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Most theoretical treatments of intimate partner violence (IPV) focus on individual-level processes. Some researchers have attempted to situate IPV within the larger neighborhood context, but few studies have sought to link structural- and individual-level factors. The current analyses fill a research gap by examining the role of anger and depression in the association between neighborhood disadvantage and IPV. Using data from the Toledo Adolescent Relationships Study (TARS) and the 2000 Census, this study focuses on structural indicators of disadvantage as well as subjective disorder, and highlights the complex associations between neighborhood conditions, emotional distress, and IPV. Findings indicate that anger and depressive symptoms partially explain the association between neighborhood disadvantage and IPV. Additionally, the associations between disadvantage, disorder, and IPV depend on respondent’s level of anger. Results underscore the need to further consider the role of neighborhood factors (both objective and subjective) in relation to IPV, and also suggest the utility of introducing individual-level emotional measures to assess the circumstances under which neighborhoods matter most.  相似文献   

陆扬 《社会科学》2006,(12):166-171
德里达在《知识与信仰》中着力阐发了“没有宗教的宗教”的思想,瓦蒂莫和伽达默尔对此也进行了相关评论。但是用道德和公正来定义宗教,以使宗教有其名,却没有一切制度化的宗教教义的束缚,这在语言和民族国家大体为宗教划定边界的今天,亦未必可以指望它来从容应对电子技术、经济科学突飞猛进,剥夺“场域”、移位“场域”的全球化过程。  相似文献   

Much of the immigration literature in the United States points toward a positive association between religious activity and immigrant economic adaptation. Immigrant congregations serve as informal job fairs, build social capital for entrepreneurial activity, and provide a locale for leadership skill development. Using the New Immigrant Survey, this hypothesis of religion as economic resource is tested among immigrants receiving permanent residency within the United States in 2003. Somewhat surprisingly, most findings indicate a null relationship between religion and economic outcomes (i.e. employment, occupation status, and earnings). However, in instances where a significant relationship does exist, non-Protestant immigrants suffer the greatest economic penalty, particularly among non-Protestants who are not regularly participating in a religious organization. In contrast, non-Protestants who regularly participate have a higher likelihood of employment and higher earnings than their non-participating counterparts. Therefore, this paper extends previous literature in specifying that the religion as resource hypothesis operates best for non-Protestant immigrants who are actively involved in their religious organizations.  相似文献   

宗教与东西方高等教育的历史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宗教作为一种特殊的文化现象与高等教育有着千丝万缕的联系。本文的着重点不在于宗教本身的意义 ,而是通过回顾东西方高等教育的发生和发展历程 ,寻找宗教对东西方高等教育的深刻影响。  相似文献   

宗教与人类秩序的三个向度的关系及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教作为人类最早的文化形式,作为世界的总的理论,在人与自然的宇宙秩序、人与人的社会秩序、人与自身的心灵秩序的三大向度曾起过重要的建构作用。作者以秩序为视角,探讨了宗教随着现代社会的发展而在人类三大秩序的领域呈现出逐渐退至以人与自身的心灵秩序为主的境遇,从而一窥宗教的发展变化与轨迹。  相似文献   

A growing body of research investigates the possible relationships between religion and mental health. After developing a series of arguments linking various aspects of religion with anxiety and tranquility, we test relevant hypotheses using data from the 1996 General Social Survey. Results show that frequency of religious attendance and the belief in an afterlife are inversely associated with feelings of anxiety and positively associated with feelings of tranquility. However, frequency of prayer has no direct association with either outcome. Strong beliefs in the pervasiveness of sin are positively linked with anxiety but unrelated to tranquility. Finally, belief in an afterlife and frequency of prayer buffer the adverse effects of poor health and financial decline on anxiety. Implications of these findings are discussed along with study limitations and promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

童世骏 《社会科学》2008,16(1):4-15
社会批判理论的主要代表尤根·哈贝马斯最近几年来频繁讨论与宗教信仰及其社会作用有关的话题,本文在澄清这些讨论的具体语境的基础上,着重探讨哈贝马斯在"内部超越"观念的语言学转译、"后世俗社会"对宗教传统的世俗转译、实现"内部超越"的社会文化条件观念等方面的观点,并设法表明,哈贝马斯以"超越性"的内在化作为重点的社会批判理论,有助于我们思考中国文化的当代意义,思考中国文化与西方文化进行沟通的文化前提,甚至还可能有助于我们思考马克思主义中国化的文化前提.  相似文献   

