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将"青少年是否实施越轨行为"看作一个"因变量",通过对越轨社会学的七大理论取向进行分析和评估,从中提取符合中国社会情境、可以解释中国青少年越轨现象即对本文设定的"因变量"产生作用的12个"自变量".在提取"自变量"的基础上,进行理论整合,建立了一个可以分析我国青少年越轨现象的整合性理论模型,并根据整合后的理论,对预防和解决中国青少年越轨现象提出了系统性的建议.  相似文献   

当前,互联网购物已经成为人们的一种重要的购物方式,对消费者而言,影响其最终购物选择的因素也越来越呈现多样化趋势,因此为了更好地对消费者网络购物行为进行深入研究,我们就需要对影响消费者网络购物行为的因素予以充分的了解。  相似文献   

一、网络成瘾的多元因素 美国心理学家尤芮·布鲁芬瑞那提出的生态理论观是当今个体发展领域最前沿的理论,它将个体发展视为周围多层次环境关系的复杂系统,认为环境是一系列相近的结构,从家庭一直扩展到学校以及孩子每天生活在其中的街坊环境,环境的每一个层次都被认为对个体的发展产生着有力的影响。  相似文献   

O2O生活服务平台跨界覆盖高校学生学习、生活、课内外活动,网上订购外卖已经成为越来越多大学生的餐饮消费习惯。对上海大学生网上订购外卖现象的研究发现,大学生网上订购外卖的频率受到性别、上网时间、"宅"的程度、作息规律程度等因素的综合性影响。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的普及,在网络环境下的自主学习教学模式在很多高校推广。然而,英语学习者的自主学习能力受到如学习动机因素的影响。本文从自主学习的概念入手分析了影响学生自主学习的动机因素,并就此给出相关改进建议。  相似文献   

伴随着民粹主义在西方国家的风起云涌,为防止其与我国民粹主义的"共振",有必要对基于互联网传播的民粹主义,即对网络民粹主义作进一步研究。由于大学生并未完全成熟,加之我国高校学术氛围宽松、互联网普及率极高、发展的不平衡不充分等因素,促发网络民粹主义思潮在高校中得以相当程度地传播。结果导致部分大学生理想信念模糊化、思维方式极端化、交往方式虚拟化、行为方式盲从化。因此,可以尝试分别从消解其传播的学校、家庭、社会、舆论四个方面的因素出发,化解其负向影响,以更好地引导新时代青年大学生做社会主义核心价值观的坚定信仰者、主体践行者,勇做走在时代前列、有历史责任担当的时代新人。  相似文献   

赵红 《现代交际》2015,(3):147+146
经常进行体力运动对孩子的生理和心理有着很大的益处,它可以促进少年儿童的大脑发育身体成长,对少年儿童德育和智力都有很大的影响。本文主要分析社会因素、学校因素、家庭因素、个体因素四个方面对少年儿童体力活动的影响。  相似文献   

高校网络思想政治教育是教育者和受教育者共同参与的社会实践活动,教育者将社会要求的教育内容通过一定的教育方法传递给教育者,而整个活动是在一定的教育环境下进行的。因此,高校网络思想政治教育实效性要受到教育者、受教育者、教育内容、教育方法和教育环境这五个因素的影响。这五个因素对高校网络思想政治教育实效性的影响不是孤立的,而是统一的,共同影响高校网络思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,城乡交流日益频繁,越来越多的农村青年进城务工.这一群体具有较高的社会活动能量,他们在给城市带来巨大发展的同时,也引发了一些社会问题,如青年农民工的越轨问题.笔者拟从社会体制结构及群体心理两个维度对青年农民工的越轨心理进行分析,并希冀能对城市管理体制的改进有所启示.  相似文献   

智力因素和非智力因素是影响大学生学习成绩的两大因素;智力因素与学习成绩相关,非智力因素对学习成绩起决定作用;非智力因素中学习动机、学习意志、兴趣和需要、人格和个性特征和学业自我概念是影响学习成绩的重要因素;学生的家庭出身、生源、文化程度及年龄等诸因素对学习成绩也有影响:从家庭出身看,农家子弟的成绩略高于干部、工人子弟;从生源情况看,军内子弟的成绩>地方初中生>校内子弟>战士学员。  相似文献   


This study explored the effects of respondent gender, gender combination (male teacher/female student versus female teacher/male student), and teacher age (24 versus 39-years-old) on the perception of a sexual relationship between a teacher and a 16-year-old student. Participants were 80 male and 80 female undergraduates. A MANOVA yielded significant main effects for respondent gender and gender combination. Subsequent ANOVAs indicated that men generally viewed the experience more positively and that the male teacher/female student combination was viewed more negatively than the female teacher/male student pairing.  相似文献   

