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A robust procedure is developed for testing the equality of means in the two sample normal model. This is based on the weighted likelihood estimators of Basu et al. (1993). When the normal model is true the tests proposed have the same asymptotic power as the two sample Student's t-statistic in the equal variance case. However, when the normality assumptions are only approximately true the proposed tests can be substantially more powerful than the classical tests. In a Monte Carlo study for the equal variance case under various outlier models the proposed test using Hellinger distance based weighted likelihood estimator compared favorably with the classical test as well as the robust test proposed by Tiku (1980).  相似文献   

Parametric mixed-effects logistic models can provide effective analysis of binary matched-pairs data. Responses are assumed to follow a logistic model within pairs, with an intercept which varies across pairs according to a specified family of probability distributions G. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for consistent covariate effect estimation and present a geometric view of estimation which shows that when the assumed family of mixture distributions is rich enough, estimates of the effect of the binary covariate are typically consistent. The geometric view also shows that under the conditions for consistent estimation, the mixed-model estimator is identical to the familar conditional-likelihood estimator for matched pairs. We illustrate the findings with some examples.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of confidence intervals, built using the deviance statistic, for the hyperparameters of state space models. The first procedure is a marginal approximation to confidence regions, based on the likelihood test, and the second one is based on the signed root deviance profile. Those methods are computationally efficient and are not affected by problems such as intervals with limits outside the parameter space, which can be the case when the focus is on the variances of the errors. The procedures are compared to the usual approaches existing in the literature, which includes the method based on the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator, as well as bootstrap confidence intervals. The comparison is performed via a Monte Carlo study, in order to establish empirically the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The results show that the methods based on the deviance statistic possess a better coverage rate than the asymptotic and bootstrap procedures.  相似文献   

A cohort of 300 women with breast cancer who were submitted for surgery is analysed by using a non-homogeneous Markov process. Three states are onsidered: no relapse, relapse and death. As relapse times change over time, we have extended previous approaches for a time homogeneous model to a non omogeneous multistate process. The trends of the hazard rate functions of transitions between states increase and then decrease, showing that a changepoint can be considered. Piecewise Weibull distributions are introduced as transition intensity functions. Covariates corresponding to treatments are incorporated in the model multiplicatively via these functions. The likelihood function is built for a general model with k changepoints and applied to the data set, the parameters are estimated and life-table and transition probabilities for treatments in different periods of time are given. The survival probability functions for different treatments are plotted and compared with the corresponding function for the homogeneous model. The survival functions for the various cohorts submitted for treatment are fitted to the mpirical survival functions.  相似文献   

A unified method of constructing rank tests for homogeneity against ordered alternatives in unbalanced analysis of variance and analysis of covariance is considered. The relationship between these tests with some of the existing methods are studied. The normal theory likelihood ratio tests are also derived and the asymptotic relative efficiency comparisons, in Pitman sense, of the rank tests with respect to the likelihood ratio tests are carried out.  相似文献   

We give a critical synopsis of classical and recent tests for univariate normality, our emphasis being on procedures which are consistent against all alternatives. The power performance of some selected tests (Anderson-Darling, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Epps-Pulley) is assessed in a simulation study. Numerical results are illuminated by plots of isodynes, i.e., lines of constant estimated power, for the Johnson-system of distributions.  相似文献   

Likelihood ratios (LRs) are used to characterize the efficiency of diagnostic tests. In this paper, we use the classical weighted least squares (CWLS) test procedure, which was originally used for testing the homogeneity of relative risks, for comparing the LRs of two or more binary diagnostic tests. We compare the performance of this method with the relative diagnostic likelihood ratio (rDLR) method and the diagnostic likelihood ratio regression (DLRReg) approach in terms of size and power, and we observe that the performances of CWLS and rDLR are the same when used to compare two diagnostic tests, while DLRReg method has higher type I error rates and powers. We also examine the performances of the CWLS and DLRReg methods for comparing three diagnostic tests in various sample size and prevalence combinations. On the basis of Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that all of the tests are generally conservative and have low power, especially in settings of small sample size and low prevalence.  相似文献   

Nonlinear reproductive dispersion models with stochastic regressors (NRDMWSR) includes generalized linear models with stochastic regressors (Fahrmer and Kaufmann, 1985 Fahrmer , L. , Kaufmann , H. ( 1985 ). Consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator in generalized linear models . Ann. Statist. 13 : 342368 . [Google Scholar]) as a special case. This article presents some mild regularity conditions. On the basis of those mild conditions, the existence, strong consistency, and asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) are obtained in NRDMWSR.  相似文献   

When an I×J contingency table has many cells having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit statistic, G2 and Pearson chi-square statistic, X2, for testing independence, are not satisfactory. In this paper we consider the problem of adjusting G2 and X2. Suitable adjustments are suggested on the basis of analytical investigation of asymptotic bias terms for G2 and X2. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several tables to assess the adjustments of G2 and X2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nominal level of significance.  相似文献   

