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In some applications, the quality of a process or product is best characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. Profile monitoring is used to understand and to check the stability of this relationship or curve over time. In the existing simple linear regression profile models, it is often assumed that the data follow a single mode distribution and consequently the noise of the functional relationship follows a normal distribution. However, in some applications, it is likely that the data may follow a multiple-modes distribution. In this case, it is more appropriate to assume that the data follow a mixture profile. In this study, we focus on a mixture simple linear profile model, and propose new control schemes for Phase II monitoring. The proposed methods are shown to have good performance in a simulation study.  相似文献   

In some industrial applications, the quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between the response variable and one or more independent variables which is called as profile. There are many approaches for monitoring different types of profiles in the literature. Most researchers assume that the response variable follows a normal distribution. However, this assumption may be violated in many cases. The most likely situation is when the response variable follows a distribution from generalized linear models (GLMs). For example, when the response variable is the number of defects in a certain area of a product, the observations follow Poisson distribution and ignoring this fact will cause misleading results. In this paper, three methods including a T2-based method, likelihood ratio test (LRT) method and F method are developed and modified in order to be applied in monitoring GLM regression profiles in Phase I. The performance of the proposed methods is analysed and compared for the special case that the response variable follows Poisson distribution. A simulation study is done regarding the probability of the signal criterion. Results show that the LRT method performs better than two other methods and the F method performs better than the T2-based method in detecting either small or large step shifts as well as drifts. Moreover, the F method performs better than the other two methods, and the LRT method performs poor in comparison with the F and T2-based methods in detecting outliers. A real case, in which the size and number of agglomerates ejected from a volcano in successive days form the GLM profile, is illustrated and the proposed methods are applied to determine whether the number of agglomerates of each size is under statistical control or not. Results showed that the proposed methods could handle the mentioned situation and distinguish the out-of-control conditions.  相似文献   

In recent years, statistical profile monitoring has emerged as a relatively new and potentially useful subarea of statistical process control and has attracted attention of many researchers and practitioners. A profile, waveform, or signature is a function that relates a dependent or a response variable to one or more independent variables. Different statistical methods have been proposed by researchers to monitor profiles where each method requires its own assumptions. One of the common and implicit assumptions in most of the proposed procedures is the assumption of independent residuals. Violation of this assumption can affect the performance of control procedures and ultimately leading to misleading results. In this article, we study phase II analysis of monitoring multivariate simple linear profiles when the independency assumption is violated. Three time series based methods are proposed to eliminate the effect of correlation that exists between multivariate profiles. Performances of the proposed methods are evaluated using average run length (ARL) criterion. Numerical results indicate satisfactory performance for the proposed methods. A simulated example is also used to show the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In certain statistical process control applications, performance of a product or process can be monitored effectively using a linear profile or a linear relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. In this article, we design a nonparametric bootstrap control chart for monitoring simple linear profiles based on T 2 statistic. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method in phase II. The average and standard deviation of the run length under different shifts in the intercept, slope, and standard deviation are considered as the performance measures. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed bootstrap control chart improves as the size of the available data increases.  相似文献   

Profile monitoring is the use of control charts for cases in which the quality of a process or product can be characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. Unlike the linear profile's simple structure, the nonlinear profile has relatively less attainment because of high complexity. Regression model is the initial method to analyze the phase I of nonlinear profiles, but it lacks sensitivity for local characteristic changes. This article presents a strategy comprising two major components: data-segmentation, to concisely detect the location of local change by overlaying grid points onto horizontal axis, and change-point detection via the maximum likelihood estimate. Simulated data set of a polynomial profile is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, and is compared with Williams' T2 multi-variable statistics.  相似文献   

Profile data emerges when the quality of a product or process is characterized by a functional relationship among (input and output) variables. In this paper, we focus on the case where each profile has one response variable Y, one explanatory variable x, and the functional relationship between these two variables can be rather arbitrary. The basic concept can be applied to a much wider case, however. We propose a general method based on the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) for monitoring of profile data. The proposed method uses nonparametric regression to estimate the on-line profiles and thus does not require any functional form for the profiles. Both Shewhart-type and EWMA-type control charts are considered. The average run length (ARL) performance of the proposed method is studied. It is shown that the proposed GLRT-based control chart can efficiently detect both location and dispersion shifts of the on-line profiles from the baseline profile. An upper control limit (UCL) corresponding to a desired in-control ARL value is constructed.  相似文献   

