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For micro-datasets considered for release as scientific or public use files, statistical agencies have to face the dilemma of guaranteeing the confidentiality of survey respondents on the one hand and offering sufficiently detailed data on the other hand. For that reason, a variety of methods to guarantee disclosure control is discussed in the literature. In this paper, we present an application of Rubin’s (J. Off. Stat. 9, 462–468, 1993) idea to generate synthetic datasets from existing confidential survey data for public release.We use a set of variables from the 1997 wave of the German IAB Establishment Panel and evaluate the quality of the approach by comparing results from an analysis by Zwick (Ger. Econ. Rev. 6(2), 155–184, 2005) with the original data with the results we achieve for the same analysis run on the dataset after the imputation procedure. The comparison shows that valid inferences can be obtained using the synthetic datasets in this context, while confidentiality is guaranteed for the survey participants.  相似文献   

In practical survey sampling, missing data are unavoidable due to nonresponse, rejected observations by editing, disclosure control, or outlier suppression. We propose a calibrated imputation approach so that valid point and variance estimates of the population (or domain) totals can be computed by the secondary users using simple complete‐sample formulae. This is especially helpful for variance estimation, which generally require additional information and tools that are unavailable to the secondary users. Our approach is natural for continuous variables, where the estimation may be either based on reweighting or imputation, including possibly their outlier‐robust extensions. We also propose a multivariate procedure to accommodate the estimation of the covariance matrix between estimated population totals, which facilitates variance estimation of the ratios or differences among the estimated totals. We illustrate the proposed approach using simulation data in supplementary materials that are available online.  相似文献   

In May 2013, GlaxoSmithKline (980 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9GS, UK) established a new online system to enable scientific researchers to request access to anonymised patient level clinical trial data. Providing access to individual patient data collected in clinical trials enables conduct of further research that may help advance medical science or improve patient care. In turn, this helps ensure that the data provided by research participants are used to maximum effect in the creation of new knowledge and understanding. However, when providing access to individual patient data, maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of research participants is critical. This article describes the approach we have taken to prepare data for sharing with other researchers in a way that minimises risk with respect to the privacy and confidentiality of research participants, ensures compliance with current data privacy legal requirements and yet retains utility of the anonymised datasets for research purposes. We recognise that there are different possible approaches and that broad consensus is needed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Owing to the growing concerns over data confidentiality, many national statistical agencies are considering remote access servers to disseminate data to the public. With remote servers, users submit requests for output from statistical models fit using the collected data, but they are not allowed access to the data. Remote servers also should enable users to check the fit of their models; however, standard diagnostics like residuals or influence statistics can disclose individual data values. In this article, we present diagnostics for categorical data regressions that can be safely and usefully employed in remote servers. We illustrate the diagnostics with simulation studies.  相似文献   

Summary.  Features of census data make the editing and imputation phase a complex matter. Complex editing and imputation tasks can be tackled by dividing the editing and imputation process into subphases characterized by different problems, and finding appropriate solutions for each of them. An experimental application of the approach of combining different currently used methods for the editing and imputation of population census data is presented.  相似文献   

It is cleared in recent researches that the raising of missing values in datasets is inevitable. Imputation of missing data is one of the several methods which have been introduced to overcome this issue. Imputation techniques are trying to answer the case of missing data by covering missing values with reasonable estimates permanently. There are a lot of benefits for these procedures rather than their drawbacks. The operation of these methods has not been clarified, which means that they provide mistrust among analytical results. One approach to evaluate the outcomes of the imputation process is estimating uncertainty in the imputed data. Nonparametric methods are appropriate to estimating the uncertainty when data are not followed by any particular distribution. This paper deals with a nonparametric method for estimation and testing the significance of the imputation uncertainty, which is based on Wilcoxon test statistic, and which could be employed for estimating the precision of the imputed values created by imputation methods. This proposed procedure could be employed to judge the possibility of the imputation process for datasets, and to evaluate the influence of proper imputation methods when they are utilized to the same dataset. This proposed approach has been compared with other nonparametric resampling methods, including bootstrap and jackknife to estimate uncertainty in the imputed data under the Bayesian bootstrap imputation method. The ideas supporting the proposed method are clarified in detail, and a simulation study, which indicates how the approach has been employed in practical situations, is illustrated.  相似文献   

