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莫燕 《浙江学刊》2003,(4):159-161
本文根据浙江省全社会R&D资源调查结果和最新的科技统计资料 ,分析了浙江省R&D投入结构 ,并通过与主要发达国家和发展中国家及国内其它地区的R&D投入结构的对比 ,根据R&D投入结构发展的一般规律 ,提出适合浙江省经济发展的R&D投入结构定位  相似文献   

信息中心构成国家或区域的R&D(研究开发)基地的主要部分,它们可定义为通讯、知识和研究基地(公共和私人部门)的空间集中,其目的是将科学研究的新成果传递给工业、商业及公共部门中的使用者。信息中心的创立,对于特定地区的R&D基地的改进和扩展,显然是非常重要的。这种中心经常被——不加区别地——当作区域经济发展战略中最重要的工具之一。一、信息中心信息中心的地理位置及其取得的成功程度,近年来在好几个国家成为研究的焦点。它们从公共机构(大学等)获取技术,受到强烈刺激。产业创新(尤其是产品创新)会从优良城  相似文献   

试论从“部门行政”向“公共行政”的转型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国政府管理处于一个从“部门行政”转向“公共行政”的转型期。政府行政改革的基本任务就是尽一切努力弱化“部门行政” ,基本目标就是建立“公共行政”。“部门行政”与“公共行政”是分别以计划经济与市场经济为基础的两种类型的政府管理制度 ,而部门利益是部门行政延续的根源。推动“部门行政”向“公共行政”转型的制度设计思路是 :提高部门“三定”决策的科学化民主化程度 ,力争作到“职权法定” ,杜绝“职权自定” ;加强对行政立法行为的监督 ,有效遏制“部门职权利益化”趋向的发展 ;加快公共财政制度建设 ,阻隔“部门职权利益化”实现的渠道 ;决策与执行合理分开 ,中断部门利益实现的链条 ;贯彻依法治国的基本方略 ,探索党政分开的有效途径。  相似文献   

从20世纪60年代开始,韩国按技术领域成立了若干大型的隶属于政府的科研机构,这些研究机构作为韩国国家改革体制中最核心的主体,在国家研发(R&D)体系中应起到创造新一代增长动力的作用。从20世纪90年代起,韩国政府下属的研究机构主要以量的增长为目标,实行以课题为中心的管理制度(Project Based System,PBS)。1.韩国引进PBS制度的背景与目的20世纪90年代,随着世界市场上国家之间的竞争日趋激烈,很多国家为了提高国家竞争力,纷纷加大对R&D的投资。面对这种趋势,韩国每年都大幅度增加对R&D的投资。随着投资的增加,各界更加关注对R&D投资…  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍和谐论理论方法体系的基础上,提出部门和谐论的概念;基于对目前我国部门管理的需要,构建部门和谐论的框架体系,并介绍其主要分支内容,包括资源利用、环境保护、城市建设、国土规划、农业发展、工业发展、林业发展、畜牧业发展、经贸金融、安全稳定、国防建设等部门和谐论;并根据作者对部门和谐论的理解和对国家部门管理需求的分析,阐述部门和谐论的应用领域。通过这些应用领域的论述,来说明部门和谐论在社会科学中的应用前景。  相似文献   

旅游产业结构优化升级是实现旅游产业高质量发展的重要途径。本文以中国31个省级单位为研究样本,利用静态面板数据固定效应模型,实证检验了地方政府研发(R&D)投入及其流向(工业企业、科研机构、高校)对旅游产业结构优化升级的影响,以及技术创新在该过程中的中介效应机制。研究结果表明:(1)地方政府R&D投入及其流向,均对旅游产业结构优化升级具有促进作用;(2)技术创新在该作用过程中扮演着重要的完全中介角色,地方政府R&D投入及其流向只有通过技术创新才可对旅游产业结构优化升级产生促进作用;(3)流向不同和技术创新不同,地方政府R&D投入对旅游产业结构优化升级的影响程度,以及技术创新的中介效应程度也不同,以地方政府R&D投入的工业企业流向对旅游产业结构积极影响最大;(4)地方政府R&D投入及其流向对旅游产业结构的积极影响程度主要依赖于地方政府R&D投入及其流向对技术创新的影响程度。以上研究发现有助于中国地方政府合理利用R&D投入,抓住技术创新契机,以促进旅游产业结构转型和旅游产业高质量增长。  相似文献   

