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Empirical studies have documented that improvements in credit supply have important effects on entry in nonfinancial industries. This article shows that changes in credit supply conditions have much deeper effects on firms' population dynamics, well above and beyond the experience of entry. I explore the hypothesis that changes in credit supply have important effects on the demand side as well. I conjecture that when financial capital is difficult to obtain, while fewer firms may enter, those entering are drawn from a population with a better distribution of entrepreneurial quality. In an environment where financial capital is easily obtainable instead, the population of loan applicants changes as well, including those in a tougher environment who would not have tried entrepreneurship in the first place. These changes in the population of applicants imply significant effects on firms' life expectancy profile, and these effects are heterogeneous across firms of different vintage. Modifications in life expectancy are likely to affect firms' incentives in undertaking future capital investment and likewise investments in technological innovation. Hence, these changes in overall firms' population dynamics characterize an explicit mechanism through which finance can affect real economic activity. (JEL G21, L11, L16)  相似文献   

With the use of education loans growing rapidly as a way to finance college education, it is important to examine how such loans impact the future financial well-being. This study examines the association between education loans and postcollege wealth accumulation among young adults, the group with the greatest share of outstanding education loans. Data come from 15 rounds of data of the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, and the analyses control for a number of student characteristics, college experiences, and parental income. Results from a treatment-effects model indicate that having education loans upon leaving college is negatively related to postcollege net worth, financial assets, nonfinancial assets, and value of primary housing. Furthermore, having education loans also has an additional negative link to the value of net worth among Black young adults. The relationship between the amount of education loans and wealth accumulation is not statistically significant among those with outstanding loans. The study findings indicate the importance of developing alternative approaches, instead of additional loans and other credits, to meet the financial needs of college students.  相似文献   

In newly collected data on 46 economies over 1990–2011, we show that financial development since 1990 was mostly due to growth in credit to real estate and other asset markets, which has a negative growth coefficient. We also distinguish between growth effects of stocks and flows of credit. We find positive growth effects for credit flows to nonfinancial business but not for mortgage and other asset market credit flows. By accounting for the composition of credit stocks and for the effect of credit flows, we explain the insignificant or negative growth effects of financial development in recent times. What was true in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s when the field of empirical credit‐growth studies blossomed, is no longer true in the 1990s and 2000s. New bank lending is not primarily to nonfinancial business and financial development may no longer be good for growth. These trends predate the 2008 crisis. They prompt a rethink of the role of banks in the process of economic growth. (JEL E44, O16, O40, C33)  相似文献   

We study the evolution of a campus‐based aid program for low‐income students that began with grant‐heavy financial aid and later added a suite of nonfinancial supports. We find little to no evidence that program eligibility during the early years (2004–2006), in which students received additional institutional grant aid and few nonfinancial supports, improved postsecondary progress, performance, or completion. In contrast, program‐eligible students in more recent cohorts (2007–2010), when the program supplemented grant‐heavy aid with an array of nonfinancial supports, were more likely to meet credit accumulation benchmarks toward timely graduation and earned higher grade point averages than their barely ineligible counterparts. (JEL I21, I23, I24, J08)  相似文献   

This study combines theories of accumulating disadvantage and economic insecurity using the event of bankruptcy to investigate how certain adverse life events jointly affect inequality. I analyze National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data from 1985 through 2008 to highlight the complexities of financial hardship in the path to bankruptcy. By applying hybrid mixed effects models to parse out within‐ and between‐person variation, I show that, in the case of bankruptcy, financial hardship unfolds over a specific series of events, which can lead to the accumulation of disadvantage connected to changes in employment, marital, and health statuses. I find that bankruptcy results from people's recent experiences of illness and marital dissolution, but not always directly from employment disruption. The effects of job loss on bankruptcy become more apparent as these events accumulate over time and limit wealth creation. The timing of events and their relationship with net worth also influence when a person will file for bankruptcy. As a whole, my findings demonstrate how adverse events and financial hardship lead to bankruptcy through multiple pathways.  相似文献   