Business establishment microdata typically are required to satisfy agency-specified edit rules, such as balance equations and linear inequalities. Inevitably some establishments' reported data violate the edit rules. Statistical agencies correct faulty values using a process known as edit-imputation. Business establishment data also must be heavily redacted before being shared with the public; indeed, confidentiality concerns lead many agencies not to share establishment microdata as unrestricted access files. When microdata must be heavily redacted, one approach is to create synthetic data, as done in the U.S. Longitudinal Business Database and the German IAB Establishment Panel. This article presents the first implementation of a fully integrated approach to edit-imputation and data synthesis. We illustrate the approach on data from the U.S. Census of Manufactures and present a variety of evaluations of the utility of the synthetic data. The paper also presents assessments of disclosure risks for several intruder attacks. We find that the synthetic data preserve important distributional features from the post-editing confidential microdata, and have low risks for the various attacks.  相似文献   

Patient dropout is a common problem in studies that collect repeated binary measurements. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) are often used to analyze such data. The dropout mechanism may be plausibly missing at random (MAR), i.e. unrelated to future measurements given covariates and past measurements. In this case, various authors have recommended weighted GEE with weights based on an assumed dropout model, or an imputation approach, or a doubly robust approach based on weighting and imputation. These approaches provide asymptotically unbiased inference, provided the dropout or imputation model (as appropriate) is correctly specified. Other authors have suggested that, provided the working correlation structure is correctly specified, GEE using an improved estimator of the correlation parameters (‘modified GEE’) show minimal bias. These modified GEE have not been thoroughly examined. In this paper, we study the asymptotic bias under MAR dropout of these modified GEE, the standard GEE, and also GEE using the true correlation. We demonstrate that all three methods are biased in general. The modified GEE may be preferred to the standard GEE and are subject to only minimal bias in many MAR scenarios but in others are substantially biased. Hence, we recommend the modified GEE be used with caution.  相似文献   

Disseminating microdata to the public that provide a high level of data utility, while at the same time guaranteeing the confidentiality of the survey respondent is a difficult task. Generating multiply imputed synthetic datasets is an innovative statistical disclosure limitation technique with the potential of enabling the data disseminating agency to achieve this twofold goal. So far, the approach was successfully implemented only for a limited number of datasets in the U.S. In this paper, we present the first successful implementation outside the U.S.: the generation of partially synthetic datasets for an establishment panel survey at the German Institute for Employment Research. We describe the whole evolution of the project: from the early discussions concerning variables at risk to the final synthesis. We also present our disclosure risk evaluations and provide some first results on the data utility of the generated datasets. A variance-inflated imputation model is introduced that incorporates additional variability in the model for records that are not sufficiently protected by the standard synthesis.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a latent class based multiple imputation approach for analyzing missing categorical covariate data in a highly stratified data model. In this approach, we impute the missing data assuming a latent class imputation model and we use likelihood methods to analyze the imputed data. Via extensive simulations, we study its statistical properties and make comparisons with complete case analysis, multiple imputation, saturated log-linear multiple imputation and the Expectation–Maximization approach under seven missing data mechanisms (including missing completely at random, missing at random and not missing at random). These methods are compared with respect to bias, asymptotic standard error, type I error, and 95% coverage probabilities of parameter estimates. Simulations show that, under many missingness scenarios, latent class multiple imputation performs favorably when jointly considering these criteria. A data example from a matched case–control study of the association between multiple myeloma and polymorphisms of the Inter-Leukin 6 genes is considered.  相似文献   

There has been increasing use of quality-of-life (QoL) instruments in drug development. Missing item values often occur in QoL data. A common approach to solve this problem is to impute the missing values before scoring. Several imputation procedures, such as imputing with the most correlated item and imputing with a row/column model or an item response model, have been proposed. We examine these procedures using data from two clinical trials, in which the original asthma quality-of-life questionnaire (AQLQ) and the miniAQLQ were used. We propose two modifications to existing procedures: truncating the imputed values to eliminate outliers and using the proportional odds model as the item response model for imputation. We also propose a novel imputation method based on a semi-parametric beta regression so that the imputed value is always in the correct range and illustrate how this approach can easily be implemented in commonly used statistical software. To compare these approaches, we deleted 5% of item values in the data according to three different missingness mechanisms, imputed them using these approaches and compared the imputed values with the true values. Our comparison showed that the row/column-model-based imputation with truncation generally performed better, whereas our new approach had better performance under a number scenarios.  相似文献   

In this article, we compare alternative missing imputation methods in the presence of ordinal data, in the framework of CUB (Combination of Uniform and (shifted) Binomial random variable) models. Various imputation methods are considered, as are univariate and multivariate approaches. The first step consists of running a simulation study designed by varying the parameters of the CUB model, to consider and compare CUB models as well as other methods of missing imputation. We use real datasets on which to base the comparison between our approach and some general methods of missing imputation for various missing data mechanisms.  相似文献   