In some applications of statistical quality control, quality of a process or a product is best characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. This relationship is referred to as a profile. In certain cases, the quality of a process or a product is better described by a non-linear profile which does not follow a specific parametric model. In these circumstances, nonparametric approaches with greater flexibility in modeling the complicated profiles are adopted. In this research, the spline smoothing method is used to model a complicated non-linear profile and the Hotelling T2 control chart based on the spline coefficients is used to monitor the process. After receiving an out-of-control signal, a maximum likelihood estimator is employed for change point estimation. The simulation studies, which include both global and local shifts, provide appropriate evaluation of the performance of the proposed estimation and monitoring procedure. The results indicate that the proposed method detects large global shifts while it is very sensitive in detecting local shifts.  相似文献   


Profile monitoring is one of the new research areas in statistical process control. Most of the control charts in this area are designed with fixed sampling rate which makes the control chart slow in detecting small to moderate shifts. In order to improve the performance of the conventional fixed control charts, adaptive features are proposed in which, one or more design parameters vary during the process. In this paper the variable sample size feature of EWMA3 and MEWMA schemes are proposed for monitoring simple linear profiles. The EWMA3 method is based on the combination of three exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts for monitoring three parameters of a simple linear profile separately and the Multivariate EWMA (MEWMA) chart is based on the using a single chart to monitor the coefficients and variance of a general linear profile. Also a two-sided control chart is proposed for monitoring the standard deviation in the EWMA3 method. The performance of the proposed charts is compared in terms of the average time to signal. Numerical examples show that using adaptive features increase the power of control charts in detecting the parameter shifts. Finally, the performance of the proposed variable sample size schemes is illustrated through a real case in the leather industry.  相似文献   

This article considers the Phase I analysis of data when the quality of a process or product is characterized by a multiple linear regression model. This is usually referred to as the analysis of linear profiles in the statistical quality control literature. The literature includes several approaches for the analysis of simple linear regression profiles. Little work, however, has been done in the analysis of multiple linear regression profiles. This article proposes a new approach for the analysis of Phase I multiple linear regression profiles. Using this approach, regardless of the number of explanatory variables used to describe it, the profile response is monitored using only three parameters, an intercept, a slope, and a variance. Using simulation, the performance of the proposed method is compared to that of the existing methods for monitoring multiple linear profiles data in terms of the probability of a signal. The advantage of the proposed method over the existing methods is greatly improved detection of changes in the process parameters of linear profiles with high-dimensional space. The article also proposes useful diagnostic aids based on F-statistics to help in identifying the source of profile variation and the locations of out-of-control samples. Finally, the use of multiple linear profile methods is illustrated by a data set from a calibration application at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center.  相似文献   

Some quality characteristics are well defined when treated as the response variables and their relationships are identified to some independent variables. This relationship is called a profile. The parametric models, such as linear models, may be used to model the profiles. However, due to the complexity of many processes in practical applications, it is inappropriate to model the process using parametric models. In these cases non parametric methods are used to model the processes. One of the most applicable non parametric methods used to model complicated profiles is the wavelet. Many authors considered the use of the wavelet transformation only for monitoring the processes in phase II. The problem of estimating the in-control profile in phase I using wavelet transformation is not deeply addressed. Usually classical estimators are used in phase I to estimate the in-control profiles, even when the wavelet transformation is used. These estimators are suitable if the data do not contain outliers. However, when the outliers exist, these estimators cannot estimate the in-control profile properly. In this research, a robust method of estimating the in-control profiles is proposed, which is insensitive to the presence of outliers and could be applied when the wavelet transformation is used. The proposed estimator is the combination of the robust clustering and the S-estimator. This estimator is compared with the classical estimator of the in-control profile in the presence of outliers. The results from a large simulation study show that using the proposed method, one can estimate the in-control profile precisely when the data are contaminated either locally or globally.  相似文献   

A collection of quality data represented by a functional relationship between response and explanatory variables is called a profile. In the literature, the errors of profiles are often assumed to be independent. However, quality data often exhibits time correlations in real applications. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate a general linear regression model with a between-profile autocorrelation. We propose a multivariate exponentially weighted moving average chart for monitoring shifts in the regression parameters, and an exponentially weighted moving average chart for monitoring shifts in the standard deviation. A simulation study reveals that our proposed schemes outperform competing existing schemes based on the average run length criterion. An example is used to illustrate the applicability of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   


Profile monitoring is applied when the quality of a product or a process can be determined by the relationship between a response variable and one or more independent variables. In most Phase II monitoring approaches, it is assumed that the process parameters are known. However, it is obvious that this assumption is not valid in many real-world applications. In fact, the process parameters should be estimated based on the in-control Phase I samples. In this study, the effect of parameter estimation on the performance of four Phase II control charts for monitoring multivariate multiple linear profiles is evaluated. In addition, since the accuracy of the parameter estimation has a significant impact on the performance of Phase II control charts, a new cluster-based approach is developed to address this effect. Moreover, we evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed approach with a previous approach in terms of two metrics, average of average run length and its standard deviation, which are used for considering practitioner-to-practitioner variability. In this approach, it is not necessary to know the distribution of the chart statistic. Therefore, in addition to ease of use, the proposed approach can be applied to other type of profiles. The superior performance of the proposed method compared to the competing one is shown in terms of all metrics. Based on the results obtained, our method yields less bias with small-variance Phase I estimates compared to the competing approach.  相似文献   

