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试论统计学科体系的构造与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张宏性 《统计研究》1996,13(6):12-15
试论统计学科体系的构造与完善张宏性ABSTRACTThepaperdiscusesthebasicconnotationsanddevelopmentcharacteristicsofcurentstatisticalsciences,theprin...  相似文献   

苏为华 《统计研究》1996,13(5):34-37
论统计指标的构造过程苏为华ABSTRACTTheconstructionofstatisticalindicatorsisaprocessofcomplicatedlogicthind-ingthatcanbedividedintoaseriesof...  相似文献   

罗建国 《统计研究》1996,13(5):41-48
我国农产品波动分析罗建国ABSTRACTThispapersystematicalystatesthefeatureandthemechanismoffluctuationofmainagriculturalproducts,forecastsits...  相似文献   

当代经济计量学中的协整理论   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
赵文奇 《统计研究》1996,13(6):51-58
当代经济计量学中的协整理论赵文奇ABSTRACTThepapermakesdiscussionoftheconcepts,charactersandeconomicmeaningsoftheco-integrationtheoryinmodernec...  相似文献   

林毓铭 《统计研究》1996,13(5):53-56
养老保险统筹费率的统计研究林毓铭ABSTRACTFromthestandpointsofstatistics,thepaperdoesresearchontheassociatedindicatorthatafectstheoveralcostrat...  相似文献   

国民经济核算中的保险——兼论保险的分配作用赵侯泉刘志荣ABSTRACTAccountingissuesininsuranceindustrywerediscussed,includinginsuranceform,insuranceaccountin...  相似文献   

李游群 《统计研究》1998,15(3):10-13
国有企业改革:扎牢篱笆打稳桩李游群ABSTRACTIt'smoredifculttorunState-ownedenterpriseswhichestablishedaccordingtospecialideabecauseofitself'sdef...  相似文献   

对资金流量表的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙静娟 《统计研究》1997,14(3):40-44
对资金流量表的改进孙静娟ABSTRACTBasedonthesystematicdiscussiononthecomplicatedandorderedquantativerelationsintheincomedistributionandutil...  相似文献   

突变统计学刍议彭国富史造月谢英欣ABSTRACTItisofveryimportantsignificancetosetupMutaionStatisticsforwideningtheresearchareasofStatistics,enrich...  相似文献   

建立全国房地产开发业发展综合指数的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
贾海 《统计研究》1997,14(6):22-27
建立全国房地产开发业发展综合指数的初步研究贾海ABSTRACTTheauthortriestoconstructasetofcompositeindexofrealestatedevelopmentwithChinesecharacteristics...  相似文献   

学历和性别对劳动者工资的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤二子 《统计研究》2012,29(11):67-73
随着教育特别是高等教育的迅速发展,我国高学历人才培养规模呈现膨胀趋势,从而学历对于劳动者是否具有作用成为民众越来越关注的议题。本文首先从利润最大化角度分析企业支付给不同学历劳动者工资意愿的差异,这将作为实证检验学历影响劳动者工资的理论支撑,接着运用2004年中国工业经济普查数据分行业检验不同学历劳动者平均工资的差异,并且关注劳动者性别对工资所可能存在的影响,其中学历共分为初中、高中、大专、本科与研究生五种。检验结论认为:(1)高中学历、大专学历与本科学历对于劳动者工资具有积极影响,并且这种影响较为稳定并逐渐增强,而研究生学历对于劳动者工资的影响难以确定;(2)在运用教育赋分法衡量企业平均学历后,检验认为在平均学历保持不变的情况下,女性员工所占比率对企业所支付的人均工资可能存在负向影响,并且员工平均学历对人均工资的正向影响可能会随着女性员工比率提高而减弱。  相似文献   

高等教育投资效益评价是进一步提高高等教育质量和水平的重要方法。通过从投入系统和产出系统关联的角度,剔除产出测量指标的重复信息和量纲影响的情况下,构造了高等教育投资效益相对评价方法,经实际检验,证明该方法具有客观性。  相似文献   

本文利用独创的国际平均全劳动法推算了2005年中日各部门购买力平价(简称PPP)。用此方法推算的PPP既可满足基国不变性原则也满足矩阵一致性原则。本文推算的中日各部门的PPP主要用于变换可比价格的中日投入产出表。用国际平均劳动法推算的PPP由劳动系数、投入系数、和固定资本损耗系数等技术决定,不会受到工资率、利润率等其他市场因素的影响,因此更适用于可比价格投入产出表的转换。用国际平均劳动法推算的PPP与用GK(Geary-Khamis)法推算的PPP对GDP进行转换,可以发现,用国际平均全劳动法推算的中国实际GDP更大。  相似文献   

