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This paper examines the impact of breastfeeding practices on the large regional differences in infant mortality in Germany around 1910. Breastfeeding is strongly negatively associated with infant mortality and remains so after controlling for public health measures and for demographic, economic, and social factors that also affect infant mortality. But it contributes much less to regional differences in infant mortality than do access to medical care, percentage illegitimate and marital fertility. Breastfeeding is less important than these other factors because it affects fewer causes of death and has a smaller impact on cause-specific infant mortality rates.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trend in social inequality in infant mortality in England and Wales between 1921 and 1980, using both class- and occupation-specific data. It employs a summary measure of inequality that uses all of the available data and can be evaluated in terms of its sensitivity to errors using accepted diagnostic techniques. Occupations that played a significant role in determining the time trend in inequality are identified and the effect of mortality among out-of-wedlock births is examined. Implications of these findings for assessing the determinants of social inequality in infant mortality and evaluating the contribution of the National Health Service in its amelioration are discussed.  相似文献   

The social crisis of war, defeat and postwar instability in the period 1914–24 is reflected in the history of infant mortality in Berlin. The prewar trend of infant mortality decline was interrupted by the war, and resumed its course only a decade later. From 1917 to 1923 there was a crisis in illegitimate infant mortality in Berlin, at a time when over 20% of all births were illegitimate. Only by disaggregating infant mortality statistics into legitimate and illegitimate categories can we appreciate fully the impact of the war on the most vulnerable and the most deprived parts of Berlin's population.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question whether regional mortality differences within developed countries reflect differences in characteristics of medical care service. It adds two new elements to previous studies on this subject: it concentrates on selected ‘avoidable’ causes of death, and it makes parallel analyses for ten EC countries. The results show that levels of medical care supply contribute little to the explanation of regional differences in mortality from the selected conditions. It is concluded that if regional mortality differences are related to health care, factors other than the level of supply are probably involved.  相似文献   

Studies of the historical decline of infant mortality in the West have relied mainly on aggregate-level data. We use the Italian population register and related sources to look more directly at the social forces bearing on declining infant mortality. We focus on the town of Casalecchio di Reno, an agricultural community near Bologna, for a period (1865–1921) in which the town shifted from sharecropping to a wage-labour economy, and mortality rates declined sharply. The implications of various social and demographic factors for the likelihood of infant death are examined and related to explanations of the historical decline in infant mortality.  相似文献   

Sub-Replacement Fertility Intentions in Austria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Combining the data of the 1986–2001 Microcensus surveys, I reconstruct trends in fertility intentions across time and over the life course of Austrian women born since the 1950s. Young adults in Austria expressed fertility intentions that were below the replacement-level threshold as early as in 1986 and women born since the mid-1950s consistently desired fewer than two children on average throughout their reproductive lives. A two-child family norm, however, still clearly dominates the fertility intentions of different age, cohort and education groups. Uncertainty about childbearing intentions is rather common, especially among younger and childless respondents. Different assumptions about reproductive preferences of undecided respondents affect estimates of the mean intended family size. Although Austrians were among the first in Europe to express low fertility intentions, their position is no longer unique. By the early 2000s, young women in a number of other European countries also expressed sub-replacement fertility intentions.  相似文献   

介绍了光纤光栅激光传感器的传感机理和信号的解调算法,设计并实现了一种基于LabView光纤传感检测系统。实验得出该传感检测系统成功解调传感器被测信号,系统噪声达10-6 pm/[KF(]Hz[KF)],动态范围达到了120 dB@100 Hz,线性度达到了0.999 9。结果表明:该检测系统性能可靠,可对光纤光栅传感器信号进行实时的解调。  相似文献   

张玉芬 《南都学坛》2003,23(6):33-35
奥普争霸是影响德意志统一运动进程的关键因素,在争霸斗争中奥地利最终于1866年战败,主要原因是:奥地利独立的大国政策使其更关心王朝利益,加之帝国重心东移,造成其日益偏离德意志的趋向:奥地利政治、经济上的落后状态使其逐渐丧失在德意志的优势地位;奥地利外交挫折。  相似文献   

论唯物史观视阈下的波普尔历史预测问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
波普尔认为,历史的无规律性导致历史的不可预测性,"俄狄普斯效应"破坏了历史预测的精确性和客观性,"假说演绎法"说明历史预测的不可能性。而在唯物史观看来:不能绝对化地理解唯物史观的预测功能,历史发展的基本趋势是必然的、确定的和可预测的,唯物史观既肯定主客体因素的相干性,又肯定社会预测的可能性和客观性。  相似文献   

作为马克思历史哲学的逻辑起点,现实的人蕴含着马克思对前人的超越和继承,也是唯物、能动、辩证地说明历史和改造世界的唯一根据.现实的人体现了人类历史的三大自然前提转变为三大历史前提的内在机制,即原始自然转变为人化自然,原始人转变为社会实践中的人,原始人群共同体转变为人类社会,因而不仅为马克思历史哲学正确理解历史过程的主体与主体性确立了逻辑前提,而且也为完整准确地理解马克思历史哲学的整体结构奠定了基础和开辟了道路.  相似文献   

