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Dear Women of China,I read on your website that National Art Museum of China has offered a program for the upcoming New Year holiday,with works shown at eight ongoing exhibitions,varying from drawings,sketches,oil paintings,Chinese paintings and calligraphy to lacquer paintings.It is a very beautiful exhibition.I hope China and Italy,two great civilizations,can increase cultural exchanges with each other.Rosa Dalmiglio 1 Italy。  相似文献   

AN 80-year old woman, who was recovering from a bone injury, once told me that she would be traveling around the world for the rest of her life. Listening to her touching and admirable plan, I realized that the loss of one's ability to do a certain thing will cultivate a longing for that particular thing. This longing was also with me the year I became 40. At that time, I frequently thought back over all l had done during the past 40 years, I  相似文献   

I have given a name to the studio where I make my soft sculptures: "Spirit Existing." It means that my life exists together with my spirit; that spirit is inseparable from body. I believe the original nature of life is the most beautiful thing in the world. On September 6th, 1997, I handed in my resignation to the tax bureau where I worked. Leaving my family and my son at home, I came to Beijing alone to create a new life for myself. As a woman making such a choice at the age of 35, I  相似文献   

AT the end of 1992, chemistry professor Lei Luhua, 29, became the youngest woman professor in China. She was the first person in the world to construct a structual model of urokinase. She also advocated a program that could enhance the specificity of trypsin by substituting surface residues, avoiding the prob-  相似文献   

THIS past fall, my colleagues, scholars from Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science under the State Bureau of Environmental Protection, left for the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), in the United States. They were the third group of visiting scholars to make this trip, thus completing a three-year cooperative program in agroecology. This friendship cultivated by Chinese and American scientists bears fine fruit. As a participant in the cooperative program, I was lucky enough to work at UCSC for two weeks and forged a profound friendship with my UCSC's colleagues. In the fall of 1993, I went to UCSC alone, the first visiting scholar of this  相似文献   

WHEN project proposals come up before the Chinese government, those that emphasize economic growth are most likely to be granted; what people may not realize, however, is that projects that focus on gender issues have also become top priority in the policy sphere. That is how the Beijing Women's Federation is able to conduct a bilateral program with their Swedish counterparts to exchange experiences and gain information from each other.  相似文献   

Father Remarries     
FATHER seemed a different person after my mother's death. During my frequent visits home I noticed that he stayed in one place for a long time, silently, but sighing all the time. As time went by I visited home less often, mostly because of the pressures of my job. My father called and complained that he had no one to talk to, that he was  相似文献   

FOREIGNERS who have been to Beijing are probably familiar with the Beijing International Hotel near the main railway station. It's the four-star hotel where I work as a chief cook. My job is to manage nine kitchens—both Chinese and Western. I have been a chef for 34 years. After graduated from school in 1964, I studied Chinese cuisine for three years. I believed that it was a job worth doing. In the past, people looked down on this occupation; they thought it was a low-class job because cooks were always serving other people. I, however, found the job very interesting. After all, I reasoned, everyone needs to eat. If we could make eating into a kind of art or a science, eating could become an act of culture. People engaged in the food industry treat the act of eating with a respect that most people cooking at home do not feel. But for those of us who work in prestigious hotels whose guests come from all over the world and have different customs and tastes, it is our job to put the Chinese cooking cultu  相似文献   

When lovers split up, one person might say: "Forget me." At least, that is often the scenario in novels and films. When one person asks the other to forget him/her, he/she might already be in love with a third person, or he/she might be suffering in some way and he/she doesn't want to talk about it. Whatever the reason, the other person will be hurt.  相似文献   

AT dusk, I switched on my radio. What I heard was a special call-in program entitled "New Air of the City," on a local music channel; the two silver-tongued hosts were discussing the topic of promises. A young woman with a soft voice managed to get through first. She said that she had been in love for many years. She and her fiance often went to the banks of the Yangtze River in their spare time, lifting stones to look for small crabs, as tiny as fingernails. They liked to raise the crabs in a glass bowl. But one day, there were few stones by the river; they searched for a long time, but found nothing. An old man who was catching fish told them that it was difficult to find those crabs on the bank. Then he took several crabs out of his  相似文献   

SEEING them for the first time, a sense of pity and sympathy welled up in my heart. I inwardly laid the blame on the heaven, which seemed unfair to deprive such good girls of happiness and joy that a healthy person  相似文献   

