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王驰,祖母是印尼归国华侨,现就读于广州星海音乐学院舞蹈学专业四年级。曾多次参加全国舞蹈比赛,并随团赴德国、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、马来西亚、菲律宾等国演出。在国内比赛中获得“金奖”和“优秀表演奖”。2010年10月,她应邀请赴印尼泗水。在纪念《千岛日报》创刊十周年大会上表演了舞蹈,受到与会者的热烈欢迎。  相似文献   

原铭 《现代交际》2010,(4):75-75
第八届桃李杯舞蹈比赛获得古典舞表演一等奖的《爱莲说》看完之后让人感触颇深!细腻柔美、刚柔相济、别出心裁的舞蹈语汇,使整个舞蹈作品变得活灵活现!舞蹈创作的根源来自于周敦颐的这首诗歌《爱莲说》,“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植……莲,花之君子者也!”这是诗歌《爱莲说》当中最经典的部分。舞蹈编导赵小刚深入地剖析了《爱莲说》这首诗,把它编排成舞蹈,主题环环相扣、特点新颖别致,呈献给大家。当下,大多数人都明白《爱莲说》这首诗要表达什么样的一个情感,但真正能做到像诗中所描述的却微乎其微。所以编导通过编排《爱莲说》舞蹈颂扬东方女性“不染污泥,洁身自好”的高尚品质。  相似文献   

主讲:珊丹(内蒙古艺术研究所一级艺术评论) 这一讲,我们为大家介绍熟悉而又陌生的舞蹈种类——芭蕾舞。当我们看到舞台上一个个身姿修长、亭亭而立于高高足尖上的舞者,迈着从容的舞步,带着优雅的气质,委婉而优美的抒发着情感的舞蹈就是芭蕾舞。芭蕾舞蹈代表性的作品,是大家熟悉的《天鹅湖》《仙女》《天鹅之死》《胡桃夹子》等。我国芭蕾舞蹈早期的代表作品有《白毛女》《红色娘子军》《草原儿女》等。  相似文献   

珊丹 《老年世界》2013,(2):42-42
当我们知道了什么是舞蹈,也知道了舞蹈的种类首先是以各民族的舞蹈为区别,构成不同的舞蹈种类时,请再随着我们的介绍走进更加具体和细致的舞蹈分类中,体会不同特点的舞蹈极其特色。现在为您介绍什么是民间舞蹈?  相似文献   

安娜 《老人世界》2008,(6):37-37
最能体现阿根廷民族文化迷人风情的,当然是探戈舞蹈。探戈是阿根廷的国舞。作为探戈的发源地,阿根廷的探戈舞蹈风格含蓄、洒脱,加上深沉、忧伤、惆怅的探戈曲调,将南美风情的典雅与浪漫表现得淋漓尽致。探戈发源于布宜诺斯艾利斯市南郊“博卡”港区一条名叫“米卡尼托”的小街。尽管目前这里仍是布宜诺斯艾利斯市的贫民区,但米卡尼托街如今已成为一处蜚声全球的旅游景点。  相似文献   

新时期的舞蹈创作受到了西方现代思潮的很大影响,过于偏向于技术而忽略了舞蹈意境的表达。笔者认为新时期的舞蹈创作应该从舞蹈意境的内涵、舞蹈意境的生成过程、舞蹈意境的文化价值三个方面进行分析研究。  相似文献   

主讲:珊丹(内蒙古艺术研究所一级艺术评论) 这一讲,为了使大家清楚中国古典舞蹈的艺术特色与艺术美感,我们从古典舞蹈的形成及其发展与不同阶段古典舞蹈的艺术特色开始,介绍什么是中国古典舞。古典舞是在民族民间传统舞蹈的基础上,经过专业舞蹈工作者整理、加工和再创造,并经过艺术实践检验,流传下来的被认为具有一定典范意义和古典风格的舞蹈。一般都具有严谨的程式、规范的动作和比较高超的艺术技巧。  相似文献   

纪爽 《现代交际》2012,(1):105-106
大众舞蹈旨在休闲娱乐、强体健身和陶冶情操,包含于社会主义文化建设之中。大众舞蹈必将以其旺盛的活力活跃和发展于我国建设社会主义先进文化的伟大进程中。大众舞蹈学习兴趣需要引领。  相似文献   

原生态舞蹈是没有被特殊雕琢,存在于民间原始的、散发着乡土气息的表演形态,是由普通民众在传统的民俗仪式和民俗活动中传承的民间舞蹈。原生态舞蹈的发掘、整理和加工推动了中国民族民间舞蹈的发展,在中国民族民间舞原始素材保留中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

舞蹈啦啦操虽然早已有之,但随着生活水平的提高,进入21世纪之后舞蹈啦啦操才开始流行,并吸引了不少青年人群学习。而舞蹈啦啦操是一种集合了美学、力量、舞蹈、运动于一体的体育项目,它运用多种舞蹈元素的动作组合,结合转体、跳步、平衡和柔韧等难度动作,不仅有舞蹈的过渡性连接技巧和不同的舞蹈风格特点,更有健美运动的力量美,体操的速度、力度与运动负荷,学习舞蹈啦啦操并不容易。近年来,人们开始将表象训练引进舞蹈啦啦操的训练教学中,在长期的实践中,人们总结出了表象训练在舞蹈啦啦操教学中的优势,表象训练不仅能辅助学生在脑海中建立记忆模型,更能加快学生掌握舞蹈啦啦操的技术要领,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

