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2014年,中国公共关系市场保持稳定增长。据调查估算,整个市场的年营业规模约为380亿元人民币,年增长率为11.5%左右,比2013年12.5%的增速略有下降。调查显示,2014年度以蓝色光标为代表的TOP25公司的年营业额、年营业利润分别比上一年增长了19.2%和20%,呈现较快的增长态势。  相似文献   

比起2008年北京奥运会中联想的赞助影响力,本届伦敦奥运会TOP赞助商的宏暮是多么“低调”。  相似文献   

TOP1:人生的最大遗憾莫过于错误地坚持了不该坚持的,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的……TOP2:新式morningcall——生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。TOP3:使你疲劳的不是远方的高山,而是你鞋里面的一粒砂子。  相似文献   

在来自澳门的首任主席钟育浩带领下,北京市京丁学校的“60+”获得了2013年北京中学生社会实践挑战赛公益类TOP10奖项  相似文献   

1“云想衣裳花想容”,相对于偏于稳重单调的男士着装,女士们的着装则亮丽丰富得多。得体的穿着,不仅可以显得更加美丽,还可以体现出一个现代文明人良好的修养和独到的品位。TOP原则分别是什么,谈谈您对这个原则有何理解。  相似文献   

2010年11月17日,国际超级计算机TOP500组织宣布,由中国国防科技大学研制的“天河一号”二期系统,以峰值速度4700万亿次、持续速度2570万亿次每秒浮点运算的优异性能,取代美国“美洲虎”超级计算机系统,在第36届世界超级计算机500强排名中位居世界第一。  相似文献   

刘雁 《职业》2010,(11):52-54
初入职场,一些80后、90后的年轻人在面试求职过程中状况百出,让面试官哭笑不得、头疼不已。网络上曾展开过一个票选“最离谱面试TOP10”的评比活动。在这个排行中能看到各种令人哭笑不得的面试经历。  相似文献   

肖硕丰 《安家》2014,(8):50-65
随着中国成为世界第二大经济体,全球著名奢华酒店纷纷落子中国。在中国无论是个人旅游,还是商务合作的数量都在不断提升。这为奢华酒店的发展提供了巨大的动力,由此中国奢华酒店市场争夺战就此拉开帷幕。 本期《安家》根据多方数据资源,从目前国内主流奢华酒店内以:服务特色、管理水平、品牌影响力、规模扩张、设施设备、设计品位、建筑格调共七个评价体系排位出《2014中国奢华酒店TOP30》,以供旅居人士参考。  相似文献   

11月27日下午,2009中国公共关系100人颁奖典礼暨第五届中国公关经理人年会在北京大学百年讲堂隆重举行。此次盛会云集国内外知名企业公共事务部的高层、行业TOP专业机构负责人、学术专家等行业巨擘;除颁奖典礼外,这也是17PR第五届公关经理人年会,与会嘉宾们还就新经济、新媒体下公关策略等热点话题展开了深入交流,  相似文献   

少年张伯宏的履历表就像格林童话:当同龄人在为黑色中考焦头烂额时,15岁初中毕业的他远赴洛杉矶学习音乐制作;17岁“洋”装穿在身的他又回国,玩土得掉渣的音乐《北京土著》;在娱乐圈刚崭露头角,荣登中国TOP排行榜第一名时,他又华丽转身,18岁就成为上海一家网络游戏公司的CEO……  相似文献   

Social work in homes for older people in Slovenia has a special role since we have extremely institutionally-oriented care for older people. Characteristic of the development of Slovenian homes for older people is a shift in the dynamics of the orientation of the homes from a medical to a social one. Different factors influenced the shift towards a social orientation, i.e. the policy of establishing homes, the influence of sociogerontological principles, the development of social work and, recently, by their engagement with residents with dementia. In socially-oriented homes a different model of social work is used than in medically-oriented ones. The difference lies in social work methods as well as in the roles of the social worker in different areas of work with the residents, relatives and staff. By defining a model of social work in a socially-oriented home, a special field of social work with older people in the field of institutional care in Slovenia has been developed.  相似文献   

Applied sociology, if defined broadly enough, is a ray of light for sociology graduates in an otherwise dismal career landscape. This is particularly true in the Washington, D. C. metropolitan area. Sociologists’ general or liberal arts skills are as valuable, if not more valuable, than research specialization. Finding a job in government requires a different strategy than a job with a government contractor. Unfortunately, in neither case is there a rational path or match-up between a person’s skills and finding the job which utilizes these skills. Local knowledge can help in making the match. Edward Sabin, Ph.D., University of Michigan 1970, taught sociology for five years in the Midwest. Since 1974, he worked for 8 years as a writer/researcher under a number of government contracts in the area of international health. Currently he is a writer/systems analyst for a NASA library automation project.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2006,28(4):442-448
The idea of a structure made up of a core and periphery is a common, classic paradigm in many fields of science. Following this line, in 1999, researchers Stephen Borgatti and Martin Everett developed a model of structural analysis based on the delimitation of a core formed by a group of densely connected actors, in contrast to a class of actors, more loosely connected and forming the periphery of the system.The original approach of these authors is modified, employing measures that, in our opinion, show a larger degree of coherence and accuracy in the proposed objectives.  相似文献   