We use quantile regression models of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data to assess whether initial net worth moderates the relationship between initial economic standing (net worth and income) and later net worth (measured in 2011). Conditional quantile regression results suggest the returns to an increase in 1989 net worth or income vary substantially between the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of 1989 net worth, with higher returns among those with higher initial net worth. Thus, financial improvement appears to generate different outcomes depending on initial net worth. These results suggest that helping families build an asset foundation may increase the efficacy of interventions that increase family income.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the link between the optimal level of nonfinancial firms' short-term leverage and macroeconomic and idiosyncratic sources of uncertainty. We develop a structural model of a firm's value maximization problem that predicts a negative relationship between uncertainty and optimal levels of borrowing. This proposition is tested using a panel of nonfinancial U.S. firms drawn from the COMPUSTAT quarterly database covering the period 1993–2003. The estimates confirm that as either form of uncertainty increases, firms decrease their levels of short-term leverage. This effect is stronger for macroeconomic uncertainty than for idiosyncratic uncertainty. ( JEL C23, D8, D92, G32)  相似文献   

The Brighter Side of Financial Risk: Financial Risk Tolerance and Wealth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investors who accept a greater degree of financial risk expect to benefit from higher returns and greater wealth over time. This study explores the relationship between net worth and net financial assets and risk tolerance using data from the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances. Willingness to take financial risk is associated with a significantly higher net worth for the whole sample, and for samples within age groups. Risk tolerance among those over 65 is among the strongest predictors of a higher net worth.  相似文献   

Using a large panel of unquoted UK firms over the period 2000–2009, we examine the impact of firm‐specific uncertainty on corporate failures. In this context we also distinguish between firms which are likely to be more or less dependent on bank finance as well as public and nonpublic companies. Our results document a significant effect of uncertainty on firm survival. This link is found to be more potent during the recent financial crisis compared with tranquil periods. We also uncover significant firm‐level heterogeneity because the survival chances of bank‐dependent and nonpublic firms are most affected by changes in uncertainty, especially during the recent global financial crisis. (JEL E44, F32, F34, G32)  相似文献   

The corporate finance literature suggests that a financially constrained firm invests less than an identical unconstrained firm. This does not imply that financial frictions cause firms to invest less than in a frictionless economy. When firms compete for investment funds, an increase in financial frictions can lead individual firms to increase their investment levels. A greater than the frictionless level of investment is likely in low-productivity firms, in cash-rich firms, and in firms with cheap external capital. Government programs that make capital cheaper for small firms may lead to lower levels of investment for all firms and decrease efficiency (JEL O16, E22, E44, G20)  相似文献   

I show that corporate directors' human capital facilitates international investments. Directors' experience with cross‐border transactions positively influences firms' decisions to conduct their first cross‐border acquisitions. Cross‐border acquirers are more likely to buy firms headquartered in countries with which the directors have prior deal experience. This effect is strongest for target firms headquartered in culturally and institutionally dissimilar countries. Announced cross‐border acquisitions are received more favorably by financial markets and are more likely to be completed successfully when the announcing firm has a director with cross‐border acquisition experience. These effects are not driven by investment bank involvement in the deal process or by other forms of directors' human capital, and they are robust to endogeneity of director hires. (JEL F23, F21, J24, L23)  相似文献   

This research examines relationships among household assets and liabilities, educational expectations of children and parents, and children's college degree attainment. Special attention is paid to influences of different asset types (financial vs. nonfinancial assets) and liabilities (secured vs. unsecured debt). Results indicate that, after controlling for family income and other parent/child characteristics, financial and nonfinancial assets are positively related to, and unsecured debt is negatively related to, children's college completion. Furthermore, there is evidence that financial assets are positively associated with the education expectations of parents and children. Policy directions are suggested.  相似文献   

Why similar people have different patterns of wealth accumulation is puzzling. The behavioral life-cycle hypothesis indicates self-control is an important aspect of household saving behavior. This study investigated if household wealth creation from 1994 to 2008 could be predicted by self-control among a sample of young baby boomers using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) data. Variables that significantly predicted 2008 net worth included homeownership, 1994 net worth, income, bankruptcy filing, inheritance, education level, race, marital status, children, retirement planning activities, locus of control, and self-mastery. The addition of self-control predictors to a regression model improved the model’s ability to predict net worth by 1.3 % above and beyond the human capital, financial status, and demographic predictor variables. In total, the model explained 60 % of the variance in net worth. Findings indicated that individuals who invested in their human capital, were homeowners, and had higher self-control, accumulated more wealth.  相似文献   

This study investigated media reputation in initial public offerings (IPOs) by proposing eight attributes of substantive media reputation from environmental and product-resource perspectives. A content analysis on financial news coverage (2281 newspaper articles from 2004 to 2010) in Hong Kong was conducted to examine how print media reported financial and nonfinancial information on 38 IPO firms in the sectors of financial, properties and construction, and consumer goods. Results from partial least squares analysis showed that, although substantive media reputation and recency of news coverage together only explained a small proportion of changes in IPO share price, substantive media reputation has a significant positive effect on changes in IPO share price. Apart from the significant positive effect from the presentation tone of environmental attributes, the tone of social attributes had a significant negative effect on substantive media reputation. With the increasing concern on measuring media reputation attributes in financial news coverage across different contexts, this study contributes to the applicability of environmental and product-resource attributes in the specific context of IPOs.  相似文献   