唯物史观研究往往绕过历史这一基本概念,或许因为缺乏对人与历史关系的进一步思考而对其诉诸以"人类实践活动史"或"研究对象史"与"研究方法史"的统一的阐释,这种研究现状在一定程度上制约了唯物史观研究的发展。本文认为,研究唯物史观历史概念,一是要从历史观嬗变的角度弄清近代历史哲学中的历史概念及其对唯物史观所产生的影响,二是要深入到马克思哲学思维中探讨唯物史观历史概念的理论根基及其深层意蕴,惟其如此,才能揭示唯物史观历史概念的本真意蕴。通过对上述两个方面的考察,本文提出唯物史观中的历史概念指征的是人类通过社会实践而不断消除人的自由本质异化的发展过程。  相似文献   

在新文学运动发生的初期,传统演义经历了向现代历史小说转变的过程。胡适经过和钱玄同争论,以文学革命者的身份首先提出了传统演义的性质与归属问题,他通过对西方现代小说文体观念的接受,重新定义了历史小说,并把演义归为通俗历史讲义,这样,胡适以断裂的方式实现了演义与历史小说的分离和转化。鲁迅从小说史的角度指出演义本身具有的悖论性质,不仅存在于传统演义中,而且也内在于现代历史小说里;演义作为现代历史小说的否定性力量,在对历史小说的"抵抗"中实现了向后者的转变,在这一过程中,鲁迅突出了历史小说的"自律性"特征。  相似文献   

论《文心雕龙·史传》的史评特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《文心雕龙》是我国古代第一部系统评述文学理论的宏伟巨著.其中的《史传》篇雕镌史籍,探究史理,关于史体评论、史评准则、史才理论等对后世史学影响较大.  相似文献   

We investigate the hypothesis that the propensity of a step family couple to have a shared child is inversely related to the responsibility for rearing pre-union children. We compare effects of coresident pre-union children to those of nonresident, and effects of the woman's children to those of the man's. Shared children and stepchildren reduce the risk of a birth to a couple, and the reduction is larger for each shared child than for a stepchild. We find larger effects of coresident pre-union children than of nonresident children, and larger effects of a woman's pre-union children than of a man's. The differences are more pronounced in Austria where public support for childrearing and gender equality is lower than in Finland. Our study demonstrates that in addition to the number of pre-union children, coresidence and parentage of pre-union children also need to be considered in future fertility research. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

8 9年被认为是当代诗歌的重要关口 ,之后的 90年代诗歌在转型的过程中现出种种变式 ,在 90年代的诗学立场及诗歌纪事中 ,历史意识和历史意象在共同的历史境遇中得以凸显。本文着重从叙事的角度出发 ,从历史的个人化与当代化角度剖析历史意识的存在形式 ,同时 ,在狭义的历史意象逐渐淡出的当代诗坛 ,90年代诗歌又为历史意象赋予了新的意义。历史意识与历史意象的合力造就了 90年代诗歌“永不终结的现实”。  相似文献   

唯物史观与历史理论研究的新成就   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国马克思主义史学在历史理论领域的贡献,主要反映在唯物史观与中国历史研究相结合阐述了人们所关注的重要理论问题。社会形态理论、人民群众的历史作用以及阶级和阶级斗争的历史地位等问题的讨论,历来为史学界所重视,具有重要的学术意义。中国马克思主义史学关于历史理论的观点和著作已经成为宝贵的史学遗产,对于阐发马克思主义史学的基本理论,推动马克思主义史学的发展有着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

奥地利在反对学术腐败方面走在世界前列,特别是维也纳医科大学,经历了从科研伦理到科研不端再到学术腐败的发展阶段,已经建立起一个预防和治理学术腐败的有效体系.2007年的辛弗腐败案是奥地利反学术腐败史最著名的一个案件.追踪案件发展始末可以看到,一贯注重科研伦理,并适应时代发展,积极调整策略措施应对学术界出现的新问题,是奥地利有效预防与治理学术腐败的奥秘所在.  相似文献   

过去,我们曾一度把马克思的历史唯物主义与西方历史哲学对立起来,疏于对西方历史哲学经典著作的译介和研读,从而严重地影响了历史唯物主义的理论创新。近十几年来,这一情况己经有所改观。韩震先生主持翻译的“历史哲学译丛”既是这一变化的一个可喜成果,也将进一步推动这一变化。该译丛涉及历史经验、历史解释、历史叙事、历史隐喻和历史方法等方面的问题,给读者提供了一个有关西方历史哲学发展最新动态的简化的全景图。  相似文献   

莫言的叙“史”小说依托中国20世纪的历史,还原裹挟于历史洪流中的民间生存本相,让读者在荒诞中品味到庄严。在《丰乳肥臀》中,作者借助一个患有“恋乳癖”的主人公——上官金童的独特视角对民间历史进行回望,开创了独具一格的历史叙事诗学。研究探讨小说文本的历史化叙事指向,分析其基于“人学”的平民史观以及历史叙事模式背后的文化隐喻,期冀让读者了解复杂、多维的历史语境与症结,更准确地把握莫言的历史价值观与文学创作。  相似文献   

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