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In this paper, we develop an info-metric framework for testing hypotheses about structural instability in nonlinear, dynamic models estimated from the information in population moment conditions. Our methods are designed to distinguish between three states of the world: (i) the model is structurally stable in the sense that the population moment condition holds at the same parameter value throughout the sample; (ii) the model parameters change at some point in the sample but otherwise the model is correctly specified; and (iii) the model exhibits more general forms of instability than a single shift in the parameters. An advantage of the info-metric approach is that the null hypotheses concerned are formulated in terms of distances between various choices of probability measures constrained to satisfy (i) and (ii), and the empirical measure of the sample. Under the alternative hypotheses considered, the model is assumed to exhibit structural instability at a single point in the sample, referred to as the break point; our analysis allows for the break point to be either fixed a priori or treated as occuring at some unknown point within a certain fraction of the sample. We propose various test statistics that can be thought of as sample analogs of the distances described above, and derive their limiting distributions under the appropriate null hypothesis. The limiting distributions of our statistics are nonstandard but coincide with various distributions that arise in the literature on structural instability testing within the Generalized Method of Moments framework. A small simulation study illustrates the finite sample performance of our test statistics.  相似文献   

Generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation has become an important unifying framework for inference in econometrics in the last 20 years. It can be thought of as encompassing almost all of the common estimation methods, such as maximum likelihood, ordinary least squares, instrumental variables, and two-stage least squares, and nowadays is an important part of all advanced econometrics textbooks. The GMM approach links nicely to economic theory where orthogonality conditions that can serve as such moment functions often arise from optimizing behavior of agents. Much work has been done on these methods since the seminal article by Hansen, and much remains in progress. This article discusses some of the developments since Hansen's original work. In particular, it focuses on some of the recent work on empirical likelihood–type estimators, which circumvent the need for a first step in which the optimal weight matrix is estimated and have attractive information theoretic interpretations.  相似文献   

In this study we propose a unified semiparametric approach to estimate various indices of treatment effect under the density ratio model, which connects two density functions by an exponential tilt. For each index, we construct two estimating functions based on the model and apply the generalized method of moments to improve the estimates. The estimating functions are allowed to be non smooth with respect to parameters and hence make the proposed method more flexible. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and illustrate the application with several simulations and two real data sets.  相似文献   

Shibin Zhang  Xuming He 《Statistics》2016,50(3):667-688
Probability transform-based inference, for example, characteristic function-based inference, is a good alternative to likelihood methods when the probability density function is unavailable or intractable. However, a set of grids needs to be determined to provide an effective estimator based on probability transforms. This paper is concerned with parametric inference based on adaptive selection of grids. By employing a closeness measure to evaluate the asymptotic variance of the transform-based estimator, we propose a statistical inference procedure, accompanied with adaptive grid selection. The selection algorithm aims for a small set of grids, and yet the resulting estimator can be highly efficient. Generally, the asymptotic variance is very close to that of the maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

Al though mixtures form a rich class of probability models, they often present difficulties for statistical inference. Likelihood functions are sometimes unbounded at certain values of the parameters, and densities often have no closed form. These features complicate hoth maximum-likelihood estimation and tests of fit based on the empirical distribution function. New inferential methods using sample characteristic functions (Cfs) and moment generating functions (MGFs) seem well-suited to mixtures. since these transforms often take simple form/ This paper reports a simulation study of the properties of estimators and tests of fit based on CFs, MGFs, and sample moments when applied to three specific families of thick tailed mixture distributios.  相似文献   

In this paper, a change point model with the mean being constant up to some unknown point, and increasing linearly to another unknown point, then dropping back to the original level is studied. A nonparametric method based on the empirical likelihood test is proposed to detect and estimate the locations of change points. Under some mild conditions, the asymptotic null distribution of an empirical likelihood ratio test statistic is shown to have the extreme distribution. The consistency of the test is also proved. Simulations of the powers of the test indicate that it performs well under different assumptions of the data distribution. The test is applied to the aircraft arrival time data set and the Stanford heart transplant data set.  相似文献   

A functional-form empirical likelihood method is proposed as an alternative method to the empirical likelihood method. The proposed method has the same asymptotic properties as the empirical likelihood method but has more flexibility in choosing the weight construction. Because it enjoys the likelihood-based interpretation, the profile likelihood ratio test can easily be constructed with a chi-square limiting distribution. Some computational details are also discussed, and results from finite-sample simulation studies are presented.  相似文献   

The authors study the problem of testing whether two populations have the same law by comparing kernel estimators of the two density functions. The proposed test statistic is based on a local empirical likelihood approach. They obtain the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic and propose a bootstrap approximation to calibrate the test. A simulation study is carried out in which the proposed method is compared with two competitors, and a procedure to select the bandwidth parameter is studied. The proposed test can be extended to more than two samples and to multivariate distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a consistent method of estimation for the parameters of the three-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution. We then discuss some properties of these estimators and show by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study that the proposed estimators perform better than some other prominent estimators in terms of bias and root mean squared error. Finally, we present two real-life examples to illustrate the method of inference developed here.  相似文献   

