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In this paper, we focus on the characteristics and requirements of digital leadership and cooperation when teams are working on complex and dynamic project tasks, and cooperation is mediated by modern information and communication technology. Based on current research results we discuss the question, whether the thesis can be supported that leadership of complex digital teamwork can only be successful if leadership functions are delegated to the team and personal leadership is complemented by structural leadership. Despite many ambiguous research results regarding the effects of digital leadership current findings seem to support that more shared leadership in self-managing project teams seems to be helpful for team performance.  相似文献   

This treatise is a critical and belligerent flashback of Tomke Böhnisch’s article ?Anspruch und Wirklichkeit eines Beziehungsberufes“ wich was published in this journal (2/2002). This article is based on the text analysis of several publications from trade journals of Supervision. Its thesis is that the authors of those publications do not have a reflective attitude towards their own advisory work. In the following answer, formal aspects of the made analysis are questioned critically concerning their hermeneutic conclusiveness, and it is proven that the author obviously did not succeed in fully understanding the meaning of the texts she criticizes.  相似文献   

The enhancement of quality inhigher education is an important task for German universities. As this article point out, peer supervision might serve as an important instrument to accomplish this task, if the interchange of ideas on higher education leads to agreements on goals and the development of behavioral standards. Some requirements that should be met to make sure that peer supervision has these effects are described at the end of the article.  相似文献   

The study combines survey data from the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (GS?O?E?P) to address the role of changing parental resources in explaining the long-run historical trend of women’s rising educational attainment in Germany. For West German cohorts, the analysis suggests a distinction between two historical periods: a first one for birth cohorts up until the mid-1960s, when daughters’ educational attainment increased uniformly across all social strata, and a second period among women from younger birth cohorts, for whom all observable change in educational attainment can be explained as a pure compositional effect due to rising levels of parental resources. Rising educational attainment among East German cohorts has followed a more complex historical pattern, however, as women first benefitted from rapid educational expansion and the equalization of educational opportunity during the first two decades of the GDR. With educational policies reversed since the 1970s, East German women saw their educational progress stalled, and class-specific educational attainment actually in decline up until the point of German reunification. With reunification, women’s educational attainment increased sharply, but, as among Western cohorts, mostly as a reflection of the growth of parents’ private resources. In both parts of Germany, parental education rather than class has been the key factor at the family level, and increasingly so the rising education of mothers.  相似文献   

Good teachers who initiate learning effective lessons can be characterized within the meaning of the authoritative parenting by consequent leadership, warmth and cordiality. Especially the language of the teachers plays an important part in every discussion during the lesson and in every feedback concerning the learning and performance level of individual pupils or groups. Nonetheless, the teacher’s language is neglected in modern educational research. This article has a closer look on the language used in the classroom and its relevance for a learning efficient working atmosphere inside the learning group. Moreover, it presents older and new empirical results which have been developed in an interdisciplinary effort towards this subject. The article leads to concrete suggestions for a higher linguistic professionalism of teachers in their daily job.  相似文献   

Articles 6 II 2 and 2 I of the German Constitution require the Federal Republic of Germany to create procedural rules guaranteeing the fundamental rights of children. The same message may also be derived not only from Art. 6 I, but also from Art. 8 I of the European Convention on Human Rights. This is exemplified by judgements dealing with duration of proceedings, fair trial and execution of orders made by the Court.  相似文献   

We contribute to the long-standing debate about an alleged “destabilization” and “destandardization” of employment biographies by analyzing how the job-shift patterns of West German workers have changed between 1984 and 2008. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we study changes in the rates of (upward) within- and between-firm mobility as well as the risk of employment exit, analyzing trends separately by gender, education, labour force experience, firm size, and sector. We document a considerable and pervasive reduction in the rate of (upward) within-firm moves. The decline is stronger for men and particularly steep for the employees of large companies and for those with limited labour force experience. We interpret these findings as evidence for a decline of internal labour markets and for increasing difficulties among labour market entrants. A second major result of our analysis is that rates of between-firm mobility and employment exit have risen primarily for low-educated men and women.  相似文献   

Altogether, 2,196 students from 29 Austrian universities took part in an empirical investigation on learning and communication in e-learning courses. The students completed a questionnaire on their experiences in an actual e-learning course, on their perceived learning achievements, and their enjoyment of the course. Furthermore, they expressed their preferences for online or face-to-face communication. All in all, students were satisfied with their course. They did not prefer one communication setting over another. They preferred online-communication for the distribution of information but advocated face-to-face communication when joint learning and cooperation are important or when socio-emotional relations are to be developed. The results of the study advocate blended-learning designs and give recommendations for which communication purposes online and for which face-to-face settings are more adequate.  相似文献   

Labour market reforms implemented in recent years in a number of countries have aimed to increase participation rates among single parents in order to reduce the disproportionately high poverty rate and share of benefit recipients among them. However, our quantitative analyses based on EU-LFS and EU-SILC indicate that paid work has to some extent become dissociated from material security. Although participation rates among single parents rose in the five years before the financial and economic crisis, their risk of being in poverty remained the same or actually increased. This finding holds true for different types of welfare state, as the comparison between Germany, France, Sweden and the UK shows. The potential poverty-reducing effects of increasing labour market participation are clearly being weakened by certain counter-trends. Possible explanations, which apply to varying extents in the four countries, are declining market wages and reductions in social transfers. Moreover, previously latent material risks of lone parenting unfold with the modernisation of gender roles and the erosion of lone mothers ‘avant-garde’ role as working parents. This is a common challenge across countries which has so far not been addressed sufficiently by social and labour market policies.  相似文献   

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