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For executives it is essential to interact and resolve conflicts in order to gain or maintain a high level of functioning within the organizational structures. Therefore they must be able to understand the intentional mental states of themselves and their interaction partners to ascribe an adequate meaning that allow to react and respond in an appropriate way. This ability is called mantalization. With the help of mentalization-based therapy (MBT) the improvement of mentalization can be accomplished. For this reason the department of Theory and Methodology of Counseling at the university of Kassel explored whether a mentalization-based Coaching inspired by MBT would be useful.  相似文献   

Future trends and its implications for coaching In this theoretical work the author analyzes the current personal requirements in labour and its psychological impact to individuals, taking a psycho-sociological perspective. Focusing the employee who nowadays has to act like an entrepreneur, this bears a new personal strain: to establish his or her value and bring it to the market. This changed view is contrasting the traditional labour relations and its psychological effects should be supported by coaching in the future.  相似文献   

Coaching for the carrying out of outplacement talksThis paper describes a coaching process with an executive, who has to carry out outplacement talks. The aim of the consulting process is to prepare the coachee in a way, that he is able to accept his role as executive and to carry out the order of the company. Further on, the coachee is encouraged to use his own potential to design the outplacement talks. Finally he is invited to develop arrangements in order to support his personal physical and social wellbeing as well as his fitness in respect of the extreme situation of the outplacement management.  相似文献   

The significance of coaching to the identity development of managers The author discusses the difficulties of managers to conceive their professional identity. Regarding the background of modern organization structures in ?our postmodern times“, they are demanded to define their roles again and again by themselves. Traditional concepts of identity, like those formulated by the psychoanalysis, nowadays are obsolete. The approaches of the symbolic interactionism are much more applying to the actual demands of ?identity work“ of managers. Coaching, that integrates procedures of dramatherapy, is thereby capable to support the development of a suitable management identity.  相似文献   

Coaching and internet? Chances and limitations of the internet to coaches and clientsThis article describes potentials and limitations of Internet-based coaching and counseling. It focuses on the capabilities of the Internet as a medium of information and communication and its significance for coaches, clients and newbies. Some suggestions are given on how coaches and clients could use the Internet for working purposes. The necessity to analyze and integrate important medium-specific, individual-specific and interpersonal factors should be kept in mind. This follows the fact that they function together in a dynamic way, as the media-ecologic model of Döring (2003) postulates.  相似文献   

Implementation of coaching for principals and supervisory school authorityGerman schools will have to improve the quality of their work to be able to compete on an international level. School development is also personnel development. Establishing professionalism of school executives (among others by coaching) plays a major role in this matter. First of all the author describes the implementation process of internal coaching for principals and thereafter for officers of the supervisory school authority. In doing so, he also points out problems that can arise during such a project. The evaluations of surveys prove the acceptance and importance of coaching for this target group. Finally, possible future coaching offers for school executives are addressed.  相似文献   

The article describes a form of group coaching for female physicians during their medical specialty training. The basic approach of the coaching is solution and resource oriented and it comprises five sessions. Participants from different departments are given the opportunity to discuss aspects of their recent working experiences under professional guidance. Participants are therefore able to determine the topics to be discussed by themselves. Interest in the offer of coaching was very high and participants who completed the five sessions rated it very positively. The positive feedback allows us to conclude that as few as five coaching sessions can have a positive impact and can be of support for this target group.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching as internal consulting in a great public administrationThe author describes the process of the implementing of supervision, coaching and practise discussion in a great public administration. The difficulties of such an intention are shown, which appear, if an organization has no experiences with these formats and the decision makers have no background knowledge. Furthermore it is explained by which measures an institutional anchorage was possible. Because the process is not finished yet, a view of further developments is given.  相似文献   

Coaching the head physician of a surgical department The author presents an individual coaching of a female head physician, who is leading the surgical department of a hospital for half a year. The motive were conflicts in the relationship to the colleagues, mainly an interactional conflict with the assistant medical director, caused by dysfunctional patterns of understanding and behaviour. Together with the coach objectives were developed to find a more planning, structuring and communicative leading style. Further more, interventions were prepared and the interactions with the assistant analyzed. Finally, as a first conflict intervention a team discussion is prepared and successfully supported.  相似文献   

