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In August 2006, Peters, who had once worked as an artist and a teacher in the US, traveled to China. Why? She was searching for a magical coat, which she had seen in a book about textiles when she was a student in Paris. She eventually found the coat in Guizhou, and she quickly realized it was an item of the Miao ethnic groups' traditional clothing. Peters met many Miao people in Guizhou, and she was fascinated by the minority group's history, culture and beautifully made crafts, such as the batik-dyed clothes.  相似文献   

Big Baby Girl Born Recently, the Beijing Railway Hospital helped deliver an unusually large girl baby. The average weight of a newborn baby in China is about 3,500 grams. However, this girl baby—delivered by Caesarean section—weighed 5,950 grams at  相似文献   

ZHANG Nan, still a student at the Industrial Art Design Department of Beijing Industrial University, has already shown great talent in her paintings. Father Zhang Bo is an army art worker and Mother Zhao Suhua works at the Beijing Xuanwu District Committee. An Unexpected Prize As part of the China Year of Tourism, the large-scale "'97 China Art Exhibition" displayed galleries from individual artists, attracting attention from the art circles. When Zhang Bo learned of the news, the Zhang family held a family meeting in which they decided to send some  相似文献   

This is the second book written by the child author and has been popular on the net for its jest, but it is not just simple witted. Jiang Fangzhou was born in a small city of China in October 1989. She is a well-behaved student in an ordinary primary school. But sometimes she does something to make people stare at her, such as wearing her trousers inside out or donning a pair of sandals in late autumn. "The adults do not know our children's life," she says in  相似文献   

WUHAN University, at the foot of the Luojia Hill by the East Lake, is a key comprehensive university in China with a picturesque landscape and a history of 103 years. The university is strong in both teaching and scientific research. It has about 400 professors, 138 doctoral student instructors, five stations for flow of post-doctoral  相似文献   

Helping Me to Know More about China帮我了解中国It is my first time in China. I have been here for only two weeks as an exchange student. I got your February issue from one of my friends. I was absorbed by the cover, which was so colorful. I couldn't help but read the inside. I found some of the pictures so impressive, and very helpful to me in understanding Chinese women and China.  相似文献   

GIVING birth to a child was a life-or-death struggle forthe mother and baby as late as the early half of thiscentury;an estimate survey revealed a mortality rate amongmothers as high as 15 per thousand and infant mortality as highas 200 per tnousand at that time.Midwifery was oftenpracticed by the mother-in-law,the mother herself,or morepopularly,by an elderly woman in the village who practiced  相似文献   

WHILE a university student in Kuomintang-controlled Shanghai, she met a Communist who changed her life. This man set her on the way to become the first woman doctor in the Communist New Fourth Army. Zhang Yangfen now enjoys her old age in peace and satisfaction with her fruitful life. Sitting under the grape arbor in her courtyard, Zhang recalls her past. Every Common Person Has Her Obligation To the Country My childhood was spent in the years when China was in a desperate situation and people were living in dire poverty.  相似文献   

The Chicheng area in Hebei Province is a remote and under developed rural district. In 1999, film director Zhang Yimou made his movie "Not One Less" there. It tells a moving story of how a girl acting as a temporary rural teacher tries by all means to find one missing student in the county town and get him back to school. That movie greatly helped the Candlelight Project in drawing attention to education in rural China. Today, teachers and students in the Chicheng area have again become beneficiaries because  相似文献   

Guan Weixing was born in 1940 in a small village in the Changbai Mountains of Northeast China. He graduated from the school attached to the Lu Xun Fine Arts Institute and in 1959 enrolled in the institute's Department of Oil Painting. In 1960. as an exception, he was admitted to an oil painting training class under a famous Romanian professor and completed his studies as a  相似文献   

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