Sieve Empirical Likelihood and Extensions of the Generalized Least Squares   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The empirical likelihood cannot be used directly sometimes when an infinite dimensional parameter of interest is involved. To overcome this difficulty, the sieve empirical likelihoods are introduced in this paper. Based on the sieve empirical likelihoods, a unified procedure is developed for estimation of constrained parametric or non-parametric regression models with unspecified error distributions. It shows some interesting connections with certain extensions of the generalized least squares approach. A general asymptotic theory is provided. In the parametric regression setting it is shown that under certain regularity conditions the proposed estimators are asymptotically efficient even if the restriction functions are discontinuous. In the non-parametric regression setting the convergence rate of the maximum estimator based on the sieve empirical likelihood is given. In both settings, it is shown that the estimator is adaptive for the inhomogeneity of conditional error distributions with respect to predictor, especially for heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   

Continuous diagnostic tests are often used for discriminating between healthy and diseased populations. For this reason, it is useful to select an appropriate discrimination threshold. There are several optimality criteria: the North‐West corner, the Youden index, the concordance probability and the symmetry point, among others. In this paper, we focus on the symmetry point that maximizes simultaneously the two types of correct classifications. We construct confidence intervals for this optimal cutpoint and its associated specificity and sensitivity indexes using two approaches: one based on the generalized pivotal quantity and the other on empirical likelihood. We perform a simulation study to check the practical behaviour of both methods and illustrate their use by means of three real biomedical datasets on melanoma, prostate cancer and coronary artery disease. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The generalized method of moments (GMM) and empirical likelihood (EL) are popular methods for combining sample and auxiliary information. These methods are used in very diverse fields of research, where competing theories often suggest variables satisfying different moment conditions. Results in the literature have shown that the efficient‐GMM (GMME) and maximum empirical likelihood (MEL) estimators have the same asymptotic distribution to order n?1/2 and that both estimators are asymptotically semiparametric efficient. In this paper, we demonstrate that when data are missing at random from the sample, the utilization of some well‐known missing‐data handling approaches proposed in the literature can yield GMME and MEL estimators with nonidentical properties; in particular, it is shown that the GMME estimator is semiparametric efficient under all the missing‐data handling approaches considered but that the MEL estimator is not always efficient. A thorough examination of the reason for the nonequivalence of the two estimators is presented. A particularly strong feature of our analysis is that we do not assume smoothness in the underlying moment conditions. Our results are thus relevant to situations involving nonsmooth estimating functions, including quantile and rank regressions, robust estimation, the estimation of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and so on.  相似文献   

In his 1999 article with Breusch, Qian, and Wyhowski in the Journal of Econometrics, Peter Schmidt introduced the concept of “redundant” moment conditions. Such conditions arise when estimation is based on moment conditions that are valid and can be divided into two subsets: one that identifies the parameters and another that provides no further information. Their framework highlights an important concept in the moment-based estimation literature, namely, that not all valid moment conditions need be informative about the parameters of interest. In this article, we demonstrate the empirical relevance of the concept in the context of the impact of government health expenditure on health outcomes in England. Using a simulation study calibrated to this data, we perform a comparative study of the finite performance of inference procedures based on the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) and info-metric (IM) estimators. The results indicate that the properties of GMM procedures deteriorate as the number of redundant moment conditions increases; in contrast, the IM methods provide reliable point estimators, but the performance of associated inference techniques based on first order asymptotic theory, such as confidence intervals and overidentifying restriction tests, deteriorates as the number of redundant moment conditions increases. However, for IM methods, it is shown that bootstrap procedures can provide reliable inferences; we illustrate such methods when analysing the impact of government health expenditure on health outcomes in England.  相似文献   

Least-squares and quantile regressions are method of moments techniques that are typically used in isolation. A leading example where efficiency may be gained by combining least-squares and quantile regressions is one where some information on the error quantiles is available but the error distribution cannot be fully specified. This estimation problem may be cast in terms of solving an over-determined estimating equation (EE) system for which the generalized method of moments (GMM) and empirical likelihood (EL) are approaches of recognized importance. The major difficulty with implementing these techniques here is that the EEs associated with the quantiles are non-differentiable. In this paper, we develop a kernel-based smoothing technique for non-smooth EEs, and derive the asymptotic properties of the GMM and maximum smoothed EL (MSEL) estimators based on the smoothed EEs. Via a simulation study, we investigate the finite sample properties of the GMM and MSEL estimators that combine least-squares and quantile moment relationships. Applications to real datasets are also considered.  相似文献   

Generalized method of moments (GMM) is used to develop tests for discriminating discrete distributions among the two-parameter family of Katz distributions. Relationships involving moments are exploited to obtain identifying and over-identifying restrictions. The asymptotic relative efficiencies of tests based on GMM are analyzed using the local power approach and the approximate Bahadur efficiency. The paper also gives results of Monte Carlo experiments designed to check the validity of the theoretical findings and to shed light on the small sample properties of the proposed tests. Extensions of the results to compound Poisson alternative hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