近年来 ,日本跨国公司步欧美之后开始不断加强在华R&D的投资活动。在国际竞争环境驱动下 ,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资首先被认为是其海外投资阶段性发展战略的必然 ,同时也是其全球化R&D投资战略的一环。在市场需求驱动下 ,作为技术换市场的方式之一 ,日本跨国公司在华R&D投资是其应对我国产业政策和市场特点的手段。在获取资源驱动下 ,包括丰富的人力资本在内的中国技术资源积累是日本跨国公司在华R&D投资获取利益的必要保障。  相似文献   

程雪松 《社科纵横》2008,23(9):55-56
电视媒介系统中,部门一级在全局工作中处在承上启下的重要地位.因此,如何搞好部门管理,调动每个人的工作积极性,就显得格外重要.本文基于电视文化影视频道近两年的部门管理实践探讨了部门管理问题.文中认为:部门管理的实质在于充分调动人员的工作积极性,在部门形成一种激励竞争机制;部门管理应突出节目管理的中心地位;部门管理的手段在于分配制度的奖优罚劣、优劳优酬.  相似文献   

吴伟强 《浙江学刊》2007,(1):184-187
运用R&D强度、全要素生产率、R&D弹性和"位差"四个指标,可以对经济与科技协调发展作出定量描述,分析结果可运用于相关政策与战略的制定.  相似文献   

杨茜 《社科纵横》2005,20(2):70-71
在知识经济时代,R&D的水平是决定企业竞争力的重要因素。本文从我国企业R&D投入的现状出发,分析了其R&D投入不足的原因,并在此基础上提出了一些相应的对策。  相似文献   

朱斌  李路路 《社会》2014,34(4):165-186
在关于政府研发补助政策对企业研发投入影响效应的争论背景下,本文通过分析第9次全国民营企业抽样调查数据,发现政府研发补助政策对中国民营企业研发投入具有激励效应,但这一效应受到企业决策者、企业资源禀赋结构以及企业环境等企业系统相关属性的影响。本文认为,为了进一步推动企业创新研发活动,政府需要继续改善市场环境,并在补助政策上向那些在企业决策和资源禀赋结构上更趋向于自主研发创新的民营中小企业倾斜。  相似文献   

北京创新氛围浓郁、对外联系便捷、配套设施齐全 ,日益成为跨国公司对华进行“研究与开发”投资的首选地区之一。跨国公司在京进行“研究与开发”的投资呈现诸多方面的特征 :机构的规模和本地化水平偏低 ;投资动机多样 ;投资方式灵活 ;行业和地区分布集中 ;影响深入广泛等。正确应对跨国公司在京投资“研究与开发”的策略是 :端正态度 ,主动应对 ;积极引进 ,合理引导 ;转变机制 ,优化环境 ;抓住机遇 ,大胆走出  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the relationship between innovation and Research & Development expenditure in European Union countries over the period 1995–2014. The findings of the empirical analysis show that there is a co-integration relationship between innovation and R&D. The results also reveal the existence of a positive and significant effect of business, public and higher education R&D on innovation. Business R&D is the sector with the highest positive effect on innovation. The results indicate that EU should strengthen the cooperation between business, public and higher education R&D through the encouragement of partnerships between the private sector, R&D and innovation system.  相似文献   

The game theoretical approach to R&D cooperation does not investigate the role of trust in the initiation and success of R&D cooperation: it either assumes that firms are non-opportunists or that the R&D cooperation is supported by an incentive mechanism that eliminates opportunism. In contrast, the present paper focuses on these issues by introducing incomplete information and two types of firms: opportunist and non-opportunist. Defining trust as the belief of each firm that its potential collaborator will respect the contract, it identifies the trust conditions under which firms initiate R&D alliances and contribute to their success. The higher the spillovers, the higher the level of trust required to initiate R&D cooperation for non-opportunists, while the inverse holds for opportunists.JEL Classification code: C720 Non-cooperative games; L130 Market structure, firm strategy and performance; D320 Management of technology, innovation and R&D.  相似文献   