In the presence of partial disease verification, the comparison of the accuracy of binary diagnostic tests cannot be carried out through the paired comparison of the diagnostic tests applying McNemar's test, since for a subsample of patients the disease status is unknown. In this study, we have deduced the maximum likelihood estimators for the sensitivities and specificities of multiple binary diagnostic tests and we have studied various joint hypothesis tests based on the chi-square distribution to compare simultaneously the accuracy of these binary diagnostic tests when for some patients in the sample the disease status is unknown. Simulation experiments were carried out to study the type I error and the power of each hypothesis test deduced. The results obtained were applied to the diagnosis of coronary stenosis.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the empirical likelihood for the autoregressive error-in-explanatory variable models. With the help of validation, we first develop an empirical likelihood ratio test statistic for the parameters of interest, and prove that its asymptotic distribution is that of a weighted sum of independent standard χ21 random variables with unknown weights. Also, we propose an adjusted empirical likelihood and prove that its asymptotic distribution is a standard χ2. Furthermore, an empirical likelihood-based confidence region is given. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method works well for practical situations.  相似文献   


New invariant and consistent goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate normality are introduced. Tests are based on the Karhunen–Loève transformation of a multidimensional sample from a population. A comparison of simulated powers of tests and other well-known tests with respect to some alternatives is given. The simulation study demonstrates that power of the proposed McCull test almost does not depend on the number of grouping cells. The test shows an advantage over other chi-squared type tests. However, averaged over all of the simulated conditions examined in this article, the Anderson–Darling type and the Cramer–von Mises type tests seem to be the best.  相似文献   


Let Y be a response and, given covariate X,Y has a conditional density f(y | x, θ), where θ is a unknown p-dimensional vector of parameters and the marginal distribution of X is unknown. When responses are missing at random, with auxiliary information and imputation, we define an adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio for the mean of Y and obtain its asymptotic distribution. A simulation study is conducted to compare the adjusted empirical log-likelihood and the normal approximation method in terms of coverage accuracies.  相似文献   

Considered are tests for normality of the errors in ridge regression. If an intercept is included in the model, it is shown that test statistics based on the empirical distribution function of the ridge residuals have the same limiting distribution as in the one-sample test for normality with estimated mean and variance. The result holds with weak assumptions on the behavior of the independent variables; asymptotic normality of the ridge estimator is not required.  相似文献   

In this article, by using the constant and random selection matrices, several properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimates and the ML estimator of a normal distribution with missing data are derived. The constant selection matrix allows us to obtain an explicit form of the ML estimates and the exact relationship between the EM algorithm and the score function. The random selection matrix allows us to clarify how the missing-data mechanism works in the proof of the consistency of the ML estimator, to derive the asymptotic properties of the sequence by the EM algorithm, and to derive the information matrix.  相似文献   

The lognormal distribution is quite commonly used as a lifetime distribution. Data arising from life-testing and reliability studies are often left truncated and right censored. Here, the EM algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of the lognormal model based on left truncated and right censored data. The maximization step of the algorithm is carried out by two alternative methods, with one involving approximation using Taylor series expansion (leading to approximate maximum likelihood estimate) and the other based on the EM gradient algorithm (Lange, 1995). These two methods are compared based on Monte Carlo simulations. The Fisher scoring method for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates shows a problem of convergence under this setup, except when the truncation percentage is small. The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the MLEs is derived by using the missing information principle (Louis, 1982), and then the asymptotic confidence intervals for scale and shape parameters are obtained and compared with corresponding bootstrap confidence intervals. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate all the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the parameters of a two-parameter lognormal distribution with left truncation and right censoring are developed through the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. For comparative purpose, the MLEs are also obtained by the Newton–Raphson method. The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the MLEs is obtained by using the missing information principle, under the EM framework. Then, using asymptotic normality of the MLEs, asymptotic confidence intervals for the parameters are constructed. Asymptotic confidence intervals are also obtained using the estimated variance of the MLEs by the observed information matrix, and by using parametric bootstrap technique. Different confidence intervals are then compared in terms of coverage probabilities, through a Monte Carlo simulation study. A prediction problem concerning the future lifetime of a right censored unit is also considered. A numerical example is given to illustrate all the inferential methods developed here.  相似文献   

The design and analysis of multicenter trials based on a random effects model is well developed for a continuous response, but is less well developed for a binary response. Here we describe a random effects model for a binary response for two treatments and show how maximum likelihood estimates for the unknown treatment difference can be derived using a novel approximation to the likelihood. The suggested approximation is easy to use and seems to be better suited to the problem than the Laplace approximation and the approximation based on adaptive Gaussian quadratures. We also derive an approximation for the Fisher information matrix of the treatment parameters. The results extend those previously reviewed by Agresti and Hartzel (2000 Agresti , A. , Hartzel , J. ( 2000 ). Strategies for comparing treatments on a binary response with multi-centre data . Statist. Med. 19 : 11151139 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In this study, testing the equality of mean vectors in a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is considered when each dataset has a monotone pattern of missing observations. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic in a one-way MANOVA with monotone missing data is given. Furthermore, the modified test (MT) statistic based on likelihood ratio (LR) and the modified LRT (MLRT) statistic with monotone missing data are proposed using the decomposition of the LR and an asymptotic expansion for each decomposed LR. The accuracy of the approximation for the Chi-square distribution is investigated using a Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

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