Hall et al. (2007 Hall , A. R. , Inoue , A. , Jana , K. , Shin , C. (2007). Information in generalized method of moments estimation and entropy based moment selection. Journal of Econometrics 138:488512.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) propose a method for moment selection based on an information criterion that is a function of the entropy of the limiting distribution of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator. They establish the consistency of the method subject to certain conditions that include the identification of the parameter vector by at least one of the moment conditions being considered. In this article, we examine the limiting behavior of this moment selection method when the parameter vector is weakly identified by all the moment conditions being considered. It is shown that the selected moment condition is random and hence not consistent in any meaningful sense. As a result, we propose a two-step procedure for moment selection in which identification is first tested using a statistic proposed by Stock and Yogo (2003 Stock , J. H. , Yogo , M. ( 2003 ). Testing for weak instruments in linear IV regression . Discussion paper, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA . [Google Scholar]) and then only if this statistic indicates identification does the researcher proceed to the second step in which the aforementioned information criterion is used to select moments. The properties of this two-step procedure are contrasted with those of strategies based on either using all available moments or using the information criterion without the identification pre-test. The performances of these strategies are compared via an evaluation of the finite sample behavior of various methods for inference about the parameter vector. The inference methods considered are based on the Wald statistic, Anderson and Rubin's (1949 Anderson , T. W. , Rubin , H. ( 1949 ). Estimation of the parameters of a single equation in a complete system of stochastic equations . Annals of Mathematical Statistics 20 : 4663 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) statistic, Kleibergen (2002 Kleibergen , F. ( 2002 ). Pivotal statistics for testing structural parameters in instrumenatl variables regression . Econometrica 70 : 17811803 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) K statistic, and combinations thereof in which the choice is based on the outcome of the test for weak identification.  相似文献   

Statistical inference for the diffusion coefficients of multivariate diffusion processes has been well established in recent years; however, it is not the case for the drift coefficients. Furthermore, most existing estimation methods for the drift coefficients are proposed under the assumption that the diffusion matrix is positive definite and time homogeneous. In this article, we put forward two estimation approaches for estimating the drift coefficients of the multivariate diffusion models with the time inhomogeneously positive semidefinite diffusion matrix. They are maximum likelihood estimation methods based on both the martingale representation theorem and conditional characteristic functions and the generalized method of moments based on conditional characteristic functions, respectively. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the generalized method of moments estimation are also proved in this article. Simulation results demonstrate that these methods work well.  相似文献   

Multivariate data arise frequently in biomedical and health studies where multiple response variables are collected across subjects. Unlike a univariate procedure fitting each response separately, a multivariate regression model provides a unique opportunity in studying the joint evolution of various response variables. In this paper, we propose two estimation procedures that improve estimation efficiency for the regression parameter by accommodating correlations among the response variables. The proposed procedures do not require knowledge of the true correlation structure nor does it estimate the parameters associated with the correlation. Theoretical and simulation results confirm that the proposed estimators are more efficient than the one obtained from the univariate approach. We further propose simple and powerful inference procedures for a goodness-of-fit test that possess the chi-squared asymptotic properties. Extensive simulation studies suggest that the proposed tests are more powerful than the Wald test based on the univariate procedure. The proposed methods are also illustrated through the mother’s stress and children’s morbidity study.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of M-estimators based on generalised empirical likelihood (GEL) estimation with some auxiliary information available in the sample. The resulting class of estimators is efficient in the sense that it achieves the same asymptotic lower bound as that of the efficient generalised method of moment (GMM) estimator with the same auxiliary information. The paper also shows that in case of smooth estimating equations the proposed estimators enjoy a small second order bias property compared to both efficient GMM and full GEL estimators. Analytical formulae to obtain bias corrected estimators are also provided. Simulations show that with correctly specified auxiliary information the proposed estimators and in particular those based on empirical likelihood outperform standard M and efficient GMM estimators both in terms of finite sample bias and efficiency. On the other hand with moderately misspecified auxiliary information estimators based on the nonparametric tilting method are typically characterised by the best finite sample properties.  相似文献   

Non-response or missing data is a common phenomenon in many areas. Non-ignorable non-response, a response mechanism that depends on the values of the variable having non-response, is the most difficult type of non-response to handle. This paper considers statistical inference of unknown parameters in estimating equations (EEs) when the variable of interest has non-ignorable non-response. By utilising the cutting edge techniques of non-response instrument, a parametric response propensity function can be identified and estimated. Then a semiparametric likelihood is constructed with the propensity function, EEs and auxiliary information being incorporated into the constraints to make the inference valid and improve the estimation efficiency. Asymptotic distributions for the resulting parameter estimates are derived. Empirical results including two simulation studies and a real example show that the proposed method gives promising results.  相似文献   

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