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A host of historical and practical precedents have made hospitals responsible for the quality of care rendered within their facilities. The medical staff and the board of trustees share in this responsibility. Increasing demands for demonstrative evidence of the quality of care in an institution have made the process data-based. There is no substitute for specific data on the performance of both the hospital and its providers in the delivery of care. The trick, however, is in presenting this information to the medical staff and the board in a fashion that will be understandable and that will still maintain confidentiality of provider and patient. The authors offer a presentation system that has met with success in their community hospital.  相似文献   

You are a physician executive working very hard within a hospital on all sorts of medical staff issues and quality of care. You answer to the board. The latter, through its administrators, may still have difficulty documenting the precise value of a full-time physician executive. Your hospital is losing money or not making enough profit for capital expenditures and salary raises. It is considering or will have to consider staff cuts. What can you do that will influence the bottom line, produce a quality image, and quantify your value?  相似文献   

The reporting of quality of health care to the governing board has long been an enigma. Now we are in the midst of a revolution in health care, as we shift our focus from solely the clinical performance of individuals to a broader scope of assessing and improving all activities around patient services and patient care--i.e., management outcomes integrated with clinical outcomes to help identify opportunities to improve patient care. In addition, apprised of corporate liability for the quality of care provided in health care organizations, governing boards are raising questions and demanding more information. To maintain this high degree of interest in quality of health care, information should be restricted to what the board needs to know. This article will be confined to the hospital's organizationwide quality system of monitoring and evaluating. While medical staff credentialing and privileging are also board responsibilities and quality management activities should be used in the privileging and credentialing process, they will not be addressed in this article.  相似文献   

Managed care of some kind will dominate the future of health care, but the unresolved crucial question concerns ownership of the managed care plans. An investor-owned managed care industry now holds sway, but I do not expect it to last very long. In the long run, physicians must be in charge of medical care, but they must live within budgets and be accountable to payers and to their patients. The only solution that makes sense to me is one based on multiple local physician networks, organized on a not-for-profit basis. I predict that staff and group-model HMOs will be the mainstay of the medical care delivery system within a few decades.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, many hospitals will continue to be confronted with financial, regulatory, and medical staff issues that threaten their survival. Inadequate reimbursement, HCFA certification problems, and aging medical staffs are just a few examples of the many difficult issues health care institutions face today and that have contributed to the phenomenal number of failing hospitals. Failing hospitals must consider all their options, such as turnaround process, modification of service mix, change to a specialty hospital, transfer to a new owner, or closure. Selection of the most appropriate option hinges on the hospital's goals and mission, its need in the community, and its owner's and sponsor's desire or ability to continue in the health care business. This article will discuss the transfer of ownership option.  相似文献   

The role of the physician leader is moving beyond traditional medical staff issues. A recent national survey of physician leaders shows a growing need for education on specific technical, leadership, and practical skills. The results reveal the medical leadership skills that physician executives consider important today, and provide a window to the future about the skills that will be important tomorrow. Physicians say they need training now in quality assurance, clinical benchmarking, decision-making, and strategic planning. And when they gaze into the future and see the rapid changes throughout health care, they say they'll need more training in communication, organizational change, effective listening, and systems thinking.  相似文献   

Managed care forces were putting pressure on Athens Regional Medical Center, Inc., and its medical staff to sustain quality of care, and simultaneously tighten the budget, achieve continued improvements in efficiency, and retrain employees. To ensure its leadership position in Northeast Georgia, ARMC decided to restructure the organization to avoid a "slash and burn" crusade later. This article addresses the medical staff restructuring and how it came about. The strategy eliminated five committees and reduced 13 Medical Staff departments to two.  相似文献   

This paper will demonstrate the advantages of pursuing an integrated model of care that utilizes one staff of caregivers in one facility for all phases of patient care from the time of patient evaluation through the time the patient returns to the care of his or her primary physician. We took the opportunity afforded by the development of a new program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) Program, to reconsider as many variables as possible in an attempt to develop a model of care that would represent the best of all worlds, i.e., high levels of quality of care, quality of life, staff job enrichment, patient convenience, operational efficiency, and cost reduction.  相似文献   

Medical staff organizations and their leaders are frequently confronted with concerns about physician knowledge, performance, or behavior. Dealing with these concerns is a serious and time-consuming task. Poorly handled issues may result in serious legal consequences. In highly structured organizations, authority for responsibilities, income, and employment rests with individuals who must manage these problems, but medical staff structures do not always lend themselves to dealing with these issues. Introduction of quality improvement processes into medicine has been received as a panacea for physician problems. Certainly the majority of physicians understand quality improvement and work toward common goals to improve patient care. Unfortunately, a small minority remain problem physicians. Steps that can be taken to deal with problem physicians, particularly for issues of quality management, are described in this article.  相似文献   

The prognosis from most quarters is that the U.S. health care delivery system is moving inexorably toward managed care. The final form that managed care takes under whatever health reform measure finally takes shape in Washington is still in doubt, but it is clear that care will be managed in the future. It also seems increasingly clear that the system evolving will require more primary care providers, and that they will occupy some very key decision-making roles in the clinical firmament. In this article, staff writer Donna Vavala brings together the thoughts and predictions of several health care leaders on this critical topic in medical management.  相似文献   