In China, how does the proportion of local-born residents in a community shape the local identity of rural migrants who do not have the local hukou that would allow them to enjoy the local benefits and welfare provided by the government? Our findings show that despite their socially marginalized status, the migrants' level of local identity is strongly related to community composition. Our study is based on data collected recently in Guangzhou, a major city in southern China that has been a popular destination for rural migrants. We found that living in a community with a high percentage of local residents significantly improves the local identity of rural migrants. However, frequent social interaction with local residents mediates this relationship in a community where about half of the residents are local. We also found that the migrants' subjective perception of socioeconomic status positively mediates the relationship between the proportion of local residents in the community and the local identity of rural migrants.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, China has experienced the emergence of vibrant popular music, resulting from globalisation and commercialisation. This empirical study investigates Chinese secondary students' popular music preferences in daily life, and to what extent and in what ways they prefer learning about popular music in school in the city of Changsha. Based on the findings from the survey questionnaires completed by 1816 secondary school students and interviews with 45 students from 8 secondary schools, this study revealed that Chinese teenagers preferred popular music styles in their daily lives and in school, particularly popular songs from Mainland China, the USA and the UK. There was a strong relationship found between school music teachers and the students' preferences for learning popular songs. Many of the students surveyed had their own popular music idols, but they mostly maintained that they liked their music idols because of their songs' melodies and lyrics. The findings also showed that there was a gap between the students' preferences for popular music and the popular music styles taught in school music lessons. Despite the division of classical and popular music learning among Chinese youths, most students conceded that these two musical styles should be taught in school music education. This study's findings challenge the notion of how popular music education in a culturally diverse community can be improved, as well as stimulate further examination of young students' music preferences in and outside the school environment.  相似文献   

Rapid industrialization in southern China has brought together two types of migrants: young women from towns and villages seeking work and upward mobility and affluent men from Hong Kong sojourning in the coastal provinces to supervise or service export‐oriented industries. The result is that many married Hong Kong men who cross the border regularly on business have taken “second wives” or mistresses in China. We analyze this phenomenon using government statistics, selected court cases, and personal interviews. We show that the emergence of the “second wife” phenomenon among migrants in southern China is consistent with recent studies on the causes of polygyny, and we make some predictions about the likelihood of this type of polygyny among migrants.  相似文献   

Abstract The history of the peasants of Languedoc has been marked by continual struggles to defend a livelihood against the combined forces of capitalist development and state integration. Constant references to this history of contentiousness in popular representations of the past have been critical in the emergence of a culture of opposition among the Languedoc peasantry. This paper explores the relationship between historical consciousness, identity construction and expressions of resistance in class and regionalist ideologies of political struggle in rural southern France.  相似文献   

客家土楼特殊的建筑形式体现了儒家思想下大家族共同生活的理想。福建土楼,薪火相传,积厚流光,大拙至美,是凝固的音乐,是立体的诗篇。  相似文献   


The post-Soviet revival of a group of related genres of narrative poetry is explored, focusing on the work of two poets: Mariia Stepanova, with her connections to the ballad tradition and the uncanny, and Boris Khersonskii, whose cycles and collections document the lost world of Jewish life in southern Russia. There is an exploration of the ways in which narrative poetry, which had been closely associated with official Soviet culture, has now been revitalized by the adoption of elements drawn both from the traditional epic, such as the objective, impersonal narrative voice, and from popular culture, including horror stories and urban myth.  相似文献   

高校美女文化面临着泛化的倾向。造成这种现象的深层次原因与市场经济中女性地位的衰落直接相关。而高校社会性别教育的缺失削弱了女性的独立意识,大众文化的勃兴则强化着社会性别的刻板印象。高校美女文化的泛滥弱化了女大学生独立意识的形成,造成社会资源的浪费.也加剧了社会文化中男女不平等的局面,促使女性向传统价值观回归。为了重塑高校社会性别平等文化,应该使社会性别意识纳入政府决策主流,推动社会性别平等教育进入高等教学体系并实现学科建设主流化,培养大众传媒的社会性别意识。  相似文献   

近年来,许多小“童星”在中国各地举办的儿童选秀活动中闪亮登场。其实儿童选秀不仅在中国受到热捧,在全球各地也都欣欣向荣。对此,人们提出一些忧虑。  相似文献   

This article examines a nascent phenomenon in which a cluster of digital platforms mimicking popular Chinese apps has popped up in various cities in the United Kingdom (UK). They have been eagerly adopted by a strong clientele composed mainly of Chinese international students and young working migrants from China. Drawing on data we gathered from the British city of Manchester, one of the most popular destinations for Chinese international students, we propose the concept of home virtuality to illustrate how Chinese student migrants’ frequent surfing of these Chinese-style digital platforms has created a ‘virtual home’ that is quite reminiscent of the platformized lifestyle in China, and that thus offers them a sense of connection to home. We argue that this ‘home virtuality’ does not only imply a virtual connection but is also a home environment materialized through the familiar app services of the new Chinese platform businesses in the UK.  相似文献   

智慧城市建设的思考与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁峰  徐昊 《城市观察》2012,(4):19-25,61
随着我国城镇化进程的不断深入,智慧城市建设日渐升温。截止2012年6月,我国已有上百个城市和地区提出了智慧城市的建设理念和方案,“智慧城市”已经成为我国新一轮信息化建设中的热门词汇。各地智慧城市建设取得了一定的进展,同时也存在诸如重复建设、信息孤岛等种种问题。本文就智慧城市的定义、评价体系、架构、问题进行系统的研究探讨,为各地智慧城市的建设提供一些建议。  相似文献   

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