It is now a standard practice to replace missing data in longitudinal surveys with imputed values, but there is still much uncertainty about the best approach to adopt. Using data from a real survey, we compared different strategies combining multiple imputation and the chained equations method, the two main objectives being (1) to explore the impact of the explanatory variables in the chained regression equations and (2) to study the effect of imputation on causality between successive waves of the survey. Results were very stable from one simulation to another, and no systematic bias did appear. The critical points of the method lied in the proper choice of covariates and in the respect of the temporal relation between variables.  相似文献   


We present here an extension of Pan's multiple imputation approach to Cox regression in the setting of interval-censored competing risks data. The idea is to convert interval-censored data into multiple sets of complete or right-censored data and to use partial likelihood methods to analyse them. The process is iterated, and at each step, the coefficient of interest, its variance–covariance matrix, and the baseline cumulative incidence function are updated from multiple posterior estimates derived from the Fine and Gray sub-distribution hazards regression given augmented data. Through simulation of patients at risks of failure from two causes, and following a prescheduled programme allowing for informative interval-censoring mechanisms, we show that the proposed method results in more accurate coefficient estimates as compared to the simple imputation approach. We have implemented the method in the MIICD R package, available on the CRAN website.  相似文献   

Recently-developed genotype imputation methods are a powerful tool for detecting untyped genetic variants that affect disease susceptibility in genetic association studies. However, existing imputation methods require individual-level genotype data, whereas in practice it is often the case that only summary data are available. For example this may occur because, for reasons of privacy or politics, only summary data are made available to the research community at large; or because only summary data are collected, as in DNA pooling experiments. In this article, we introduce a new statistical method that can accurately infer the frequencies of untyped genetic variants in these settings, and indeed substantially improve frequency estimates at typed variants in pooling experiments where observations are noisy. Our approach, which predicts each allele frequency using a linear combination of observed frequencies, is statistically straight-forward, and related to a long history of the use of linear methods for estimating missing values (e.g. Kriging). The main statistical novelty is our approach to regularizing the covariance matrix estimates, and the resulting linear predictors, which is based on methods from population genetics. We find that, besides being both fast and flexible - allowing new problems to be tackled that cannot be handled by existing imputation approaches purpose-built for the genetic context - these linear methods are also very accurate. Indeed, imputation accuracy using this approach is similar to that obtained by state-of-the art imputation methods that use individual-level data, but at a fraction of the computational cost.  相似文献   

The problem of limiting the disclosure of information gathered on a set of companies or individuals (the respondents) is considered, the aim being to provide useful information while preserving confidentiality of sensitive information. The paper proposes a method which explicitly preserves certain information contained in the data. The data are assumed to consist of two sets of information on each respondent: public data and specific survey data. It is assumed in this paper that both sets of data are liable to be released for a subset of respondents. However, the public data will be altered in some way to preserve confidentiality whereas the specific survey data is to be disclosed without alteration. The paper proposes a model based approach to this problem by utilizing the information contained in the sufficient statistics obtained from fitting a model to the public data by conditioning on the survey data. Deterministic and stochastic variants of the method are considered.  相似文献   

An imputation procedure is a procedure by which each missing value in a data set is replaced (imputed) by an observed value using a predetermined resampling procedure. The distribution of a statistic computed from a data set consisting of observed and imputed values, called a completed data set, is affecwd by the imputation procedure used. In a Monte Carlo experiment, three imputation procedures are compared with respect to the empirical behavior of the goodness-of- fit chi-square statistic computed from a completed data set. The results show that each imputation procedure affects the distribution of the goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic in 3. different manner. However, when the empirical behavior of the goodness-of-fit chi-square statistic is compared u, its appropriate asymptotic distribution, there are no substantial differences between these imputation procedures.  相似文献   

When multiple data owners possess records on different subjects with the same set of attributes—known as horizontally partitioned data—the data owners can improve analyses by concatenating their databases. However, concatenation of data may be infeasible because of confidentiality concerns. In such settings, the data owners can use secure computation techniques to obtain the results of certain analyses on the integrated database without sharing individual records. We present secure computation protocols for Bayesian model averaging and model selection for both linear regression and probit regression. Using simulations based on genuine data, we illustrate the approach for probit regression, and show that it can provide reasonable model selection outputs.  相似文献   

Missing data often complicate the analysis of scientific data. Multiple imputation is a general purpose technique for analysis of datasets with missing values. The approach is applicable to a variety of missing data patterns but often complicated by some restrictions like the type of variables to be imputed and the mechanism underlying the missing data. In this paper, the authors compare the performance of two multiple imputation methods, namely fully conditional specification and multivariate normal imputation in the presence of ordinal outcomes with monotone missing data patterns. Through a simulation study and an empirical example, the authors show that the two methods are indeed comparable meaning any of the two may be used when faced with scenarios, at least, as the ones presented here.  相似文献   

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