Ambulatory care has always been a stepchild. Hospitals have been and are the focal point of quality activity. Traditionally driven by Joint Commission decree and more recently inspired by market forces, hospitals find the resources to do quality. It was quality assurance in the '80s. It is quality management in the '90s. Some of this activity has oozed out into ambulatory care, but not much. We in ambulatory care have been too busy producing as many patient visits as possible in an environment of limited resources. All that is now changing. As ambulatory care becomes more and more important in the overall health care delivery scheme, medical quality management in this environment will also take on greater significance. Leading the way will be the electronic medical record.  相似文献   

The traditional, two-bylaws-model organized medical staff was created in another age (1919) to serve a simple health care system, controlled by physicians, in which the only players were patients, doctors, nurses, and small hospitals. This medical staff model does not meet the needs of the U.S. health care system of the 1990s. The purpose of this article is to provide the physician executive with a resource to use when he or she is called on to help determine what, if any, changes are needed in his or her organization to make the role of physician leaders more effective. Finding the right answer to this question is part of discovering ways to reduce health care costs without reducing the funds available to pay for direct delivery of health care services. Maintaining traditional, bureaucratic, legalistic organized medical staff activities is a very expensive game that we can no longer afford to play.  相似文献   

The challenge of the 1990s is measuring the quality of medical care. The author has developed a comprehensive matrix to measure the quality of medical care in an ambulatory setting. This matrix was designed with both patient-consumer and physician input. While the matrix has not been field-tested, it should be able to identify areas of weakness and strength and guide corrective actions. The author is now seeking funding for the testing that will be needed to make the matrix operational.  相似文献   

Hospitals and other health care organizations are adding physician executives at such a rate that demand is outstripping supply-there are more opportunities for seasoned physician executives than there are physicians with track records as medical managers. It is possible that hiring management will have to consider the employment of a physician who wants to be in management but has no track record as a physician executive. In some cases, it may even be preferable to employ a neophyte physician executive, especially when the physician is a respected clinician already on the organization's medical staff. In selecting such a physician, however, an evaluation must be made of the probability that the physician will be successful in the new role. The author points to 10 criteria that the hiring organization should observe in hiring inexperienced managers.  相似文献   

Why should physician executives care about medical informatics? For that matter, what is medical informatics anyway? Broadly defined, medical informatics is the study of the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data and information in health care to support clinical and administrative decision making. Informatics is important because, in the past 10 years, powerful computer, software, and information technologies have been developed to enable health care organizations to automate some of the work of decision making, for improved quality of care and cost control, and for successful managed care contracting. This new emphasis on informatics in health care was the impetus for the founding by ACPE earlier this year of The Informatics Institute, which will be involved in educational and research activities in the growing area of medical informatics. In this new column in Physician Executive, Dr. Marshall Ruffin, President and CEO of the Institute, will discuss the role of medical informatics in health care delivery and financing and its relation to physician executives.  相似文献   

Inevitably as the role of the medical director expands, it will directly affect power structures already existing in the hospital hierarchy, including department chiefs, other administrators, and the chief of staff. This article will attempt to define the roles of the medical director and the chief of staff, explore possible conflicts, and provide suggestions to help avoid confrontation. Finally, an attempt will be made to look into the future direction of the medical director's position.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in the health care industry have resulted in a cost-quality competition that has not been present in the past. Because of this competition, managed care is a growing way of financing and providing health care to the people of the United States. Managed care depends heavily on competent primary care physicians. Because primary care physicians are in short supply, the status and financial rewards of primary care practice are increasing. The primary care physician will be the dominant force in medical practice in the immediate future. He or she is capable in a managed setting of resolving the perceived problems of the health care industry in responding to the drivers of health care reform. Costs are reduced while quality is maintained. Access to health care is improved, and fragmentation of health care is significantly lessened.  相似文献   

There is a sense of frustration among physicians involved in the decision and policy making processes within health care institutions. Because the endpoint is reached at glacial speed, too much time, money, and opportunity is lost. The decision making process can be repetitious and tedious because of unnecessary steps. By eliminating certain tactics and strategies employed by upper-level management in many health care institutions, the decision making process becomes more effective. This article focuses on the medical staff's role in the decision making process; explains why tactics to involve the medical staff are ineffective and why eliminating the medical staff from certain aspects of the process does not jeopardize the institution; and concludes that the hospital board and its delegates should be autonomous in the decision making process.  相似文献   

It is not the same subject that was projected in the '70s when quality assurance leaped on the health care scene. As complex as quality assurance is, contemporary discussions of quality are much more multifaceted. At the core of health care quality, however, is clinical practice. The consensus among speakers at the College's National Conference of Physician Executives in May in San Antonio, Tex., is that medical quality will not be managed in the interests of patients, buyers, and providers in the absence of significant involvement by physician executives.  相似文献   

As hospital operations become increasingly complex, so does the institution's management and organizational structure. Physician executives with titles of medical director, vice president for medical affairs, medical administrator, chief of staff, medical staff president, etc., are playing more important roles than ever before. This article will briefly review some recent literature describing physician executive profiles. The results from a survey of ten university teaching hospitals are also presented as supplementary information regarding current staffing models. Finally, several physician executive staffing-related issues will be discussed in light of the literature and the survey results.  相似文献   

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