Swartz  David L. 《Theory and Society》2003,32(5-6):791-823
By the late 1990s, Pierre Bourdieu had become the primary public intellectual of major social scientific status at the head of the anti-globalization movement that emerged in France and in other Western European countries. This article discusses how Bourdieu became a leading public intellectual, a role that seems to contrast with his early years as a professional sociologist. It explores what seemed to change in Bourdieu’s activities and outlook as sociologist and what seems to have remained constant. It identifies several institutional conditions that seemed necessary for Bourdieu to be able to play the kind of public intellectual role he did in his later years. Bourdieu’s movement from a peripheral position to a central location in the French intellectual field, the changing character of the field itself, the growing influence of the mass media in French political and cultural life, the failures of the French Socialists in power, a cultural legacy of leading critical intellectuals in France, a unifying national issue of globalization, and the political conjuncture in 1995 all intersected in ways that opened a path for Bourdieu to choose new and more frequent forms of political action. His responses to that combination of factors at different moments reveal both a striking continuity in desire to preserve the autonomy of intellectual life and a change in view and strategy on how best to do that. The article concludes with a brief evaluation of Bourdieu’s public intellectual role.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief background to the articles in this edition on evaluation in South Africa. The overall background is self-evident: South Africa is a country which has undergone a political revolution, with a government of national unity in place. The formulation and implementation of new policies, and the programs which form part of them, will be an important part of South African politics in the years to come.These articles also appear against the more immediate background of trying to place evaluation on a surer footing in this country. In this introduction the efforts of a group of South African evaluators to position themselves and their activities in such a way as to make evaluation an accepted part of the organizational landscape, and to play a useful role in a future South Africa, are described as well.  相似文献   

The nature of the sibling relationship in middle and later life and the potential of living with a sibling as an alternative to institutionalization when independent living may no longer be possible was assessed using interviews with a random sample of 41 persons 56 to 84 years of age. Forty-nine percent of the respondents had lived with a sibling in adulthood usually for more than one year and over one-half would consider living together again. Men were somewhat more likely to have lived with a sibling in adulthood than were women. When a sibling went to live with another sibling, it was to a sister's home in 90 % of the cases. Almost none had previously considered living with a sibling in later life but ranked living with a sibling second to living in a nursing home and ranked it comparably with living with children. When asked directly their willingness to live with a sibling in later life, respondents were almost equally divided. Age, number of children, educational level, and a feeling of closeness particularly in middle age were found to be moderately correlated with willingness to live with a sibling.Dolores Cabic Borland earned a Ph.D. from Texas Women's University in Sociology and is presently an Associate Professor in Family and Child Ecology at Michigan State University. Dr. Borland's current research interests include middle age and sibling relationships in middle age and later life.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Michigan State University Foundation, Grant # (ORD 26081) and parts were presented at the 1986 National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Requests for reprints should be sent to Dolores Cabic Borland, Ph.D., Department of Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1030.  相似文献   

There is a debate or struggle for the nature and future of social work in England. This tension is between a narrow or limited type of practice and a broader and emancipatory social work, grounded in the International Federation of Social Work and the wider conception of the profession in other European states. The limited model of social work seems to provide a dominant paradigm, which may result in the loss of a more visionary and humane social work. This is a qualitative study of an undergraduate social work programme in England. There were 48 participants, comprised of academics, students, service users and practice educators. Interviews and focus groups were used and a thematic analysis was undertaken. The key finding of this study is that the paradigm of state or statutory social work in England threatens to replace a broad conception of social work as understood in such definitions as the International Federation of Social Work and social work in other European states.  相似文献   

Outcome evaluation is very important for program evaluation and has been becoming increasingly so in the age of accountability. Typically, outcome evaluation is conducted for a single program from a single perspective. However, in a real-life situation, many programs exist in a system, and the effects could be viewed from various perspectives. The authors illustrate a typology of program effects in a system. It moves from the paradigm of a single program’s single effect to that of a set of programs’ multiple effects. Methodological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

During October and November 1982, 1,260 Medicare-eligible senior citizens were interviewed in a survey focusing on health care of the elderly. As part of the survey, an experiment was conducted in each of the three survey sites to determine the effects of an advance telephone call to schedule an appointment for a personal interview. One random half sample in each site was sent a lead letter, followed by a telephone call to schedule a personal interview. The other half sample was sent a lead letter followed by a personal contact, with no intervening telephone call. Telephoning to arrange an appointment for a personal interview resulted in a 20 percent saving in data collection costs with only a 1 percent decrease in response rate.  相似文献   

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