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In the software industry, as well as in numerous other technology industries, products are often offered as systems consisting of complementary components. In such systems, specific components take on the role of software platforms. This development can be observed as well in the Business-to-Consumer (e.g. Apple with the AppStore) as in the Business-to-Business context (e.g. salesforce.com with AppExchange). This article analyzes the optimal degree of compatibility of a vendor’s platform with the complementary components of competitors. Based on a simulation study it is shown that an increase in compatibility of the platform implies a higher diffusion of the platform, but on the other hand, reduces the effect of an implemented platform on the user’s choice regarding complementary components. In sum a slightly increased—but not complete—compatibility maximizes the degree of diffusion of the acting vendor.  相似文献   

The significance of coaching to the identity development of managers The author discusses the difficulties of managers to conceive their professional identity. Regarding the background of modern organization structures in ?our postmodern times“, they are demanded to define their roles again and again by themselves. Traditional concepts of identity, like those formulated by the psychoanalysis, nowadays are obsolete. The approaches of the symbolic interactionism are much more applying to the actual demands of ?identity work“ of managers. Coaching, that integrates procedures of dramatherapy, is thereby capable to support the development of a suitable management identity.  相似文献   

During the recent financial and economic crisis political and corporate representatives demanded for stricter regulations of short sales to limit the risks of price manipulation and potential stock price crashes. In autumn 2008 regulators of most industrial countries decided to implement temporary short sale restrictions to prevent a further collapse of the capital market. While some countries restricted only naked short sales and increased their disclosure requirements, other markets like the USA and Great Britain implemented a full ban on short selling. The analysis of these two markets supports the hypothesis that temporary bans are unlikely to prevent or limit large price drops in the affected stocks. Instead the results suggest that the implemented emergency measures led to a temporary overvaluation of stock prices and to a deterioration of market efficiency. These results become even more prominent for stocks with high dispersion of investor opinion.  相似文献   

This article views theoretical and practical conceptions of counseling as social constructions of reality. A counseling process is a discourse on such different constructions and—especially in culturally diverse constellations—confronts different ideas e.g. about anthropology, personality, disease/wellness and interpersonal relations which is significant for the range of value of counseling conceptions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the value of tax loss carryforwards is calculated using a modified arithmetic brownian motion for the taxable base. A formula for valuing tax loss carryforwards within a one period context is derived. A Monte-Carlos Simulation based on our findings leads to a valuation of tax loss carryforwards in a multiperiod setting and yields reasonable results. The methodology can also be used to value tax shields in a situation with an interest barrier as it is the case in the German tax system.  相似文献   

Briefing, accompanying and debriefing assignments abroad. Topics, settings and occasions of intercultural coaching When managers go abroad, they need intercultural know-how in order to act appropriately. This is because the structure of an organization and even the style of leadership variies with the (national) culture. This article lists typical causes, topics and settings for intercultural coachings. The article follows the classical chronic of an assignment abroad: briefing, accompanying and debriefing. A case study on a German food-manager, who starts to work in France, is included.  相似文献   

The benefit of staff appraisal interviews in an organization of social work In a great organization of social work (the catholic Caritas in Frankfurt/M.) since 2000 annual staff appraisal interviews are established. The author explains the concept and the contents of the questionnaire. The benefit of these dialogues to the participants as well as to the organization is discussed. A ?Coaching seminar“ has to prepare the staff members, in order to optimize the benefit of the appraisal interview.  相似文献   

In this text, the particularities of the situation of executives in expert organizations are discussed. Then four cases are described, in which (1) the problems that bring leaders from expert organizations into coaching are illustrated, (2) the respective coaching interventions are described and (3) the key concepts that were in the coaching helpful are summarized. Finally, some thoughts what is in executive coaching from expert organizations useful are discussed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of how consumers cope with decision situations in which a compromise product exists. We examine how the compromise product's position influences choice probabilities. The products we test differ in price and overall quality rating. We present theories, which provide hypotheses on the influence of such types of compromise products and we conduct a new experiment to gain insights into the effects of a compromise product on choice probabilities. The results of the study show that even compromise products with a poor quality/price relation are frequently chosen. The loss in choice probability of the existing products depends on the price category the products belong to.  相似文献   

Executive coaching represents a significant tool of human resources development and is applied to strengthen leadership and management skills. Regardless of specific professional issues on and around the job itself, experience reveals that personal issues should also represent an integral constituent of executive coaching. Indeed, managers do not only encounter professional challenges, but are challenged in their whole personality. Hence, executive coaching expands to life coaching. Based on a specific case study regarding work life balance the following article illustrates how life coaching may successfully be applied in a systematic manner and how the aspects function and human being are mutually dependent.  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of standardized quality information of complex services on decisions, exemplified for Germany’s hospital quality reports. The presumed impact of quality information on decisions is based on theoretical considerations and hypotheses are developed accordingly. Though results of two experiments show that simplified quality indicators used in the quality reports for hospitals basically lead to consistent decisions, results also show that the impact of standardized quality information on decisions is not stable. It is disturbed and superimposed by the effects of additionally presented quality information. Implications for competition on hospital markets and for the effectiveness of standardized quality information as they are used in the hospitals’ quality reports are discussed as well as general conclusions about standardized information of complex services are drawn.  相似文献   