Coaching für die Schulentwicklung   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Coaching in school development The author focusses on coaching as a method of school development. In most cases school development is designed as organizational change realized by external experts (change agents). In contrast to this procedure, the author favours a school development by internal persons, especially by the principals of schools. It is argued, that if they are carefully coached during the whole process they are much more likely to succeed in developing the whole system.  相似文献   

This comment refers to the paper ofStefani/Bleibtreu. In their model they combine two important topics of audit research: Auditor’s independence and audit market’s concentration tendencies. The objective of their paper is to demonstrate that abandoning non audit services might have negative impacts on auditors’ competitive behavior.
This comment addresses the following features of the model:
  • The paper’s relevance, because it addresses aspects of the audit market structure, which have been so far neglected in the political discussion on the EU-level.
  • The way of modeling different auditors’ offered product portfolios and auditors’ cost structures.
  • The implications of the paper’s results, because only very few papers make use of analytical models for analyzing the audit market.

The culture of a seeming shamelessness and its significance for an error cultureThe author describes the culture of the seeming shamelessness and its significance for organization cultures in general and particularly for an error culture. He discusses the thesis of a new social character in the contemporary world and then he delineates the difficulties of the pioneer phase in organizations. The effects of a seeming shamelessness on organization cultures and especially on error cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

Resource oriented coaching with unimployed academicsThe author delienates a coaching process with an unemployed scientist looking for support in completing her thesis and in coping with her unimployment.  相似文献   

The article focuses how far coaching for scientists and academics is developed and established on the relatively new counselling market university. The demand of coaching of the different target groups will be described as well as the topics and contents coaching offers to them. The professional profile and competences of coaches and supervisors are presented. Also the challenges especially for coaches and people in responsible positions for personal development are discussed.  相似文献   

Dreams in Coaching. A case study and a guide for dialogues on dreamsAn approach to dreams is offered, that invites consultant into working with dreams even if they are not trained as psychologists. Through an intuitive and creative dialogue with images the consultant as well as the client come into a dialogue with their unconscious perceptions of the development. While discussing the process of a specific case it will be shown how working with dreams helps to understand, to shape, and to control. Hereby it will be illustrated how the consultant can do it and how things relate to each other. Finally an guide for dialogues on dreams describes useful attitudes, questions and experiments in working with dreams.  相似文献   

Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof.  相似文献   

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator — a useful tool for coaching and career counseling to identify clients giftsFor career counseling and coaching procedures the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has proved a sound and well-designed instrument. As such it is a useful and effective tool which allows me to assess and analyze a client’s position. The four categories of personality styles yield a broad spectrum of insights and are subtly differentiating. The premises of the MBTI are the uniqueness of the individual and the respect for individual differences. Focussing on this premises and based on concepts originated by C.G. Jung this indicator establishes categories of cognitive functions. These will enable a client to gain a better perception of herself or himself and enhance her or his understanding of others. It is necessary, however, to embed the results of the indicator into a context of counseling goals, and for the benefit of a client solid counseling skills of the coach are essential. Provides these conditions, the indicator will support a client’s professional and personal development and can be used to demonstrate issues of work coordination and cooperation. Especially disputes become more matter of fact. The non-judgemental language of the Jungian concepts allows self esteem to grow and de-escalates conflicts. Once a common base is found new avenues towards action can be explored.  相似文献   

In the past years professional consulting practice spread into the universities and reached all institutional levels and status groups. Above all coaching found a large acceptance. The article undertakes the attempt of a critical overview and analyzes the change of roles and responsibilities at the universities regarding both: the consulting practice and institutional changes through this practice. The consulting authority in the field of the university and quality standards must be developed and a quality discourse must be continued.  相似文献   

Compared to other minority groups, Japanese migrants in Germany are regarded as privileged and homogeneous. The author argues against the stereotype of homogeneity and closely analyses this particular migrant group and its situational, heterogeneous necessities and objectives which motivate the use of diverse coaching methods. In addition, the author discusses traditional hierarchical values in the home culture which tends to project a role model in a coach. The mixture of Japanese migrants’ heterogeneous needs in coaching and their hierarchically homogeneous values cannot be adequately addressed by the application of conventional coaching methods in Germany.  相似文献   

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