我国政府预算透明度的考量和提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王淑杰 《创新》2010,4(6):58-60
在现代民主国家,政府预算的透明度具有重要意义,因为它在一定程度上代表着一国的民主程度。1990年代以来,通过以部门预算为主导的一系列预算改革,我国预算透明度有所提高,但按照国际标准考量,仍处于较低水平。在当前的政治和经济条件下,可以考虑着重从界定清晰的政府范围、严格预算外资金管理和推进部门预算等方面改进。  相似文献   

The Frostbelt–Sunbelt shift in the US, which is thought to have accelerated during the 1970s, corresponds with recent findings that invention and innovation in the Southern and Western parts of the country have come to rival the traditional manufacturing belt. Whether research and development (R&D), a key input to new technology, shows a similar pattern is the focus of this study. It is found, that there was a shift in R&D activity to the Sunbelt during some decades, but not all, and that the manufacturing belt has maintained a slight R&D lead in the country. Still, parts of the Sunbelt rivalled the Northeast for R&D already in 1963. Thus, any national shift in the location of R&D must have occurred prior to the 1960s and before it might be thought to have happened. In the US, R&D production associates well with places that have an educated, professional, and technically specialized labor force. Those states that continue to build on these and similar techno-societal conditions will arguably be in a better position to grow.  相似文献   

The four major considerations for a pharmaceutical R&D quality program are discussed—protection of resources, compliance, documentation, fitness for use. Viewing R&D as an enterprise necessitates that R&D be seen as making products—data, analysis and interpretation. The applicability of the quality program to these products is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2019,41(6):1057-1076
This paper evaluates the role of public R&D support on Italian manufacturing SMEs’ innovation activities, focusing on innovation output rather than innovation input. Combining information from EPO records and the Capitalia survey, the new data set enables a counterfactual assessment of R&D policy from 2001 to 2003 (2009 is the final year of the post-treatment period). We find that publicly supported firms have higher R&D expenditure regardless of their characteristics, confirming a strong additionality effect of public policies on innovation inputs. However, this additional spending does not increase firms’ probability of patenting or the number of patents in comparison with privately financed R&D.  相似文献   

金太军 《阅江学刊》2012,4(4):12-18
社会问题的存在是社会管理的逻辑起点。我国30多年的改革开放在取得举世瞩目成就的同时,社会问题也日益凸显。这些问题的存在可以从文化层面找到根源:一是信仰体系缺失;二是传统文化被破坏、被解构;三是市场经济的畸形发展对精神层面造成冲击。今后,应建立弹性价值体系,引领文化建设,恢复主流意识形态,重塑适应21世纪的现代文明,夯实构建和谐社会的基石。  相似文献   

Half a century of centrally planned policy in the Central and Eastern European countries resulted in outdated technologies, inefficient allocation of resources and low productivity. Following the end of communism there was a fifteen year process of transition which ended in 2004 with eight post-communist countries joining the European Union (EU) of which Poland was the largest. As part of the EU these countries now face the challenge of the common EU strategy Europe 2020, which has set the target of achieving R&D expenditure to GDP ratio (called the R&D intensity) of 3% by 2020 for the Union as a whole in an effort to increase the competitiveness of the region. Poland, like the other post-communist countries, faces a lower target of R&D intensity, set at 1.7%. Nevertheless, the challenge is immense, since the country is still at only half that level and has little experience in developing policies to help achieve it. In this paper we tested two possible policy options to achieve the target: (1) to increase government expenditures on R&D and; (2) to provide tax relief on R&D to businesses. The method applied to assess the options is a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for Poland with an explicit link between productivity and R&D stock. The results show that achieving the R&D intensity target via the use of tax relief is 2.5 times more costly to the government budget, but it has a greater impact on the economy in terms of a higher GDP growth. Tax relief proved efficient in the short run while in the long run the government expenditure policy provides better value for money.  相似文献   

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