Varying-coefficient partially linear models provide a useful tools for modeling of covariate effects on the response variable in regression. One key question in varying-coefficient partially linear models is the choice of model structure, that is, how to decide which covariates have linear effect and which have non linear effect. In this article, we propose a profile method for identifying the covariates with linear effect or non linear effect. Our proposed method is a penalized regression approach based on group minimax concave penalty. Under suitable conditions, we show that the proposed method can correctly determine which covariates have a linear effect and which do not with high probability. The convergence rate of the linear estimator is established as well as the asymptotical normality. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through a simulation study which supports our theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the analysis of linear models where the response variable is a linear function of observable component variables. For example, scores on two or more psychometric measures (the component variables) might be weighted and summed to construct a single response variable in a psychological study. A linear model is then fit to the response variable. The question addressed in this paper is how to optimally transform the component variables so that the response is approximately normally distributed. The transformed component variables, themselves, need not be jointly normal. Two cases are considered; in both cases, the Box-Cox power family of transformations is employed. In Case I, the coefficients of the linear transformation are known constants. In Case II, the linear function is the first principal component based on the matrix of correlations among the transformed component variables. For each case, an algorithm is described for finding the transformation powers that minimize a generalized Anderson-Darling statistic. The proposed transformation procedure is compared to likelihood-based methods by means of simulation. The proposed method rarely performed worse than likelihood-based methods and for many data sets performed substantially better. As an illustration, the algorithm is applied to a problem from rural sociology and social psychology; namely scaling family residences along an urban-rural dimension.  相似文献   


In some situations, for example, in biology or psychology studies, we wish to determine whether the linear relationship between response variable and predictor variables differs in two populations. The analysis of the covariance (ANCOVA) or, equivalently, the partial F-test approaches are the commonly used methods. In this study, the asymptotic distribution for the difference between two independent regression coefficients was established. The proposed method was used to derive the asymptotic confidence set for the difference between coefficients and hypothesis testing for the equality of the two regression models. Then a simulation study was conducted to compare the proposed method with the partial F method. The performance of the new method was comparable with that of the partial F method.  相似文献   

In some statistical process control applications, quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between two or more variables which is referred to as profile. In many practical situations, a profile can be modeled as a polynomial regression. In this article, three methods are developed for monitoring polynomial profiles in Phase I. Their performance is evaluated using power criterion. Furthermore, a method based on likelihood ratio test is developed to identify the location of shifts. Numerical simulation is used to evaluate the performance of the developed method.  相似文献   

When analyzing a response variable at the presence of both factors and covariates, with potentially correlated responses and violated assumptions of the normal residual or the linear relationship between the response and the covariates, rank-based tests can be an option for inferential procedures instead of the parametric repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models. This article derives a rank-based method for multi-way ANCOVA models with correlated responses. The generalized estimating equations (GEE) technique is employed to construct the proposed rank tests. Asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are derived. Simulation studies confirmed the performance of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

An empirical likelihood method was proposed by Owen and has been extended to many semiparametric and nonparametric models with a continuous response variable. However, there has been less attention focused on the generalized regression model. This article systematically studies two adjusted empirical-likelihood-based methods in the generalized varying-coefficient partially linear models. Based on the popular profile likelihood estimation procedure, the new adjusted empirical likelihood technology for the parameter is established and the resulting statistics are shown to be asymptotically standard chi-square distributed. Further, the adjusted empirical-likelihood-based confidence regions are established, and an efficient adjusted profile empirical-likelihood-based confidence intervals/regions for any components of the parameter, which are of primary interest, is also constructed. Their asymptotic properties are also derived. Some numerical studies are carried out to illustrate the performance of the proposed inference procedures.  相似文献   

It is frequently the case that a response will be related to both a vector of finite length and a function-valued random variable as predictor variables. In this paper, we propose new estimators for the parameters of a partial functional linear model which explores the relationship between a scalar response variable and mixed-type predictors. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established and finite sample behavior is studied through a small simulation experiment.  相似文献   


Process capability indices measure the ability of a process to provide products that meet certain specifications. Few references deal with the capability of a process characterized by a functional relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables, which is called profile. Specifically, there is not any reference analysing the capability of processes characterized by multivariate nonlinear profiles. In this paper, we propose a method to measure the capability of these processes, based on principal components for multivariate functional data and the concept of functional depth. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. An example from the sugar production illustrates the applicability of this approach.  相似文献   

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