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The problem of estimation of the regression coefficients in a multiple regression model is considered under multicollinearity situation when it is suspected that the regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace. We present the estimators of the regression coefficients combining the idea of preliminary test and ridge regression methodology. Accordingly, we consider three estimators, namely, the unrestricted ridge regression estimator (URRE), the restricted ridge regression estimator (RRRE), and finally, the preliminary test ridge regression estimator (PTRRE). The biases, variancematrices and mean square errors (mse) of the estimators are derived and compared with the usual estimators. Regions of optimality of the estimators are determined by studying the mse criterion. The conditions of superiority of the estimators over the traditional estimators as in Saleh and Han (1990) and Ali and Saleh (1991) have also been discussed.  相似文献   

It is well-known in the literature on multicollinearity that one of the major consequences of multicollinearity on the ordinary least squares estimator is that the estimator produces large sampling variances, which in turn might inappropriately lead to exclusion of otherwise significant coefficients from the model. To circumvent this problem, two accepted estimation procedures which are often suggested are the restricted least squares method and the ridge regression method. While the former leads to a reduction in the sampling variance of the estimator, the later ensures a smaller mean square error value for the estimator. In this paper we have proposed a new estimator which is based on a criterion that combines the ideas underlying these two estimators. The standard properties of this new estimator have been studied in the paper. It has also been shown that this estimator is superior to both the restricted least squares as well as the ordinary ridge regression estimators by the criterion of mean sauare error of the estimator of the regression coefficients when the restrictions are indeed correct. The conditions for superiority of this estimator over the other two have also been derived for the situation when the restrictions are not correct.  相似文献   

The use of heteroscedasticity-consistent covariance matrix (HCCM) estimators is very common in practice to draw correct inference for the coefficients of a linear regression model with heteroscedastic errors. However, in addition to the problem of heteroscedasticity, linear regression models may also be plagued with some considerable degree of collinearity among the regressors when two or more regressors are considered. This situation causes many adverse effects on the least squares measures and alternatively, the ordinary ridge regression method is used as a common practice. But in the available literature, the problems of multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity have not been discussed as a combined issue especially, for the inference of the regression coefficients. The present article addresses the inference about the regression coefficients taking both the issues of multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity into account and suggests the use of HCCM estimators for the ridge regression. This article proposes t- and F-tests, based on these HCCM estimators, that perform adequately well in the numerical evaluation of the Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the estimation of the parameters of measurement error (ME) models when the multicollinearity exists. To remedy the problem of multicollinearity in ME models, we consider the Liu estimation approach. We define Liu and restricted Liu estimators and also examine the asymptotic properties of proposed estimators in ME models. Moreover, we conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example to investigate the performances of the proposed estimators by the scalar mean squared error criterion.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the preliminary test approach to the estimation of the regression parameter in a multiple regression model under multicollinearity situation. The preliminary test almost unbiased two-parameter estimators based on the Wald, the Likelihood ratio, and the Lagrangian multiplier tests are given, when it is suspected that the regression parameter may be restricted to a subspace and the regression error is distributed with multivariate Student’s t errors. The bias and quadratic risk of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo simulation is provided to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In the multiple linear regression analysis, the ridge regression estimator and the Liu estimator are often used to address multicollinearity. Besides multicollinearity, outliers are also a problem in the multiple linear regression analysis. We propose new biased estimators based on the least trimmed squares (LTS) ridge estimator and the LTS Liu estimator in the case of the presence of both outliers and multicollinearity. For this purpose, a simulation study is conducted in order to see the difference between the robust ridge estimator and the robust Liu estimator in terms of their effectiveness; the mean square error. In our simulations, the behavior of the new biased estimators is examined for types of outliers: X-space outlier, Y-space outlier, and X-and Y-space outlier. The results for a number of different illustrative cases are presented. This paper also provides the results for the robust ridge regression and robust Liu estimators based on a real-life data set combining the problem of multicollinearity and outliers.  相似文献   

For the linear regression model y=Xβ+e with severe multicollinearity, we put forward three shrinkage-type estimators based on the ordinary least-squares estimator including two types of independent factor estimators and a seemingly convex combination. The simulation study shows that the new estimators are not good enough when multicollinearity is mild to moderate, but perform very well when multicollinearity is severe to very severe.  相似文献   

The two parameter estimator proposed by Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two parameter estimators. Comm Statist Theory Methods. 2007;36(15):2707–2725] is a general estimator which includes the ordinary least squares, the ridge and the Liu estimators as special cases. In the present paper we introduce Almon two parameter estimator based on the two parameter estimation procedure to deal with the problem of multicollinearity for the distiributed lag models. This estimator outperforms the Almon estimator according to the matrix mean square error criterion. Moreover, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are presented by using different estimators of the biasing parameters.  相似文献   

The ordinary least-square estimators for linear regression analysis with multicollinearity and outliers lead to unfavorable results. In this article, we propose a new robust modified ridge M-estimator (MRME) based on M-estimator (ME) to deal with the combined problem resulting from multicollinearity and outliers in the y-direction. MRME outperforms modified ridge estimator, robust ridge estimator and ME, according to mean squares error criterion. Furthermore, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this article a class of restricted minimum bias linear estimators of the vector of unknown regression coefficients when multicollinearity among the columns of the design matrix exists, is obtained. The ordinary ridge regression, principal components and shrinkage estimators are members of this class. Moreover, our ap-proach can be used to improve, in some sense, certain classes of generalized ridge and shrinkage estimators of the vector of un-known parameters in linear models.  相似文献   