We examined households’ dynamic patterns of net worth accumulation between 1999 and 2009 and asked whether these patterns related to the financial health of young adults growing up in those households. Two patterns of net worth emerged—the first remained high and stable and the second experienced a precipitous decline between 2007 and 2009. Young adults who grew up in households with high and stable net worth also experienced the greatest benefit in financial health. Given wealth losses in the wake of the Great Recession and the ripple effects those losses may have had—and may continue to have—on households and their children, policies that stimulate wealth accumulation may be feasible and timely strategies for improving financial health.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of changes in family financial status over a four year period on level of satisfaction with various aspects of household finances. Data were collected through personal interviews with 123 families in 1982 and 1986. Information was obtained on household income, assets, liabilities, and on the satisfaction of the money managers with seven aspects of household finances. Two-tail pairedt-tests were used to compare differences in financial and satisfaction variables between the two time periods. Regression analyses were applied to ascertain factors affecting the satisfaction of the money managers. The financial status of households improved during the 4 year period as reflected by net worth. The mean net worth, with and without real estate, increased significantly during this time period. In spite of this improvement, money managers are less satisfied with various aspects of their household finances.This research was supported by the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station Project No. 2773 (Journal Paper No. J-13098).Tahira K. Hira is a Professor and Alyce M. Fanslow is a Distinguished Professor in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences; Patricia Titus is an Instructor in the College of Education; all are at Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1120. Dr. Hira's research interests include consumer bankruptcies and various aspects of household economic well-being Dr. Fanslow's and Dr. Titus' research interests include competencies of household money managers.  相似文献   

Data from the dot‐com boom‐bust episode suggest that growth opportunities played an important role in explaining firms' financing strategy during this understudied episode. The low leverage of this sector was mainly driven by high growth firms which increased their leverage following the crash despite suffering a much larger fall in their market value. We present a parsimonious dynamic firm financing model where growth opportunities alone can generate the heterogeneous patterns in the financing and performance between high and low growth information technology firms prior to and following the market crash. The calibrated model also sheds light on the role played by monetary policy during that episode. (JEL G32, E22, E5)  相似文献   

Using data from the Study of Aging and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old (AHEAD), an empirical model was tested to examine and explain the presence of a will among older adults. This study investigated the influence of the following multiple factors on the presence of a written will: demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, physical health problems, negative psychological functioning, sense of control, and financial assessments. Two-thirds of the sample (N = 521) indicated they had a written will. Logistic regression analysis of the empirical model revealed there were four significant predictors of an older adult having a will: race, education, net worth, and the respondent's assessment regarding the chances of leaving a financial bequest.  相似文献   

Firms engaging in hiring face recruitment costs. To reduce these costs, firms concentrate their efforts in locations that are perceived as talent rich or have produced successful employees in the past. Such recruitment mechanisms may lead to statistical discrimination if they reduce uncertainty for a subset of candidates or if firms relate current employee attributes with the institution. In this article, I test for statistical discrimination associated with an individual's institutional affiliation that results from targeted hiring practices by using a unique individual‐level data set of National Football League (NFL) draft prospects. I find that conditional on individual ability, individuals from highly ranked college teams are drafted earlier than individuals from lower ranked institutions. Over the length of a player's professional career, a player's college institution has no effect on career success, indicating that certain players are damaged by this recruitment mechanism. Even though players can suffer substantial financial damages as a result of being drafted later in the draft, NFL team performance is not sufficiently affected for teams to exploit this bias. (JEL J71, J31)  相似文献   

Using US household panel data, we provide evidence of a strong negative association between consumer fraud victimization and individuals’ perception of their financial well-being. We show that this effect is homogenous among the population and mainly stems from victimization through misrepresentation of information as well as misusage of money by third parties. We disentangle two potential channels through which victimization might reduce perceived financial well-being: psychological consequences (loss of confidence in financial matters) and economic consequences (decrease in net wealth). Our results show that fraud is more negatively associated with a loss in individuals’ confidence in financial matters than with declines in their net worth. Our findings suggest that people tend to doubt their abilities to handle financial matters after having fallen prey to fraud, which in turn carries major implications for subsequent financial decision making.  相似文献   

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