FROM 1992 to 1997, the All-China Women's Federation organized and implemented a reproductive health program for Chinese women, which was sponsored by the American Ford Foundation. The program was divided into two phases. The first phase, lasting from 1992 to 1994, focused on locating problems and studying them. Women's federations from 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions throughout China formed a research group and conducted extensive studies in a variety of fields while cooperating with experts from sociology, medicine  相似文献   

Shen Bing 沈冰 Shen Bing, the pretty host on China Central Television (CCTV), who made a name for herself by emceeing a program in conjunction with the 2002 FIFA World Cup, is about to host a program associated with the World Cup that will be hosted by Germany. Since September 2005, Shen has stayed at home because she gave birth. The World Cup will begin on June 9. Zhang Bin, mastermind of CCTV's program on the World Cup,  相似文献   

1 THE question of whether or not the concept of marriage goes against human nature will never be resolved because there is nothing more contradictory in the world than so-called human nature. Everyone should ask a more specific question: What do I want most out of my life? If a person wants peaceful life, he or she should get married. If a person wants freedom, he or she should remain single. Can a person have both a peaceful life and freedom? There is such a thing called an open marriage. But marriage is on the threshold of freedom. In reality, perhaps it is easy or difficult to cross that threshold. But the threshold must be there. Without it, the marriage would be totally open, and the union could not be regarded as a marriage. It is essential that in marriage the idea that the concerned  相似文献   

Project Benefits Girl with Cerebral Palsy
Zhang Zhuo, 7, a girl from Changchun, capital of northeastern China's Jilin Province, in December 2013 became the first beneficiary of a program to help impoverished children who suffer from cerebral palsy.  相似文献   

A Self-portrait     
I was fond of literature from childhood. But I wasstudying hard to become a doctor and never thought ofliving off writing. I began my writing career from the May FourthMovement in 1919. At first, as a member of the FemaleStudents Federation, I wrote some articles for publication.At that time the turbulent Chinese youth's patrioticmovement and the new cultural movement brought me outof the home and campus. I began to witness the pressing  相似文献   

WITH the deepening of China's reform and the expansion of the policy of opening to the world, we greet the year 1995. A new year means a chance for development and a new beginning for any person or career. The editorial department of Women of China sends its best wishes to all our readers. Women of China magazine has entered its 39th year since its establishment. With love and concern from our large readership, the magazine has made friends with readers from countries and regions all over the  相似文献   

LAST September, Chai Ran, my classmate and roommate in Shanxi, and I took a train to Yuanping to visit our second home. Twenty-five years ago, we 31 students from Beijing went to live in the Xiadalin Village in Yuanping, Shanxi Province, where we lived and labored for seven years. In our railway car, Chai told me that Yuanping, to which the Xiadalin Village belonged in the past administration, was celebrating its emergence as a city. Chai had married a villager and had returned to Beijing only two years ago. Her son and daughter, who were both born in the village, had just visited there and had brought her the news. Although I knew that Yuanping had changed a great deal, I was still unable to imagine what it had become, since I had left eighteen years ago. In my memory, it was only a series of streets with a  相似文献   

I'm delighted to write a column in Women of China English Monthly. Here, 1'11 share interesting findings, key insightsand real stories from the work I've been doing with thousands of competent professional women in China -- and around Asia. Given that it's the start of the calendar year, I want to shave a powerful exercise -- on reflection, to set you up for success in the coming year, and beyond. To start, grab a journal, and answer the following questions: What do you think your colleagues would say about you? What have been your key successes during the past year? What are the best practices you used to achieve those successes'?  相似文献   

Many women dream that one day they will have a wedding ring slid onto their finger by someone they dearly love, and they will happily spend the rest of their days with that person. My wife was no exception. When wewere preparing for our marriage, I asked what she wanted most. "A ring, an exquisite ring, for sure," she said excitedly. Taking her into my arms I said, "You'Ⅱ have it." Unfortunately I failed to keep my word. When we were just about to get married, my father contracted lung cancer. I spent nearly all of my savings and got into debt because of the hospital bills. Ten days after my father's death, my wife brought her luggage to my room. We pasted the character “喜”(double happiness) at the bedside and in the living room. It was autumn. "Now let it be the time to harvest our four years'love. "said she. Without any ceremony or guests, we got married. Thinking that my wife couldn't get the ring she craved for filled me with regret. That evening I held her tight, gently stroking her delicate  相似文献   

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