顾卫民 《社会科学》2007,2(2):179-183
《磐石杂志》为1930年代初期中国天主教会中的一份重要刊物,它由北京辅仁大学中华公教青年会支部创办,旨在介绍中西文化及宗教事业调查研究,兼及社会新闻。1931年日本发动九·一八事变侵占中国东北,引发中国天主教会内部爱国人士的民族感情和救亡热忱。《磐石杂志》1934年第2卷第5期“公教与爱国”专号的主要内容从一个侧面反映了当时教会中人士对“国难”的思考和认识。  相似文献   

We examine how religious and political factors structure support for same-sex marriage in the United States over the last two decades. Using data from the General Social Surveys, we show that respondents who identify more strongly with the Republican Party, sectarian denominations, and those who subscribe to biblical fundamentalism and political conservatism are substantially more opposed to same-sex marriage than are other Americans. Heterogeneous ordinal logistic regression models show that these religious and political factors have become more important over the last two decades. Cohorts born after 1945 became substantially more supportive of marriage rights between 1988 and 2008, but shifts in support for marriage rights were less sizeable for persons affiliated with sectarian denominations, religious fundamentalists, Republicans, and political conservatives. Estimates from structural equation models show that religious factors influence political conservatism and Republican identification, yet both religious and political factors have significant and substantial independent direct effects on support for same-sex marriage.  相似文献   

Early – or childmarriage (before age 18) may diminish women's ability to exercise agency, or their capacity to act upon their goals. Using a propensity score adjustment approach, we analyzed data from 2394 married women ages 35–49 years who participated in the 2006 Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS). We examined whether women's first marriage at age 18 or older was associated with their post-marital agency, measured in terms of their influence in family decisions, freedom of movement in public spaces, and unfavorable views about intimate partner violence against wives. In bivariate analyses, women's age at first marriage was positively associated with their decision-making and more equitable gender attitudes. However, once we controlled for selection into age-at-first-marriage groups, there were no significant differences between the two age-at-first-marriage groups in any dimension of women's agency. We examined the sensitivity of the non-significant age-at-first-marriage effects to possible violations of the strong ignorability assumption and the results did not alter our conclusions. The assumption that women's age at first marriage is a proxy for their post-marital agency, as defined here, warrants further study.  相似文献   

This article investigates the prevalence and determinants of fear as a consequence of living through armed conflict. We use survey data from Nepal during the armed conflict (1996–2006) to examine how trauma, sex and gender, age, marriage, and household size affect fear of violence. We also disaggregate types of worry, and find substantial variance on whether respondents were more concerned about livelihood consequences of conflict than physical danger. We supplement quantitative analyses with discussion of in-depth interviews from the study area on these same topics. Overall, our results highlight the enduring impact of gender roles in Nepal and that conflict might disproportionately affect those who are already vulnerable and have greater social responsibilities. This article provides a unique comparison between fear of violence during armed conflict in a low-income country to the fear of crime literature based in high-income countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between interreligious contact and negative attitudes towards the religious out-group. It uses unique survey data collected by the authors among Christian and Muslim students in Maluku and Yogyakarta (Indonesia) and Mindanao and Metro Manila (the Philippines). Even after taking self-selection effects into account, interreligious friendships reduce negative attitudes towards the religious out-group. However, casual interreligious contact increases negative out-group attitudes. Also individuals who experienced interreligious violence have more negative out-group attitudes than those without such experience. The experience of interreligious violence has no influence on the effect of interreligious friendships but it further deteriorates the relationship between casual interreligious contact and out-group attitudes. Perceived group threat is an important mechanism explaining the effects of both positive and negative interreligious contact. [125].  相似文献   

Intergroup contact theory has been empirically supported in a variety of social contexts, but few samples have been drawn from rapidly developing nations undergoing severe political and sociocultural conflict. Using 2012 Caucasus Barometer data from the three nations of the South Caucasus — Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — we test the effect of interreligious contact on various forms of out-group resistance in a region of the world that is both historically and presently marked with severe religious and ethnic conflict. Additionally, we take into account self-selection effects using propensity score matching. Results overwhelmingly support intergroup contact theory in all three countries, but objections toward intermarriage still remain high for treated groups. In addition, there exist significant differences based on the out-group studied, with the contact effects being the strongest for groups posing little religio-cultural or organized threat. Weaker contact effects, though, appear less related to threat and more contextual/out-group specific.  相似文献   