This article introduces a general class of biased estimator, namely a generalized diagonal ridge-type (GDR) estimator, for the linear regression model when multicollinearity occurs. The estimator represents different kinds of biased estimators when different parameters are obtained. Some properties of this estimator are discussed and an iterative procedure is provided for selecting the parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation study and an application show that the GDR estimator performs much better than the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator under the mean square error (MSE) criterion when severe multicollinearity is present.  相似文献   

In this article, the stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge regression estimator and stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator are proposed to overcome the well-known multicollinearity problem in linear regression model. The quadratic bias and mean square error matrix of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. Furthermore, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The least-squares regression estimator can be very sensitive in the presence of multicollinearity and outliers in the data. We introduce a new robust estimator based on the MM estimator. By considering weights, also the resulting MM-Liu estimator is highly robust, but also the estimation of the biasing parameter is robustified. Also for high-dimensional data, a robust Liu-type estimator is introduced, based on the Partial Robust M-estimator. Simulation experiments and a real dataset show the advantages over the standard estimators and other robustness proposals.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of estimation of the regression coefficients in a multiple regression model is considered under the multicollinearity situation when there are series of stochastic linear restrictions available on the regression parameter vector. We have considered the preliminary test ridge regression estimators (PTRREs) based on the Wald, likelihood ratio, and lagrangian multiplier tests. Tables for the maximum and minimum guaranteed efficiency of the PTRREs are obtained, which allow us to determine the optimum choice of the level of significance corresponding to the optimum estimator. Some numerical results support the findings.  相似文献   

The binary logistic regression is a commonly used statistical method when the outcome variable is dichotomous or binary. The explanatory variables are correlated in some situations of the logit model. This problem is called multicollinearity. It is known that the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is inflated in the presence of multicollinearity. Therefore, in this study, we define a new two-parameter ridge estimator for the logistic regression model to decrease the variance and overcome multicollinearity problem. We compare the new estimator to the other well-known estimators by studying their mean squared error (MSE) properties. Moreover, a Monte Carlo simulation is designed to evaluate the performances of the estimators. Finally, a real data application is illustrated to show the applicability of the new method. According to the results of the simulation and real application, the new estimator outperforms the other estimators for all of the situations considered.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of multicollinearity in a multiple linear regression model with linear equality restrictions. The restricted two parameter estimator which was proposed in case of multicollinearity satisfies the restrictions. The performance of the restricted two parameter estimator over the restricted least squares (RLS) estimator and the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is examined under the mean square error (MSE) matrix criterion when the restrictions are correct and not correct. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the restricted ridge regression, restricted Liu and restricted shrunken estimators, which are the special cases of the restricted two parameter estimator, to have a smaller MSE matrix than the RLS and the OLS estimators are derived when the restrictions hold true and do not hold true. Theoretical results are illustrated with numerical examples based on Webster, Gunst and Mason data and Gorman and Toman data. We conduct a final demonstration of the performance of the estimators by running a Monte Carlo simulation which shows that when the variance of the error term and the correlation between the explanatory variables are large, the restricted two parameter estimator performs better than the RLS estimator and the OLS estimator under the configurations examined.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of the estimators proposed in the presence of multicollinearity in the linear regression model with heteroscedastic or correlated or both error terms is investigated under the matrix mean square error criterion. Structures of the autocorrelated error terms are given and a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to examine the relative efficiency of the estimators against each other.  相似文献   

In situations that the predictors are correlated with the error term, we propose a bridge estimator in the two-stage least squares estimation. We apply this estimator to overcome the multicollinearity and sparsity of the explanatory variables, when the endogeneity problem is present.The proposed estimator was applied to modify the Durbin-Wu-Hausman (DWH) test of endogeneity in the presence of multicollinearity. To compare our modified test with the existing DWH for detection of an endogenous problem in multi-collinear data, some numerical assessments are carried out. The numerical results showed that the proposed estimators and the suggested test perform better for the multi-collinear data. Finally, a genetical data set is applied for illustration the our results by estimating the coefficients parameters in the presence of endogeneity and multicollinearity.  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression (NBR) and Poisson regression (PR) applications have become very popular in the analysis of count data in recent years. However, if there is a high degree of relationship between the independent variables, the problem of multicollinearity arises in these models. We introduce new two-parameter estimators (TPEs) for the NBR and the PR models by unifying the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2007;36:2707–2725]. These new estimators are general estimators which include maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, ridge estimator (RE), Liu estimator (LE) and contraction estimator (CE) as special cases. Furthermore, biasing parameters of these estimators are given and a Monte Carlo simulation is done to evaluate the performance of these estimators using mean square error (MSE) criterion. The benefits of the new TPEs are also illustrated in an empirical application. The results show that the new proposed TPEs for the NBR and the PR models are better than the ML estimator, the RE and the LE.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce two new classes of estimators called the stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge-type principal component estimator (SRAURPCE) and the stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu-type principal component estimator (SRAURPCE) to overcome the well-known multicollinearity problem in linear regression model. For the two cases when the restrictions are true and not true, necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the proposed estimators are derived and compared, respectively. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example are given to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

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