大学生孤独感在高校时常存在,这是一种不愉快的情绪体验,随着互联网的普及,大学生孤独感具有新的特点。实证研究表明:大学生孤独感的性别、年级、专业差异显著;社会支持的性别、年级差异显著;大学生孤独感与网络失望与痛苦表露,不满与愤怒表露呈显著正相关,和兴趣与快乐表露呈显著负相关:社会支持与大学生网络不满与愤怒表露呈显著负相关,与兴趣与快乐表露呈显著正相关:社会支持对大学生网络不满与愤怒表露和孤独感关系的部分中介效应显著,对大学生网络兴趣与快乐表露和孤独感关系的完全中介效应显著。  相似文献   

大学生对自己的未来充满了期待,在对552名大学生的调查中发现,有六成的大学认为自己未来会处于社会的上层或中上层,有三成的大学生认为自己未来处于社会的中层,因此,多数大学生对未来的梦想是"中产梦"。影响大学生中产梦的因素有家庭的社会经济地位、大学生在大学期间的学习成绩、加入学生社团的情况、职业观的确定程度以及大学生对近期未来的态度。  相似文献   

大学中极端伤害案件的发生促使人们更加关注大学生同辈交往情况。对522名大学生的调查发现,超过七成的大学生朋友数量在2-5人。影响大学生朋友数量的因素包括家庭经济地位、对学校生活的满意度和掌控度、交友原则是否明确、每天上网时间、在参加的学生组织中的身份等。  相似文献   

Objective: The authors investigated the personality characteristics, psychopathology, parenting style, and family function among Taiwanese college students with high, moderate, and low suicidal risks. Participants: The sample included 2,919 first-year college students (1,414 men, 1,505 women) from a university in Taipei, Taiwan. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire assessed domains covering demographics, personality, psychopathology, frequency of substance use, parenting style, family functioning, and suicidal behaviors. The authors used mixed models for data analysis. Results: The authors observed a positive linear trend between increased suicidal tendency and levels of neuroticism, harm avoidance, novelty seeking, psychopathology, and parenting styles of low affection, overprotection, and authoritarian controlling. Use of tobacco and alcohol and impaired family adaptation and cohesion were associated with high and moderate suicidal risks. Conclusions: Personality, psychopathology, substance use, and familial factors are important correlates of suicidal risks among college students in Taiwan. Optimal suicide prevention strategies in the college setting should incorporate the multiple facets of suicidal risks.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study examined the attitudes of Greek undergraduate students toward transgender individuals to identify specific social variables as predictors of negative attitudes. Based on previous research, it appeared that gender, political conservatism, religiosity, and sexual prejudice are useful variables to examine in predicting attitudes toward transgender individuals. The sample (N = 238) consisted of undergraduates at various departments of major universities in Athens, Greece. Methods: The Genderism and Transphobia Scale (GTS) was used along with the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) and a brief demographics questionnaire. Results: Correlation analysis showed that negative attitudes toward transgender individuals were positively associated with religiosity, frequency of attendance at religious services, political designation, gender, and sexual prejudice. Regression analysis revealed mainly gender and secondly sexual prejudice (as measured by the ATLG) to be independent predictors of attitudes toward transgender individuals. Conclusions: The findings shed light on the current status of undergraduate students’ attitudes toward transgender individuals and reveal important variables that affect these attitudes in a specific sociocultural environment.  相似文献   

网络信任是随着网络时代的来临而出现的新的信任类型,是网络社交发展到一定阶段的后天产物。其发生主体是切实的社会个体在网络空间形塑的虚拟角色,发生情境是个体互动所处的具体网络空间,其建构过程大致经历了初建、维系与深化、破裂、走向现实几个阶段。网络信任的建构过程不断涉及个人的认知与判断,信任决定的修正依据是个体在网络社交过程中逐渐暴露出的信息。网络信任的发生概率非常低,仅极少数的信任获得了稳定发展,甚至转变为现实信任。  相似文献   


Objective: This study assessed the psychological distress in Spanish college women and analyzed it in relation to sociodemographic and academic factors. Participants and Methods: The authors selected a stratified random sampling of 1,043 college women (average age of 22.2 years). Sociodemographic and academic information were collected, and psychological distress was assessed with the Symptom Checklist-90–Revised. Results: This sample of college women scored the highest on the depression dimension and the lowest on the phobic anxiety dimension. The sample scored higher than women of the general population on the dimensions of obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and on the Global Severity Index. Scores in the sample significantly differed based on age, relationship status, financial independence, year of study, and area of study. Conclusion: The results indicated an elevated level of psychological distress among college women, and therefore college health services need to devote more attention to their mental health.  相似文献   

Objective and Participants: The authors evaluated psychosocial factors of stress and their effects on the prevalence of low back pain (LBP) among a population of college students in a major university in Colorado. Methods: This was a nested cross-sectional study of 973 respondents who completed the National College Health Assessment survey. The authors evaluated a subset of questions pertaining to psychosocial stressors against the presence of LBP. Results: The annual prevalence of LBP among the population studied was 42.8%. The stressful psychosocial variables of feeling very sad, exhausted, and overwhelmed were associated with the prevalence of LBP. Conclusions: The prevalence of LBP among this younger population is significant and understudied.  相似文献   

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