The author discusses how workplace-related phenomena with a high socio-emotional pressure like burn out or workplace bullying relate to the leadership quality or leadership culture of an organisation. Workplace bullying and burn out are thus not understood as mere individual problems but rather are analyzed in an organisational context. The hypothesis developed in this article is that leadership quality can make a considerable contribution to preventing workplace bullying and burn out. The author develops a frame of action at which intervention levels and with what intervention forms one can pro-actively and preventively counteract workplace bullying and burn out.  相似文献   

In this article we estimate and analyse hazard rates of executives in DAX-companies. We examine the effects of cross-company personnel interdependencies at the level of executives committees as well as supervisory boards and also use several covariates. Generally, personnel interdependencies raise the fluctuation of executives, such that they cannot be used for entrenchment but indicate improved and more effective corporate governance. However, additional mandates of employee representatives in the supervisory board have no significant effect on the hazard rate of executives.  相似文献   

A crisis, which develops over a longer time, normally affects the professional and the private area in a negative and durable way. The article describes the process of a crisis coaching with a 38 years old self-employed woman, who experiences herself as completely unable to take action because of the difficult situation. The coaching intends to disentangle and to structure the different problems and to change the feelings of chaos and missing orientation into clarity and solution confidence. Besides it is necessary to support and to make success experiences possible.  相似文献   

The introduction of staff appraisal interviews in Austrian Universities This paper addresses the issue of the obligatory introduction of staff appraisal interviews in the Austrian higher education system after the implementation the law ?UG 2002“ (University Law 2002). It focuses on the cultural change process from the old university management system to a nowadays prevalent ?management by objectives“. After the introduction of the ?UG 2002“ Austrian Universities are forced to be more competitive with one another, hence an academic market is opened. Ultimately this leads to a cultural break. This is the reason why we discuss the possibilities and limitations of the implementation of appraisal interviews and target agreements from different angles. The diverse perspectives will be a theory of communication, a theory of organizations and a psychodynamic standpoint.  相似文献   

Rolle und Aufgaben von Coaching im Veränderungsmanagement bei McKinsey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Roles and tasks of coaching in change management at McKinsey The author describes the necessity and special challenges of coaching in change situations. Focus target group are executives in key positions as well as explicitly appointed change agents. As success-established concept she describes a succession of group coachings with parallel and following one-to-one coachings as well as peergroup coachings dealing with current challenges during the change process. Finally, the author refers to important basic conditions with the implementation of such coaching concepts, as well as on effects for consulting firms.  相似文献   

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is often referred to as a company’s No. 2 on contemporary management boards; yet corresponding empirical evidence is scarce. As a result, academic literature has not yet investigated whether CFOs—like CEOs—are dismissed more frequently if corporate performance is poor and to what extent forced Chief Executive Officer (CEO) turnover also influences disciplinary action towards CFOs. Therefore, in this paper we examine the antecedents of forced CFO departures in the largest German corporations between 1999 and 2006. Building on principal-agent theory, we expect respective relationships between the board of directors, the CEO, and the CFO. Moreover, we propose that principals also take team-specific and firm-specific human capital into consideration when disciplining agents. We find that poor corporate performance and forced CEO turnover both independently increase the likelihood of CFO dismissal. In addition, we find indications for a close team relationship between CFOs and CEOs. In summary, our results support the prominent role of CFOs alongside CEOs on contemporary management boards and suggest a more detailed consideration of CFOs in future research on performance consequences of managerial successions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Forderung nach Geldmarktinvarianz in der Risikoanalyse impliziert weder Invarianz des Sicherheits?quivalentes im Hinblick auf den Kassenbestand (additive Konstante) noch Invarianz im Hinblick auf die Finanzierungsstruktur (multiplikative Konstante) des Investors. Hingegen kann sowohl konstante absolute Risikoaversion (Invarianz bezüglich additiver Konstanten) also auch konstante relative Risikoaversion (Invarianz bezüglich multiplikativer Konstanten) durchaus kompatibel mit Geldmarktinvarianz sein. Aus der Wertadditivit?t des Sicherheits?quivalentes bezüglich additiver Konstanten folgt jedoch Geldmarktinvarianz.
On the relationship between value additivity of certainty equivalents and risk analysis
Summary  If the valuation of risky cash flow streams is independent of transactions in a perfect money market (as required in the so-called risk analysis), this does neither imply value additivity of the certainty equivalent with respect to additive constants, i.e. cash holdings, nor with respect to multiplicative constant, i.e. the capital structure of the investor. But both, constant absolute and constant relative risk aversion, i.e. value additivity with respect to additive and multiplicative constants, respectively, can be consistent with money market invariance. However, value additivity regarding additive constants implies money market invariance.

Coaching for the carrying out of outplacement talksThis paper describes a coaching process with an executive, who has to carry out outplacement talks. The aim of the consulting process is to prepare the coachee in a way, that he is able to accept his role as executive and to carry out the order of the company. Further on, the coachee is encouraged to use his own potential to design the outplacement talks. Finally he is invited to develop arrangements in order to support his personal physical and social wellbeing as well as his fitness in respect of the extreme situation of the outplacement management.  相似文献   

Performances of power and powerlessness can be performed or enacted at the very beginning between counselor and client system. To create a “potential space” (Winnicott) it is essential to discover the play of power and weakness initially to take benefit from it for the counselling process. Four cases illustrate variations of this kind and their handling.  相似文献   

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