件大事(转型跨越和全面建成小康社会)、建设美丽山西”这一主题,在山西省妇联主席王维卿的带领下,省妇联在妇女发展和维权方面做了大量卓有成效的工作:统筹城乡妇女发展,关注妇女儿童民生取得新成绩;实施两纲两规,维护妇女儿童合法权益实现新突硪力促党建带妇建,妇联组织自身建设迈出新步伐。  相似文献   

People engage in sexual behavior for many reasons, some of which require an audience (e.g., arousing onlookers, making someone jealous). In this study, we investigated the prevalence, motivations, and outcomes of young people’s experiences with performative making out—making out with someone and wanting others to see. Of the 155 female and 194 male college students who completed the online questionnaire, 32% of the women and 37% of the men reported having done this, often before entering college. Significantly more women than men reported same-sex performative experiences. We used thematic analysis to identify themes in the qualitative data. Participants’ motivations included enhancing their image, causing jealousy or envy, demonstrating a relationship, sexually arousing men, and participating in fun and games. Men reported that their reputations were enhanced more often than damaged; women reported the opposite pattern. These results provide insights into the functions of sexual behavior as a means of communication and highlight gender differences consistent with problematic cultural belief systems such as “slut shaming,” victim blaming, and sexual double standards.  相似文献   

2月25日上午,全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会在北京隆重举行。蒙古族刺绣协会会长白晶莹荣获“全国脱贫攻坚楷模”荣誉称号。这位年过半百却激情四溢的“草原绣娘”,在脱贫攻坚的进程中,用纤细的绣花针和五彩的丝线,串起了各级党委和政府的惠民好政策,带领贫困户走出了一条“刺绣脱贫”的新路子,“绣出”花一样的幸福生活。  相似文献   

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