It is well-documented that Muslims experience economic disadvantages in Western European labor markets. However, few studies comprehensively test individual-level explanations for the Muslim employment gap. Using data from the European Social Survey, this research note briefly examines the role of individual-level differences between Muslims and non-Muslims in mediating employment differences. Results reveal that human capital, migration background, religiosity, cultural values, and perceptions of discrimination jointly account for about 40% of the employment variance between Muslims and non-Muslims. Model specifications for first- and second-generation Muslim immigrants reveal a similar pattern, with migration background and perceived discrimination being of key relevance in mediating employment difference. While individual-level effects are indeed relevant, unexplained variance suggests that symbolic boundaries against Islam may still translate into tangible ethno-religious penalties.  相似文献   

历史学科是否适合用理论来进行研究?这是人文学科长期存在的争议问题之一。近期军事史和国家安全问题开始出现一种趋势,在战略文化的框架里进行验证研究。考察近十年来战略文化或近似课题的研究成果,包括有关中国或中国以外的研究个案,有关"人类暴力"、"文化现实主义"、"组织文化"、"持续对立"以及"规范与认同"等观点,近些年来受到特别的关注。这项考察显示了学者如何走出"理性取向"的局限性而开展研究的新思路。  相似文献   

陈晓明 《河北学刊》2007,27(4):146-153
德里达一直致力于对人道主义、人性、伦理这些论域的解构,这使人们容易认为,解构与伦理学相对立。德里达早年对列维纳斯的批评,亦使人们相信,德里达也把伦理学列入解构的重点。但德里达后期却明显地转向伦理学,此时他所提出的所有的问题,实际上都可以归结为他者的伦理问题。而德里达后期关于他者、礼物、宽恕、死亡、绝境、没有宗教的宗教性等思想,都印有列维纳斯影响的痕迹。解构的伦理性已经是理解解构主义重要的维度,正是在解构伦理学中,解构给予了一种伦理性。这也使我们有必要重新审视德里达早年对列维纳斯的批判。德里达正是清理了列维纳斯关于他者的同一性思想,而发展出他的解构思想。尽管那时的德里达怀疑希伯来进向的可能性,后来却从列维纳斯给予的希伯来的某种思想资源中获益匪浅。从德里达早期对列维纳斯的思想批判中,可以看出德里达解构思想最初运作的思路和价值取向。  相似文献   

对于传统信仰及其功能、组织的批判是欧洲启蒙运动思想家尤其是法国的战斗无神论者们着力的重点。通过对启蒙人士批判宗教角度的逐一分析,揭示欧洲启蒙运动中这一批判的成果与意义,并以传统信仰方面的回应与发展为警示,省察新的理性与宽容的必要性。  相似文献   

歌德有他自己的哲学思想和神学思想。他是因果与宿命的二元论者。《浮士德》是他以艺术 (诗、戏剧 )、哲学、宗教三位一体的方式思考人类命运的天才成果 :人类的命运既是因果的 ,也是宿命的 ;既是自主的 ,也是他主的 ;既是乐观的 ,也是悲观的 ,最终是乐观的。这就是《浮士德》文本的核心思想。《浮士德》的艺术是象征。舍象征而他求 ,不可能真正进入《浮士德》  相似文献   

Despite continuing for over two decades, the debate about the nature of the trends in religiosity in post-Communist Eastern Europe remains unresolved: some arguing that these countries are undergoing the same process of secularization as the West, while others insist that the entire region is experiencing a religious revival. Using national sample surveys from the early 1990s to 2007 to examine the change in demographic predictors of religiosity, we show that Catholic and Orthodox countries are experiencing different trends, the first group displaying evidence of secularization and the second of revival, and that these two different trends are likely to derive from the legacies of state repression and the differing abilities of the churches to resist such repression. We argue that the current literature has thus taken a mistakenly general approach, and that the post-Communist region consists of at least two distinct groups of societies with different trends in religiosity.  相似文献   

在明清时代的苏松地区,民间信仰活动的展开与多个群体密切相关,其中地方巫祝是信仰活动得以展开的核心群体,会首、衙役等群体则是信仰活动的具体组织与参与者之一,而不同阶层的女性在推动民间信仰活动方面也发挥着重要的作用.民间信仰活动的开展不仅仅关乎信仰层面,同时也是一些群体借以谋生的途径,这应该是其屡禁不绝的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

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