张南 《统计研究》1998,15(4):15-18
1997年7月,泰国货币贬值导致股市下落,揭开了东亚金融危机的序幕。同年10月28日以香港恒生指数的暴跌为起点,其后迅速影响到东京证券市场、纽约证券市场以及伦敦证券市场,进而导致了比1987年的被称为黑色星期一的股票狂跌事件规模更大的全球性的股市震荡。本文试图运用统计与数量分析的手段,分析东亚各国的股份收益率及风险的变动特性,归纳出规律的变化,进而提出正处于发展中的中国证券市场应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

This paper extends the use of the multistate proportional hazards model proposed by R. Kay for transitions, reverse transitions, and repeated transitions. A simple method of testing the equality of vectors of parameters for transitions and repeated transitions is also shown in addition to estimates for the underlying cumulative hazards for different types of transition. The multistate survival models applied to contraceptive use data collected by the International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, for the period January 1978 to December 1982 provide useful findings relating to interstate transitions. The author stresses the need to not treat separately states of contraceptive use given their link to the acceptance of the first method, transitions from one method to another, first method discontinuation, periods of non-use, the use of subsequent methods, loss to follow-up, the use of irreversible methods, and subsequent periods of non-use. Religion is an important indicator for the acceptance of an irreversible method as a first or subsequent method; compared to women of other religions, Muslims were less likely to accept an irreversible method as a first or subsequent method. Religion is not, however, associated with the acceptance or subsequent use of a reversible method or with discontinuation of a reversible method. Higher age in the study area is associated with both lower acceptance and longer continuation of a method. Women with a larger number of living sons tend to accept their first method and subsequent methods at an higher rate than women with fewer or no sons. As for educational status, women with higher education proved to be serious users of contraception, although women with less or no education tend to accept an irreversible method at an higher rate than the women with an higher level of education. Further, the desire for more children is a strong predictor for non-use of a method even if contraception is used to space births. The score test suggested in the paper for testing the equality of parameters in models 1-4 reveals that there is no significant difference in the parameters of the models. This paper shows that the factors which affect the acceptance of any reversible method of contraception are different from those for an irreversible method. Moreover, the factors which affect a transition differ from those for a reverse transition in the case of adopting reversible methods.  相似文献   

教育经济效益统计方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
何光瑶  洪荧 《统计研究》1996,13(4):41-45
Viewed from calculating effects of educational activity. The paper makes research on computing methods of the contribution rate of education. Base on introduction of three basic methods concerned in other countries, the author puts forward some proposals on further improvement, and then makes exploration into determination methods of concise coefficients of labour in China. Finally, the author calculates the educational contribution rate during periods of 1982-1992 by means of the method improved.  相似文献   

戴建国 《统计研究》1996,13(2):70-70
The paper makes comparative study of EVA indicators and capital profit rate. The result show that, on the one hand, the EVA indicators can be deduced from the capital profit rate, and on the other hand, capital profit rate is more efficient and concise than ECA and related relative indicators when being in comparison of economic effects.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal surveillance, especially in detection of emerging outbreaks is of particular importance. When an outbreak spreads across some areas, the incidence rate at the center of the outbreak area might be expected to be much higher than the rate at its edge. However, to the best of our knowledge, all existing methods assume a uniformly increasing rate across the entire area of the outbreak. The purpose of this study is to compare the performance of the spatiotemporal surveillance methods such as multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) or multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) when the changes in size are nonhomogeneous. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to examine the properties of these spatiotemporal surveillance methods and compared them in terms of the detection speed and the identification rate under various scenarios. The results showed that when nonhomogeneous change sizes are involved, the MCUSUM method taking into account spatial nonhomogeneity of increase rates yields a better identification than the method ignoring such change size pattern although the detection speeds are similar. Further, a case study for the detection of male thyroid cancer data in New Mexico in the United States was performed to demonstrate the applicability of these methods.  相似文献   

In the field of education, it is often of great interest to estimate the percentage of students who start out in the top test quantile at time 1 and who remain there at time 2, which is termed as “persistence rate,” to measure the students’ academic growth. One common difficulty is that students’ performance may be subject to measurement errors. We therefore considered a correlation calibration method and the simulation–extrapolation (SIMEX) method for correcting the measurement errors. Simulation studies are presented to compare various measurement error correction methods in estimating the persistence rate.  相似文献   

In practice, it often happens that we have a number of base methods of classification. We are not able to clearly determine which method is optimal in the sense of the smallest error rate. Then we have a combined method that allows us to consolidate information from multiple sources in a better classifier. I propose a different approach, a sequential approach. Sequentiality is understood here in the sense of adding posterior probabilities to the original data set and so created data are used during classification process. We combine posterior probabilities obtained from base classifiers using all combining methods. Finally, we combine these probabilities using a mean combining method. To the original data set we add obtained posterior probabilities as additional features. In each step we change our additional probabilities to achieve the minimum error rate for base methods. Experimental results on different data sets demonstrate that the method is efficient and that this approach outperforms base methods providing a reduction in the mean classification error rate.  相似文献   

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